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ThermoCloud< CloudType > Class Template Reference

Templated base class for thermodynamic cloud. More...

Inheritance diagram for ThermoCloud< CloudType >:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for ThermoCloud< CloudType >:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

typedef CloudType cloudType
 Type of cloud this cloud was instantiated for. More...
typedef CloudType::particleType parcelType
 Type of parcel the cloud was instantiated for. More...
typedef ThermoCloud< CloudTypethermoCloudType
 Convenience typedef for this cloud type. More...
- Public Types inherited from DSMCCloud< ParcelType >
typedef ParcelType parcelType
 Type of parcel the cloud was instantiated for. More...
- Public Types inherited from Cloud< ParcelType >
typedef ParcelType particleType
typedef ParcelType parcelType
 Parcels are just particles. More...
- Public Types inherited from cloud
enum  geometryType { COORDINATES, POSITIONS }
 Cloud geometry type (internal or IO representations) More...
- Public Types inherited from IOobject
enum  objectState : char { GOOD, BAD }
 Enumeration defining the valid states of an IOobject. More...
enum  fileCheckTypes : char { timeStamp, timeStampMaster, inotify, inotifyMaster }
 Enumeration defining the file checking options. More...
- Public Types inherited from IOobjectOption
enum  readOption : unsigned char { NO_READ = 0, MUST_READ = 0x1, MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED = 0x3, READ_IF_PRESENT = 0x4 }
 Enumeration defining read preferences. More...
enum  writeOption : unsigned char { NO_WRITE = 0, AUTO_WRITE = 0x10 }
 Enumeration defining write preferences. More...
enum  registerOption : unsigned char { NO_REGISTER = 0, REGISTER = 1 }
 Enumeration for use with registerObject(). Values map to bool (false/true) More...
- Public Types inherited from HashTable< regIOobject *>
typedef HashTable< regIOobject *, word, Foam::Hash< word > > this_type
 The template instance used for this HashTable. More...
typedef std::conditional< std::is_same< zero::null, typename std::remove_cv< regIOobject * >::type >::value, Detail::HashTableSingle< word >, Detail::HashTablePair< word, regIOobject * > >::type node_type
 A table entry (node) that encapsulates the key/val tuple with an additional linked-list entry for hash collisions. More...
typedef word key_type
 The second template parameter, type of keys used. More...
typedef regIOobjectmapped_type
 The first template parameter, type of objects contained. More...
typedef regIOobjectvalue_type
 Same as mapped_type for OpenFOAM HashTables. More...
typedef Foam::Hash< wordhasher
 The third template parameter, the hash index method. More...
typedef regIOobject * * pointer
 Pointer type for storing into value_type objects. More...
typedef regIOobject * & reference
 Reference to the stored value_type. More...
typedef const regIOobject * * const_pointer
 Const pointer type for the stored value_type. More...
typedef const regIOobject * & const_reference
 Const reference to the stored value_type. More...
typedef label difference_type
 The type to represent the difference between two iterators. More...
typedef label size_type
 The type that can represent the size of a HashTable. More...
using key_iterator = key_iterator_base< iterator >
 Forward iterator returning the key. More...
using const_key_iterator = key_iterator_base< const_iterator >
 Forward const iterator returning the key. More...
- Public Types inherited from UILList< LListBase, T >
typedef T value_type
 Type of values stored. More...
typedef Tpointer
 Pointer for value_type. More...
typedef const Tconst_pointer
 Const pointer for value_type. More...
typedef Treference
 Reference for value_type. More...
typedef const Tconst_reference
 Const reference for value_type. More...
typedef label size_type
 The type that can represent the container size. More...
typedef label difference_type
 The difference between iterator objects. More...
using base_iterator = typename LListBase::iterator
using const_base_iterator = typename LListBase::const_iterator

Public Member Functions

 ThermoCloud (const word &cloudName, const volScalarField &rho, const volVectorField &U, const dimensionedVector &g, const SLGThermo &thermo, bool readFields=true)
 Construct given carrier gas fields. More...
 ThermoCloud (ThermoCloud< CloudType > &c, const word &name)
 Copy constructor with new name. More...
 ThermoCloud (const fvMesh &mesh, const word &name, const ThermoCloud< CloudType > &c)
 Copy constructor with new name - creates bare cloud. More...
virtual autoPtr< Cloud< parcelType > > clone (const word &name)
 Construct and return clone based on (this) with new name. More...
virtual autoPtr< Cloud< parcelType > > cloneBare (const word &name) const
 Construct and return bare clone based on (this) with new name. More...
virtual ~ThermoCloud ()=default
 Destructor. More...
const ThermoCloudcloudCopy () const
 Return a reference to the cloud copy. More...
const parcelType::constantProperties & constProps () const
 Return the constant properties. More...
parcelType::constantProperties & constProps ()
 Return access to the constant properties. More...
const SLGThermothermo () const
 Return const access to thermo package. More...
const volScalarFieldT () const
 Return const access to the carrier temperature field. More...
const volScalarFieldp () const
 Return const access to the carrier pressure field. More...
const HeatTransferModel< ThermoCloud< CloudType > > & heatTransfer () const
 Return reference to heat transfer model. More...
const integrationSchemeTIntegrator () const
 Return reference to velocity integration. More...
bool radiation () const
 Radiation flag. More...
volScalarField::InternalradAreaP ()
 Radiation sum of parcel projected areas [m2]. More...
const volScalarField::InternalradAreaP () const
 Radiation sum of parcel projected areas [m2]. More...
volScalarField::InternalradT4 ()
 Radiation sum of parcel temperature^4 [K4]. More...
const volScalarField::InternalradT4 () const
 Radiation sum of parcel temperature^4 [K4]. More...
volScalarField::InternalradAreaPT4 ()
 Radiation sum of parcel projected area*temperature^4 [m2K4]. More...
const volScalarField::InternalradAreaPT4 () const
 Radiation sum of parcel temperature^4 [m2K4]. More...
volScalarField::InternalhsTrans ()
 Sensible enthalpy transfer [J/kg]. More...
const volScalarField::InternalhsTrans () const
 Sensible enthalpy transfer [J/kg]. More...
volScalarField::InternalhsCoeff ()
 Return coefficient for carrier phase hs equation. More...
const volScalarField::InternalhsCoeff () const
 Return const coefficient for carrier phase hs equation. More...
tmp< fvScalarMatrixSh (volScalarField &hs) const
 Return sensible enthalpy source term [J/kg/m3/s]. More...
tmp< volScalarFieldEp () const
 Return tmp equivalent particulate emission. More...
tmp< volScalarFieldap () const
 Return tmp equivalent particulate absorption. More...
tmp< volScalarFieldsigmap () const
 Return tmp equivalent particulate scattering factor. More...
scalar Tmax () const
 Maximum temperature. More...
scalar Tmin () const
 Minimum temperature. More...
void setParcelThermoProperties (parcelType &parcel, const scalar lagrangianDt)
 Set parcel thermo properties. More...
void checkParcelProperties (parcelType &parcel, const scalar lagrangianDt, const bool fullyDescribed)
 Check parcel properties. More...
void storeState ()
 Store the current cloud state. More...
void restoreState ()
 Reset the current cloud to the previously stored state. More...
void resetSourceTerms ()
 Reset the cloud source terms. More...
void relaxSources (const ThermoCloud< CloudType > &cloudOldTime)
 Apply relaxation to (steady state) cloud sources. More...
void scaleSources ()
 Apply scaling to (transient) cloud sources. More...
void preEvolve (const typename parcelType::trackingData &td)
 Pre-evolve. More...
void evolve ()
 Evolve the cloud. More...
virtual void autoMap (const mapPolyMesh &)
 Remap the cells of particles corresponding to the. More...
void info ()
 Print cloud information. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from DSMCCloud< ParcelType >
 DSMCCloud (const word &cloudName, const fvMesh &mesh, bool readFields=true)
 Construct given name and mesh, will read Parcels and fields from. More...
 DSMCCloud (const word &cloudName, const fvMesh &mesh, const IOdictionary &dsmcInitialiseDict)
 Construct given name, mesh and initialisation dictionary. More...
virtual ~DSMCCloud ()
 Destructor. More...
const wordcloudName () const
 Return the cloud type. More...
const fvMeshmesh () const
 Return reference to the mesh. More...
const IOdictionaryparticleProperties () const
 Return particle properties dictionary. More...
const List< word > & typeIdList () const
 Return the idList. More...
scalar nParticle () const
 Return the number of real particles represented by one. More...
const List< DynamicList< ParcelType * > > & cellOccupancy () const
 Return the cell occupancy addressing. More...
volScalarFieldsigmaTcRMax ()
 Return the sigmaTcRMax field. non-const access to allow. More...
scalarFieldcollisionSelectionRemainder ()
 Return the collision selection remainder field. non-const. More...
const List< typename ParcelType::constantProperties > & constProps () const
 Return all of the constant properties. More...
const ParcelType::constantProperties & constProps (label typeId) const
 Return the constant properties of the given typeId. More...
RandomrndGen ()
 Return reference to the random object. More...
volScalarField::BoundaryqBF ()
 Return non-const heat flux boundary field reference. More...
volVectorField::BoundaryfDBF ()
 Return non-const force density at boundary field reference. More...
volScalarField::BoundaryrhoNBF ()
 Return non-const number density boundary field reference. More...
volScalarField::BoundaryrhoMBF ()
 Return non-const mass density boundary field reference. More...
volScalarField::BoundarylinearKEBF ()
 Return non-const linear kinetic energy density boundary. More...
volScalarField::BoundaryinternalEBF ()
 Return non-const internal energy density boundary field. More...
volScalarField::BoundaryiDofBF ()
 Return non-const internal degree of freedom density boundary. More...
volVectorField::BoundarymomentumBF ()
 Return non-const momentum density boundary field reference. More...
const volScalarFieldboundaryT () const
 Return macroscopic temperature. More...
const volVectorFieldboundaryU () const
 Return macroscopic velocity. More...
const volScalarFieldq () const
 Return heat flux at surface field. More...
const volVectorFieldfD () const
 Return force density at surface field. More...
const volScalarFieldrhoN () const
 Return the real particle number density field. More...
const volScalarFieldrhoM () const
 Return the particle mass density field. More...
const volScalarFielddsmcRhoN () const
 Return the field of number of DSMC particles. More...
const volScalarFieldlinearKE () const
 Return the total linear kinetic energy (translational and. More...
const volScalarFieldinternalE () const
 Return the internal energy density field. More...
const volScalarFieldiDof () const
 Return the average internal degrees of freedom field. More...
const volVectorFieldmomentum () const
 Return the momentum density field. More...
vector equipartitionLinearVelocity (scalar temperature, scalar mass)
 Generate a random velocity sampled from the Maxwellian speed. More...
scalar equipartitionInternalEnergy (scalar temperature, direction internalDegreesOfFreedom)
 Generate a random internal energy, sampled from the. More...
scalar maxwellianAverageSpeed (scalar temperature, scalar mass) const
 Average particle speed. More...
scalarField maxwellianAverageSpeed (scalarField temperature, scalar mass) const
scalar maxwellianRMSSpeed (scalar temperature, scalar mass) const
 RMS particle speed. More...
scalarField maxwellianRMSSpeed (scalarField temperature, scalar mass) const
scalar maxwellianMostProbableSpeed (scalar temperature, scalar mass) const
 Most probable speed. More...
scalarField maxwellianMostProbableSpeed (scalarField temperature, scalar mass) const
const BinaryCollisionModel< DSMCCloud< ParcelType > > & binaryCollision () const
 Return reference to binary elastic collision model. More...
BinaryCollisionModel< DSMCCloud< ParcelType > > & binaryCollision ()
 Return non-const reference to binary elastic collision model. More...
const WallInteractionModel< DSMCCloud< ParcelType > > & wallInteraction () const
 Return reference to wall interaction model. More...
WallInteractionModel< DSMCCloud< ParcelType > > & wallInteraction ()
 Return non-const reference to wall interaction model. More...
const InflowBoundaryModel< DSMCCloud< ParcelType > > & inflowBoundary () const
 Return reference to wall interaction model. More...
InflowBoundaryModel< DSMCCloud< ParcelType > > & inflowBoundary ()
 Return non-const reference to wall interaction model. More...
scalar massInSystem () const
 Total mass in system. More...
vector linearMomentumOfSystem () const
 Total linear momentum of the system. More...
scalar linearKineticEnergyOfSystem () const
 Total linear kinetic energy in the system. More...
scalar internalEnergyOfSystem () const
 Total internal energy in the system. More...
void info () const
 Print cloud information. More...
void dumpParticlePositions () const
 Dump particle positions to .obj file. More...
void addNewParcel (const vector &position, const label celli, const vector &U, const scalar Ei, const label typeId)
 Add new parcel. More...
void evolve ()
 Evolve the cloud (move, collide) More...
void clear ()
 Clear the Cloud. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Cloud< ParcelType >
 TypeName ("Cloud")
 Runtime type information. More...
 Cloud (const polyMesh &mesh, const word &cloudName, const IDLList< ParcelType > &particles)
 Construct from mesh and a list of particles. More...
 Cloud (const polyMesh &pMesh, const word &cloudName, const bool checkClass=true)
 Construct from mesh by reading from file with given cloud instance. More...
const polyMeshpMesh () const
 Return the polyMesh reference. More...
virtual label nParcels () const
 Return the number of particles in the cloud. More...
DynamicList< label > & labels () const
 Return temporary addressing. More...
void addParticle (ParcelType *pPtr)
 Transfer particle to cloud. More...
void deleteParticle (ParcelType &p)
 Remove particle from cloud and delete. More...
void deleteLostParticles ()
 Remove lost particles from cloud and delete. More...
void cloudReset (const Cloud< ParcelType > &c)
 Reset the particles. More...
void move (TrackCloudType &cloud, typename ParcelType ::trackingData &td, const scalar trackTime)
 Move the particles. More...
void autoMap (const mapPolyMesh &)
 Remap the cells of particles corresponding to the. More...
IOobject fieldIOobject (const word &fieldName, IOobjectOption::readOption rOpt) const
 Helper to construct IOobject for field and current time. More...
void checkFieldIOobject (const Cloud< ParcelType > &c, const IOField< DataType > &data) const
 Check lagrangian data field. More...
void checkFieldFieldIOobject (const Cloud< ParcelType > &c, const CompactIOField< Field< DataType >, DataType > &data) const
 Check lagrangian data fieldfield. More...
bool readStoreFile (const IOobject &io, const IOobject &ioNew) const
 Helper function to store a cloud field on its registry. More...
void readFromFiles (objectRegistry &obr, const wordRes &selectFields, const wordRes &excludeFields=wordRes::null()) const
 Read from files into objectRegistry. More...
virtual void writeFields () const
 Write the field data for the cloud of particles Dummy at. More...
virtual bool writeObject (IOstreamOption streamOpt, const bool valid) const
 Write using stream options. More...
void writePositions () const
 Write positions to <cloudName>_positions.obj file. More...
void storeGlobalPositions () const
 Call this before a topology change. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from cloud
 TypeName ("cloud")
 Runtime type information. More...
 cloud (const objectRegistry &obr)
 Construct for given objectRegistry and default cloud name. More...
 cloud (const objectRegistry &obr, const word &cloudName)
 Construct for given objectRegistry and named cloud instance. More...
virtual ~cloud ()=default
 Destructor. More...
virtual void readObjects (const objectRegistry &obr)
 Read particle fields from objects in the obr registry. More...
virtual void writeObjects (objectRegistry &obr) const
 Write particle fields as objects into the obr registry. More...
template<class Type >
Foam::IOField< Type > & createIOField (const word &fieldName, const label nParticle, objectRegistry &obr)
- Public Member Functions inherited from objectRegistry
 TypeName ("objectRegistry")
 Declare type name for this IOobject. More...
 objectRegistry (const Time &db, const label nObjects=128)
 Construct the time objectRegistry, with estimated table capacity (default: 128) More...
 objectRegistry (const IOobject &io, const label nObjects=128)
 Construct sub-registry given an IObject to describe the registry, with estimated table capacity (default: 128) More...
virtual ~objectRegistry ()
 Destructor, with checkOut() for all objects that are ownedByRegistry. More...
const objectRegistrythisDb () const noexcept
 Return the object registry. More...
const objectRegistryparent () const noexcept
 Return the parent objectRegistry. More...
const Timetime () const noexcept
 Return time registry. More...
bool isTimeDb () const noexcept
 True if the registry is Time. More...
virtual const fileNamedbDir () const
 Local directory path of this objectRegistry relative to the time. More...
HashTable< wordHashSetclasses () const
 A summary hash of classes used and their associated object names. More...
template<class MatchPredicate >
HashTable< wordHashSetclasses (const MatchPredicate &matchName) const
 A summary hash of classes used and their associated object names, restricted to objects that have a matching object name. More...
UPtrList< const regIOobjectcsorted () const
 Return sorted list of objects. More...
UPtrList< const regIOobjectsorted () const
 Return sorted list of objects. More...
UPtrList< regIOobjectsorted ()
 Return sorted list of objects. More...
template<class Type >
UPtrList< const Type > csorted () const
 Return sorted list of objects with a class satisfying isA<Type> More...
template<class Type >
UPtrList< const Type > sorted () const
 Return sorted list of objects with a class satisfying isA<Type> More...
template<class Type >
UPtrList< Type > sorted ()
 Return sorted list of objects with a class satisfying isA<Type> More...
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate >
UPtrList< const Type > csorted (const MatchPredicate &matchName) const
 Return sorted list of objects with a class satisfying isA<Type> that also have a matching object name. More...
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate >
UPtrList< const Type > sorted (const MatchPredicate &matchName) const
 Return sorted list of objects with a class satisfying isA<Type> that also have a matching object name. More...
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate >
UPtrList< Type > sorted (const MatchPredicate &matchName)
 Return sorted list of objects with a class satisfying isA<Type> that also have a matching object name. More...
label count (const char *clsName) const
 The number of objects of the given class name. More...
template<class MatchPredicate >
label count (const MatchPredicate &matchClass) const
 The number of objects of the given class name. More...
template<class MatchPredicate1 , class MatchPredicate2 >
label count (const MatchPredicate1 &matchClass, const MatchPredicate2 &matchName) const
 The number of objects of the given class name. More...
template<class Type >
label count (const bool strict=false) const
 The names of objects with a class satisfying isA<Type> More...
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate >
label count (const MatchPredicate &matchName) const
 The names of objects with a class satisfying isA<Type> that also have a matching object name. More...
wordList names () const
 The unsorted names of all objects. More...
wordList names (const char *clsName) const
 The unsorted names of objects with the given class name. More...
template<class MatchPredicate >
wordList names (const MatchPredicate &matchClass) const
 The unsorted names of objects with a matching class name. More...
template<class MatchPredicate1 , class MatchPredicate2 >
wordList names (const MatchPredicate1 &matchClass, const MatchPredicate2 &matchName) const
 The unsorted names of objects with a matching class name that also have a matching object name. More...
template<class Type >
wordList names () const
 The unsorted names of objects with a class satisfying isA<Type>. More...
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate >
wordList names (const MatchPredicate &matchName) const
 The unsorted names of objects with a class satisfying isA<Type> that also have a matching object name. More...
wordList sortedNames () const
 The sorted names of all objects. More...
wordList sortedNames (const char *clsName) const
 The sorted names of objects with the given class name. More...
template<class MatchPredicate >
wordList sortedNames (const MatchPredicate &matchClass) const
 The sorted names objects with a matching class name. More...
template<class MatchPredicate1 , class MatchPredicate2 >
wordList sortedNames (const MatchPredicate1 &matchClass, const MatchPredicate2 &matchName) const
 The sorted names of objects with a matching class name that also have a matching object name. More...
template<class Type >
wordList sortedNames () const
 The sorted names of objects with a class satisfying isA<Type> More...
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate >
wordList sortedNames (const MatchPredicate &matchName) const
 The sorted names of objects with a class satisfying isA<Type> that also have a matching object name. More...
const objectRegistrysubRegistry (const word &name, const bool forceCreate=false, const bool recursive=false) const
 Lookup and return a const sub-objectRegistry. More...
template<class Type >
HashTable< const Type * > lookupClass (const bool strict=false) const
 Return all objects with a class satisfying isA<Type> More...
template<class Type >
HashTable< Type * > lookupClass (const bool strict=false)
 Return all objects with a class satisfying isA<Type> More...
const regIOobjectcfindIOobject (const word &name, const bool recursive=false) const
 Return const pointer to the regIOobject. More...
bool found (const word &name, const bool recursive=false) const
 Can the regIOobject object be found (by name). More...
template<class Type >
bool foundObject (const word &name, const bool recursive=false) const
 Is the named Type found? More...
template<class Type >
const Type * cfindObject (const word &name, const bool recursive=false) const
 Return const pointer to the object of the given Type. More...
template<class Type >
const Type * findObject (const word &name, const bool recursive=false) const
 Return const pointer to the object of the given Type. More...
template<class Type >
Type * findObject (const word &name, const bool recursive=false)
 Return non-const pointer to the object of the given Type. More...
template<class Type >
Type * getObjectPtr (const word &name, const bool recursive=false) const
 Return non-const pointer to the object of the given Type, using a const-cast to have it behave like a mutable. More...
template<class Type >
const Type & lookupObject (const word &name, const bool recursive=false) const
 Lookup and return const reference to the object of the given Type. Fatal if not found or the wrong type. More...
template<class Type >
Type & lookupObjectRef (const word &name, const bool recursive=false) const
 Lookup and return non-const reference to the object of the given Type. Fatal if not found or the wrong type. More...
label getEvent () const
 Return new event number. More...
bool checkIn (regIOobject *io) const
 Add a regIOobject to registry. A nullptr is ignored. More...
bool checkIn (regIOobject &io) const
 Add a regIOobject to registry. More...
bool checkOut (regIOobject *io) const
 Remove a regIOobject from registry and free memory if the object is ownedByRegistry. A nullptr is ignored. More...
bool checkOut (regIOobject &io) const
 Remove a regIOobject from registry and free memory if the object is ownedByRegistry. More...
bool checkOut (const word &key) const
 Remove a regIOobject by name from registry and free memory if the object is ownedByRegistry. More...
void clear ()
 Clear all entries from the registry. More...
void clearStorage ()
 Clear all entries from the registry and the table itself. More...
bool erase (const iterator &iter)
 Erase an entry specified by the given iterator. More...
bool erase (const word &key)
 Erase an entry specified by the given key. More...
label erase (std::initializer_list< word > keys)
 Remove entries given by the listed keys. More...
label erase (const UList< word > &keys)
 Remove entries given by the listed keys. More...
virtual void rename (const word &newName)
 Rename. More...
virtual bool modified () const
 Return true if any of the object's files have been modified. More...
void readModifiedObjects ()
 Read the objects that have been modified. More...
virtual bool readIfModified ()
 Read object if modified. More...
virtual bool writeData (Ostream &) const
 writeData function required by regIOobject but not used. More...
template<class Type >
const Type * lookupObjectPtr (const word &name, bool recursive=false) const
 Deprecated(2018-10) find object. More...
template<class Type >
Type * lookupObjectRefPtr (const word &name, bool recursive=false) const
 Deprecated(2018-10) get object pointer, ignoring constness. More...
template<class MatchPredicate >
Foam::HashTable< Foam::wordHashSetclassesImpl (const objectRegistry &list, const MatchPredicate &matchName)
template<class MatchPredicate1 , class MatchPredicate2 >
Foam::label countImpl (const objectRegistry &list, const MatchPredicate1 &matchClass, const MatchPredicate2 &matchName)
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate >
Foam::label countTypeImpl (const objectRegistry &list, const MatchPredicate &matchName)
template<class MatchPredicate1 , class MatchPredicate2 >
Foam::wordList namesImpl (const objectRegistry &list, const MatchPredicate1 &matchClass, const MatchPredicate2 &matchName, const bool doSort)
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate >
Foam::wordList namesTypeImpl (const objectRegistry &list, const MatchPredicate &matchName, const bool doSort)
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate >
Foam::UPtrList< Type > objectsTypeImpl (const objectRegistry &list, const MatchPredicate &matchName)
template<class MatchPredicate >
Foam::HashTable< Foam::wordHashSetclasses (const MatchPredicate &matchName) const
template<class MatchPredicate >
Foam::label count (const MatchPredicate &matchClass) const
template<class MatchPredicate1 , class MatchPredicate2 >
Foam::label count (const MatchPredicate1 &matchClass, const MatchPredicate2 &matchName) const
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate >
Foam::label count (const MatchPredicate &matchName) const
template<class Type >
Foam::label count (const bool strict) const
template<class Type >
Foam::UPtrList< const Type > csorted () const
template<class Type >
Foam::UPtrList< const Type > sorted () const
template<class Type >
Foam::UPtrList< Type > sorted ()
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate >
Foam::UPtrList< const Type > csorted (const MatchPredicate &matchName) const
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate >
Foam::UPtrList< const Type > sorted (const MatchPredicate &matchName) const
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate >
Foam::UPtrList< Type > sorted (const MatchPredicate &matchName)
template<class MatchPredicate >
Foam::wordList names (const MatchPredicate &matchClass) const
template<class MatchPredicate1 , class MatchPredicate2 >
Foam::wordList names (const MatchPredicate1 &matchClass, const MatchPredicate2 &matchName) const
template<class Type >
Foam::wordList names () const
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate >
Foam::wordList names (const MatchPredicate &matchName) const
template<class MatchPredicate >
Foam::wordList sortedNames (const MatchPredicate &matchClass) const
template<class MatchPredicate1 , class MatchPredicate2 >
Foam::wordList sortedNames (const MatchPredicate1 &matchClass, const MatchPredicate2 &matchName) const
template<class Type >
Foam::wordList sortedNames () const
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate >
Foam::wordList sortedNames (const MatchPredicate &matchName) const
template<class Type >
Foam::HashTable< const Type * > lookupClass (const bool strict) const
template<class Type >
Foam::HashTable< Type * > lookupClass (const bool strict)
- Public Member Functions inherited from regIOobject
 TypeName ("regIOobject")
 Runtime type information. More...
 regIOobject (const IOobject &io, const bool isTimeObject=false)
 Construct from IOobject. The optional flag adds special handling if the object is the top-level regIOobject (eg, Time). More...
 regIOobject (const regIOobject &rio)
 Copy construct. More...
 regIOobject (const regIOobject &rio, bool registerCopy)
 Copy construct, transferring registry registration to the copy if registerCopy is true. More...
 regIOobject (const word &newName, const regIOobject &, bool registerCopy)
 Copy construct with new name, transferring registry registration to the copy f registerCopy is true. More...
 regIOobject (const IOobject &io, const regIOobject &rio)
 Copy construct with new IO parameters. More...
virtual ~regIOobject ()
 Destructor. More...
bool checkIn ()
 Add object to registry, if not already registered. More...
bool checkOut ()
 Remove all file watches and remove object from registry. More...
virtual void addWatch ()
 Add file watch on object (if registered and READ_IF_MODIFIED) More...
bool registered () const noexcept
 Query the registered state (ie, has been checked in). This is not necessarily the same as registerObject(), which is just a stated preference. More...
bool ownedByRegistry () const noexcept
 Is this object owned by the registry? More...
bool store ()
 Register object with its registry and transfer ownership to the registry. More...
void release (const bool unregister=false) noexcept
 Set object as not ownedByRegistry. More...
label eventNo () const noexcept
 Event number at last update. More...
label & eventNo () noexcept
 Event number at last update. More...
bool upToDate (const regIOobject &) const
 Return true if up-to-date with respect to given object. More...
bool upToDate (const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) const
 Return true if up-to-date with respect to given objects. More...
bool upToDate (const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) const
 Return true if up-to-date with respect to given objects. More...
bool upToDate (const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) const
 Return true if up-to-date with respect to given objects. More...
void setUpToDate ()
 Set as up-to-date. More...
const dictionaryfindMetaData () const noexcept
 Return pointer to meta-data or nullptr. More...
dictionarygetMetaData () noexcept
 Get or create meta-data. More...
void removeMetaData ()
 Remove meta-data. More...
virtual void updateMetaData ()
 Update internal meta-data (eg, prior to writing) More...
virtual fileName filePath () const
 Return complete path + object name if the file exists. More...
bool headerOk ()
 Read and check header info. Does not check the headerClassName. More...
IstreamreadStream (const word &, const bool valid=true)
 Return Istream and check object type against that given. More...
void close ()
 Close Istream. More...
virtual bool readData (Istream &)
 Virtual readData function. More...
virtual bool read ()
 Read object. More...
virtual label addWatch (const fileName &)
 Add file watch for fileName on object if not yet watched. More...
const labelListwatchIndices () const noexcept
 Read access to file-monitoring handles. More...
labelListwatchIndices () noexcept
 Write access to file-monitoring handles. More...
virtual bool write (const bool valid=true) const
 Write using setting from DB. More...
virtual bool global () const
 Is object global. More...
void operator= (const IOobject &io)
 Copy assignment. More...
virtual bool writeObject (IOstreamOption::streamFormat fmt, IOstreamOption::versionNumber ver, IOstreamOption::compressionType cmp, const bool valid) const
 Write using given format, version and compression. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IOobject
 TypeName ("IOobject")
 Declare type-name, virtual type (with debug switch) More...
 IOobject (const IOobject &)=default
 Copy construct. More...
virtual ~IOobject ()=default
 Destructor. More...
 IOobject (const word &name, const fileName &instance, const objectRegistry &registry, IOobjectOption ioOpt=IOobjectOption())
 Construct from name, instance, registry, io options. More...
 IOobject (const word &name, const fileName &instance, const fileName &local, const objectRegistry &registry, IOobjectOption ioOpt=IOobjectOption())
 Construct from name, instance, local, registry, io options. More...
 IOobject (const fileName &path, const objectRegistry &registry, IOobjectOption ioOpt=IOobjectOption())
 Construct from path, registry, io options. More...
 IOobject (const word &name, const fileName &instance, const objectRegistry &registry, IOobjectOption::readOption rOpt, IOobjectOption::writeOption wOpt=IOobjectOption::NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true, bool globalObject=false)
 Construct from name, instance, registry, io options. More...
 IOobject (const word &name, const fileName &instance, const fileName &local, const objectRegistry &registry, IOobjectOption::readOption rOpt, IOobjectOption::writeOption wOpt=IOobjectOption::NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true, bool globalObject=false)
 Construct from name, instance, local, registry, io options. More...
 IOobject (const fileName &path, const objectRegistry &registry, IOobjectOption::readOption rOpt, IOobjectOption::writeOption wOpt=IOobjectOption::NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true, bool globalObject=false)
 Construct from path, registry, io options. More...
 IOobject (const IOobject &io, const objectRegistry &registry)
 Copy construct, resetting registry. More...
 IOobject (const IOobject &io, const word &name)
 Copy construct, resetting name. More...
 IOobject (const IOobject &io, const word &name, const fileName &local)
 Copy construct, resetting name and local component. More...
 IOobject (const IOobject &io, IOobjectOption::readOption rOpt, IOobjectOption::writeOption wOpt)
 Copy construct, resetting read/write options. More...
autoPtr< IOobjectclone () const
 Clone. More...
autoPtr< IOobjectclone (const objectRegistry &registry) const
 Clone resetting registry. More...
const objectRegistrydb () const noexcept
 Return the local objectRegistry. More...
const Timetime () const
 Return Time associated with the objectRegistry. More...
const wordname () const noexcept
 Return the object name. More...
const wordheaderClassName () const noexcept
 Return name of the class name read from header. More...
wordheaderClassName () noexcept
 Return non-constant access to the class name read from header. More...
const stringnote () const noexcept
 Return the optional note. More...
stringnote () noexcept
 Modifiable access to the optional note. More...
unsigned labelByteSize () const noexcept
 The sizeof (label) in bytes, possibly read from the header. More...
unsigned scalarByteSize () const noexcept
 The sizeof (scalar) in bytes, possibly read from the header. More...
bool hasHeaderClass () const noexcept
 True if headerClassName() is non-empty (after reading) More...
template<class Type >
bool isHeaderClass () const
 Check if headerClassName() equals Type::typeName. More...
template<class Type >
bool isHeaderClassName () const
 Same as isHeaderClass() More...
word group () const
 Return group (extension part of name) More...
word member () const
 Return member (name without the extension) More...
const fileNamerootPath () const
 Return the Time::rootPath() More...
const fileNamecaseName () const
 Return the Time::caseName() More...
const fileNameinstance () const noexcept
 Read access to instance path component. More...
fileNameinstance () noexcept
 Write access to instance path component. More...
const fileNamelocal () const noexcept
 Read access to local path component. More...
fileName path () const
 The complete path. More...
fileName path (const word &instance, const fileName &local=fileName::null) const
 The complete path with alternative instance and local. More...
fileName objectPath () const
 The complete path + object name. More...
fileName objectRelPath () const
 The object path relative to the root. More...
fileName localFilePath (const word &typeName, const bool search=true) const
 Redirect to fileHandler filePath, searching locally. More...
fileName globalFilePath (const word &typeName, const bool search=true) const
 Redirect to fileHandler filePath, searching up if in parallel. More...
IOstreamOption parseHeader (const dictionary &headerDict)
 Parse 'FoamFile' header contents and set the IOobject characteristics and return the stream characteristics. More...
bool readHeader (Istream &is)
 Read header ('FoamFile' dictionary) and set the IOobject and stream characteristics. More...
bool readHeader (dictionary &headerDict, Istream &is)
 Read header (the 'FoamFile' dictionary) and set the IOobject and stream characteristics. More...
template<class Type >
bool typeHeaderOk (const bool checkType=true, const bool search=true, const bool verbose=true)
 Read header (uses typeFilePath to find file) and check its info. More...
template<class Type >
void warnNoRereading () const
 Helper: warn that type does not support re-reading. More...
bool writeHeader (Ostream &os) const
 Write header with current type() More...
bool writeHeader (Ostream &os, const word &objectType) const
 Write header with override of type. More...
void writeHeader (dictionary &dict, IOstreamOption streamOpt) const
 Write header into a dictionary with current type() and given output format. More...
void writeHeader (dictionary &dict, const word &objectType, IOstreamOption streamOpt) const
 Write header into a dictionary with override of type and given output format. More...
bool good () const noexcept
 Did last readHeader() succeed? More...
bool bad () const noexcept
 Did last readHeader() fail? More...
InfoProxy< IOobjectinfo () const
 Return info proxy, for printing information to a stream. More...
void operator= (const IOobject &io)
 Copy assignment, copies all values (except the registry) More...
bool isHeaderClass () const
 Specialization for void always returns true (no headerClassName check). More...
template<class StringType >
Foam::word groupName (StringType base, const word &group)
- Public Member Functions inherited from IOobjectOption
constexpr IOobjectOption (readOption rOpt=readOption::NO_READ, writeOption wOpt=writeOption::NO_WRITE, registerOption registerObject=registerOption::REGISTER, bool globalObject=false) noexcept
 Default construct (NO_READ, NO_WRITE, register, non-global) or construct with specified options. More...
constexpr IOobjectOption (readOption rOpt, registerOption registerObject=registerOption::REGISTER, bool globalObject=false) noexcept
 Construct NO_WRITE with specified read/register options. More...
constexpr IOobjectOption (writeOption wOpt, registerOption registerObject=registerOption::REGISTER, bool globalObject=false) noexcept
 Construct NO_READ with specified write/register options. More...
constexpr IOobjectOption (registerOption registerObject, bool globalObject=false) noexcept
 Construct (NO_READ, NO_WRITE) with specified register option. More...
constexpr IOobjectOption (readOption rOpt, writeOption wOpt, bool registerObject, bool globalObject=false) noexcept
 Construct from components with specified register option as bool. More...
constexpr IOobjectOption (bool registerObject, bool globalObject=false) noexcept
 Construct (NO_READ, NO_WRITE) with specified register option as bool. More...
readOption readOpt () const noexcept
 Get the read option. More...
readOption readOpt (readOption opt) noexcept
 Set the read option. More...
writeOption writeOpt () const noexcept
 Get the write option. More...
writeOption writeOpt (writeOption opt) noexcept
 Set the write option. More...
bool registerObject () const noexcept
 Should objects created with this IOobject be registered? More...
bool registerObject (bool on) noexcept
 Change registration preference. More...
bool globalObject () const noexcept
 True if object is treated the same for all processors. More...
bool globalObject (bool on) noexcept
 Change global-object status. More...
bool isReadRequired () const noexcept
 True if (MUST_READ | MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED) bits are set. More...
bool isReadOptional () const noexcept
 True if (READ_IF_PRESENT) bits are set. More...
readOptionreadOpt () noexcept
 Access to the read option. More...
writeOptionwriteOpt () noexcept
 Access to the write option. More...
bool & registerObject () noexcept
 Access to the register object option. More...
bool & globalObject () noexcept
 Access to the global object option. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from HashTable< regIOobject *>
 HashTable ()
 Default construct with default (128) table capacity. More...
 HashTable (const label size)
 Construct given initial table capacity. More...
 HashTable (Istream &is, const label size=128)
 Construct from Istream with default table capacity. More...
 HashTable (const this_type &ht)
 Copy construct. More...
 HashTable (this_type &&rhs)
 Move construct. More...
 HashTable (std::initializer_list< std::pair< word, regIOobject * >> list)
 Construct from an initializer list. More...
 ~HashTable ()
 Destructor. More...
label capacity () const noexcept
 The size of the underlying table. More...
label size () const noexcept
 The number of elements in table. More...
bool empty () const noexcept
 True if the hash table is empty. More...
regIOobject * & at (const word &key)
 Find and return a hashed entry. FatalError if it does not exist. More...
const regIOobject * & at (const word &key) const
 Find and return a hashed entry. FatalError if it does not exist. More...
bool found (const word &key) const
 True if hashed key is found in table. More...
iterator find (const word &key)
 Find and return an iterator set at the hashed entry. More...
const_iterator find (const word &key) const
 Find and return an const_iterator set at the hashed entry. More...
const_iterator cfind (const word &key) const
 Find and return an const_iterator set at the hashed entry. More...
const regIOobject * & lookup (const word &key, const regIOobject * &deflt) const
 Return hashed entry if it exists, or return the given default. More...
List< wordtoc () const
 The table of contents (the keys) in unsorted order. More...
List< wordsortedToc () const
 The table of contents (the keys) in sorted order. More...
List< wordsortedToc (const Compare &comp) const
 The table of contents (the keys) sorted according to the specified comparator. More...
Foam::List< wordsortedToc (const Compare &comp) const
List< wordtocKeys (const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert=false) const
 The table of contents (the keys) selected according to the unary predicate applied to the keys. More...
Foam::List< wordtocKeys (const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert) const
List< wordtocValues (const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert=false) const
 The table of contents (the keys) selected according to the unary predicate applied to the values. More...
Foam::List< wordtocValues (const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert) const
List< wordtocEntries (const BinaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert=false) const
 The table of contents (the keys) selected according to the binary predicate applied to the keys and values. More...
Foam::List< wordtocEntries (const BinaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert) const
UPtrList< const node_typecsorted () const
 Const access to the hash-table contents in sorted order (sorted by keys). More...
UPtrList< const node_typesorted () const
 Const access to the hash-table contents in sorted order (sorted by keys). More...
UPtrList< node_typesorted ()
 Non-const access to the hash-table contents in sorted order (sorted by keys). More...
label countKeys (const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert=false) const
 Count the number of keys that satisfy the unary predicate. More...
Foam::label countKeys (const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert) const
label countValues (const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert=false) const
 Count the number of values that satisfy the unary predicate. More...
Foam::label countValues (const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert) const
label countEntries (const BinaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert=false) const
 Count the number of entries that satisfy the binary predicate. More...
Foam::label countEntries (const BinaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert) const
bool emplace (const word &key, Args &&... args)
 Emplace insert a new entry, not overwriting existing entries. More...
bool emplace_set (const word &key, Args &&... args)
 Emplace set an entry, overwriting any existing entries. More...
bool insert (const word &key, const regIOobject * &obj)
 Copy insert a new entry, not overwriting existing entries. More...
bool insert (const word &key, regIOobject * &&obj)
 Move insert a new entry, not overwriting existing entries. More...
bool set (const word &key, const regIOobject * &obj)
 Copy assign a new entry, overwriting existing entries. More...
bool set (const word &key, regIOobject * &&obj)
 Move assign a new entry, overwriting existing entries. More...
bool erase (const iterator &iter)
 Erase an entry specified by given iterator. More...
bool erase (const word &key)
 Erase an entry specified by the given key. More...
label erase (const HashTable< AnyType, word, AnyHash > &other)
 Remove table entries given by keys of the other hash-table. More...
label erase (std::initializer_list< word > keys)
 Remove table entries given by the listed keys. More...
label erase (InputIter first, InputIter last)
 Remove multiple entries using an iterator range of keys. More...
label erase (const FixedList< word, N > &keys)
 Remove table entries given by the listed keys. More...
label erase (const UList< word > &keys)
 Remove table entries given by the listed keys. More...
Foam::label erase (InputIter first, InputIter last)
Foam::label erase (const FixedList< word, N > &keys)
Foam::label erase (const HashTable< AnyType, word, AnyHash > &other)
label retain (const HashTable< AnyType, word, AnyHash > &other)
 Retain table entries given by keys of the other hash-table. More...
Foam::label retain (const HashTable< AnyType, word, AnyHash > &other)
label filterKeys (const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool pruning=false)
 Generalized means to filter table entries based on their keys. More...
Foam::label filterKeys (const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool pruning)
label filterValues (const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool pruning=false)
 Generalized means to filter table entries based on their values. More...
Foam::label filterValues (const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool pruning)
label filterEntries (const BinaryPredicate &pred, const bool pruning=false)
 Generalized means to filter table entries based on their key/value. More...
Foam::label filterEntries (const BinaryPredicate &pred, const bool pruning)
void resize (const label sz)
 Resize the hash table for efficiency. More...
void clear ()
 Clear all entries from table. More...
void clearStorage ()
 Clear the table entries and the table itself. More...
void swap (HashTable< regIOobject *, word, Foam::Hash< word > > &rhs)
 Swap contents into this table. More...
void transfer (HashTable< regIOobject *, word, Foam::Hash< word > > &rhs)
 Transfer contents into this table. More...
regIOobject * & operator[] (const word &key)
 Find and return a hashed entry. FatalError if it does not exist. More...
const regIOobject * & operator[] (const word &key) const
 Find and return a hashed entry. FatalError if it does not exist. More...
regIOobject * & operator() (const word &key)
 Return existing entry or create a new entry. More...
regIOobject * & operator() (const word &key, const regIOobject * &deflt)
 Return existing entry or insert a new entry. More...
void operator= (const this_type &rhs)
 Copy assign. More...
void operator= (std::initializer_list< std::pair< word, regIOobject * >> rhs)
 Copy assign from an initializer list. More...
void operator= (this_type &&rhs)
 Move assign. More...
bool operator== (const this_type &rhs) const
 Equality. Tables are equal if all keys and values are equal, independent of order or underlying storage size. More...
bool operator!= (const this_type &rhs) const
 The opposite of the equality operation. More...
this_typeoperator+= (const this_type &rhs)
 Add entries into this HashTable. More...
const_iterator_pair< const_key_iterator, this_typekeys () const
 A const iterator begin/end pair for iterating over keys. More...
iterator begin ()
 iterator set to the beginning of the HashTable More...
const_iterator begin () const
 const_iterator set to the beginning of the HashTable More...
const_iterator cbegin () const
 const_iterator set to the beginning of the HashTable More...
iterator end () noexcept
 iterator to signal the end (for any HashTable) More...
const_iterator end () const noexcept
 const_iterator to signal the end (for any HashTable) More...
constexpr const_iterator cend () const noexcept
 const_iterator to signal the end (for any HashTable) More...
OstreamprintInfo (Ostream &os) const
 Print information. More...
OstreamwriteKeys (Ostream &os, const label shortLen=0) const
 Write unordered keys (list), with line-breaks when length exceeds shortLen. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from HashTableCore
 ClassName ("HashTable")
 Declare type-name (with debug switch) More...
 HashTableCore () noexcept=default
 Default construct. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ILList< LListBase, T >
 ILList ()=default
 Default construct. More...
 ILList (T *item)
 Construct and add initial item pointer. More...
 ILList (Istream &is)
 Construct from Istream. More...
 ILList (const ILList< LListBase, T > &lst)
 Copy construct using the 'clone()' method for each element. More...
 ILList (ILList< LListBase, T > &&lst)
 Move construct. More...
template<class CloneArg >
 ILList (const ILList< LListBase, T > &lst, const CloneArg &cloneArg)
 Copy constructor with additional argument for clone 'clone()'. More...
template<class INew >
 ILList (Istream &is, const INew &inew)
 Construct from Istream using given Istream constructor class. More...
 ~ILList ()
 Destructor. Calls clear() More...
void clear ()
 Clear the contents of the list. More...
void pop_front (label n=1)
 Remove first element(s) from the list (deletes pointers) More...
bool erase (T *item)
 Remove the specified element from the list and delete it. More...
void transfer (ILList< LListBase, T > &lst)
 Transfer the contents of the argument into this List and annul the argument list. More...
void operator= (const ILList< LListBase, T > &lst)
 Copy assignment using the 'clone()' method for each element. More...
void operator= (ILList< LListBase, T > &&lst)
 Move assignment. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from UILList< LListBase, T >
 UILList ()=default
 Default construct. More...
 UILList (T *item)
 Construct and add initial item pointer. More...
 UILList (const UILList< LListBase, T > &list)
 Construct as copy. More...
Tfront ()
 The first entry in the list. More...
const Tfront () const
 The first entry in the list (const access) More...
Tback ()
 The last entry in the list. More...
const Tback () const
 The last entry in the list (const access) More...
TremoveHead ()
 Remove and return head. More...
Tremove (T *item)
 Remove and return element. More...
Tremove (iterator &iter)
 Remove and return item specified by iterator. More...
void operator= (const UILList< LListBase, T > &lst)
 Copy assignment. More...
bool operator== (const UILList< LListBase, T > &lst) const
 Equality. True both lists are element-wise equal. More...
bool operator!= (const UILList< LListBase, T > &lst) const
 The opposite of the equality operation. Takes linear time. More...
OstreamwriteList (Ostream &os, const label shortLen=0) const
 Write UILList with line-breaks when length exceeds shortLen. More...
iterator begin ()
 Iterator to first item in list with non-const access. More...
const_iterator cbegin () const
 Iterator to first item in list with const access. More...
reverse_iterator rbegin ()
 Iterator to last item in list with non-const access. More...
const_reverse_iterator crbegin () const
 Iterator to last item in list with const access. More...
const_iterator begin () const
 Iterator to first item in list with const access. More...
const_reverse_iterator rbegin () const
 Iterator to last item in list with const access. More...
const iteratorend ()
 End of list for forward iterators. More...
const const_iteratorcend () const
 End of list for forward iterators. More...
const reverse_iteratorrend ()
 End of list for reverse iterators. More...
const const_reverse_iteratorcrend () const
 End of list for reverse iterators. More...
const const_iteratorend () const
 End of list for forward iterators. More...
const const_reverse_iteratorrend () const
 End of list for reverse iterators. More...
Tfirst ()
 The first entry in the list. More...
const Tfirst () const
 The first entry in the list (const access) More...
Tlast ()
 The last entry in the list. More...
const Tlast () const
 The last entry in the list (const access) More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from DSMCBaseCloud
 TypeName ("DSMCBaseCloud")
 Runtime type information. More...
 DSMCBaseCloud ()=default
 Null constructor. More...
virtual ~DSMCBaseCloud ()=default
 Destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from thermoCloud
 TypeName ("thermoCloud")
 Runtime type information. More...
 thermoCloud ()=default
 Null constructor. More...
virtual ~thermoCloud ()=default
 Destructor. More...

Protected Member Functions

void setModels ()
 Set cloud sub-models. More...
void cloudReset (ThermoCloud< CloudType > &c)
 Reset state of cloud. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from regIOobject
bool readHeaderOk (const IOstreamOption::streamFormat fmt, const word &typeName)
 Helper: check readOpt flags and read if necessary. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IOobject
void setBad (const string &s)
 Set the object state to bad. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from HashTable< regIOobject *>
bool iterator_erase (node_type *&entry, label &index)
 Low-level entry erasure using iterator internals. More...

Protected Attributes

parcelType::constantProperties constProps_
 Thermo parcel constant properties. More...
const SLGThermothermo_
 SLG thermodynamics package. More...
const volScalarFieldT_
 Temperature [K]. More...
const volScalarFieldp_
 Pressure [Pa]. More...
autoPtr< HeatTransferModel< ThermoCloud< CloudType > > > heatTransferModel_
 Heat transfer model. More...
autoPtr< integrationSchemeTIntegrator_
 Temperature integration. More...
Switch radiation_
 Include radiation. More...
autoPtr< volScalarField::InternalradAreaP_
 Radiation sum of parcel projected areas. More...
autoPtr< volScalarField::InternalradT4_
 Radiation sum of parcel temperature^4. More...
autoPtr< volScalarField::InternalradAreaPT4_
 Radiation sum of parcel projected areas * temperature^4. More...
autoPtr< volScalarField::InternalhsTrans_
 Sensible enthalpy transfer [J/kg]. More...
autoPtr< volScalarField::InternalhsCoeff_
 Coefficient for carrier phase hs equation [W/K]. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from Cloud< ParcelType >
cloud::geometryType geometryType_
 Geometry type. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from cloud
template<class Type >
static IOField< Type > & createIOField (const word &fieldName, const label nParticle, objectRegistry &obr)
 Helper to construct IOField on a supplied object registry. More...
template<class Type >
static const IOField< Type > * findIOField (const word &fieldName, const objectRegistry &obr)
 Locate an IOField within object registry. More...
static const IOField< point > * findIOPosition (const objectRegistry &obr)
 Locate the "position" IOField within object registry. More...
template<class Type >
static const IOField< Type > & lookupIOField (const word &fieldName, const objectRegistry &obr)
 Lookup an IOField within object registry. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from regIOobject
template<class Type >
static Type & store (Type *p)
 Transfer pointer ownership to its registry. More...
template<class Type >
static Type & store (autoPtr< Type > &ptr)
 Transfer pointer ownership to its registry. More...
template<class Type >
static Type & store (autoPtr< Type > &&ptr)
 Transfer pointer ownership to its registry. More...
template<class Type >
static Type & store (refPtr< Type > &ptr)
 Transfer pointer ownership to its registry. More...
template<class Type >
static Type & store (refPtr< Type > &&ptr)
 Transfer pointer ownership to its registry. More...
template<class Type >
static Type & store (tmp< Type > &ptr)
 Transfer pointer ownership to its registry. More...
template<class Type >
static Type & store (tmp< Type > &&ptr)
 Transfer pointer ownership to its registry. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from IOobject
static bool bannerEnabled () noexcept
 Status of output file banner. More...
static bool bannerEnabled (bool on) noexcept
 Enable/disable output file banner. More...
static bool fileNameComponents (const fileName &path, fileName &instance, fileName &local, word &name)
 Split path into instance, local, name components. More...
template<class StringType >
static word groupName (StringType base, const word &group)
 Create dot-delimited string. More...
static word group (const word &name)
 Return group (extension part of name) More...
static word member (const word &name)
 Return member (name without the extension) More...
static word scopedName (const std::string &scope, const word &name)
 Create scope:name or scope_name string. More...
static IOobject selectIO (const IOobject &io, const fileName &altFile, const word &ioName="")
 Return the IOobject, but also consider an alternative file name. More...
static OstreamwriteBanner (Ostream &os, const bool noSyntaxHint=false)
 Write the standard OpenFOAM file/dictionary banner. More...
static OstreamwriteDivider (Ostream &os)
 Write the standard file section divider. More...
static OstreamwriteEndDivider (Ostream &os)
 Write the standard end file divider. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from IOobjectOption
static bool isReadRequired (readOption opt) noexcept
 True if (MUST_READ | MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED) bits are set. More...
static bool isReadOptional (readOption opt) noexcept
 True if (READ_IF_PRESENT) bits are set. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from HashTableCore
static label canonicalSize (const label requested_size)
 Return a canonical (power-of-two) of the requested size. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Cloud< ParcelType >
static word cloudPropertiesName
 Name of cloud properties dictionary. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from cloud
static const Enum< geometryTypegeometryTypeNames
static const word prefix
 The prefix to local: lagrangian. More...
static word defaultName
 The default cloud name: defaultCloud. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from IOobject
static const Enum< fileCheckTypesfileCheckTypesNames
 Names for the fileCheckTypes. More...
static char scopeSeparator
 Character for scoping object names (':' or '_') More...
static fileCheckTypes fileModificationChecking
 Type of file modification checking. More...
static float fileModificationSkew
 Time skew (seconds) for file modification checks. More...
static int maxFileModificationPolls
 Max number of times to poll for file modification changes. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from HashTableCore
static const label maxTableSize
 Maximum allowable internal table size. Approximately labelMax/4. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from IOobject
static void writeHeaderContent (Ostream &os, const IOobject &io, const word &objectType, const dictionary *metaDataDict=nullptr)
 Helper: write content for FoamFile IOobject header with optional meta information. More...
static void writeHeaderContent (dictionary &dict, const IOobject &io, const word &objectType, IOstreamOption streamOpt, const dictionary *metaDataDict=nullptr)
 Helper: write dictionary content for FoamFile header with optional meta information. More...
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from regIOobject
static bool masterOnlyReading = false
 To flag master-only reading of objects. More...

Detailed Description

template<class CloudType>
class Foam::ThermoCloud< CloudType >

Templated base class for thermodynamic cloud.

Source files

Definition at line 62 of file ThermoCloud.H.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ cloudType

Type of cloud this cloud was instantiated for.

Definition at line 74 of file ThermoCloud.H.

◆ parcelType

Type of parcel the cloud was instantiated for.

Definition at line 79 of file ThermoCloud.H.

◆ thermoCloudType

Convenience typedef for this cloud type.

Definition at line 84 of file ThermoCloud.H.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ThermoCloud() [1/3]

ThermoCloud ( const word cloudName,
const volScalarField rho,
const volVectorField U,
const dimensionedVector g,
const SLGThermo thermo,
bool  readFields = true 

Construct given carrier gas fields.

Definition at line 124 of file ThermoCloud.C.

◆ ThermoCloud() [2/3]

ThermoCloud ( ThermoCloud< CloudType > &  c,
const word name 

Copy constructor with new name.

Definition at line 207 of file ThermoCloud.C.

◆ ThermoCloud() [3/3]

ThermoCloud ( const fvMesh mesh,
const word name,
const ThermoCloud< CloudType > &  c 

Copy constructor with new name - creates bare cloud.

Definition at line 316 of file ThermoCloud.C.

◆ ~ThermoCloud()

virtual ~ThermoCloud ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ setModels()

void setModels ( )

Set cloud sub-models.

Definition at line 30 of file ThermoCloud.C.

◆ cloudReset()

void cloudReset ( ThermoCloud< CloudType > &  c)

Reset state of cloud.

Definition at line 109 of file ThermoCloud.C.

◆ clone()

virtual autoPtr<Cloud<parcelType> > clone ( const word name)

Construct and return clone based on (this) with new name.

Definition at line 244 of file ThermoCloud.H.

◆ cloneBare()

virtual autoPtr<Cloud<parcelType> > cloneBare ( const word name) const

Construct and return bare clone based on (this) with new name.

Definition at line 255 of file ThermoCloud.H.

◆ cloudCopy()

const Foam::ThermoCloud< CloudType > & cloudCopy ( ) const

Return a reference to the cloud copy.

Definition at line 30 of file ThermoCloudI.H.

◆ constProps() [1/2]

const CloudType::particleType::constantProperties & constProps ( ) const

Return the constant properties.

Definition at line 38 of file ThermoCloudI.H.

◆ constProps() [2/2]

CloudType::particleType::constantProperties & constProps ( )

Return access to the constant properties.

Definition at line 46 of file ThermoCloudI.H.

◆ thermo()

const Foam::SLGThermo & thermo ( ) const

Return const access to thermo package.

Definition at line 53 of file ThermoCloudI.H.

◆ T()

const Foam::volScalarField & T ( ) const

Return const access to the carrier temperature field.

Definition at line 60 of file ThermoCloudI.H.

◆ p()

const Foam::volScalarField & p ( ) const

Return const access to the carrier pressure field.

Definition at line 67 of file ThermoCloudI.H.

◆ heatTransfer()

const Foam::HeatTransferModel< Foam::ThermoCloud< CloudType > > & heatTransfer ( ) const

Return reference to heat transfer model.

Definition at line 75 of file ThermoCloudI.H.

◆ TIntegrator()

const Foam::integrationScheme & TIntegrator ( ) const

Return reference to velocity integration.

Definition at line 83 of file ThermoCloudI.H.

◆ radiation()

bool radiation ( ) const

Radiation flag.

Definition at line 90 of file ThermoCloudI.H.

◆ radAreaP() [1/2]

Foam::DimensionedField< Foam::scalar, Foam::volMesh > & radAreaP ( )

Radiation sum of parcel projected areas [m2].

Definition at line 98 of file ThermoCloudI.H.

Referenced by ThermoCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud >::relaxSources().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ radAreaP() [2/2]

const Foam::DimensionedField< Foam::scalar, Foam::volMesh > & radAreaP ( ) const

Radiation sum of parcel projected areas [m2].

Definition at line 113 of file ThermoCloudI.H.

◆ radT4() [1/2]

Foam::DimensionedField< Foam::scalar, Foam::volMesh > & radT4 ( )

Radiation sum of parcel temperature^4 [K4].

Definition at line 128 of file ThermoCloudI.H.

Referenced by ThermoCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud >::relaxSources().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ radT4() [2/2]

const Foam::DimensionedField< Foam::scalar, Foam::volMesh > & radT4 ( ) const

Radiation sum of parcel temperature^4 [K4].

Definition at line 143 of file ThermoCloudI.H.

◆ radAreaPT4() [1/2]

Foam::DimensionedField< Foam::scalar, Foam::volMesh > & radAreaPT4 ( )

Radiation sum of parcel projected area*temperature^4 [m2K4].

Definition at line 158 of file ThermoCloudI.H.

Referenced by ThermoCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud >::relaxSources().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ radAreaPT4() [2/2]

const Foam::DimensionedField< Foam::scalar, Foam::volMesh > & radAreaPT4 ( ) const

Radiation sum of parcel temperature^4 [m2K4].

Definition at line 173 of file ThermoCloudI.H.

◆ hsTrans() [1/2]

Foam::DimensionedField< Foam::scalar, Foam::volMesh > & hsTrans ( )

Sensible enthalpy transfer [J/kg].

Definition at line 188 of file ThermoCloudI.H.

Referenced by ThermoCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud >::relaxSources().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hsTrans() [2/2]

const Foam::DimensionedField< Foam::scalar, Foam::volMesh > & hsTrans ( ) const

Sensible enthalpy transfer [J/kg].

Definition at line 196 of file ThermoCloudI.H.

◆ hsCoeff() [1/2]

Foam::DimensionedField< Foam::scalar, Foam::volMesh > & hsCoeff ( )

Return coefficient for carrier phase hs equation.

Definition at line 204 of file ThermoCloudI.H.

Referenced by ThermoCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud >::relaxSources().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hsCoeff() [2/2]

const Foam::DimensionedField< Foam::scalar, Foam::volMesh > & hsCoeff ( ) const

Return const coefficient for carrier phase hs equation.

Definition at line 212 of file ThermoCloudI.H.

◆ Sh()

Foam::tmp< Foam::fvScalarMatrix > Sh ( volScalarField hs) const

Return sensible enthalpy source term [J/kg/m3/s].

Definition at line 220 of file ThermoCloudI.H.

◆ Ep()

Foam::tmp< Foam::volScalarField > Ep ( ) const

Return tmp equivalent particulate emission.

Implements thermoCloud.

Definition at line 257 of file ThermoCloudI.H.

◆ ap()

Foam::tmp< Foam::volScalarField > ap ( ) const

Return tmp equivalent particulate absorption.

Implements thermoCloud.

Definition at line 293 of file ThermoCloudI.H.

◆ sigmap()

Foam::tmp< Foam::volScalarField > sigmap ( ) const

Return tmp equivalent particulate scattering factor.

Implements thermoCloud.

Definition at line 330 of file ThermoCloudI.H.

◆ Tmax()

Foam::scalar Tmax ( ) const

Maximum temperature.

Definition at line 367 of file ThermoCloudI.H.

◆ Tmin()

Foam::scalar Tmin ( ) const

Minimum temperature.

Definition at line 388 of file ThermoCloudI.H.

◆ setParcelThermoProperties()

void setParcelThermoProperties ( parcelType parcel,
const scalar  lagrangianDt 

Set parcel thermo properties.

Definition at line 344 of file ThermoCloud.C.

◆ checkParcelProperties()

void checkParcelProperties ( parcelType parcel,
const scalar  lagrangianDt,
const bool  fullyDescribed 

Check parcel properties.

Definition at line 358 of file ThermoCloud.C.

◆ storeState()

void storeState ( )

Store the current cloud state.

Definition at line 369 of file ThermoCloud.C.

◆ restoreState()

void restoreState ( )

Reset the current cloud to the previously stored state.

Definition at line 382 of file ThermoCloud.C.

◆ resetSourceTerms()

void resetSourceTerms ( )

Reset the cloud source terms.

Definition at line 390 of file ThermoCloud.C.

◆ relaxSources()

void relaxSources ( const ThermoCloud< CloudType > &  cloudOldTime)

Apply relaxation to (steady state) cloud sources.

Definition at line 407 of file ThermoCloud.C.

◆ scaleSources()

void scaleSources ( )

Apply scaling to (transient) cloud sources.

Definition at line 426 of file ThermoCloud.C.

◆ preEvolve()

void preEvolve ( const typename parcelType::trackingData &  td)


Definition at line 444 of file ThermoCloud.C.

◆ evolve()

void evolve ( )

Evolve the cloud.

Definition at line 455 of file ThermoCloud.C.

◆ autoMap()

void autoMap ( const mapPolyMesh mapper)

Remap the cells of particles corresponding to the.

mesh topology change with a default tracking data object

Reimplemented from DSMCCloud< ParcelType >.

Definition at line 467 of file ThermoCloud.C.

◆ info()

void info ( )

Print cloud information.

Definition at line 476 of file ThermoCloud.C.

Member Data Documentation

◆ constProps_

parcelType::constantProperties constProps_

Thermo parcel constant properties.

Definition at line 117 of file ThermoCloud.H.

◆ thermo_

const SLGThermo& thermo_

SLG thermodynamics package.

Definition at line 125 of file ThermoCloud.H.

◆ T_

const volScalarField& T_

Temperature [K].

Definition at line 130 of file ThermoCloud.H.

◆ p_

const volScalarField& p_

Pressure [Pa].

Definition at line 135 of file ThermoCloud.H.

◆ heatTransferModel_

autoPtr<HeatTransferModel<ThermoCloud<CloudType> > > heatTransferModel_

Heat transfer model.

Definition at line 144 of file ThermoCloud.H.

◆ TIntegrator_

autoPtr<integrationScheme> TIntegrator_

Temperature integration.

Definition at line 152 of file ThermoCloud.H.

◆ radiation_

Switch radiation_

Include radiation.

Definition at line 160 of file ThermoCloud.H.

◆ radAreaP_

autoPtr<volScalarField::Internal> radAreaP_

Radiation sum of parcel projected areas.

Definition at line 165 of file ThermoCloud.H.

◆ radT4_

autoPtr<volScalarField::Internal> radT4_

Radiation sum of parcel temperature^4.

Definition at line 170 of file ThermoCloud.H.

◆ radAreaPT4_

autoPtr<volScalarField::Internal> radAreaPT4_

Radiation sum of parcel projected areas * temperature^4.

Definition at line 175 of file ThermoCloud.H.

◆ hsTrans_

autoPtr<volScalarField::Internal> hsTrans_

Sensible enthalpy transfer [J/kg].

Definition at line 183 of file ThermoCloud.H.

◆ hsCoeff_

autoPtr<volScalarField::Internal> hsCoeff_

Coefficient for carrier phase hs equation [W/K].

Definition at line 188 of file ThermoCloud.H.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: