Functions | Variables
createFields.H File Reference

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IOdictionary dict (IOobject("createBoxTurbDict", runTime.constant(), runTime, IOobject::MUST_READ))
const vector L (dict.get< vector >("L"))
const Vector< label > N (dict.get< Vector< label >>("N"))
autoPtr< Function1< scalar > > Ek (Function1< scalar >::New("Ek", dict, &runTime))
const vector delta (L.x()/scalar(N.x()), L.y()/scalar(N.y()), L.z()/scalar(N.z()))
Random rndGen (1234)


const label nModes = dict.get<label>("nModes")

Function Documentation

◆ dict()

IOdictionary dict ( IOobject("createBoxTurbDict", runTime.constant(), runTime, IOobject::MUST_READ)  )

◆ L()

const vector L ( dict.get< vector >  "L")

◆ N()

const Vector<label> N ( dict.get< Vector< label >>  "N")

Referenced by FixedList< point, 2 >::back(), energySpectrum::calcAndWriteSpectrum(), ReactingMultiphaseParcel< ParcelType >::calcDevolatilisation(), ReactingParcel< ParcelType >::calcPhaseChange(), Foam::calcQE16(), ReactingMultiphaseParcel< ParcelType >::calcSurfaceReactions(), COxidationMurphyShaddix< CloudType >::calculate(), FixedList< point, 2 >::cend(), FixedList< point, 2 >::checkIndex(), FixedList< point, 2 >::checkSize(), FixedList< point, 2 >::checkStart(), interfaceTrackingFvMesh::correctUsBoundaryConditions(), PengRobinsonGas< Specie >::Cp(), PengRobinsonGas< Specie >::CpMCv(), multiphaseMangrovesSource::dragCoeff(), FixedList< point, 2 >::empty(), FixedList< point, 2 >::end(), multiphaseMangrovesTurbulenceModel::epsilonCoeff(), edgeInterpolationScheme< scalar >::euclidianInterpolate(), FixedList< point, 2 >::fcIndex(), FixedList< point, 2 >::fill(), FixedList< point, 2 >::find(), FixedList< point, 2 >::FixedList(), noiseFFT::frequencies(), FixedList< point, 2 >::get(), multiphaseMangrovesSource::inertiaCoeff(), edgeInterpolationScheme< scalar >::interpolate(), surfaceInterpolationScheme< GType >::interpolate(), multiphaseMangrovesTurbulenceModel::kCoeff(), List< Field< scalar > >::List(), FixedList< point, 2 >::max_size(), noiseFFT::meanPf(), noiseModel::meanPf(), FixedList< point, 2 >::moveLast(), McCowan::newtonRapsonF1(), McCowan::newtonRapsonF2(), FixedList< point, 2 >::operator<(), List< Field< scalar > >::operator=(), FixedList< point, 2 >::operator=(), FixedList< point, 2 >::operator==(), noiseFFT::PSDf(), noiseModel::PSDf(), FixedList< point, 2 >::rcIndex(), FixedList< point, 2 >::readList(), FixedList< point, 2 >::rfind(), noiseFFT::RMSmeanPf(), noiseModel::RMSmeanPf(), Roots< N >::Roots(), pairPotential::setLookupTables(), FixedList< point, 2 >::size(), FixedList< point, 2 >::size_bytes(), Foam::Swap(), FixedList< point, 2 >::swap(), FixedList< point, 2 >::swapLast(), FixedList< point, 2 >::transfer(), fft::transform(), FixedList< point, 2 >::uniform(), noiseModel::uniformFrequencies(), alphatWallBoilingWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField::updateCoeffs(), FixedList< point, 2 >::writeEntry(), and FixedList< point, 2 >::writeList().

◆ Ek()

autoPtr<Function1<scalar> > Ek ( Function1< scalar >  ::New"Ek", dict, &runTime)

Referenced by Foam::kShellIntegration(), and Foam::kShellMean().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ delta()

const vector delta ( L.  x)/scalar(N.x(),
L.  y)/scalar(N.y(),
L.  z)/scalar(N.z() 

◆ rndGen()

Random rndGen ( 1234  )

Variable Documentation

◆ nModes

const label nModes = dict.get<label>("nModes")

Definition at line 22 of file createFields.H.