Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2  ========= |
3  \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4  \\ / O peration |
5  \\ / A nd | www.openfoam.com
6  \\/ M anipulation |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8  Copyright (C) 2014-2022 OpenCFD Ltd.
9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 License
11  This file is part of OpenFOAM.
13  OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
14  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
15  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
16  (at your option) any later version.
18  OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
19  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
20  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
21  for more details.
23  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24  along with OpenFOAM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
26 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
28 #include "volFields.H"
29 #include "fvMatrix.H"
30 #include "oversetFvPatchField.H"
34 #include "syncTools.H"
36 // * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
38 template<class Type>
40 (
41  Field<Type>& coeffs,
42  const labelUList& types,
43  const scalarList& factor,
44  const bool setHoleCellValue,
45  const label celli,
46  const label facei
47 ) const
48 {
49  const label cType = types[celli];
50  const scalar f = factor[celli];
52  if (cType == cellCellStencil::INTERPOLATED)
53  {
54  coeffs[facei] *= 1.0-f;
55  }
56  else if (cType == cellCellStencil::HOLE)
57  {
58  // Disconnect hole cell from influence of neighbour
59  coeffs[facei] = pTraits<Type>::zero;
60  }
61  else if (cType == cellCellStencil::SPECIAL)
62  {
63  if (setHoleCellValue)
64  {
65  // Behave like hole
66  coeffs[facei] = pTraits<Type>::zero;
67  }
68  else
69  {
70  // Behave like interpolated
71  coeffs[facei] *= 1.0-f;
72  }
73  }
74 }
76 template<class GeoField, class PatchType>
78 (
79  typename GeoField::Boundary& bfld,
80  const bool typeOnly
81 )
82 {
84  const label startOfRequests = UPstream::nRequests();
86  forAll(bfld, patchi)
87  {
88  if (typeOnly == (isA<PatchType>(bfld[patchi]) != nullptr))
89  {
90  bfld[patchi].initEvaluate(commsType);
91  }
92  }
94  // Wait for outstanding requests
95  if (commsType == UPstream::commsTypes::nonBlocking)
96  {
97  Pstream::waitRequests(startOfRequests);
98  }
100  forAll(bfld, patchi)
101  {
102  if (typeOnly == (isA<PatchType>(bfld[patchi]) != nullptr))
103  {
104  bfld[patchi].evaluate(commsType);
105  }
106  }
107 }
110 template<class Type>
112 (
113  const fvMatrix<Type>& m
114 ) const
115 {
116  // Determine normalisation. This is normally the original diagonal plus
117  // remote contributions. This needs to be stabilised for hole cells
118  // which can have a zero diagonal. Assume that if any component has
119  // a non-zero diagonal the cell does not need stabilisation.
120  tmp<scalarField> tnorm(tmp<scalarField>::New(m.diag()));
121  scalarField& norm = tnorm.ref();
123  // Add remote coeffs to duplicate behaviour of fvMatrix::addBoundaryDiag
124  const FieldField<Field, Type>& internalCoeffs = m.internalCoeffs();
125  for (direction cmpt=0; cmpt<pTraits<Type>::nComponents; cmpt++)
126  {
127  forAll(internalCoeffs, patchi)
128  {
129  const labelUList& fc = mesh_.lduAddr().patchAddr(patchi);
130  const Field<Type>& intCoeffs = internalCoeffs[patchi];
131  const scalarField cmptCoeffs(intCoeffs.component(cmpt));
132  forAll(fc, i)
133  {
134  norm[fc[i]] += cmptCoeffs[i];
135  }
136  }
137  }
139  // Count number of problematic cells
140  label nZeroDiag = 0;
141  forAll(norm, celli)
142  {
143  const scalar& n = norm[celli];
144  if (magSqr(n) < sqr(SMALL))
145  {
146  //Pout<< "For field " << m.psi().name()
147  // << " have diagonal " << n << " for cell " << celli
148  // << " at:" << cellCentres()[celli] << endl;
149  nZeroDiag++;
150  }
151  }
153  if (debug)
154  {
155  Pout<< "For field " << m.psi().name() << " have zero diagonals for "
156  << returnReduce(nZeroDiag, sumOp<label>()) << " cells" << endl;
157  }
159  if (returnReduceOr(nZeroDiag))
160  {
161  // Walk out the norm across hole cells
163  const labelList& own = mesh_.faceOwner();
164  const labelList& nei = mesh_.faceNeighbour();
165  const cellCellStencilObject& overlap = Stencil::New(mesh_);
166  const labelUList& types = overlap.cellTypes();
168  // label nHoles = 0;
169  scalarField extrapolatedNorm(norm);
170  forAll(types, celli)
171  {
172  if (types[celli] == cellCellStencil::HOLE)
173  {
174  extrapolatedNorm[celli] = -GREAT;
175  // ++nHoles;
176  }
177  }
179  bitSet isFront(mesh_.nFaces());
180  for (label facei = 0; facei < mesh_.nInternalFaces(); facei++)
181  {
182  label ownType = types[own[facei]];
183  label neiType = types[nei[facei]];
184  if
185  (
186  (ownType == cellCellStencil::HOLE)
187  != (neiType == cellCellStencil::HOLE)
188  )
189  {
190  isFront.set(facei);
191  }
192  }
193  labelList nbrTypes;
194  syncTools::swapBoundaryCellList(mesh_, types, nbrTypes);
195  for
196  (
197  label facei = mesh_.nInternalFaces();
198  facei < mesh_.nFaces();
199  ++facei
200  )
201  {
202  const label ownType = types[own[facei]];
203  const label neiType = nbrTypes[facei-mesh_.nInternalFaces()];
204  if
205  (
206  (ownType == cellCellStencil::HOLE)
207  != (neiType == cellCellStencil::HOLE)
208  )
209  {
210  isFront.set(facei);
211  }
212  }
215  while (true)
216  {
217  scalarField nbrNorm;
218  syncTools::swapBoundaryCellList(mesh_, extrapolatedNorm, nbrNorm);
220  bitSet newIsFront(mesh_.nFaces());
221  scalarField newNorm(extrapolatedNorm);
223  label nChanged = 0;
224  for (const label facei : isFront)
225  {
226  if (extrapolatedNorm[own[facei]] == -GREAT)
227  {
228  // Average owner cell, add faces to newFront
229  newNorm[own[facei]] = cellAverage
230  (
231  types,
232  nbrTypes,
233  extrapolatedNorm,
234  nbrNorm,
235  own[facei],
236  newIsFront
237  );
238  nChanged++;
239  }
240  if
241  (
242  mesh_.isInternalFace(facei)
243  && extrapolatedNorm[nei[facei]] == -GREAT
244  )
245  {
246  // Average nei cell, add faces to newFront
247  newNorm[nei[facei]] = cellAverage
248  (
249  types,
250  nbrTypes,
251  extrapolatedNorm,
252  nbrNorm,
253  nei[facei],
254  newIsFront
255  );
256  nChanged++;
257  }
258  }
260  if (!returnReduceOr(nChanged))
261  {
262  break;
263  }
265  // Transfer new front
266  extrapolatedNorm.transfer(newNorm);
267  isFront.transfer(newIsFront);
268  syncTools::syncFaceList(mesh_, isFront, maxEqOp<unsigned int>());
269  }
272  forAll(norm, celli)
273  {
274  scalar& n = norm[celli];
275  if (magSqr(n) < sqr(SMALL))
276  {
277  //Pout<< "For field " << m.psi().name()
278  // << " for cell " << celli
279  // << " at:" << cellCentres()[celli]
280  // << " have norm " << n
281  // << " have extrapolated norm " << extrapolatedNorm[celli]
282  // << endl;
283  // Override the norm
284  n = extrapolatedNorm[celli];
285  }
286  }
287  }
288  return tnorm;
289 }
292 template<class Type>
294 (
295  fvMatrix<Type>& m,
296  const scalarField& normalisation,
297  const bool setHoleCellValue,
298  const Type& holeCellValue
299 ) const
300 {
301  const cellCellStencilObject& overlap = Stencil::New(mesh_);
302  const List<scalarList>& wghts = overlap.cellInterpolationWeights();
303  const labelListList& stencil = overlap.cellStencil();
304  const scalarList& factor = overlap.cellInterpolationWeight();
305  const labelUList& types = overlap.cellTypes();
308  // Force asymmetric matrix (if it wasn't already)
309  scalarField& lower = m.lower();
310  scalarField& upper = m.upper();
311  Field<Type>& source = m.source();
312  scalarField& diag = m.diag();
315  // Get the addressing. Note that the addressing is now extended with
316  // any interpolation faces.
317  const lduAddressing& addr = lduAddr();
318  const labelUList& upperAddr = addr.upperAddr();
319  const labelUList& lowerAddr = addr.lowerAddr();
320  const lduInterfacePtrsList& interfaces = allInterfaces_;
322  if (!isA<fvMeshPrimitiveLduAddressing>(addr))
323  {
325  << "Problem : addressing is not fvMeshPrimitiveLduAddressing"
326  << exit(FatalError);
327  }
330  // 1. Adapt lduMatrix for additional faces and new ordering
331  upper.setSize(upperAddr.size(), 0.0);
332  inplaceReorder(reverseFaceMap_, upper);
333  lower.setSize(lowerAddr.size(), 0.0);
334  inplaceReorder(reverseFaceMap_, lower);
337  //const label nOldInterfaces = dynamicMotionSolverFvMesh::interfaces().size();
338  const label nOldInterfaces = mesh_.fvMesh::interfaces().size();
341  if (interfaces.size() > nOldInterfaces)
342  {
343  // Extend matrix coefficients
344  m.internalCoeffs().setSize(interfaces.size());
345  m.boundaryCoeffs().setSize(interfaces.size());
347  // 1b. Adapt for additional interfaces
348  for
349  (
350  label patchi = nOldInterfaces;
351  patchi < interfaces.size();
352  patchi++
353  )
354  {
355  const labelUList& fc = interfaces[patchi].faceCells();
356  m.internalCoeffs().set(patchi, new Field<Type>(fc.size(), Zero));
357  m.boundaryCoeffs().set(patchi, new Field<Type>(fc.size(), Zero));
358  }
360  // 1c. Adapt field for additional interfaceFields (note: solver uses
361  // GeometricField::scalarInterfaces() to get hold of interfaces)
362  typedef GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh> GeoField;
364  typename GeoField::Boundary& bfld =
365  const_cast<GeoField&>(m.psi()).boundaryFieldRef();
367  bfld.setSize(interfaces.size());
370  // This gets quite interesting: we do not want to add additional
371  // fvPatches (since direct correspondence to polyMesh) so instead
372  // add a reference to an existing processor patch
373  label addPatchi = 0;
374  for (label patchi = 0; patchi < nOldInterfaces; patchi++)
375  {
376  if (isA<processorFvPatch>(bfld[patchi].patch()))
377  {
378  addPatchi = patchi;
379  break;
380  }
381  }
383  for
384  (
385  label patchi = nOldInterfaces;
386  patchi < interfaces.size();
387  patchi++
388  )
389  {
390  bfld.set
391  (
392  patchi,
393  new calculatedProcessorFvPatchField<Type>
394  (
395  interfaces[patchi],
396  bfld[addPatchi].patch(), // dummy processorFvPatch
397  m.psi()
398  )
399  );
400  }
401  }
404  // 2. Adapt fvMatrix level: faceFluxCorrectionPtr
405  // Question: do we need to do this?
406  // This seems to be set/used only by the gaussLaplacianScheme and
407  // fvMatrix:correction, both of which are outside the linear solver.
410  // Clear out existing connections on cells to be interpolated
411  // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
412  // Note: could avoid doing the zeroing of the new faces since these
413  // are set to zero anyway.
415  forAll(upperAddr, facei)
416  {
417  const label l = lowerAddr[facei];
418  scaleConnection(upper, types, factor, setHoleCellValue, l, facei);
419  const label u = upperAddr[facei];
420  scaleConnection(lower, types, factor, setHoleCellValue, u, facei);
421  /*
422  if (types[upperAddr[facei]] == cellCellStencil::INTERPOLATED)
423  {
424  // Disconnect upper from lower
425  label celli = upperAddr[facei];
426  lower[facei] *= 1.0-factor[celli];
427  }
428  if (types[lowerAddr[facei]] == cellCellStencil::INTERPOLATED)
429  {
430  // Disconnect lower from upper
431  label celli = lowerAddr[facei];
432  upper[facei] *= 1.0-factor[celli];
433  }
434  */
435  }
437  for (label patchi = 0; patchi < nOldInterfaces; ++patchi)
438  {
439  const labelUList& fc = addr.patchAddr(patchi);
440  Field<Type>& bCoeffs = m.boundaryCoeffs()[patchi];
441  Field<Type>& iCoeffs = m.internalCoeffs()[patchi];
442  forAll(fc, i)
443  {
444  scaleConnection(bCoeffs, types, factor, setHoleCellValue, fc[i], i);
446  scaleConnection(iCoeffs, types, factor, setHoleCellValue, fc[i], i);
447  }
448  /*
449  const labelUList& fc = addr.patchAddr(patchi);
450  Field<Type>& intCoeffs = m.internalCoeffs()[patchi];
451  Field<Type>& bouCoeffs = m.boundaryCoeffs()[patchi];
452  forAll(fc, i)
453  {
454  label celli = fc[i];
455  {
456  if (types[celli] == cellCellStencil::INTERPOLATED)
457  {
458  scalar f = factor[celli];
459  intCoeffs[i] *= 1.0-f;
460  bouCoeffs[i] *= 1.0-f;
461  }
462  else if (types[celli] == cellCellStencil::HOLE)
463  {
464  intCoeffs[i] = pTraits<Type>::zero;
465  bouCoeffs[i] = pTraits<Type>::zero;
466  }
467  }
468  }
469  */
470  }
474  // Modify matrix
475  // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
477  // Do hole cells. Note: maybe put into interpolationCells() loop above?
478  forAll(types, celli)
479  {
480  if
481  (
482  types[celli] == cellCellStencil::HOLE
483  || (setHoleCellValue && types[celli] == cellCellStencil::SPECIAL)
484  )
485  {
486  const Type wantedValue
487  (
488  setHoleCellValue
489  ? holeCellValue
490  : m.psi()[celli]
491  );
492  diag[celli] = normalisation[celli];
493  source[celli] = normalisation[celli]*wantedValue;
494  }
495  else if
496  (
497  types[celli] == cellCellStencil::INTERPOLATED
498  || (!setHoleCellValue && types[celli] == cellCellStencil::SPECIAL)
499  )
500  {
501  const scalar f = factor[celli];
502  const scalarList& w = wghts[celli];
503  const labelList& nbrs = stencil[celli];
504  const labelList& nbrFaces = stencilFaces_[celli];
505  const labelList& nbrPatches = stencilPatches_[celli];
507  diag[celli] *= (1.0-f);
508  source[celli] *= (1.0-f);
510  forAll(nbrs, nbri)
511  {
512  const label patchi = nbrPatches[nbri];
513  const label facei = nbrFaces[nbri];
515  if (patchi == -1)
516  {
517  const label nbrCelli = nbrs[nbri];
518  // Add the coefficients
519  const scalar s = normalisation[celli]*f*w[nbri];
521  scalar& u = upper[facei];
522  scalar& l = lower[facei];
523  if (celli < nbrCelli)
524  {
525  diag[celli] += s;
526  u += -s;
527  }
528  else
529  {
530  diag[celli] += s;
531  l += -s;
532  }
533  }
534  else
535  {
536  // Patch face. Store in boundaryCoeffs. Note sign change.
537  //const label globalCelli = globalCellIDs[nbrs[nbri]];
538  //const label proci =
539  // globalNumbering.whichProcID(globalCelli);
540  //const label remoteCelli =
541  // globalNumbering.toLocal(proci, globalCelli);
542  //
543  //Pout<< "for cell:" << celli
544  // << " need weight from remote slot:" << nbrs[nbri]
545  // << " proc:" << proci << " remote cell:" << remoteCelli
546  // << " patch:" << patchi
547  // << " patchFace:" << facei
548  // << " weight:" << w[nbri]
549  // << endl;
551  const scalar s = normalisation[celli]*f*w[nbri];
552  m.boundaryCoeffs()[patchi][facei] += pTraits<Type>::one*s;
553  m.internalCoeffs()[patchi][facei] += pTraits<Type>::one*s;
555  // Note: do NOT add to diagonal - this is in the
556  // internalCoeffs and gets added to the diagonal
557  // inside fvMatrix::solve
558  }
559  }
560  }
561  /*
562  label startLabel = ownerStartAddr[celli];
563  label endLabel = ownerStartAddr[celli + 1];
565  for (label facei = startLabel; facei < endLabel; facei++)
566  {
567  upper[facei] = 0.0;
568  }
570  startLabel = addr.losortStartAddr()[celli];
571  endLabel = addr.losortStartAddr()[celli + 1];
573  for (label i = startLabel; i < endLabel; i++)
574  {
575  label facei = losortAddr[i];
576  lower[facei] = 0.0;
577  }
579  diag[celli] = normalisation[celli];
580  source[celli] = normalisation[celli]*m.psi()[celli];
581  */
582  }
585  //const globalIndex globalNumbering(V().size());
586  //labelList globalCellIDs(overlap.cellInterpolationMap().constructSize());
587  //forAll(V(), cellI)
588  //{
589  // globalCellIDs[cellI] = globalNumbering.toGlobal(cellI);
590  //}
591  //overlap.cellInterpolationMap().distribute(globalCellIDs);
593 /*
594  forAll(cellIDs, i)
595  {
596  label celli = cellIDs[i];
598  const scalar f = factor[celli];
599  const scalarList& w = wghts[celli];
600  const labelList& nbrs = stencil[celli];
601  const labelList& nbrFaces = stencilFaces_[celli];
602  const labelList& nbrPatches = stencilPatches_[celli];
604  if (types[celli] == cellCellStencil::HOLE)
605  {
606  FatalErrorInFunction << "Found HOLE cell " << celli
607  << " at:" << C()[celli]
608  << " . Should this be in interpolationCells()????"
609  << abort(FatalError);
610  }
611  else
612  {
613  // Create interpolation stencil
615  diag[celli] *= (1.0-f);
616  source[celli] *= (1.0-f);
618  forAll(nbrs, nbri)
619  {
620  label patchi = nbrPatches[nbri];
621  label facei = nbrFaces[nbri];
623  if (patchi == -1)
624  {
625  label nbrCelli = nbrs[nbri];
627  // Add the coefficients
628  const scalar s = normalisation[celli]*f*w[nbri];
630  scalar& u = upper[facei];
631  scalar& l = lower[facei];
632  if (celli < nbrCelli)
633  {
634  diag[celli] += s;
635  u += -s;
636  }
637  else
638  {
639  diag[celli] += s;
640  l += -s;
641  }
642  }
643  else
644  {
645  // Patch face. Store in boundaryCoeffs. Note sign change.
646  //const label globalCelli = globalCellIDs[nbrs[nbri]];
647  //const label proci =
648  // globalNumbering.whichProcID(globalCelli);
649  //const label remoteCelli =
650  // globalNumbering.toLocal(proci, globalCelli);
651  //
652  //Pout<< "for cell:" << celli
653  // << " need weight from remote slot:" << nbrs[nbri]
654  // << " proc:" << proci << " remote cell:" << remoteCelli
655  // << " patch:" << patchi
656  // << " patchFace:" << facei
657  // << " weight:" << w[nbri]
658  // << endl;
660  const scalar s = normalisation[celli]*f*w[nbri];
661  m.boundaryCoeffs()[patchi][facei] += pTraits<Type>::one*s;
662  m.internalCoeffs()[patchi][facei] += pTraits<Type>::one*s;
664  // Note: do NOT add to diagonal - this is in the
665  // internalCoeffs and gets added to the diagonal
666  // inside fvMatrix::solve
667  }
668  }
670  //if (mag(diag[celli]) < SMALL)
671  //{
672  // Pout<< "for cell:" << celli
673  // << " at:" << this->C()[celli]
674  // << " diag:" << diag[celli] << endl;
675  //
676  // forAll(nbrs, nbri)
677  // {
678  // label patchi = nbrPatches[nbri];
679  // label facei = nbrFaces[nbri];
680  //
681  // const label globalCelli = globalCellIDs[nbrs[nbri]];
682  // const label proci =
683  // globalNumbering.whichProcID(globalCelli);
684  // const label remoteCelli =
685  // globalNumbering.toLocal(proci, globalCelli);
686  //
687  // Pout<< " need weight from slot:" << nbrs[nbri]
688  // << " proc:" << proci << " remote cell:"
689  // << remoteCelli
690  // << " patch:" << patchi
691  // << " patchFace:" << facei
692  // << " weight:" << w[nbri]
693  // << endl;
694  // }
695  // Pout<< endl;
696  //}
697  }
698  }
699 */
700 }
703 template<class Type>
705 (
706  fvMatrix<Type>& m,
707  const dictionary& dict
708 ) const
709 {
711  // Check we're running with bcs that can handle implicit matrix manipulation
712  typename GeoField::Boundary& bpsi =
713  const_cast<GeoField&>(m.psi()).boundaryFieldRef();
715  bool hasOverset = false;
716  forAll(bpsi, patchi)
717  {
718  if (isA<oversetFvPatchField<Type>>(bpsi[patchi]))
719  {
720  hasOverset = true;
721  break;
722  }
723  }
725  if (!hasOverset)
726  {
727  if (debug)
728  {
729  Pout<< "oversetFvMeshBase::solveOverset() :"
730  << " bypassing matrix adjustment for field " << m.psi().name()
731  << endl;
732  }
733  //return dynamicMotionSolverFvMesh::solve(m, dict);
734  return mesh_.fvMesh::solve(m, dict);
735  }
737  if (debug)
738  {
739  Pout<< "oversetFvMeshBase::solveOverset() :"
740  << " adjusting matrix for interpolation for field "
741  << m.psi().name() << endl;
742  }
744  // Calculate stabilised diagonal as normalisation for interpolation
745  const scalarField norm(normalisation(m));
747  if (debug && mesh_.time().writeTime())
748  {
749  volScalarField scale
750  (
751  IOobject
752  (
753  m.psi().name() + "_normalisation",
754  mesh_.time().timeName(),
755  mesh_,
759  ),
760  mesh_,
762  );
763  scale.ref().field() = norm;
765  <
767  oversetFvPatchField<scalar>
768  >(scale.boundaryFieldRef(), false);
769  scale.write();
771  if (debug)
772  {
773  Pout<< "oversetFvMeshBase::solveOverset() :"
774  << " writing matrix normalisation for field " << m.psi().name()
775  << " to " << scale.name() << endl;
776  }
777  }
780  // Switch to extended addressing (requires mesh::update() having been
781  // called)
782  active(true);
784  // Adapt matrix
785  scalarField oldUpper(m.upper());
786  scalarField oldLower(m.lower());
787  FieldField<Field, Type> oldInt(m.internalCoeffs());
788  FieldField<Field, Type> oldBou(m.boundaryCoeffs());
790  Field<Type> oldSource(m.source());
791  scalarField oldDiag(m.diag());
793  const label oldSize = bpsi.size();
795  // Insert the interpolation into the matrix (done inside
796  // oversetFvPatchField<Type>::manipulateMatrix)
797  m.boundaryManipulate(bpsi);
799  // Swap psi values so added patches have patchNeighbourField
800  correctBoundaryConditions<GeoField, calculatedProcessorFvPatchField<Type>>
801  (
802  bpsi,
803  true
804  );
806  // Use lower level solver
807  //SolverPerformance<Type> s(dynamicMotionSolverFvMesh::solve(m, dict));
808  SolverPerformance<Type> s(mesh_.fvMesh::solve(m, dict));
810  // Restore boundary field
811  bpsi.setSize(oldSize);
813  // Restore matrix
814  m.upper().transfer(oldUpper);
815  m.lower().transfer(oldLower);
817  m.source().transfer(oldSource);
818  m.diag().transfer(oldDiag);
820  m.internalCoeffs().transfer(oldInt);
821  m.boundaryCoeffs().transfer(oldBou);
824  const cellCellStencilObject& overlap = Stencil::New(mesh_);
825  const labelUList& types = overlap.cellTypes();
826  const labelList& own = mesh_.faceOwner();
827  const labelList& nei = mesh_.faceNeighbour();
829  auto& psi =
830  const_cast<GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh>&>(m.psi());
832  // Mirror hole cell values next to calculated cells
833  for (label facei = 0; facei < mesh_.nInternalFaces(); facei++)
834  {
835  const label ownType = types[own[facei]];
836  const label neiType = types[nei[facei]];
838  if
839  (
840  ownType == cellCellStencil::HOLE
841  && neiType == cellCellStencil::CALCULATED)
842  {
843  psi[own[facei]] = psi[nei[facei]];
844  }
845  else if
846  (
847  ownType == cellCellStencil::CALCULATED
848  && neiType == cellCellStencil::HOLE
849  )
850  {
851  psi[nei[facei]] = psi[own[facei]];
852  }
853  }
855  // Switch to original addressing
856  active(false);
858  return s;
859 }
862 template<class Type>
864 (
865  Ostream& os,
866  const fvMatrix<Type>& m,
867  const lduAddressing& addr,
868  const lduInterfacePtrsList& interfaces
869 ) const
870 {
871  os << "** Matrix **" << endl;
872  const labelUList& upperAddr = addr.upperAddr();
873  const labelUList& lowerAddr = addr.lowerAddr();
874  const labelUList& ownerStartAddr = addr.ownerStartAddr();
875  const labelUList& losortAddr = addr.losortAddr();
877  const scalarField& lower = m.lower();
878  const scalarField& upper = m.upper();
879  const Field<Type>& source = m.source();
880  const scalarField& diag = m.diag();
883  // Invert patch addressing
884  labelListList cellToPatch(addr.size());
885  labelListList cellToPatchFace(addr.size());
886  {
887  forAll(interfaces, patchi)
888  {
889  if (interfaces.set(patchi))
890  {
891  const labelUList& fc = interfaces[patchi].faceCells();
893  forAll(fc, i)
894  {
895  cellToPatch[fc[i]].append(patchi);
896  cellToPatchFace[fc[i]].append(i);
897  }
898  }
899  }
900  }
902  forAll(source, celli)
903  {
904  os << "cell:" << celli << " diag:" << diag[celli]
905  << " source:" << source[celli] << endl;
907  label startLabel = ownerStartAddr[celli];
908  label endLabel = ownerStartAddr[celli + 1];
910  for (label facei = startLabel; facei < endLabel; facei++)
911  {
912  os << " face:" << facei
913  << " nbr:" << upperAddr[facei] << " coeff:" << upper[facei]
914  << endl;
915  }
917  startLabel = addr.losortStartAddr()[celli];
918  endLabel = addr.losortStartAddr()[celli + 1];
920  for (label i = startLabel; i < endLabel; i++)
921  {
922  label facei = losortAddr[i];
923  os << " face:" << facei
924  << " nbr:" << lowerAddr[facei] << " coeff:" << lower[facei]
925  << endl;
926  }
928  forAll(cellToPatch[celli], i)
929  {
930  label patchi = cellToPatch[celli][i];
931  label patchFacei = cellToPatchFace[celli][i];
933  os << " patch:" << patchi
934  << " patchface:" << patchFacei
935  << " intcoeff:" << m.internalCoeffs()[patchi][patchFacei]
936  << " boucoeff:" << m.boundaryCoeffs()[patchi][patchFacei]
937  << endl;
938  }
939  }
940  forAll(m.internalCoeffs(), patchi)
941  {
942  if (m.internalCoeffs().set(patchi))
943  {
944  const labelUList& fc = addr.patchAddr(patchi);
946  os << "patch:" << patchi
947  //<< " type:" << interfaces[patchi].type()
948  << " size:" << fc.size() << endl;
949  if
950  (
951  interfaces.set(patchi)
952  && isA<processorLduInterface>(interfaces[patchi])
953  )
954  {
955  const processorLduInterface& ppp =
956  refCast<const processorLduInterface>(interfaces[patchi]);
957  os << "(processor with my:" << ppp.myProcNo()
958  << " nbr:" << ppp.neighbProcNo()
959  << ")" << endl;
960  }
962  forAll(fc, i)
963  {
964  os << " cell:" << fc[i]
965  << " int:" << m.internalCoeffs()[patchi][i]
966  << " boun:" << m.boundaryCoeffs()[patchi][i]
967  << endl;
968  }
969  }
970  }
973  lduInterfaceFieldPtrsList interfaceFields =
974  m.psi().boundaryField().scalarInterfaces();
975  forAll(interfaceFields, inti)
976  {
977  if (interfaceFields.set(inti))
978  {
979  os << "interface:" << inti
980  << " if type:" << interfaceFields[inti].interface().type()
981  << " fld type:" << interfaceFields[inti].type() << endl;
982  }
983  }
985  os << "** End of Matrix **" << endl;
986 }
989 template<class GeoField>
991 {
992  typename GeoField::Boundary& bfld = fld.boundaryFieldRef();
995  const label startOfRequests = UPstream::nRequests();
997  forAll(bfld, patchi)
998  {
999  if (bfld[patchi].coupled())
1000  {
1001  //Pout<< "initEval of " << bfld[patchi].patch().name() << endl;
1002  bfld[patchi].initEvaluate(commsType);
1003  }
1004  }
1006  // Wait for outstanding requests
1007  if (commsType == UPstream::commsTypes::nonBlocking)
1008  {
1009  Pstream::waitRequests(startOfRequests);
1010  }
1012  forAll(bfld, patchi)
1013  {
1014  if (bfld[patchi].coupled())
1015  {
1016  //Pout<< "eval of " << bfld[patchi].patch().name() << endl;
1017  bfld[patchi].evaluate(commsType);
1018  }
1019  }
1020 }
1023 template<class GeoField>
1024 void Foam::oversetFvMeshBase::checkCoupledBC(const GeoField& fld)
1025 {
1026  Pout<< "** starting checking of " << fld.name() << endl;
1028  GeoField fldCorr(fld.name()+"_correct", fld);
1029  correctCoupledBoundaryConditions(fldCorr);
1031  const typename GeoField::Boundary& bfld = fld.boundaryField();
1032  const typename GeoField::Boundary& bfldCorr = fldCorr.boundaryField();
1034  forAll(bfld, patchi)
1035  {
1036  const typename GeoField::Patch& pfld = bfld[patchi];
1037  const typename GeoField::Patch& pfldCorr = bfldCorr[patchi];
1039  Pout<< "Patch:" << pfld.patch().name() << endl;
1041  forAll(pfld, i)
1042  {
1043  if (pfld[i] != pfldCorr[i])
1044  {
1045  Pout<< " " << i << " orig:" << pfld[i]
1046  << " corrected:" << pfldCorr[i] << endl;
1047  }
1048  }
1049  }
1050  Pout<< "** end of " << fld.name() << endl;
1051 }
1054 // ************************************************************************* //
UPtrList< const lduInterfaceField > lduInterfaceFieldPtrsList
List of coupled interface fields to be used in coupling.
List< scalar > scalarList
List of scalar.
Definition: scalarList.H:32
virtual const scalarList & cellInterpolationWeight() const
Per interpolated cell the interpolation factor. (0 = use.
dictionary dict
void size(const label n)
Older name for setAddressableSize.
Definition: UList.H:116
uint8_t direction
Definition: direction.H:46
errorManipArg< error, int > exit(error &err, const int errNo=1)
Definition: errorManip.H:125
Communications types.
Definition: UPstream.H:72
void transfer(List< T > &list)
Transfer the contents of the argument List into this list and annul the argument list.
Definition: List.C:326
error FatalError
Error stream (stdout output on all processes), with additional &#39;FOAM FATAL ERROR&#39; header text and sta...
A list of keyword definitions, which are a keyword followed by a number of values (eg...
Definition: dictionary.H:129
#define FatalErrorInFunction
Report an error message using Foam::FatalError.
Definition: error.H:598
const labelUList & losortStartAddr() const
Return losort start addressing.
static const Type & New(const Mesh &mesh, Args &&... args)
Get existing or create a new MeshObject. Registered with typeName.
Definition: MeshObject.C:53
dimensionedSymmTensor sqr(const dimensionedVector &dv)
static label nRequests() noexcept
Number of outstanding requests (on the internal list of requests)
static void checkCoupledBC(const GeoField &fld)
Debug: check halo swap is ok.
void inplaceReorder(const labelUList &oldToNew, ListType &input, const bool prune=false)
Inplace reorder the elements of a list.
cellMask correctBoundaryConditions()
Ostream & endl(Ostream &os)
Add newline and flush stream.
Definition: Ostream.H:531
A traits class, which is primarily used for primitives and vector-space.
Definition: pTraits.H:75
string upper(const std::string &s)
Return string copy transformed with std::toupper on each character.
Definition: stringOps.C:1187
static void syncFaceList(const polyMesh &mesh, UList< T > &faceValues, const CombineOp &cop)
Synchronize values on all mesh faces.
Definition: syncTools.H:432
void scaleConnection(Field< Type > &coeffs, const labelUList &types, const scalarList &factor, const bool setHoleCellValue, const label celli, const label facei) const
Freeze values at holes.
Generic GeometricField class.
Definition: areaFieldsFwd.H:50
::Foam::direction nComponents(const expressions::valueTypeCode) noexcept
The number of components associated with given valueTypeCode.
Definition: exprTraits.C:40
tmp< scalarField > normalisation(const fvMatrix< Type > &m) const
Determine normalisation for interpolation. This equals the original diagonal except stabilised for ze...
Ignore writing from objectRegistry::writeObject()
const dimensionSet dimless
scalarField & upper()
Definition: lduMatrix.C:208
virtual const fileName & name() const override
Get the name of the output serial stream. (eg, the name of the Fstream file name) ...
Definition: OSstream.H:128
T returnReduce(const T &value, const BinaryOp &bop, const int tag=UPstream::msgType(), const label comm=UPstream::worldComm)
Perform reduction on a copy, using specified binary operation.
List< labelList > labelListList
List of labelList.
Definition: labelList.H:38
virtual const labelUList & lowerAddr() const =0
Return lower addressing.
static void correctCoupledBoundaryConditions(GeoField &fld)
Debug: correct coupled bc.
SolverPerformance< Type > solveOverset(fvMatrix< Type > &m, const dictionary &) const
Solve given dictionary with settings.
static void waitRequests()
Wait for all requests to finish.
Definition: UPstream.H:1538
UList< label > labelUList
A UList of labels.
Definition: UList.H:78
virtual const labelUList & cellTypes() const
Return the cell type list.
#define forAll(list, i)
Loop across all elements in list.
Definition: stdFoam.H:421
GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > volScalarField
Definition: volFieldsFwd.H:81
void diag(pointPatchField< vector > &, const pointPatchField< tensor > &)
const GeometricField< Type, fvPatchField, volMesh > & psi(const label i=0) const
Return psi.
Definition: fvMatrix.H:485
Generic templated field type.
Definition: Field.H:62
virtual const labelListList & cellStencil() const
Per interpolated cell the neighbour cells (in terms of slots as.
Field< scalar > scalarField
Specialisation of Field<T> for scalar.
SolverPerformance is the class returned by the LduMatrix solver containing performance statistics...
virtual const labelUList & upperAddr() const =0
Return upper addressing.
void addInterpolation(fvMatrix< Type > &m, const scalarField &normalisation, const bool setHoleCellValue, const Type &holeCellValue) const
Manipulate the matrix to add the interpolation/set hole.
const cellCellStencilObject & overlap
Definition: correctPhi.H:57
virtual const List< scalarList > & cellInterpolationWeights() const
Weights for cellStencil.
UPtrList< const lduInterface > lduInterfacePtrsList
Store lists of lduInterface as a UPtrList.
virtual const labelUList & patchAddr(const label patchNo) const =0
Return patch to internal addressing given patch number.
virtual bool write(const bool writeOnProc=true) const
Write using setting from DB.
static tmp< T > New(Args &&... args)
Construct tmp with forwarding arguments.
Definition: tmp.H:206
A special matrix type and solver, designed for finite volume solutions of scalar equations. Face addressing is used to make all matrix assembly and solution loops vectorise.
Definition: fvPatchField.H:64
Us boundaryFieldRef().evaluateCoupled< coupledFaPatch >()
static void correctBoundaryConditions(typename GeoField::Boundary &bfld, const bool typeOnly)
Correct boundary conditions of certain type (typeOnly = true)
An Ostream is an abstract base class for all output systems (streams, files, token lists...
Definition: Ostream.H:56
int debug
Static debugging option.
OBJstream os(runTime.globalPath()/outputName)
labelList f(nPoints)
gmvFile<< "tracers "<< particles.size()<< nl;for(const passiveParticle &p :particles){ gmvFile<< p.position().x()<< ' ';}gmvFile<< nl;for(const passiveParticle &p :particles){ gmvFile<< p.position().y()<< ' ';}gmvFile<< nl;for(const passiveParticle &p :particles){ gmvFile<< p.position().z()<< ' ';}gmvFile<< nl;for(const word &name :lagrangianScalarNames){ IOField< scalar > fld(IOobject(name, runTime.timeName(), cloud::prefix, mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE))
const Field< Type > & field() const noexcept
Return const-reference to the field values.
static void swapBoundaryCellList(const polyMesh &mesh, const UList< T > &cellData, List< T > &neighbourCellData)
Swap to obtain neighbour cell values for all boundary faces.
Field< Type > & source() noexcept
Definition: fvMatrix.H:533
static commsTypes defaultCommsType
Default commsType.
Definition: UPstream.H:385
string lower(const std::string &s)
Return string copy transformed with std::tolower on each character.
Definition: stringOps.C:1171
dimensioned< scalar > dimensionedScalar
Dimensioned scalar obtained from generic dimensioned type.
scalarField & lower()
Definition: lduMatrix.C:179
Nothing to be read.
const std::string patch
OpenFOAM patch number as a std::string.
const labelUList & losortAddr() const
Return losort addressing.
"nonBlocking" : (MPI_Isend, MPI_Irecv)
Internal & ref(const bool updateAccessTime=true)
Same as internalFieldRef()
label n
const FieldField< Field, Type > & internalCoeffs() const noexcept
fvBoundary scalar field containing pseudo-matrix coeffs for internal cells
Definition: fvMatrix.H:547
const volScalarField & psi
The class contains the addressing required by the lduMatrix: upper, lower and losort.
const FieldField< Field, Type > & boundaryCoeffs() const noexcept
fvBoundary scalar field containing pseudo-matrix coeffs for boundary cells
Definition: fvMatrix.H:565
void boundaryManipulate(typename GeometricField< Type, fvPatchField, volMesh >::Boundary &values)
Manipulate based on a boundary field.
Definition: fvMatrix.C:1267
const Type * isA(const U &obj)
Check if dynamic_cast to Type is possible.
Definition: typeInfo.H:88
List< label > labelList
A List of labels.
Definition: List.H:62
A class for managing temporary objects.
Definition: HashPtrTable.H:50
void write(Ostream &, const fvMatrix< Type > &, const lduAddressing &, const lduInterfacePtrsList &) const
Debug: print matrix.
scalarField & diag()
Definition: lduMatrix.C:197
bool coupled
gmvFile<< "tracers "<< particles.size()<< nl;for(const passiveParticle &p :particles){ gmvFile<< p.position().x()<< " ";}gmvFile<< nl;for(const passiveParticle &p :particles){ gmvFile<< p.position().y()<< " ";}gmvFile<< nl;for(const passiveParticle &p :particles){ gmvFile<< p.position().z()<< " ";}gmvFile<< nl;forAll(lagrangianScalarNames, i){ word name=lagrangianScalarNames[i];IOField< scalar > s(IOobject(name, runTime.timeName(), cloud::prefix, mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE))
bool returnReduceOr(const bool value, const label comm=UPstream::worldComm)
Perform logical (or) MPI Allreduce on a copy. Uses UPstream::reduceOr.
prefixOSstream Pout
OSstream wrapped stdout (std::cout) with parallel prefix.
Do not request registration (bool: false)
const labelUList & ownerStartAddr() const
Return owner start addressing.
dimensioned< typename typeOfMag< Type >::type > magSqr(const dimensioned< Type > &dt)
label size() const
Return number of equations.
Boundary condition for use on overset patches. To be run in combination with special dynamicFvMesh ty...
const T * set(const label i) const
Return const pointer to element (can be nullptr), or nullptr for out-of-range access (ie...
Definition: UPtrList.H:366
static constexpr const zero Zero
Global zero (0)
Definition: zero.H:127