collatedFileOperation Class Reference

Version of masterUncollatedFileOperation that collates regIOobjects into a container in the processors/ subdirectory. More...

Inheritance diagram for collatedFileOperation:
Collaboration diagram for collatedFileOperation:

Public Member Functions

 TypeName ("collated")
 Runtime type information. More...
 collatedFileOperation (bool verbose=false)
 Default construct. More...
 collatedFileOperation (const Tuple2< label, labelList > &commAndIORanks, const bool distributedRoots, bool verbose=false)
 Construct from communicator with specified io-ranks. More...
virtual ~collatedFileOperation ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual void storeComm () const
 Transfer ownership of communicator to this fileOperation. Use with caution. More...
virtual fileName objectPath (const IOobject &io, const word &typeName) const
 Generate disk file name for object. Opposite of filePath. More...
virtual bool writeObject (const regIOobject &, IOstreamOption streamOpt=IOstreamOption(), const bool writeOnProc=true) const
 Writes a regIOobject (so header, contents and divider). More...
virtual void flush () const
 Forcibly wait until all output done. Flush any cached data. More...
virtual word processorsDir (const IOobject &) const
 Actual name of processors dir. More...
virtual word processorsDir (const fileName &) const
 Actual name of processors dir. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from masterUncollatedFileOperation
 TypeName ("masterUncollated")
 Runtime type information. More...
 masterUncollatedFileOperation (bool verbose=false)
 Default construct. More...
 masterUncollatedFileOperation (const Tuple2< label, labelList > &commAndIORanks, const bool distributedRoots, bool verbose=false)
 Construct from communicator with specified io-ranks. More...
virtual ~masterUncollatedFileOperation ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual bool mkDir (const fileName &, mode_t=0777) const
 Make directory. More...
virtual bool chMod (const fileName &, const mode_t) const
 Set the file mode. More...
virtual mode_t mode (const fileName &, const bool followLink=true) const
 Return the file mode. More...
virtual fileName::Type type (const fileName &, const bool followLink=true) const
 Return the file type: DIRECTORY, FILE or SYMLINK. More...
virtual bool exists (const fileName &, const bool checkGzip=true, const bool followLink=true) const
 Does the name exist (as DIRECTORY or FILE) in the file system? More...
virtual bool isDir (const fileName &, const bool followLink=true) const
 Does the name exist as a DIRECTORY in the file system? More...
virtual bool isFile (const fileName &, const bool checkGzip=true, const bool followLink=true) const
 Does the name exist as a FILE in the file system? More...
virtual off_t fileSize (const fileName &, const bool followLink=true) const
 Return size of file. More...
virtual time_t lastModified (const fileName &, const bool followLink=true) const
 Return time of last file modification. More...
virtual double highResLastModified (const fileName &, const bool followLink=true) const
 Return time of last file modification. More...
virtual fileNameList readDir (const fileName &, const fileName::Type=fileName::FILE, const bool filtergz=true, const bool followLink=true) const
 Read a directory and return the entries as a string list. More...
virtual bool cp (const fileName &src, const fileName &dst, const bool followLink=true) const
 Copy, recursively if necessary, the source to the destination. More...
virtual bool ln (const fileName &src, const fileName &dst) const
 Create a softlink. dst should not exist. Returns true if. More...
virtual bool mv (const fileName &src, const fileName &dst, const bool followLink=false) const
 Rename src to dst. More...
virtual bool mvBak (const fileName &, const std::string &ext="bak") const
 Rename to a corresponding backup file. More...
virtual bool rm (const fileName &) const
 Remove a file, returning true if successful otherwise false. More...
virtual bool rmDir (const fileName &dir, const bool silent=false, const bool emptyOnly=false) const
 Remove a directory and its contents. More...
virtual fileName filePath (const bool checkGlobal, const IOobject &io, const word &typeName, const bool search) const
 Search for an object. checkGlobal : also check undecomposed case. More...
virtual fileName dirPath (const bool checkGlobal, const IOobject &io, const bool search) const
 Search for a directory. checkGlobal : also check undecomposed. More...
virtual fileNameList readObjects (const objectRegistry &db, const fileName &instance, const fileName &local, word &newInstance) const
 Search directory for objects. Used in IOobjectList. More...
virtual bool readHeader (IOobject &, const fileName &, const word &typeName) const
 Read object header from supplied file. More...
virtual autoPtr< ISstreamreadStream (regIOobject &, const fileName &, const word &typeName, const bool readOnProc=true) const
 Reads header for regIOobject and returns an ISstream to read the contents. More...
virtual bool read (regIOobject &, const bool masterOnly, const IOstreamOption::streamFormat format, const word &typeName) const
 Top-level read. More...
virtual autoPtr< ISstreamNewIFstream (const fileName &) const
 Generate an ISstream that reads a file. More...
virtual autoPtr< OSstreamNewOFstream (const fileName &pathname, IOstreamOption streamOpt=IOstreamOption(), const bool writeOnProc=true) const
 Generate an OSstream that writes a file. More...
virtual autoPtr< OSstreamNewOFstream (IOstreamOption::atomicType atomic, const fileName &pathname, IOstreamOption streamOpt=IOstreamOption(), const bool writeOnProc=true) const
 Generate an OSstream that writes a file. More...
virtual label addWatch (const fileName &) const
 Add watching of a file. Returns handle. More...
virtual bool removeWatch (const label) const
 Remove watch on a file (using handle) More...
virtual label findWatch (const labelList &watchIndices, const fileName &) const
 Find index (or -1) of file in list of handles. More...
virtual void addWatches (regIOobject &, const fileNameList &) const
 Helper: add watches for list of regIOobjects. More...
virtual fileName getFile (const label) const
 Get name of file being watched (using handle) More...
virtual void updateStates (const bool masterOnly, const bool syncPar) const
 Update state of all files. More...
virtual fileMonitor::fileState getState (const label) const
 Get current state of file (using handle) More...
virtual void setUnmodified (const label) const
 Set current state of file (using handle) to unmodified. More...
virtual instantList findTimes (const fileName &, const word &) const
 Get sorted list of times. More...
virtual IOobject findInstance (const IOobject &io, const scalar startValue, const word &stopInstance) const
 Find instance where IOobject is. More...
virtual void setTime (const Time &) const
 Callback for time change. More...
virtual void sync ()
 Forcibly parallel sync. More...
const HashPtrTable< DynamicList< instant > > & times () const noexcept
 Return cached times. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from fileOperation
 TypeName ("fileOperation")
 Runtime type information. More...
 fileOperation (const label comm, const labelUList &ioRanks=labelUList::null(), const bool distributedRoots=false)
 Construct from communicator, optionally with specified io-ranks and/or distributed roots. More...
 fileOperation (const Tuple2< label, labelList > &commAndIORanks, const bool distributedRoots=false)
 Construct from communicator with specified io-ranks. More...
 declareRunTimeSelectionTable (autoPtr, fileOperation, word,(bool verbose),(verbose))
 declareRunTimeSelectionTable (autoPtr, fileOperation, comm,(const Tuple2< label, labelList > &commAndIORanks, const bool distributedRoots, bool verbose),(commAndIORanks, distributedRoots, verbose))
virtual ~fileOperation ()=default
 Destructor. More...
label comm () const noexcept
 Communicator to use. More...
label comm (label communicator) const noexcept
 Set communicator to use [mutable]. Negative values are a no-op. More...
bool distributed () const noexcept
 Distributed roots (parallel run) More...
bool distributed (bool on) const noexcept
 Set distributed roots on/off [mutable]. More...
const labelListioRanks () const noexcept
 The list of IO ranks (global ranks) More...
InfoProxy< fileOperationinfo () const noexcept
 Return info proxy, used to print information to a stream. More...
virtual bool good () const
 True if the fileOperation can be considered valid. At the moment, primarily used to detect the dummy fileOperation. More...
virtual bool broadcastCopy (const label comm, const bool writeOnProc, const fileName &src, const fileName &dst) const
 Read dir/file (recursively if necessary) on master of the communicator, send and write contents to all 'writeOnProc' processors with local file name. More...
virtual fileName filePath (const fileName &, const bool checkGzip=true, const bool followLink=true) const
 Search for a file or directory. Use IOobject version in preference. More...
label nProcs () const noexcept
 Overall number of processors, from UPstream::nProcs() or detected from directories/results. More...
label nProcs (const label numProcs) noexcept
 Set number of processor directories/results. More...
virtual label nProcs (const fileName &dir, const fileName &local="", const label wantedNProcs=0) const
 Get number of processor directories/results. More...
fileName processorsCasePath (const IOobject &io, const word &procDir) const
 Generate path (like io.path) from root+casename with any. More...
fileName processorsPath (const IOobject &io, const word &instance, const word &procDir) const
 Generate path (like io.path) with provided instance and any. More...
fileName processorsPath (const fileName &, const word &procDir) const
 Operating on fileName: replace processorXXX with procDir. More...
label setNProcs (label numProcs)
 Same as nProcs. More...

Static Public Attributes

static float maxThreadFileBufferSize
 Max size of thread buffer size. This is the overall size of. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from masterUncollatedFileOperation
static float maxMasterFileBufferSize
 Max size of parallel communications. Switches from non-blocking. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from fileOperation
static const Enum< pathTypepathTypeNames_
static word processorsBaseDir = "processors"
 Return the processors directory name (usually "processors") More...
static word defaultFileHandler
 Name of the default fileHandler. More...
static refPtr< fileOperationfileHandlerPtr_
 The currently active file handler. Avoid accessing directly. More...

Protected Member Functions

void printBanner (const bool withRanks=false) const
 Print banner information, optionally with io ranks. More...
bool appendObject (const regIOobject &io, const fileName &pathName, IOstreamOption streamOpt) const
 Append to processorsNN/ file. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from masterUncollatedFileOperation
template<class Type >
Type scatterList (const UList< Type > &, const int, const label comm) const
template<class Type , class FileOp >
Type masterOp (const fileName &fName, const FileOp &fop, const int tag, const label comm) const
template<class Type , class FileOp >
Type masterOp (const fileName &src, const fileName &dest, const FileOp &fop, const int tag, const label comm) const
virtual fileName filePathInfo (const bool checkGlobal, const bool isFile, const IOobject &io, const dirIndexList &pDirs, const bool search, pathType &searchType, word &processorsDir, word &instance) const
 Search (locally!) for object; return info on how it was found. More...
fileName localObjectPath (const IOobject &, const pathType &searchType, const word &processorsDir, const word &instancePath) const
 Construct filePath. More...
bool exists (const dirIndexList &, IOobject &io) const
 Helper: check IO for local existence. Like filePathInfo but. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from fileOperation
fileMonitormonitor () const
 Get or create fileMonitor singleton. More...
refPtr< dirIndexListlookupAndCacheProcessorsPath (const fileName &objectPath, const bool syncPar) const
 Lookup name of processorsDDD using cache. More...
virtual refPtr< dirIndexListlookupProcessorsPath (const fileName &objectPath) const
 Lookup name of processorsDDD using cache. More...
bool exists (IOobject &io) const
 Does IOobject exist? Is either a directory (empty name()) or a file. More...
bool isIOrank (const label proci) const
 Is proci a master rank in the communicator (in parallel) or a master rank in the IO ranks (non-parallel) More...
void printRanks () const
 Helper: output which ranks are IO. More...

Protected Attributes

OFstreamCollator writer_
 Threaded writer. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from masterUncollatedFileOperation
HashPtrTable< DynamicList< instant > > times_
 Cached times for a given directory. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from fileOperation
label comm_
 Communicator to use. More...
label nProcs_
 Overall number of processors. More...
bool distributed_
 Distributed roots (parallel run) More...
const labelList ioRanks_
 The list of IO ranks (global ranks) More...
HashTable< dirIndexListprocsDirs_
 Detected processors directories. More...
std::unique_ptr< fileMonitormonitorPtr_
 File-change monitor for all registered files. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from fileOperation
enum  pathType : int {
 Enumeration for the location of an IOobject. More...
typedef Tuple2< fileName, Tuple2< pathType, int > > dirIndex
 Augment fileName with pathType and local offset. More...
typedef List< dirIndexdirIndexList
typedef IntRange< int > procRangeType
 For addressing a range of processors, identical to UPstream::rangeType. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from fileOperation
static refPtr< fileOperationnull ()
 Reference to a dummy file handler. More...
static autoPtr< fileOperationNew (const word &handlerType, bool verbose=false)
 Select fileHandler-type. Uses defaultFileHandler if the handlerType is empty. More...
static autoPtr< fileOperationNew (const word &handlerType, const Tuple2< label, labelList > &commAndIORanks, const bool distributedRoots, bool verbose=false)
 Select fileHandler-type. Uses defaultFileHandler if the handlerType is empty. More...
static autoPtr< fileOperationNew (const fileOperation &origHandler, const boolUList &useProc, bool verbose=false)
 Replicate the given fileHandler properties with a subset of (global) ranks. More...
static autoPtr< fileOperationNew (const fileOperation &origHandler, const bitSet &useProc, bool verbose=false)
 Replicate the given fileHandler properties with a subset of (global) ranks. More...
static autoPtr< fileOperationNewUncollated ()
 The commonly used uncollatedFileOperation. More...
static const fileOperationfileHandler ()
 Return the current file handler. Will create the default file handler if necessary. More...
static refPtr< fileOperationfileHandler (std::nullptr_t)
 Delete current file handler. More...
static refPtr< fileOperationfileHandler (refPtr< fileOperation > &newHandler)
 Replace the current file handler. More...
static refPtr< fileOperationfileHandler (refPtr< fileOperation > &&newHandler)
 Replace the current file handler. More...
static refPtr< fileOperationfileHandler (autoPtr< fileOperation > &&newHandler)
 Replace the current file handler. More...
static int cacheLevel () noexcept
 Return cache level. More...
static int cacheLevel (int level) noexcept
 Set cache level (0 = off). More...
static int nProcsFilter () noexcept
 Return collated 'processorsDDD' filtering. More...
static int nProcsFilter (int level) noexcept
 Set collated 'processorsDDD' filtering (0 = off). More...
static instantList sortTimes (const fileNameList &dirEntries, const word &constantName="constant")
 Sort directory entries according to time value,. More...
static bool uniformFile (const fileNameList &names)
 True if the file names are identical. False on an empty list. More...
static bool uniformFile (const label comm, const fileName &name)
 True if the file name is identical on all ranks. More...
static label splitProcessorPath (const fileName &objectPath, fileName &path, fileName &procDir, fileName &local, procRangeType &group, label &nProcs)
 Split objectPath into part before 'processor' and part after. More...
static label detectProcessorPath (const fileName &objPath)
 Detect processor number from '/aa/bb/processorDDD/cc'. More...
static labelRange subRanks (const labelUList &mainIOranks)
 Get (contiguous) range/bounds of ranks addressed within the given main io-ranks. More...
static labelList getGlobalHostIORanks ()
 Get list of global IO master ranks based on the hostname. It is assumed that each host range is contiguous. More...
static labelList getGlobalIORanks ()
 Get list of global IO ranks from FOAM_IORANKS env variable. If set, these correspond to the IO master ranks. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from masterUncollatedFileOperation
static word findInstancePath (const instantList &timeDirs, const instant &t)
 Equivalent of Time::findInstance. More...
static void readAndSend (const fileName &filePath, const labelUList &recvProcs, PstreamBuffers &pBufs)
 Read file contents and send to processors. More...
static autoPtr< ISstreamread (IOobject &io, const label comm, const bool uniform, const fileNameList &filePaths, const boolUList &readOnProcs)
 Read files on comms master. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from fileOperation
static void mergeTimes (const instantList &extraTimes, const word &constantName, instantList &times)
 Merge two times. More...
static bool isFileOrDir (const bool isFile, const fileName &)
 Helper: check for file (isFile) or directory (!isFile) More...
static label getManagedComm (const label communicator)
 Construction helper: check for locally allocated communicator. More...
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from fileOperation
static int cacheLevel_
 Cache level (eg, for caching time directories). Default: 1. More...

Detailed Description

Version of masterUncollatedFileOperation that collates regIOobjects into a container in the processors/ subdirectory.

Uses threading if maxThreadFileBufferSize != 0. > 0 : Can use mpi inside thread to collect data if buffer is not large enough. Does need full thread support inside MPI.

< 0 : special : -maxThreadFileBufferSize is guaranteed large enough for all writing. Initialises MPI without thread support.

See also
Source files

Definition at line 62 of file collatedFileOperation.H.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ collatedFileOperation() [1/2]

collatedFileOperation ( bool  verbose = false)

Default construct.

Definition at line 247 of file collatedFileOperation.C.

◆ collatedFileOperation() [2/2]

collatedFileOperation ( const Tuple2< label, labelList > &  commAndIORanks,
const bool  distributedRoots,
bool  verbose = false 

Construct from communicator with specified io-ranks.

Definition at line 265 of file collatedFileOperation.C.

◆ ~collatedFileOperation()

~collatedFileOperation ( )


Definition at line 293 of file collatedFileOperation.C.

References Foam::flush(), and UPstream::freeCommunicator().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

◆ printBanner()

void printBanner ( const bool  withRanks = false) const

Print banner information, optionally with io ranks.

fileModificationChecking already set by base class (masterUncollated)

if (IOobject::fileModificationChecking == IOobject::timeStampMaster) { WarningInFunction << "Resetting fileModificationChecking to timeStamp" << endl; } else if (IOobject::fileModificationChecking == IOobject::inotifyMaster) { WarningInFunction << "Resetting fileModificationChecking to inotify" << endl; }

Definition at line 79 of file collatedFileOperation.C.

References DetailInfo, Foam::endl(), and Foam::nl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ appendObject()

bool appendObject ( const regIOobject io,
const fileName pathName,
IOstreamOption  streamOpt 
) const

◆ TypeName()

TypeName ( "collated"  )

Runtime type information.

◆ storeComm()

void storeComm ( ) const

Transfer ownership of communicator to this fileOperation. Use with caution.

Reimplemented from masterUncollatedFileOperation.

Reimplemented in hostCollatedFileOperation.

Definition at line 284 of file collatedFileOperation.C.

◆ objectPath()

Foam::fileName objectPath ( const IOobject io,
const word typeName 
) const

Generate disk file name for object. Opposite of filePath.

Reimplemented from fileOperation.

Definition at line 305 of file collatedFileOperation.C.

References io(), masterUncollatedFileOperation::localObjectPath(), word::null, fileOperation::OBJECT, and fileOperation::PROCOBJECT.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ writeObject()

bool writeObject ( const regIOobject io,
IOstreamOption  streamOpt = IOstreamOption(),
const bool  writeOnProc = true 
) const

◆ flush()

void flush ( ) const

Forcibly wait until all output done. Flush any cached data.

Reimplemented from masterUncollatedFileOperation.

Definition at line 508 of file collatedFileOperation.C.

References Foam::ensightOutput::debug, Foam::endl(), masterUncollatedFileOperation::flush(), and Foam::Pout.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ processorsDir() [1/2]

Foam::word processorsDir ( const IOobject io) const

Actual name of processors dir.

Reimplemented from fileOperation.

Definition at line 591 of file collatedFileOperation.C.

References io().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ processorsDir() [2/2]

Foam::word processorsDir ( const fileName fName) const

Actual name of processors dir.

Reimplemented from fileOperation.

Definition at line 522 of file collatedFileOperation.C.

References UList< T >::first(), UList< T >::last(), Foam::name(), UPstream::parRun(), UPstream::procID(), and UList< T >::size().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ writer_

OFstreamCollator writer_

Threaded writer.

Definition at line 89 of file collatedFileOperation.H.

◆ maxThreadFileBufferSize

float maxThreadFileBufferSize

Max size of thread buffer size. This is the overall size of.

all files to be written. Starts blocking if not enough size. Read as float to enable easy specification of large sizes.

Definition at line 126 of file collatedFileOperation.H.

Referenced by fileOperationInitialise_collated::needsThreading().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: