transformPoints.C File Reference

Transforms the mesh points in the polyMesh directory according to the translate, rotate and scale options. More...

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Detailed Description

Transforms the mesh points in the polyMesh directory according to the translate, rotate and scale options.

Original source file transformPoints.C

Options are:

-time value Specify the time to search from and apply the transformation (default is latest)

-recentre Recentre using the bounding box centre before other operations

-translate vector Translate the points by the given vector before rotations

-rotate (vector vector) Rotate the points from the first vector to the second

-rotate-angle (vector angle) Rotate angle degrees about vector axis.

-rotate-x angle Rotate (degrees) about x-axis.

-rotate-y angle Rotate (degrees) about y-axis.

-rotate-z angle Rotate (degrees) about z-axis.

or -yawPitchRoll : (yaw pitch roll) degrees or -rollPitchYaw : (roll pitch yaw) degrees

-scale scalar|vector Scale the points by the given scalar or vector on output.

The any or all of the three options may be specified and are processed in the above order.

-cylToCart (originVector axisVector directionVector) Tranform cylindrical coordinates to cartesian coordinates

With -rotateFields (in combination with -rotate/yawPitchRoll/rollPitchYaw) it will also read & transform vector & tensor fields.

roll (rotation about x) pitch (rotation about y) yaw (rotation about z)

Definition in file transformPoints.C.