renumberMesh.C File Reference

Renumbers the cell list in order to reduce the bandwidth, reading and renumbering all fields from all the time directories. More...

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Detailed Description

Renumbers the cell list in order to reduce the bandwidth, reading and renumbering all fields from all the time directories.

Original source file renumberMesh.C

By default uses bandCompression (Cuthill-McKee) or the method specified by the -renumber-method option, but will read system/renumberMeshDict if -dict option is present

renumberMesh [OPTIONS]


  • -allRegions
    Use all regions in regionProperties
  • -case <dir>
    Specify case directory to use (instead of the cwd).
  • -constant
    Include the 'constant/' dir in the times list.
  • -decompose
    Aggregate initially with a decomposition method (serial only)
  • -decomposeParDict <file>
    Use specified file for decomposePar dictionary.
  • -dict <file>
    Use specified file for renumberMeshDict dictionary.
  • -dry-run
    Test only
  • -frontWidth
    Calculate the rms of the front-width
  • -latestTime
    Select the latest time.
  • -lib <name>
    Additional library or library list to load (can be used multiple times).
  • -no-fields
    Suppress renumber of fields
  • -noZero
    Exclude the 0 dir from the times list.
  • -overwrite
    Overwrite existing mesh/results files
  • -parallel
    Run in parallel
  • -region <regionName>
    Renumber named region.
  • -regions <wordRes>
    Renumber named regions.
  • -renumber-coeffs <string-content>
    String to create renumber dictionary contents.
  • -renumber-method <name>
    Specify renumber method (default: CuthillMcKee) without dictionary
  • -time <value>
    Specify time to select
  • -verbose
    Additional verbosity.
  • -doc
    Display documentation in browser.
  • -doc-source
    Display source code in browser.
  • -help
    Display short help and exit.
  • -help-man
    Display full help (manpage format) and exit.
  • -help-notes
    Display help notes (description) and exit.
  • -help-full
    Display full help and exit.

Definition in file renumberMesh.C.