Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2  ========= |
3  \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4  \\ / O peration |
5  \\ / A nd |
6  \\/ M anipulation |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8  Copyright (C) 2011-2016 OpenFOAM Foundation
9  Copyright (C) 2016-2023 OpenCFD Ltd.
10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 License
12  This file is part of OpenFOAM.
14  OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
15  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
16  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
17  (at your option) any later version.
19  OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
20  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
21  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
22  for more details.
24  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
25  along with OpenFOAM. If not, see <>.
27 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
29 #include "pairPatchAgglomeration.H"
30 #include "meshTools.H"
31 #include "edgeHashes.H"
32 #include "unitConversion.H"
33 #include "OBJstream.H"
35 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
37 namespace Foam
38 {
39  defineTypeNameAndDebug(pairPatchAgglomeration, 0);
40 }
43 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * //
45 void Foam::pairPatchAgglomeration::compactLevels(const label nCreatedLevels)
46 {
47  nFaces_.setSize(nCreatedLevels);
48  restrictAddressing_.setSize(nCreatedLevels);
49  patchLevels_.setSize(nCreatedLevels);
50 }
53 bool Foam::pairPatchAgglomeration::continueAgglomerating
54 (
55  const label nLocal,
56  const label nLocalOld,
57  const label nMarkedEdges
58 )
59 {
60  // Keep agglomerating
61  // - if global number of faces is still changing
62  // - and if local number of faces still too large (on any processor)
63  // or if global number of faces still too large
65  label nGlobal = returnReduce(nLocal, sumOp<label>());
66  label nGlobalOld = returnReduce(nLocalOld, sumOp<label>());
67  label nGlobalMarked = returnReduce(nMarkedEdges, sumOp<label>());
69  return
70  (
71  returnReduceOr(nLocal > nFacesInCoarsestLevel_)
72  || nGlobal > nGlobalFacesInCoarsestLevel_
73  )
74  && (nGlobal != nGlobalOld || nGlobalMarked > 0);
75 }
78 void Foam::pairPatchAgglomeration::setLevel0EdgeWeights()
79 {
80  const bPatch& coarsePatch = patchLevels_[0];
81  const auto& coarseEdges = coarsePatch.edges();
83  // Statistics on edges
84  label nNonManif = 0;
85  label nFeat = 0;
87  for (label i = 0; i < coarsePatch.nInternalEdges(); i++)
88  {
89  scalar edgeLength = coarseEdges[i].mag(coarsePatch.localPoints());
91  const labelList& eFaces = coarsePatch.edgeFaces()[i];
93  if (eFaces.size() == 2)
94  {
95  scalar cosI =
96  coarsePatch.faceNormals()[eFaces[0]]
97  & coarsePatch.faceNormals()[eFaces[1]];
99  const edge edgeCommon = edge(eFaces[0], eFaces[1]);
101  if (facePairWeight_.found(edgeCommon))
102  {
103  facePairWeight_[edgeCommon] += edgeLength;
104  }
105  else
106  {
107  facePairWeight_.insert(edgeCommon, edgeLength);
108  }
110  if (cosI < Foam::cos(degToRad(featureAngle_)))
111  {
112  facePairWeight_[edgeCommon] = -1.0;
113  nFeat++;
114  }
115  }
116  else
117  {
118  forAll(eFaces, j)
119  {
120  for (label k = j+1; k<eFaces.size(); k++)
121  {
122  facePairWeight_.insert
123  (
124  edge(eFaces[j], eFaces[k]),
125  -1.0
126  );
127  }
128  }
129  nNonManif++;
130  }
131  }
133  if (debug)
134  {
135  Pout<< "Level:" << 0
136  << " nEdges:" << coarsePatch.nEdges() << " of which:" << nl
137  << " boundary:" << coarsePatch.nBoundaryEdges() << nl
138  << " non-manifold:" << nNonManif << nl
139  << " feature (angle < " << featureAngle_ << "):" << nFeat << nl
140  << endl;
141  }
142 }
145 void Foam::pairPatchAgglomeration::setEdgeWeights
146 (
147  const label fineLevelIndex
148 )
149 {
150  const bPatch& coarsePatch = patchLevels_[fineLevelIndex];
151  const auto& coarseEdges = coarsePatch.edges();
152  const labelList& fineToCoarse = restrictAddressing_[fineLevelIndex];
154  edgeHashSet fineFeaturedFaces(coarsePatch.nEdges()/10);
156  // Map fine faces with featured edge into coarse faces
157  forAllConstIters(facePairWeight_, iter)
158  {
159  if (iter() == -1.0)
160  {
161  const edge e = iter.key();
162  const edge edgeFeatured
163  (
164  fineToCoarse[e[0]],
165  fineToCoarse[e[1]]
166  );
167  fineFeaturedFaces.insert(edgeFeatured);
168  }
169  }
172  // Statistics on edges
173  label nNonManif = 0;
174  label nFeat = 0;
176  // Clean old weights
177  facePairWeight_.clear();
178  facePairWeight_.reserve(coarsePatch.nEdges());
180  for (label i = 0; i < coarsePatch.nInternalEdges(); i++)
181  {
182  scalar edgeLength = coarseEdges[i].mag(coarsePatch.localPoints());
184  const labelList& eFaces = coarsePatch.edgeFaces()[i];
186  if (eFaces.size() == 2)
187  {
188  const edge edgeCommon(eFaces[0], eFaces[1]);
189  // If the fine 'pair' faces was featured edge so it is
190  // the coarse 'pair'
191  if (fineFeaturedFaces.found(edgeCommon))
192  {
193  auto w = facePairWeight_.find(edgeCommon);
194  if (!w.good())
195  {
196  facePairWeight_.insert(edgeCommon, -1.0);
197  nFeat++;
198  }
199  else if (w() != -1.0)
200  {
201  // Mark as feature edge
202  w() = -1.0;
203  nFeat++;
204  }
205  }
206  else
207  {
208  auto w = facePairWeight_.find(edgeCommon);
209  if (w)
210  {
211  if (w() != -1.0)
212  {
213  w() += edgeLength;
214  }
215  }
216  else
217  {
218  facePairWeight_.insert(edgeCommon, edgeLength);
219  }
220  }
221  }
222  else
223  {
224  // Set edge as barrier by setting weight to -1
225  forAll(eFaces, j)
226  {
227  for (label k = j+1; k<eFaces.size(); k++)
228  {
229  facePairWeight_.insert
230  (
231  edge(eFaces[j], eFaces[k]),
232  -1.0
233  );
234  }
235  }
236  nNonManif++;
237  }
238  }
240  if (debug)
241  {
242  Pout<< "Level:" << fineLevelIndex
243  << " nEdges:" << coarsePatch.nEdges() << " of which:" << nl
244  << " boundary:" << coarsePatch.nBoundaryEdges() << nl
245  << " non-manifold:" << nNonManif << nl
246  << " feature (angle < " << featureAngle_ << "):" << nFeat << nl
247  << endl;
248  }
249 }
252 bool Foam::pairPatchAgglomeration::isSingleEdgeLoop
253 (
254  const bPatch& patch,
255  const labelList& faceIDs,
256  const label facei
257 ) const
258 {
259  // Does combining facei with faceIDs produce a valid single face?
261  labelList allFaces(faceIDs.size()+1);
262  SubList<label>(allFaces, faceIDs.size()) = faceIDs;
263  allFaces.last() = facei;
265  // Construct single face
266  const indirectPrimitivePatch upp
267  (
268  IndirectList<face>(patch, allFaces),
269  patch.points()
270  );
272  return (upp.edgeLoops().size() == 1);
273 }
276 Foam::label Foam::pairPatchAgglomeration::maxValidNeighbour
277 (
278  const bool addToCluster,
279  const bPatch& patch,
280  const label facei,
281  const labelList& fineToCoarse
282  //const labelListList& coarseToFine
283 ) const
284 {
285  // Return index of neighbour face with max edge weight. Either looks
286  // at clustered faces (addToCluster=true) or at unclustered faces
288  const auto& fFaces = patch.faceFaces()[facei];
290  label matchFaceNeibNo = -1;
291  scalar maxFaceWeight = -0.5; // negative but larger than -1 (= feature)
293  if (addToCluster)
294  {
295  // Check faces to find grouped neighbour with largest face weight
296  // and that forms a single edge cut
297  for (const label faceNeig : fFaces)
298  {
299  const label coarsei = fineToCoarse[faceNeig];
301  if (coarsei >= 0)
302  {
303  const edge edgeCommon = edge(facei, faceNeig);
304  const auto& weight = facePairWeight_[edgeCommon];
305  if
306  (
307  (weight > maxFaceWeight)
308  //&& (isSingleEdgeLoop(patch, coarseToFine[coarsei], facei))
309  )
310  {
311  maxFaceWeight = weight;
312  matchFaceNeibNo = faceNeig;
313  }
314  }
315  }
316  }
317  else
318  {
319  // Check faces to find ungrouped neighbour with largest face weight
320  for (const label faceNeig : fFaces)
321  {
322  const label coarsei = fineToCoarse[faceNeig];
324  if (coarsei < 0) // ungrouped
325  {
326  const edge edgeCommon = edge(facei, faceNeig);
327  const auto& weight = facePairWeight_[edgeCommon];
328  if (weight > maxFaceWeight)
329  {
330  maxFaceWeight = weight;
331  matchFaceNeibNo = faceNeig;
332  }
333  }
334  }
335  }
337  return matchFaceNeibNo;
338 }
341 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
343 Foam::pairPatchAgglomeration::pairPatchAgglomeration
344 (
345  const faceList& faces,
346  const pointField& points,
347  const dictionary& controlDict
348 )
349 :
350  mergeLevels_
351  (
352  controlDict.getOrDefault<label>("mergeLevels", 2)
353  ),
354  maxLevels_(50),
355  nFacesInCoarsestLevel_
356  (
357  controlDict.get<label>("nFacesInCoarsestLevel")
358  ),
359  nGlobalFacesInCoarsestLevel_(labelMax),
360  //(
361  // controlDict.get<label>("nGlobalFacesInCoarsestLevel")
362  //),
363  featureAngle_
364  (
365  controlDict.getOrDefault<scalar>("featureAngle", 0)
366  ),
367  nFaces_(maxLevels_),
368  restrictAddressing_(maxLevels_),
369  restrictTopBottomAddressing_(identity(faces.size())),
370  patchLevels_(maxLevels_),
371  facePairWeight_(faces.size())
372 {
373  // Set base fine patch
374  patchLevels_.set(0, new bPatch(faces, points));
376  // Set number of faces for the base patch
377  nFaces_[0] = faces.size();
379  // Set edge weights for level 0
380  setLevel0EdgeWeights();
381 }
384 Foam::pairPatchAgglomeration::pairPatchAgglomeration
385 (
386  const faceList& faces,
387  const pointField& points,
388  const label mergeLevels,
389  const label maxLevels,
390  const label nFacesInCoarsestLevel, // local number of cells
391  const label nGlobalFacesInCoarsestLevel, // global number of cells
392  const scalar featureAngle
393 )
394 :
395  mergeLevels_(mergeLevels),
396  maxLevels_(maxLevels),
397  nFacesInCoarsestLevel_(nFacesInCoarsestLevel),
398  nGlobalFacesInCoarsestLevel_(nGlobalFacesInCoarsestLevel),
399  featureAngle_(featureAngle),
400  nFaces_(maxLevels_),
401  restrictAddressing_(maxLevels_),
402  restrictTopBottomAddressing_(identity(faces.size())),
403  patchLevels_(maxLevels_),
404  facePairWeight_(faces.size())
405 {
406  // Set base fine patch
407  patchLevels_.set(0, new bPatch(faces, points));
409  // Set number of faces for the base patch
410  nFaces_[0] = faces.size();
412  // Set edge weights for level 0
413  setLevel0EdgeWeights();
414 }
417 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
420 {}
423 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
427 (
428  const label i
429 ) const
430 {
431  return patchLevels_[i];
432 }
435 void Foam::pairPatchAgglomeration::mapBaseToTopAgglom
436 (
437  const label fineLevelIndex
438 )
439 {
440  const labelList& fineToCoarse = restrictAddressing_[fineLevelIndex];
441  forAll(restrictTopBottomAddressing_, i)
442  {
443  restrictTopBottomAddressing_[i] =
444  fineToCoarse[restrictTopBottomAddressing_[i]];
445  }
446 }
449 bool Foam::pairPatchAgglomeration::agglomeratePatch
450 (
451  const bPatch& patch,
452  const labelList& fineToCoarse,
453  const label fineLevelIndex,
454  label& nMarkedEdges
455 )
456 {
457  if (min(fineToCoarse) == -1)
458  {
460  << "min(fineToCoarse) == -1" << exit(FatalError);
461  }
463  if (fineToCoarse.size() == 0)
464  {
465  return false;
466  }
468  if (fineToCoarse.size() != patch.size())
469  {
471  << "restrict map does not correspond to fine level. " << endl
472  << " Sizes: restrictMap: " << fineToCoarse.size()
473  << " nEqns: " << patch.size()
474  << abort(FatalError);
475  }
477  const label nCoarseI = max(fineToCoarse) + 1;
478  List<face> patchFaces(nCoarseI);
480  // Patch faces per agglomeration
481  labelListList coarseToFine(invertOneToMany(nCoarseI, fineToCoarse));
483  // Additional feature edges created
484  nMarkedEdges = 0;
487  for (label coarseI = 0; coarseI < nCoarseI; coarseI++)
488  {
489  const labelList& fineFaces = coarseToFine[coarseI];
491  // Construct single face
493  (
494  IndirectList<face>(patch, fineFaces),
495  patch.points()
496  );
498  if (upp.edgeLoops().size() != 1)
499  {
500  // More than one outside loop. Possible because pair-wise
501  // agglomeration has e.g. walked a path leaving a hole in the
502  // middle of a coarse face.
503  // - mark as feature edges to avoid locally further agglomeration
504  // - but further agglomeration might e.g. 'fill in the hole'
505  // - or immediately leave all agglomeration
506  // Currently we have no choice but to leave agglomeration since
507  // we cannot store a face-with-hole.
510  //{
511  // OBJstream os
512  // (
513  // "error_agglomeration_"+Foam::name(fineLevelIndex)+".obj"
514  // );
515  // Pout<< "Writing error patch at level:" << fineLevelIndex
516  // << " to:" << << endl;
517  // os.write(upp.localFaces(), upp.localPoints(), true);
518  //}
520  if (fineFaces.size() >= 2)
521  {
522  forAll(fineFaces, j)
523  {
524  for (label k = j+1; k<fineFaces.size(); k++)
525  {
526  const edge e(fineFaces[j], fineFaces[k]);
528  auto w = facePairWeight_.find(e);
529  if (!w.good())
530  {
531  facePairWeight_.insert(e, -1.0);
532  nMarkedEdges++;
533  }
534  else if (w() != -1.0)
535  {
536  // Mark as feature edge
537  w() = -1.0;
538  nMarkedEdges++;
539  }
540  }
541  }
542  }
544  return false;
545  }
547  // In-place override face
548  patchFaces[coarseI] = face
549  (
550  renumber
551  (
552  upp.meshPoints(),
553  upp.edgeLoops()[0]
554  )
555  );
556  }
558  patchLevels_.set
559  (
560  fineLevelIndex,
561  new bPatch
562  (
563  SubList<face>(patchFaces, nCoarseI, 0),
564  patch.points()
565  )
566  );
568  return true;
569 }
573 {
574  label nPairLevels = 0;
575  label nCreatedLevels = 1; // 0 level is the base patch
577  label nCoarseFaces = 0;
578  label nCoarseFacesOld = 0;
579  label nMarkedEdges = 0;
581  while (nCreatedLevels < maxLevels_)
582  {
583  const bPatch& patch = patchLevels_[nCreatedLevels - 1];
585  // Agglomerate locally
586  tmp<labelField> tfinalAgglom;
588  bool createdLevel = false;
589  while (!createdLevel)
590  {
591  // Agglomerate locally using edge weights
592  // - calculates nCoarseFaces; returns fine to coarse addressing
593  tfinalAgglom = agglomerateOneLevel(nCoarseFaces, patch);
595  if (nCoarseFaces == 0)
596  {
597  break;
598  }
599  else
600  {
601  // Attempt to create coarse face addressing
602  // - returns true if successful; otherwise resets edge weights
603  // and tries again...
604  createdLevel = agglomeratePatch
605  (
606  patch,
607  tfinalAgglom,
608  nCreatedLevels,
609  nMarkedEdges
610  );
611  }
612  }
614  if (createdLevel)
615  {
616  if (debug)
617  {
618  const auto& agglomPatch = patchLevels_[nCreatedLevels];
619  OBJstream os("agglomPatch"+Foam::name(nCreatedLevels)+".obj");
620  Pout<< "Writing new patch at level:" << nCreatedLevels
621  << " to:" << << endl;
622  os.write(agglomPatch, agglomPatch.points(), true);
623  }
625  restrictAddressing_.set(nCreatedLevels, tfinalAgglom);
627  mapBaseToTopAgglom(nCreatedLevels);
629  setEdgeWeights(nCreatedLevels);
631  if (nPairLevels % mergeLevels_)
632  {
633  combineLevels(nCreatedLevels);
634  }
635  else
636  {
637  nCreatedLevels++;
638  }
640  nPairLevels++;
642  nFaces_[nCreatedLevels] = nCoarseFaces;
643  }
645  // Check to see if we need to continue agglomerating
646  // - Note: performs parallel reductions
647  if (!continueAgglomerating(nCoarseFaces, nCoarseFacesOld, nMarkedEdges))
648  {
649  break;
650  }
652  nCoarseFacesOld = nCoarseFaces;
653  }
655  compactLevels(nCreatedLevels);
656 }
659 Foam::tmp<Foam::labelField> Foam::pairPatchAgglomeration::agglomerateOneLevel
660 (
661  label& nCoarseFaces,
662  const bPatch& patch
663 )
664 {
665  const label nFineFaces = patch.size();
667  auto tcoarseCellMap = tmp<labelField>::New(nFineFaces, -1);
668  auto& coarseCellMap = tcoarseCellMap.ref();
670  const labelListList& faceFaces = patch.faceFaces();
672  //labelListList coarseToFine(nFineFaces);
673  nCoarseFaces = 0;
675  forAll(faceFaces, facei)
676  {
677  if (coarseCellMap[facei] < 0)
678  {
679  const label matchFaceNeibNo = maxValidNeighbour
680  (
681  false, // ungrouped neighbours only
682  patch,
683  facei,
684  coarseCellMap
685  //coarseToFine
686  );
688  if (matchFaceNeibNo >= 0)
689  {
690  // Make a new group
691  coarseCellMap[facei] = nCoarseFaces;
692  coarseCellMap[matchFaceNeibNo] = nCoarseFaces;
693  //coarseToFine[nCoarseFaces] =
694  // labelList({facei, matchFaceNeibNo});
695  nCoarseFaces++;
696  }
697  else
698  {
699  // No match. Find the best neighbouring cluster and
700  // put the cell there
701  const label clusterMatchFaceNo = maxValidNeighbour
702  (
703  true, // grouped neighbours only
704  patch,
705  facei,
706  coarseCellMap
707  //coarseToFine
708  );
710  if (clusterMatchFaceNo >= 0)
711  {
712  // Add the cell to the best cluster
713  const label coarsei = coarseCellMap[clusterMatchFaceNo];
714  coarseCellMap[facei] = coarsei;
715  //coarseToFine[coarsei].append(facei);
716  }
717  else
718  {
719  // If not create single-cell "clusters" for each
720  coarseCellMap[facei] = nCoarseFaces;
721  //coarseToFine[nCoarseFaces] = labelList({facei});
722  nCoarseFaces++;
723  }
724  }
725  }
726  }
728  //coarseToFine.setSize(nCoarseFaces);
730  // Check that all faces are part of clusters,
731  for (label facei=0; facei<nFineFaces; facei++)
732  {
733  if (coarseCellMap[facei] < 0)
734  {
736  << " face " << facei
737  << " is not part of a cluster"
738  << exit(FatalError);
739  }
740  }
742  return tcoarseCellMap;
743 }
746 void Foam::pairPatchAgglomeration::combineLevels(const label curLevel)
747 {
748  label prevLevel = curLevel - 1;
750  // Set the previous level nCells to the current
751  nFaces_[prevLevel] = nFaces_[curLevel];
753  // Map the restrictAddressing from the coarser level into the previous
754  // finer level
756  const labelList& curResAddr = restrictAddressing_[curLevel];
757  labelList& prevResAddr = restrictAddressing_[prevLevel];
759  forAll(prevResAddr, i)
760  {
761  prevResAddr[i] = curResAddr[prevResAddr[i]];
762  }
764  // Delete the restrictAddressing for the coarser level
765  restrictAddressing_.set(curLevel, nullptr);
767  patchLevels_.set(prevLevel, patchLevels_.set(curLevel, nullptr));
768 }
771 // ************************************************************************* //
List< ReturnType > get(const UPtrList< T > &list, const AccessOp &aop)
List of values generated by applying the access operation to each list item.
PrimitivePatch< List< face >, const pointField > bPatch
void size(const label n)
Older name for setAddressableSize.
Definition: UList.H:116
PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, const pointField > bPatch
errorManipArg< error, int > exit(error &err, const int errNo=1)
Definition: errorManip.H:125
virtual Ostream & write(const char c) override
Write character.
Definition: OBJstream.C:69
error FatalError
Error stream (stdout output on all processes), with additional &#39;FOAM FATAL ERROR&#39; header text and sta...
A list of keyword definitions, which are a keyword followed by a number of values (eg...
Definition: dictionary.H:129
#define FatalErrorInFunction
Report an error message using Foam::FatalError.
Definition: error.H:608
virtual const fileName & name() const override
Read/write access to the name of the stream.
Definition: OSstream.H:134
PtrList< labelField > restrictAddressing_
Cell restriction addressing array.
label max(const labelHashSet &set, label maxValue=labelMin)
Find the max value in labelHashSet, optionally limited by second argument.
Definition: hashSets.C:40
IntListType renumber(const labelUList &oldToNew, const IntListType &input)
Renumber the values within a list.
Unit conversion functions.
constexpr char nl
The newline &#39;\n&#39; character (0x0a)
Definition: Ostream.H:50
Ostream & endl(Ostream &os)
Add newline and flush stream.
Definition: Ostream.H:531
HashSet< edge, Hash< edge > > edgeHashSet
A HashSet with edge for its key. Hashing (and ==) on an edge is symmetric.
Definition: edgeHashes.H:48
label k
Boltzmann constant.
PrimitivePatch< IndirectList< face >, const pointField & > indirectPrimitivePatch
A PrimitivePatch with an IndirectList for the faces, const reference for the point field...
T returnReduce(const T &value, const BinaryOp &bop, const int tag=UPstream::msgType(), const label comm=UPstream::worldComm)
Perform reduction on a copy, using specified binary operation.
List< labelList > labelListList
List of labelList.
Definition: labelList.H:38
PtrList< bPatch > patchLevels_
Hierarchy of patch addressing.
#define forAll(list, i)
Loop across all elements in list.
Definition: stdFoam.H:421
A list of faces which address into the list of points.
const dimensionedScalar e
Elementary charge.
Definition: createFields.H:11
void setSize(const label n)
Alias for resize()
Definition: List.H:320
dimensionedScalar cos(const dimensionedScalar &ds)
word name(const expressions::valueTypeCode typeCode)
A word representation of a valueTypeCode. Empty for expressions::valueTypeCode::INVALID.
Definition: exprTraits.C:127
const pointField & points
labelListList invertOneToMany(const label len, const labelUList &map)
Invert one-to-many map. Unmapped elements will be size 0.
Definition: ListOps.C:126
labelList identity(const label len, label start=0)
Return an identity map of the given length with (map[i] == i), works like std::iota() but returning a...
Definition: labelLists.C:44
const bPatch & patchLevel(const label leveli) const
Return primitivePatch of given level.
void agglomerate()
Agglomerate patch.
static tmp< T > New(Args &&... args)
Construct tmp with forwarding arguments.
Definition: tmp.H:206
label min(const labelHashSet &set, label minValue=labelMax)
Find the min value in labelHashSet, optionally limited by second argument.
Definition: hashSets.C:26
runTime controlDict().readEntry("adjustTimeStep"
The central control dictionary, the contents of which are either taken directly from the FOAM_CONTROL...
Definition: debug.C:142
errorManip< error > abort(error &err)
Definition: errorManip.H:139
An OFstream that keeps track of vertices and provides convenience output methods for OBJ files...
Definition: OBJstream.H:55
int debug
Static debugging option.
OBJstream os(runTime.globalPath()/outputName)
defineTypeNameAndDebug(combustionModel, 0)
T & last()
Access last element of the list, position [size()-1].
Definition: UList.H:876
const std::string patch
OpenFOAM patch number as a std::string.
labelList nFaces_
The number of faces in each level.
constexpr label labelMax
Definition: label.H:55
List< label > labelList
A List of labels.
Definition: List.H:62
A class for managing temporary objects.
Definition: HashPtrTable.H:50
bool returnReduceOr(const bool value, const label comm=UPstream::worldComm)
Perform logical (or) MPI Allreduce on a copy. Uses UPstream::reduceOr.
constexpr scalar degToRad(const scalar deg) noexcept
Conversion from degrees to radians.
prefixOSstream Pout
OSstream wrapped stdout (std::cout) with parallel prefix.
Namespace for OpenFOAM.
forAllConstIters(mixture.phases(), phase)
Definition: pEqn.H:28