Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2  ========= |
3  \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4  \\ / O peration |
5  \\ / A nd | www.openfoam.com
6  \\/ M anipulation |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8  Copyright (C) 2007-2023 PCOpt/NTUA
9  Copyright (C) 2013-2023 FOSS GP
10  Copyright (C) 2019-2020 OpenCFD Ltd.
11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 License
13  This file is part of OpenFOAM.
15  OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
16  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
17  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
18  (at your option) any later version.
20  OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
21  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
22  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
23  for more details.
25  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
26  along with OpenFOAM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
28 Class
29  Foam::objective
31 Description
32  Abstract base class for objective functions. No point in making this
33  runTime selectable since its children will have different constructors.
35 SourceFiles
36  objective.C
38 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
40 #ifndef objective_H
41 #define objective_H
43 #include "localIOdictionary.H"
44 #include "autoPtr.H"
45 #include "runTimeSelectionTables.H"
46 #include "OFstream.H"
47 #include "boundaryFieldsFwd.H"
48 #include "solverControl.H"
49 #include "objectiveFwd.H"
51 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
53 namespace Foam
54 {
56 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
57  Class objective Declaration
58 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
60 class objective
61 :
62  public localIOdictionary
63 {
64 protected:
66  // Protected data
68  const fvMesh& mesh_;
72  const word objectiveName_;
73  bool computeMeanFields_;
74  bool nullified_;
75  bool normalize_;
78  //- Objective function value and weight
79  scalar J_;
81  //- Average objective value
82  scalar JMean_;
84  //- Objective weight
85  scalar weight_;
87  //- Whether the objective is computed or not
88  // Some objective (e.g. geometric ones) might not change from one
89  // iteration of the primal solver to the next and might be expensive
90  // to evaluate. This can be used to compute them only once per
91  // optimisation cycle
92  bool computed_;
94  //- Normalization factor
97  //- Target value, in case the objective is used as a constraint
98  // Should be used with caution and with updateMethods
99  // than get affected by the target value, without
100  // requiring a sqr (e.g. SQP, MMA)
103  //- Target on the left hand-side of a double inequality,
104  //- for double sided constraints
107  //- Objective integration start and end times (for unsteady flows)
111  //- List of adjoint fields for which this objective will contribute
112  //- sources to their equations.
113  // Only for volume-based objectives for the moment
116  //- Contribution to field sensitivity derivatives
117  // Topology optimisation or other variants with
118  // as many design variables as the mesh cells
119  //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
120  autoPtr<volScalarField> dJdbPtr_;
122  //- Contribution to sensitivity derivatives with a
123  //- random number of design variables
124  //- (neither surface, nor volume based)
125  //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
128  // Contribution to surface sensitivity derivatives
129  // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
131  //- Term from material derivative
134  //- Term multiplying delta(n dS)/delta b
137  //- Term multiplying delta(n)/delta b
140  //- Term multiplying delta(x)/delta b at the boundary
143  //- Term multiplying delta(x)/delta b at the boundary
144  //- for objectives that directly depend on x, e.g. moment
145  //- Needed in both FI and SI computations
148  //- Contribution located in specific parts of a patch.
149  //- Mainly intended for patch boundary edges contributions, e.g.
150  //- NURBS surfaces G1 continuity
153  // Contribution to volume-based sensitivities from volume-based
154  // objective functions
155  // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
157  //- Multiplier of d(Volume)/db
160  //- Emerging from volume objectives that include spatial derivatives
163  //- Output file variables
166  //- File to keep the objective values after the end of the primal solver
169  //- File to keep the objective values at each iteration of the primal
170  //- solver
173  //- File to keep the average objective values after the end of the
174  //- primal solver
177  //- Default width of entries when writing in the objective files
178  unsigned int width_;
181  // Protected Member Functions
183  //- Set the output file ptr
184  void setObjectiveFilePtr() const;
186  //- Set the output file ptr for the instantaneous value
187  void setInstantValueFilePtr() const;
189  //- Set the output file ptr for the mean value
190  void setMeanValueFilePtr() const;
193 private:
195  // Private Member Functions
197  //- No copy construct
198  objective(const objective&) = delete;
200  //- No copy assignment
201  void operator=(const objective&) = delete;
203  //- Make objective Function Folder
204  void makeFolder();
207 public:
209  //- Runtime type information
210  TypeName("objective");
213  // Declare run-time constructor selection table
216  (
217  autoPtr,
218  objective,
219  objective,
220  (
221  const fvMesh& mesh,
222  const dictionary& dict,
223  const word& adjointSolverName,
224  const word& primalSolverName
225  ),
226  (mesh, dict, adjointSolverName, primalSolverName)
227  );
230  // Constructors
232  //- Construct from components
233  objective
234  (
235  const fvMesh& mesh,
236  const dictionary& dict,
237  const word& adjointSolverName,
238  const word& primalSolverName
239  );
242  // Selectors
244  //- Return a reference to the selected turbulence model
245  static autoPtr<objective> New
246  (
247  const fvMesh& mesh,
248  const dictionary& dict,
249  const word& objectiveType,
250  const word& adjointSolverName,
251  const word& primalSolverName
252  );
255  //- Destructor
256  virtual ~objective() = default;
259  // Member Functions
261  virtual bool readDict(const dictionary& dict);
263  //- Return the instantaneous objective function value
264  virtual scalar J() = 0;
266  //- Return the objective function of the optimisation cycle.
267  // This corresponds to the mean value, if it exists, or the
268  // instantaneous value otherwise
269  virtual scalar JCycle(bool negate = false) const;
271  //- Accumulate contribution for the mean objective value
272  // For steady-state runs
276  //- Accumulate contribution for the mean objective value
277  // For unsteady runs
278  virtual void accumulateJMean();
280  //- Return the objective function weight
281  virtual scalar weight() const;
283  //- Is the objective normalized
284  virtual bool normalize() const;
286  //- Normalize all fields allocated by the objective
287  virtual void doNormalization();
289  //- Check whether this is an objective integration time
290  virtual bool isWithinIntegrationTime() const;
292  //- Increment integration times
293  virtual void incrementIntegrationTimes(const scalar timeSpan);
295  //- Contribution to field sensitivities
296  inline const volScalarField& dJdb() const;
298  //- Contribution to sensitivities with a random number of designVars
299  inline const scalarField& dJdbField() const;
301  //- Contribution to surface sensitivities for a specific patch
302  inline const fvPatchVectorField& boundarydJdb(const label) const;
304  //- Multiplier of delta(n dS)/delta b
305  inline const fvPatchVectorField& dSdbMultiplier(const label) const;
307  //- Multiplier of delta(n dS)/delta b
308  inline const fvPatchVectorField& dndbMultiplier(const label) const;
310  //- Multiplier of delta(x)/delta b
311  inline const fvPatchVectorField& dxdbMultiplier(const label) const;
313  //- Multiplier of delta(x)/delta b
315  (
316  const label
317  ) const;
319  //- Multiplier located at patch boundary edges
320  inline const vectorField& boundaryEdgeMultiplier
321  (
322  const label patchI,
323  const label edgeI
324  ) const;
326  //- Contribution to surface sensitivities for all patches
327  inline const boundaryVectorField& boundarydJdb() const;
329  //- Multiplier of delta(n dS)/delta b for all patches
330  inline const boundaryVectorField& dSdbMultiplier() const;
332  //- Multiplier of delta(n dS)/delta b for all patches
333  inline const boundaryVectorField& dndbMultiplier() const;
335  //- Multiplier of delta(x)/delta b for all patches
336  inline const boundaryVectorField& dxdbMultiplier() const;
338  //- Multiplier of delta(x)/delta b for all patches
339  inline const boundaryVectorField& dxdbDirectMultiplier() const;
341  //- Multiplier located at patch boundary edges
342  inline const vectorField3& boundaryEdgeMultiplier() const;
344  //- Multiplier of grad( delta(x)/delta b) for volume-based sensitivities
345  inline const volScalarField& divDxDbMultiplier() const;
347  //- Multiplier of grad( delta(x)/delta b) for volume-based sensitivities
348  inline const volTensorField& gradDxDbMultiplier() const;
350  //- Update objective function derivatives
351  virtual void update() = 0;
353  //- Nullify adjoint contributions
354  virtual void nullify();
356  //- Update normalization factors, for objectives in
357  //- which the factor is not known a priori
358  virtual void updateNormalizationFactor();
361  virtual void update_dJdb()
362  {}
364  virtual void update_dJdbField()
365  {}
367  //- Update objective function derivative term
368  virtual void update_boundarydJdb()
369  {}
371  //- Update d (normal dS) / db multiplier. Surface-based sensitivity term
372  virtual void update_dSdbMultiplier()
373  {}
375  //- Update d (normal) / db multiplier. Surface-based sensitivity term
376  virtual void update_dndbMultiplier()
377  {}
379  //- Update d (x) / db multiplier. Surface-based sensitivity term
380  virtual void update_dxdbMultiplier()
381  {}
383  //- Update d (x) / db multiplier. Surface and volume-based sensitivity
384  //- term
385  virtual void update_dxdbDirectMultiplier()
386  {}
388  //- Update boundary edge contributions
389  virtual void update_boundaryEdgeContribution()
390  {}
392  //- Update div( dx/db multiplier). Volume-based sensitivity term
393  virtual void update_divDxDbMultiplier()
394  {}
396  //- Update grad( dx/db multiplier). Volume-based sensitivity term
397  virtual void update_gradDxDbMultiplier()
398  {}
401  //- Manipulate fvVectorMatrix through the objective
402  virtual void addSource(fvVectorMatrix& matrix)
403  {}
405  //- Manipulate fvVectorMatrix through the objective
406  virtual void addSource(fvScalarMatrix& matrix)
407  {}
409  //- Write objective function history
410  virtual bool write(const bool valid = true) const;
412  //- Write objective function history at each primal solver iteration
413  virtual void writeInstantaneousValue() const;
415  //- Append a blank line after the end of optimisation cycle to the
416  //- file holding the instantaneous objective values to facilitate
417  //- plotting
418  virtual void writeInstantaneousSeparator() const;
420  //- Write mean objective function history
421  virtual void writeMeanValue() const;
423  //- Write averaged objective for continuation
424  virtual bool writeData(Ostream& os) const;
426  // Helper write functions
428  //- Write any information that needs to go the header of the file
429  // (e.g. targets, directions, etc)
430  virtual void addHeaderInfo() const;
432  //- Write headers for additional columns
433  virtual void addHeaderColumns() const;
435  //- Write information to additional columns
436  virtual void addColumnValues() const;
438  //- Return the objective name
439  inline const word& objectiveName() const;
441  //- Should the objective be written to file upon calling write()?
442  inline bool shouldWrite() const;
444  //- Should the objective be written to file upon calling write()?
445  inline void setWrite(const bool shouldWrite);
447  // Inline functions for checking whether pointers are set or not
448  inline bool hasdJdb() const noexcept;
449  inline bool hasdJdbField() const noexcept;
450  inline bool hasBoundarydJdb() const noexcept;
451  inline bool hasdSdbMult() const noexcept;
452  inline bool hasdndbMult() const noexcept;
453  inline bool hasdxdbMult() const noexcept;
454  inline bool hasdxdbDirectMult() const noexcept;
455  inline bool hasBoundaryEdgeContribution() const noexcept;
456  inline bool hasDivDxDbMult() const noexcept;
457  inline bool hasGradDxDbMult() const noexcept;
459  // Inline functions for checking whether integration times are set
460  inline bool hasIntegrationStartTime() const noexcept;
461  inline bool hasIntegrationEndTime() const noexcept;
463  //- Set the computed status of the objective
464  inline void setComputed(const bool isComputed) noexcept;
466  //- Return objective dictionary
467  const dictionary& dict() const;
468 };
471 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
473 } // End namespace Foam
475 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
477 #include "objectiveI.H"
479 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
481 #endif
483 // ************************************************************************* //
void setInstantValueFilePtr() const
Set the output file ptr for the instantaneous value.
Definition: objective.C:65
virtual void update_dSdbMultiplier()
Update d (normal dS) / db multiplier. Surface-based sensitivity term.
Definition: objective.H:503
virtual void updateNormalizationFactor()
Update normalization factors, for objectives in which the factor is not known a priori.
Definition: objective.C:294
const scalarField & dJdbField() const
Contribution to sensitivities with a random number of designVars.
Definition: objectiveI.H:50
autoPtr< boundaryVectorField > bdxdbMultPtr_
Term multiplying delta(x)/delta b at the boundary.
Definition: objective.H:171
fvMatrix< scalar > fvScalarMatrix
Definition: fvMatricesFwd.H:37
autoPtr< scalar > target_
Target value, in case the objective is used as a constraint.
Definition: objective.H:110
A class for handling file names.
Definition: fileName.H:72
virtual void incrementIntegrationTimes(const scalar timeSpan)
Increment integration times.
Definition: objective.C:431
virtual void update_dJdb()
Definition: objective.H:488
const word adjointSolverName_
Definition: objective.H:65
virtual void addSource(fvVectorMatrix &matrix)
Manipulate fvVectorMatrix through the objective.
Definition: objective.H:547
const dictionary & dict() const
Return objective dictionary.
Definition: objective.C:91
virtual void writeMeanValue() const
Write mean objective function history.
Definition: objective.C:610
dictionary dict_
Definition: objective.H:64
A list of keyword definitions, which are a keyword followed by a number of values (eg...
Definition: dictionary.H:129
const vectorField3 & boundaryEdgeMultiplier() const
Multiplier located at patch boundary edges.
Definition: objectiveI.H:138
bool hasdxdbDirectMult() const noexcept
Definition: objectiveI.H:199
autoPtr< OFstream > objFunctionFilePtr_
File to keep the objective values after the end of the primal solver.
Definition: objective.H:209
bool hasBoundarydJdb() const noexcept
Definition: objectiveI.H:175
bool hasdJdbField() const noexcept
Definition: objectiveI.H:169
autoPtr< scalar > normFactor_
Normalization factor.
Definition: objective.H:101
virtual void update_dxdbMultiplier()
Update d (x) / db multiplier. Surface-based sensitivity term.
Definition: objective.H:515
autoPtr< scalar > targetLeft_
Target on the left hand-side of a double inequality, for double sided constraints.
Definition: objective.H:116
void setWrite(const bool shouldWrite)
Should the objective be written to file upon calling write()?
Definition: objectiveI.H:38
bool hasdndbMult() const noexcept
Definition: objectiveI.H:187
virtual void doNormalization()
Normalize all fields allocated by the objective.
Definition: objective.C:359
virtual scalar J()=0
Return the instantaneous objective function value.
virtual void accumulateJMean()
Accumulate contribution for the mean objective value.
Definition: objective.C:325
autoPtr< vectorField3 > bEdgeContribution_
Contribution located in specific parts of a patch. Mainly intended for patch boundary edges contribut...
Definition: objective.H:185
autoPtr< boundaryVectorField > bdJdbPtr_
Term from material derivative.
Definition: objective.H:156
const boundaryVectorField & dndbMultiplier() const
Multiplier of delta(n dS)/delta b for all patches.
Definition: objectiveI.H:119
bool hasBoundaryEdgeContribution() const noexcept
Definition: objectiveI.H:205
const word objectiveName_
Definition: objective.H:67
virtual void update_gradDxDbMultiplier()
Update grad( dx/db multiplier). Volume-based sensitivity term.
Definition: objective.H:540
wordList fieldNames_
List of adjoint fields for which this objective will contribute sources to their equations.
Definition: objective.H:130
localIOdictionary is derived from IOdictionary but excludes parallel master reading.
Default construct, a top-level empty dictionary.
Definition: dictionary.C:68
bool hasGradDxDbMult() const noexcept
Definition: objectiveI.H:217
virtual void update_divDxDbMultiplier()
Update div( dx/db multiplier). Volume-based sensitivity term.
Definition: objective.H:534
virtual bool write(const bool valid=true) const
Write objective function history.
Definition: objective.C:523
bool hasdSdbMult() const noexcept
Definition: objectiveI.H:181
static autoPtr< objective > New(const fvMesh &mesh, const dictionary &dict, const word &objectiveType, const word &adjointSolverName, const word &primalSolverName)
Return a reference to the selected turbulence model.
Definition: objective.C:215
autoPtr< scalar > integrationEndTimePtr_
Definition: objective.H:122
dynamicFvMesh & mesh
const boundaryVectorField & dxdbMultiplier() const
Multiplier of delta(x)/delta b for all patches.
Definition: objectiveI.H:125
bool computeMeanFields_
Definition: objective.H:68
const volScalarField & dJdb() const
Contribution to field sensitivities.
Definition: objectiveI.H:44
void setObjectiveFilePtr() const
Set the output file ptr.
Definition: objective.C:56
A class for handling words, derived from Foam::string.
Definition: word.H:63
void setMeanValueFilePtr() const
Set the output file ptr for the mean value.
Definition: objective.C:77
virtual void addHeaderColumns() const
Write headers for additional columns.
Definition: objective.C:655
virtual void update_dndbMultiplier()
Update d (normal) / db multiplier. Surface-based sensitivity term.
Definition: objective.H:509
virtual ~objective()=default
Base class for solver control classes.
Definition: solverControl.H:45
bool computed_
Whether the objective is computed or not.
Definition: objective.H:96
bool hasdJdb() const noexcept
Definition: objectiveI.H:163
virtual void update_boundarydJdb()
Update objective function derivative term.
Definition: objective.H:497
const boundaryVectorField & boundarydJdb() const
Contribution to surface sensitivities for all patches.
Definition: objectiveI.H:107
const fvMesh & mesh_
Definition: objective.H:63
void negate(DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh > &result, const DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh > &f1)
scalar JMean_
Average objective value.
Definition: objective.H:81
scalar J_
Objective function value and weight.
Definition: objective.H:76
Runtime type information.
const volScalarField & divDxDbMultiplier() const
Multiplier of grad( delta(x)/delta b) for volume-based sensitivities.
Definition: objectiveI.H:151
const direction noexcept
Definition: Scalar.H:258
virtual scalar weight() const
Return the objective function weight.
Definition: objective.C:347
virtual void update_dJdbField()
Definition: objective.H:491
virtual scalar JCycle(bool negate=false) const
Return the objective function of the optimisation cycle.
Definition: objective.C:258
Abstract base class for objective functions. No point in making this runTime selectable since its chi...
Definition: objective.H:55
autoPtr< boundaryVectorField > bdndbMultPtr_
Term multiplying delta(n)/delta b.
Definition: objective.H:166
virtual bool writeData(Ostream &os) const
Write averaged objective for continuation.
Definition: objective.C:637
virtual void writeInstantaneousValue() const
Write objective function history at each primal solver iteration.
Definition: objective.C:579
OBJstream os(runTime.globalPath()/outputName)
const word primalSolverName_
Definition: objective.H:66
const boundaryVectorField & dSdbMultiplier() const
Multiplier of delta(n dS)/delta b for all patches.
Definition: objectiveI.H:113
bool shouldWrite_
Definition: objective.H:71
const boundaryVectorField & dxdbDirectMultiplier() const
Multiplier of delta(x)/delta b for all patches.
Definition: objectiveI.H:132
Useful typenames for fields defined only at the boundaries.
virtual bool isWithinIntegrationTime() const
Check whether this is an objective integration time.
Definition: objective.C:409
autoPtr< volScalarField > divDxDbMultPtr_
Multiplier of d(Volume)/db.
Definition: objective.H:194
virtual void addColumnValues() const
Write information to additional columns.
Definition: objective.C:661
autoPtr< OFstream > meanValueFilePtr_
File to keep the average objective values after the end of the primal solver.
Definition: objective.H:221
unsigned int width_
Default width of entries when writing in the objective files.
Definition: objective.H:226
virtual void update_boundaryEdgeContribution()
Update boundary edge contributions.
Definition: objective.H:528
bool hasIntegrationStartTime() const noexcept
Definition: objectiveI.H:223
virtual void nullify()
Nullify adjoint contributions.
Definition: objective.C:468
autoPtr< scalarField > dJdbFieldPtr_
Contribution to field sensitivity derivatives.
Definition: objective.H:148
virtual void writeInstantaneousSeparator() const
Append a blank line after the end of optimisation cycle to the file holding the instantaneous objecti...
Definition: objective.C:598
bool shouldWrite() const
Should the objective be written to file upon calling write()?
Definition: objectiveI.H:32
virtual bool normalize() const
Is the objective normalized.
Definition: objective.C:353
scalar weight_
Objective weight.
Definition: objective.H:86
Mesh data needed to do the Finite Volume discretisation.
Definition: fvMesh.H:78
fvMatrix< vector > fvVectorMatrix
Definition: fvMatricesFwd.H:40
virtual void addHeaderInfo() const
Write any information that needs to go the header of the file.
Definition: objective.C:649
virtual bool readDict(const dictionary &dict)
Definition: objective.C:251
bool hasDivDxDbMult() const noexcept
Definition: objectiveI.H:211
void setComputed(const bool isComputed) noexcept
Set the computed status of the objective.
Definition: objectiveI.H:235
const volTensorField & gradDxDbMultiplier() const
Multiplier of grad( delta(x)/delta b) for volume-based sensitivities.
Definition: objectiveI.H:157
bool hasdxdbMult() const noexcept
Definition: objectiveI.H:193
autoPtr< volTensorField > gradDxDbMultPtr_
Emerging from volume objectives that include spatial derivatives.
Definition: objective.H:199
autoPtr< scalar > integrationStartTimePtr_
Objective integration start and end times (for unsteady flows)
Definition: objective.H:121
declareRunTimeNewSelectionTable(autoPtr, objective, objective,(const fvMesh &mesh, const dictionary &dict, const word &adjointSolverName, const word &primalSolverName),(mesh, dict, adjointSolverName, primalSolverName))
virtual void update()=0
Update objective function derivatives.
Definition: objective.C:447
autoPtr< OFstream > instantValueFilePtr_
File to keep the objective values at each iteration of the primal solver.
Definition: objective.H:215
Macros to ease declaration of run-time selection tables.
autoPtr< boundaryVectorField > bdxdbDirectMultPtr_
Term multiplying delta(x)/delta b at the boundary for objectives that directly depend on x...
Definition: objective.H:178
virtual void update_dxdbDirectMultiplier()
Update d (x) / db multiplier. Surface and volume-based sensitivity term.
Definition: objective.H:522
autoPtr< boundaryVectorField > bdSdbMultPtr_
Term multiplying delta(n dS)/delta b.
Definition: objective.H:161
fileName objFunctionFolder_
Output file variables.
Definition: objective.H:204
bool hasIntegrationEndTime() const noexcept
Definition: objectiveI.H:229
const word & objectiveName() const
Return the objective name.
Definition: objectiveI.H:26
Namespace for OpenFOAM.