Go to the documentation of this file.
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3  \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4  \\ / O peration |
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7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8  Copyright (C) 2011-2015 OpenFOAM Foundation
9  Copyright (C) 2022 Upstream CFD GmbH
10  Copyright (C) 2016-2023 OpenCFD Ltd.
11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 License
13  This file is part of OpenFOAM.
15  OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
16  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
17  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
18  (at your option) any later version.
20  OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
21  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
22  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
23  for more details.
25  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
26  along with OpenFOAM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
28 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
30 #include "kOmegaSSTBase.H"
31 #include "fvOptions.H"
32 #include "bound.H"
33 #include "wallDist.H"
35 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
37 namespace Foam
38 {
40 // * * * * * * * * * * * Protected Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * //
42 template<class BasicEddyViscosityModel>
44 (
45  const volScalarField& CDkOmega
46 ) const
47 {
48  tmp<volScalarField> CDkOmegaPlus = max
49  (
50  CDkOmega,
52  );
55  (
56  min
57  (
58  max
59  (
60  (scalar(1)/betaStar_)*sqrt(k_)/(omega_*y_),
61  scalar(500)*(this->mu()/this->rho_)/(sqr(y_)*omega_)
62  ),
63  (4*alphaOmega2_)*k_/(CDkOmegaPlus*sqr(y_))
64  ),
65  scalar(10)
66  );
68  return tanh(pow4(arg1));
69 }
72 template<class BasicEddyViscosityModel>
74 {
76  (
77  max
78  (
79  (scalar(2)/betaStar_)*sqrt(k_)/(omega_*y_),
80  scalar(500)*(this->mu()/this->rho_)/(sqr(y_)*omega_)
81  ),
82  scalar(100)
83  );
85  return tanh(sqr(arg2));
86 }
89 template<class BasicEddyViscosityModel>
91 {
93  (
94  150*(this->mu()/this->rho_)/(omega_*sqr(y_)),
95  scalar(10)
96  );
98  return 1 - tanh(pow4(arg3));
99 }
102 template<class BasicEddyViscosityModel>
104 {
105  tmp<volScalarField> f23(F2());
107  if (F3_)
108  {
109  f23.ref() *= F3();
110  }
112  return f23;
113 }
116 template<class BasicEddyViscosityModel>
118 (
119  const volScalarField& S2
120 )
121 {
122  // Correct the turbulence viscosity
123  this->nut_ = a1_*k_/max(a1_*omega_, b1_*F23()*sqrt(S2));
124  this->nut_.correctBoundaryConditions();
125  fv::options::New(this->mesh_).correct(this->nut_);
126 }
129 template<class BasicEddyViscosityModel>
131 {
132  correctNut(2*magSqr(symm(fvc::grad(this->U_))));
133 }
136 template<class BasicEddyViscosityModel>
138 (
139  const volTensorField& gradU
140 ) const
141 {
142  return 2*magSqr(symm(gradU));
143 }
146 template<class BasicEddyViscosityModel>
148 (
150 ) const
151 {
152  return min(G, (c1_*betaStar_)*this->k_()*this->omega_());
153 }
156 template<class BasicEddyViscosityModel>
158 (
159  const volScalarField& /* F1 not used */,
160  const volTensorField& /* gradU not used */
161 ) const
162 {
163  return betaStar_*omega_();
164 }
167 template<class BasicEddyViscosityModel>
169 (
170  const volTensorField& gradU,
171  const volScalarField& /* S2 not used */
172 ) const
173 {
175  (
176  IOobject::scopedName(this->type(), "GbyNu"),
177  gradU() && devTwoSymm(gradU())
178  );
179 }
182 template<class BasicEddyViscosityModel>
184 (
185  const volScalarField::Internal& GbyNu0,
187  const volScalarField::Internal& S2
188 ) const
189 {
190  return min
191  (
192  GbyNu0,
193  (c1_/a1_)*betaStar_*omega_()*max(a1_*omega_(), b1_*F2*sqrt(S2))
194  );
195 }
198 template<class BasicEddyViscosityModel>
200 {
202  (
203  k_,
204  dimVolume*this->rho_.dimensions()*k_.dimensions()/dimTime
205  );
206 }
209 template<class BasicEddyViscosityModel>
211 {
213  (
214  omega_,
215  dimVolume*this->rho_.dimensions()*omega_.dimensions()/dimTime
216  );
217 }
220 template<class BasicEddyViscosityModel>
222 (
223  const volScalarField::Internal& S2,
226 ) const
227 {
229  (
230  omega_,
231  dimVolume*this->rho_.dimensions()*omega_.dimensions()/dimTime
232  );
233 }
236 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
238 template<class BasicEddyViscosityModel>
240 (
241  const word& type,
242  const alphaField& alpha,
243  const rhoField& rho,
244  const volVectorField& U,
245  const surfaceScalarField& alphaRhoPhi,
246  const surfaceScalarField& phi,
247  const transportModel& transport,
248  const word& propertiesName
249 )
250 :
251  BasicEddyViscosityModel
252  (
253  type,
254  alpha,
255  rho,
256  U,
257  alphaRhoPhi,
258  phi,
259  transport,
260  propertiesName
261  ),
263  alphaK1_
264  (
265  dimensioned<scalar>::getOrAddToDict
266  (
267  "alphaK1",
268  this->coeffDict_,
269  0.85
270  )
271  ),
272  alphaK2_
273  (
274  dimensioned<scalar>::getOrAddToDict
275  (
276  "alphaK2",
277  this->coeffDict_,
278  1.0
279  )
280  ),
281  alphaOmega1_
282  (
283  dimensioned<scalar>::getOrAddToDict
284  (
285  "alphaOmega1",
286  this->coeffDict_,
287  0.5
288  )
289  ),
290  alphaOmega2_
291  (
292  dimensioned<scalar>::getOrAddToDict
293  (
294  "alphaOmega2",
295  this->coeffDict_,
296  0.856
297  )
298  ),
299  gamma1_
300  (
301  dimensioned<scalar>::getOrAddToDict
302  (
303  "gamma1",
304  this->coeffDict_,
305  5.0/9.0
306  )
307  ),
308  gamma2_
309  (
310  dimensioned<scalar>::getOrAddToDict
311  (
312  "gamma2",
313  this->coeffDict_,
314  0.44
315  )
316  ),
317  beta1_
318  (
319  dimensioned<scalar>::getOrAddToDict
320  (
321  "beta1",
322  this->coeffDict_,
323  0.075
324  )
325  ),
326  beta2_
327  (
328  dimensioned<scalar>::getOrAddToDict
329  (
330  "beta2",
331  this->coeffDict_,
332  0.0828
333  )
334  ),
335  betaStar_
336  (
337  dimensioned<scalar>::getOrAddToDict
338  (
339  "betaStar",
340  this->coeffDict_,
341  0.09
342  )
343  ),
344  a1_
345  (
346  dimensioned<scalar>::getOrAddToDict
347  (
348  "a1",
349  this->coeffDict_,
350  0.31
351  )
352  ),
353  b1_
354  (
355  dimensioned<scalar>::getOrAddToDict
356  (
357  "b1",
358  this->coeffDict_,
359  1.0
360  )
361  ),
362  c1_
363  (
364  dimensioned<scalar>::getOrAddToDict
365  (
366  "c1",
367  this->coeffDict_,
368  10.0
369  )
370  ),
371  F3_
372  (
373  Switch::getOrAddToDict
374  (
375  "F3",
376  this->coeffDict_,
377  false
378  )
379  ),
381  y_(wallDist::New(this->mesh_).y()),
383  k_
384  (
385  IOobject
386  (
387  IOobject::groupName("k", alphaRhoPhi.group()),
388  this->runTime_.timeName(),
389  this->mesh_,
390  IOobject::MUST_READ,
391  IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
392  ),
393  this->mesh_
394  ),
395  omega_
396  (
397  IOobject
398  (
399  IOobject::groupName("omega", alphaRhoPhi.group()),
400  this->runTime_.timeName(),
401  this->mesh_,
402  IOobject::MUST_READ,
403  IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
404  ),
405  this->mesh_
406  ),
408  decayControl_
409  (
410  Switch::getOrAddToDict
411  (
412  "decayControl",
413  this->coeffDict_,
414  false
415  )
416  ),
417  kInf_
418  (
419  dimensioned<scalar>::getOrAddToDict
420  (
421  "kInf",
422  this->coeffDict_,
423  k_.dimensions(),
424  0
425  )
426  ),
427  omegaInf_
428  (
429  dimensioned<scalar>::getOrAddToDict
430  (
431  "omegaInf",
432  this->coeffDict_,
433  omega_.dimensions(),
434  0
435  )
436  )
437 {
438  bound(k_, this->kMin_);
439  bound(omega_, this->omegaMin_);
441  setDecayControl(this->coeffDict_);
442 }
445 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
447 template<class BasicEddyViscosityModel>
449 (
450  const dictionary& dict
451 )
452 {
453  decayControl_.readIfPresent("decayControl", dict);
455  if (decayControl_)
456  {
457  kInf_.read(dict);
458  omegaInf_.read(dict);
460  Info<< " Employing decay control with kInf:" << kInf_
461  << " and omegaInf:" << omegaInf_ << endl;
462  }
463  else
464  {
465  kInf_.value() = 0;
466  omegaInf_.value() = 0;
467  }
468 }
471 template<class BasicEddyViscosityModel>
473 {
475  {
476  alphaK1_.readIfPresent(this->coeffDict());
477  alphaK2_.readIfPresent(this->coeffDict());
478  alphaOmega1_.readIfPresent(this->coeffDict());
479  alphaOmega2_.readIfPresent(this->coeffDict());
480  gamma1_.readIfPresent(this->coeffDict());
481  gamma2_.readIfPresent(this->coeffDict());
482  beta1_.readIfPresent(this->coeffDict());
483  beta2_.readIfPresent(this->coeffDict());
484  betaStar_.readIfPresent(this->coeffDict());
485  a1_.readIfPresent(this->coeffDict());
486  b1_.readIfPresent(this->coeffDict());
487  c1_.readIfPresent(this->coeffDict());
488  F3_.readIfPresent("F3", this->coeffDict());
490  setDecayControl(this->coeffDict());
492  return true;
493  }
495  return false;
496 }
499 template<class BasicEddyViscosityModel>
501 {
502  if (!this->turbulence_)
503  {
504  return;
505  }
507  // Local references
508  const alphaField& alpha = this->alpha_;
509  const rhoField& rho = this->rho_;
510  const surfaceScalarField& alphaRhoPhi = this->alphaRhoPhi_;
511  const volVectorField& U = this->U_;
512  volScalarField& nut = this->nut_;
513  fv::options& fvOptions(fv::options::New(this->mesh_));
517  const volScalarField::Internal divU
518  (
519  fvc::div(fvc::absolute(this->phi(), U))
520  );
522  tmp<volTensorField> tgradU = fvc::grad(U);
523  const volScalarField S2(this->S2(tgradU()));
524  volScalarField::Internal GbyNu0(this->GbyNu0(tgradU(), S2));
525  volScalarField::Internal G(this->GName(), nut*GbyNu0);
528  // - boundary condition changes a cell value
529  // - normally this would be triggered through correctBoundaryConditions
530  // - which would do
531  // - fvPatchField::evaluate() which calls
532  // - fvPatchField::updateCoeffs()
533  // - however any processor boundary conditions already start sending
534  // at initEvaluate so would send over the old value.
535  // - avoid this by explicitly calling updateCoeffs early and then
536  // only doing the boundary conditions that rely on initEvaluate
537  // (currently only coupled ones)
539  //- 1. Explicitly swap values on coupled boundary conditions
540  // Update omega and G at the wall
541  omega_.boundaryFieldRef().updateCoeffs();
542  // omegaWallFunctions change the cell value! Make sure to push these to
543  // coupled neighbours. Note that we want to avoid the re-updateCoeffs
544  // of the wallFunctions so make sure to bypass the evaluate on
545  // those patches and only do the coupled ones.
546  omega_.boundaryFieldRef().template evaluateCoupled<coupledFvPatch>();
552  //omega_.correctBoundaryConditions();
555  const volScalarField CDkOmega
556  (
557  (2*alphaOmega2_)*(fvc::grad(k_) & fvc::grad(omega_))/omega_
558  );
560  const volScalarField F1(this->F1(CDkOmega));
561  const volScalarField F23(this->F23());
563  {
564  const volScalarField::Internal gamma(this->gamma(F1));
565  const volScalarField::Internal beta(this->beta(F1));
567  GbyNu0 = GbyNu(GbyNu0, F23(), S2());
569  // Turbulent frequency equation
570  tmp<fvScalarMatrix> omegaEqn
571  (
572  fvm::ddt(alpha, rho, omega_)
573  + fvm::div(alphaRhoPhi, omega_)
574  - fvm::laplacian(alpha*rho*DomegaEff(F1), omega_)
575  ==
576  alpha()*rho()*gamma*GbyNu0
577  - fvm::SuSp((2.0/3.0)*alpha()*rho()*gamma*divU, omega_)
578  - fvm::Sp(alpha()*rho()*beta*omega_(), omega_)
579  - fvm::SuSp
580  (
581  alpha()*rho()*(F1() - scalar(1))*CDkOmega()/omega_(),
582  omega_
583  )
584  + alpha()*rho()*beta*sqr(omegaInf_)
585  + Qsas(S2(), gamma, beta)
586  + omegaSource()
587  + fvOptions(alpha, rho, omega_)
588  );
590  omegaEqn.ref().relax();
591  fvOptions.constrain(omegaEqn.ref());
592  omegaEqn.ref().boundaryManipulate(omega_.boundaryFieldRef());
593  solve(omegaEqn);
594  fvOptions.correct(omega_);
595  bound(omega_, this->omegaMin_);
596  }
598  {
599  // Turbulent kinetic energy equation
600  tmp<fvScalarMatrix> kEqn
601  (
602  fvm::ddt(alpha, rho, k_)
603  + fvm::div(alphaRhoPhi, k_)
604  - fvm::laplacian(alpha*rho*DkEff(F1), k_)
605  ==
606  alpha()*rho()*Pk(G)
607  - fvm::SuSp((2.0/3.0)*alpha()*rho()*divU, k_)
608  - fvm::Sp(alpha()*rho()*epsilonByk(F1, tgradU()), k_)
609  + alpha()*rho()*betaStar_*omegaInf_*kInf_
610  + kSource()
611  + fvOptions(alpha, rho, k_)
612  );
614  tgradU.clear();
616  kEqn.ref().relax();
617  fvOptions.constrain(kEqn.ref());
618  solve(kEqn);
619  fvOptions.correct(k_);
620  bound(k_, this->kMin_);
621  }
623  correctNut(S2);
624 }
627 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
629 } // End namespace Foam
631 // ************************************************************************* //
void correct(GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh > &field)
Apply correction to field.
virtual tmp< volScalarField > F23() const
Definition: kOmegaSSTBase.C:96
dimensionedScalar tanh(const dimensionedScalar &ds)
virtual tmp< volScalarField::Internal > GbyNu(const volScalarField::Internal &GbyNu0, const volScalarField::Internal &F2, const volScalarField::Internal &S2) const
Return G/nu.
dictionary dict
tmp< GeometricField< typename outerProduct< vector, Type >::type, fvPatchField, volMesh >> grad(const GeometricField< Type, fvsPatchField, surfaceMesh > &ssf)
Definition: fvcGrad.C:47
virtual tmp< volScalarField::Internal > epsilonByk(const volScalarField &F1, const volTensorField &gradU) const
Return epsilon/k which for standard RAS is betaStar*omega.
virtual tmp< volScalarField::Internal > GbyNu0(const volTensorField &gradU, const volScalarField &S2) const
Return (G/nu)_0.
A list of keyword definitions, which are a keyword followed by a number of values (eg...
Definition: dictionary.H:129
#define F1(B, C, D)
Definition: SHA1.C:149
const dimensionedScalar G
Newtonian constant of gravitation.
label max(const labelHashSet &set, label maxValue=labelMin)
Find the max value in labelHashSet, optionally limited by second argument.
Definition: hashSets.C:40
dimensionedSymmTensor sqr(const dimensionedVector &dv)
virtual void correctNut()
tmp< GeometricField< Type, faPatchField, areaMesh > > div(const GeometricField< Type, faePatchField, edgeMesh > &ssf)
Definition: facDiv.C:43
dimensionedScalar sqrt(const dimensionedScalar &ds)
Ostream & endl(Ostream &os)
Add newline and flush stream.
Definition: Ostream.H:531
tmp< DimensionedField< TypeR, GeoMesh > > New(const tmp< DimensionedField< TypeR, GeoMesh >> &tf1, const word &name, const dimensionSet &dimensions, const bool initCopy=false)
Global function forwards to reuseTmpDimensionedField::New.
A simple wrapper around bool so that it can be read as a word: true/false, on/off, yes/no, any/none. Also accepts 0/1 as a string and shortcuts t/f, y/n.
Definition: Switch.H:77
Base class implementation of the k-omega-SST turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flo...
#define F2(B, C, D)
Definition: SHA1.C:150
Generic dimensioned Type class.
tmp< GeometricField< Type, faPatchField, areaMesh > > ddt(const dimensioned< Type > dt, const faMesh &mesh)
Definition: facDdt.C:40
const dimensionSet dimless
zeroField SuSp(const Foam::zero, const GeometricField< Type, faPatchField, areaMesh > &)
A no-op source.
virtual tmp< fvScalarMatrix > Qsas(const volScalarField::Internal &S2, const volScalarField::Internal &gamma, const volScalarField::Internal &beta) const
GeometricField< vector, fvPatchField, volMesh > volVectorField
Definition: volFieldsFwd.H:76
virtual tmp< fvScalarMatrix > omegaSource() const
fv::options & fvOptions
CEqn solve()
constexpr const char *const group
Group name for atomic constants.
GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > volScalarField
Definition: volFieldsFwd.H:72
word timeName
Definition: getTimeIndex.H:3
kOmegaSSTBase(const kOmegaSSTBase &)=delete
No copy construct.
fileName::Type type(const fileName &name, const bool followLink=true)
Return the file type: DIRECTORY or FILE, normally following symbolic links.
Definition: POSIX.C:799
const dimensionSet dimVolume(pow3(dimLength))
Definition: dimensionSets.H:58
scalar y
static word scopedName(const std::string &scope, const word &name)
Create scope:name or scope_name string.
Definition: IOobjectI.H:40
const dimensionedScalar e
Elementary charge.
Definition: createFields.H:11
#define F3(B, C, D)
Definition: SHA1.C:151
A class for handling words, derived from Foam::string.
Definition: word.H:63
tmp< GeometricField< Type, faPatchField, areaMesh > > laplacian(const GeometricField< Type, faPatchField, areaMesh > &vf, const word &name)
Definition: facLaplacian.C:40
virtual tmp< volScalarField > S2(const volTensorField &gradU) const
Return square of strain rate.
static tmp< T > New(Args &&... args)
Construct tmp with forwarding arguments.
Definition: tmp.H:206
label min(const labelHashSet &set, label minValue=labelMax)
Find the min value in labelHashSet, optionally limited by second argument.
Definition: hashSets.C:26
virtual tmp< volScalarField > F2() const
Definition: kOmegaSSTBase.C:66
Bound the given scalar field if it has gone unbounded.
void read(Istream &, label &val, const dictionary &)
In-place read with dictionary lookup.
Info<< "Predicted p max-min : "<< max(p).value()<< " "<< min(p).value()<< endl;rho==max(psi *p+alphal *rhol0+((alphav *psiv+alphal *psil) - psi) *pSat, rhoMin);# 1 "/home/chef2/andy/OpenFOAM/release/v2406/OpenFOAM-v2406/applications/solvers/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/alphavPsi.H" 1{ alphav=clamp((rho - rholSat)/(rhovSat - rholSat), zero_one{});alphal=1.0 - alphav;Info<< "max-min alphav: "<< max(alphav).value()<< " "<< min(alphav).value()<< endl;psiModel-> correct()
Definition: pEqn.H:63
virtual tmp< fvScalarMatrix > kSource() const
const dimensionedScalar mu
Atomic mass unit.
tmp< surfaceScalarField > absolute(const tmp< surfaceScalarField > &tphi, const volVectorField &U)
Return the given relative flux in absolute form.
Definition: fvcMeshPhi.C:183
Definition: pEqn.H:72
virtual tmp< volScalarField::Internal > Pk(const volScalarField::Internal &G) const
Return k production rate.
volScalarField & bound(volScalarField &, const dimensionedScalar &lowerBound)
Bound the given scalar field if it has gone unbounded.
Definition: bound.C:29
dimensionedSymmTensor symm(const dimensionedSymmTensor &dt)
dimensioned< scalar > dimensionedScalar
Dimensioned scalar obtained from generic dimensioned type.
Base-class for all transport models used by the incompressible turbulence models. ...
Field with dimensions and associated with geometry type GeoMesh which is used to size the field and a...
dimensionedScalar pow4(const dimensionedScalar &ds)
const dimensionSet dimTime(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Definition: dimensionSets.H:51
virtual bool read()
Re-read model coefficients if they have changed.
messageStream Info
Information stream (stdout output on master, null elsewhere)
dimensionedScalar beta("beta", dimless/dimTemperature, laminarTransport)
const scalar gamma
Definition: EEqn.H:9
Interface to run-time selectable methods to calculate the distance-to-wall and normal-to-wall fields...
Definition: wallDist.H:71
virtual tmp< volScalarField > F1(const volScalarField &CDkOmega) const
Definition: kOmegaSSTBase.C:37
zeroField divU
Definition: alphaSuSp.H:3
virtual tmp< volScalarField > F3() const
Definition: kOmegaSSTBase.C:83
A class for managing temporary objects.
Definition: HashPtrTable.H:50
GeometricField< scalar, fvsPatchField, surfaceMesh > surfaceScalarField
static options & New(const fvMesh &mesh)
Construct fvOptions and register to database if not present.
Definition: fvOptions.C:96
const dimensionedScalar alpha
Fine-structure constant: default SI units: [].
Defines the attributes of an object for which implicit objectRegistry management is supported...
Definition: IOobject.H:180
dimensioned< typename typeOfMag< Type >::type > magSqr(const dimensioned< Type > &dt)
scalar nut
Namespace for OpenFOAM.
tmp< GeometricField< typename outerProduct< vector, Type >::type, faPatchField, areaMesh >> grad(const GeometricField< Type, faePatchField, edgeMesh > &ssf)
Definition: facGrad.C:51
SymmTensor< Cmpt > devTwoSymm(const SymmTensor< Cmpt > &st)
Return the deviatoric part of twice the symmetric part of a SymmTensor.
Definition: SymmTensorI.H:491
zeroField Sp
Definition: alphaSuSp.H:2