createViewFactors.C File Reference

Creates view factors to be used in the view-factor radiation model. More...

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Detailed Description

Creates view factors to be used in the view-factor radiation model.

Original source file createViewFactors.C


Operand Type Location
input dictionary <constant>/viewFactorsDict
input dictionary <constant>/finalAgglom
output scalarListList <constant>/F
output mapDistribute <constant>/mapDist
output labelListList <constant>/globalFaceFaces
output volScalarField <time>/viewVectorField
output OBJ allVisibleFaces.obj

where the dictionaries mean:

Dictionary Description
viewFactorsDict Main-control dictionary
finalAgglom (Optional) Agglomeration addressing (from faceAgglomerate)
F View factors (matrix)
mapDist Map used for parallel running
globalFaceFaces Face addressing
viewVectorField View factors as a volume field
allVisibleFaces.obj The visualisation of the rays
Minimal example in <constant>/viewFactorsDict:
// Inherited entries
raySearchEngine     <word>;
agglomerate         <bool>;
nRayPerFace         <label>;
writeViewFactors    <bool>;
writeRays           <bool>;

where the entries mean:

Property Description Type Reqd Deflt
raySearchEngine Ray search engine type word yes -
agglomerate Flag to agglomeration bool yes -
nRayPerFace Number of rays issued per face label yes -
writeViewFactors Flag to write the view factor field bool yes -
writeRays Flag to write the ray geometry bool no false

Options for the raySearchEngine entry:

      voxel    | Ray search engine discretising space into uniform voxels

The inherited entries are elaborated in:

  • Participating patches must be in the vewFactorWall group, i.e. using the inGroups entry of the "\<case\>/polyMesh/boundary" file.
    type            wall;
    inGroups        2(wall viewFactorWall);


  • <constant>/viewFactorsDict : main controls
  • <constant>/finalAgglom : agglomeration addressing (from faceAgglomerate)


  • <constant>/F : view factors (matrix)
  • <constant>/mapDist : map used for parallel running
  • <constant>/globalFaceFaces : face addressing
See also

Definition in file createViewFactors.C.