triangle< Point, PointRef > Class Template Reference

A triangle primitive used to calculate face normals and swept volumes. Uses referred points. More...


class  dummyOp
 Dummy. More...
class  storeOp
 Store resulting tris. More...
class  sumAreaOp
 Sum resulting areas. More...

Public Types

enum  proxType { NONE = 0, POINT, EDGE }
 Proximity classifications. More...
typedef Point point_type
 The point type. More...
typedef FixedList< triPoints, 27 > triIntersectionList
 Storage type for triangles originating from intersecting triangle with another triangle. More...

Public Member Functions

 triangle (const Point &p0, const Point &p1, const Point &p2)
 Construct from three points. More...
 triangle (const FixedList< Point, 3 > &pts)
 Construct from three points. More...
 triangle (const UList< Point > &points, const FixedList< label, 3 > &indices)
 Construct from three points out of the list of points. More...
 triangle (const UList< Point > &points, const label p0, const label p1, const label p2)
 Construct from three points out of the list of points. More...
 triangle (Istream &is)
 Construct from Istream. More...
const Pointa () const noexcept
 The first vertex. More...
const Pointb () const noexcept
 The second vertex. More...
const Pointc () const noexcept
 The third vertex. More...
Point centre () const
 Return centre (centroid) More...
vector areaNormal () const
 The area normal - with magnitude equal to area of triangle. More...
vector unitNormal () const
 Return unit normal. More...
 FOAM_DEPRECATED_FOR (2018-12, "areaNormal() or unitNormal()") vector normal() const
 Legacy name for areaNormal(). More...
scalar mag () const
 The magnitude of the triangle area. More...
Pair< Pointbox () const
 The enclosing (bounding) box for the triangle. More...
Point vecA () const
 Edge vector opposite point a(): from b() to c() More...
Point vecB () const
 Edge vector opposite point b(): from c() to a() More...
Point vecC () const
 Edge vector opposite point c(): from a() to b() More...
Point circumCentre () const
 Return circum-centre. More...
scalar circumRadius () const
 Return circum-radius. More...
scalar quality () const
 Return quality: Ratio of triangle and circum-circle. More...
scalar sweptVol (const triangle &t) const
 Return swept-volume. More...
tensor inertia (PointRef refPt=Zero, scalar density=1.0) const
 Return the inertia tensor, with optional reference. More...
Point randomPoint (Random &rndGen) const
 Return a random point on the triangle from a uniform distribution. More...
Point barycentricToPoint (const barycentric2D &bary) const
 Calculate the point from the given barycentric coordinates. More...
barycentric2D pointToBarycentric (const point &pt) const
 Calculate the barycentric coordinates from the given point. More...
scalar pointToBarycentric (const point &pt, barycentric2D &bary) const
 Calculate the barycentric coordinates from the given point. More...
bool intersects (const point &origin, const vector &normal) const
 Fast intersection detection with a plane. More...
bool intersects (const point &origin, const vector::components axis) const
 Fast intersection detection with an axis plane. More...
pointHit ray (const point &p, const vector &q, const intersection::algorithm=intersection::FULL_RAY, const intersection::direction dir=intersection::VECTOR) const
 Return point intersection with a ray. More...
pointHit intersection (const point &p, const vector &q, const intersection::algorithm alg, const scalar tol=0.0) const
 Fast intersection with a ray. More...
pointHit nearestPointClassify (const point &p, label &nearType, label &nearLabel) const
 Find the nearest point to p on the triangle and classify it: More...
pointHit nearestPoint (const point &p) const
 Return nearest point to p on triangle. More...
bool classify (const point &p, label &nearType, label &nearLabel) const
 Classify nearest point to p in triangle plane. More...
pointHit nearestPoint (const linePointRef &edge, pointHit &edgePoint) const
 Return nearest point to line on triangle. Returns hit if. More...
int sign (const point &p, const scalar tol=SMALL) const
 The sign for which side of the face plane the point is on. More...
template<class AboveOp , class BelowOp >
void sliceWithPlane (const plane &pln, AboveOp &aboveOp, BelowOp &belowOp) const
 Decompose triangle into triangles above and below plane. More...
template<class InsideOp , class OutsideOp >
void triangleOverlap (const vector &n, const triangle< Point, PointRef > &tri, InsideOp &insideOp, OutsideOp &outsideOp) const
 Decompose triangle into triangles inside and outside. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static Point centre (const Point &p0, const Point &p1, const Point &p2)
 The centre (centroid) of three points. More...
static vector areaNormal (const Point &p0, const Point &p1, const Point &p2)
 The area normal for a triangle defined by three points (right-hand rule). Magnitude equal to area of the triangle. More...
static vector unitNormal (const Point &p0, const Point &p1, const Point &p2)
 The unit normal for a triangle defined by three points (right-hand rule). More...
static Pair< Pointbox (const Point &p0, const Point &p1, const Point &p2)
 The enclosing (bounding) box for three points. More...


Istreamoperator>> (Istream &, triangle &)
Ostreamoperator (Ostream &, const triangle &)

Detailed Description

template<class Point, class PointRef>
class Foam::triangle< Point, PointRef >

A triangle primitive used to calculate face normals and swept volumes. Uses referred points.

Source files

Definition at line 228 of file triangle.H.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ point_type

typedef Point point_type

The point type.

Definition at line 237 of file triangle.H.

◆ triIntersectionList

Storage type for triangles originating from intersecting triangle with another triangle.

Definition at line 243 of file triangle.H.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ proxType

enum proxType

Proximity classifications.


Unknown proximity.


Close to point.


Close to edge.

Definition at line 248 of file triangle.H.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ triangle() [1/5]

triangle ( const Point p0,
const Point p1,
const Point p2 

Construct from three points.

Definition at line 81 of file triangleI.H.

◆ triangle() [2/5]

triangle ( const FixedList< Point, 3 > &  pts)

Construct from three points.

Definition at line 95 of file triangleI.H.

◆ triangle() [3/5]

triangle ( const UList< Point > &  points,
const FixedList< label, 3 > &  indices 

Construct from three points out of the list of points.

The indices could be from triFace etc.

Definition at line 107 of file triangleI.H.

◆ triangle() [4/5]

triangle ( const UList< Point > &  points,
const label  p0,
const label  p1,
const label  p2 

Construct from three points out of the list of points.

Definition at line 120 of file triangleI.H.

◆ triangle() [5/5]

triangle ( Istream is)

Construct from Istream.

Definition at line 134 of file triangleI.H.

Member Function Documentation

◆ a()

const Point& a ( ) const

The first vertex.

Definition at line 393 of file triangle.H.

Referenced by triSurfaceTools::calcInterpolationWeights(), triangleFuncs::intersectBb(), boundBox::intersects(), offsetSurface::operator()(), and triangle< Point, PointRef >::triangleOverlap().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ b()

const Point& b ( ) const

The second vertex.

Definition at line 398 of file triangle.H.

Referenced by triSurfaceTools::calcInterpolationWeights(), triangleFuncs::intersectBb(), boundBox::intersects(), offsetSurface::operator()(), and triangle< Point, PointRef >::triangleOverlap().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ c()

const Point& c ( ) const

The third vertex.

Definition at line 403 of file triangle.H.

Referenced by triSurfaceTools::calcInterpolationWeights(), triangleFuncs::intersectBb(), boundBox::intersects(), offsetSurface::operator()(), and triangle< Point, PointRef >::triangleOverlap().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ centre() [1/2]

Point centre ( const Point p0,
const Point p1,
const Point p2 

The centre (centroid) of three points.

Definition at line 144 of file triangleI.H.

References p0.

Referenced by momentOfInertia::massPropertiesShell(), polyMesh::pointInCell(), and wallBoundedStreamLine::pushIn().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ areaNormal() [1/2]

Foam::vector areaNormal ( const Point p0,
const Point p1,
const Point p2 

The area normal for a triangle defined by three points (right-hand rule). Magnitude equal to area of the triangle.

Definition at line 169 of file triangleI.H.

References p0.

Referenced by boundBox::intersects(), tetrahedron< Point, PointRef >::nearestPoint(), polyMesh::pointInCell(), and wallBoundedParticle::trackToEdge().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ unitNormal() [1/2]

Foam::vector unitNormal ( const Point p0,
const Point p1,
const Point p2 

The unit normal for a triangle defined by three points (right-hand rule).

Definition at line 194 of file triangleI.H.

References n, and p0.

Referenced by tetrahedron< Point, PointRef >::inside().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ box() [1/2]

Foam::Pair< Point > box ( const Point p0,
const Point p1,
const Point p2 

The enclosing (bounding) box for three points.

Definition at line 221 of file triangleI.H.

References Foam::max(), Foam::min(), and p0.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ centre() [2/2]

Point centre ( ) const

Return centre (centroid)

Definition at line 155 of file triangleI.H.

Referenced by triPoints::centre(), triFace::centre(), and face::centre().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ areaNormal() [2/2]

◆ unitNormal() [2/2]

Foam::vector unitNormal ( ) const

Return unit normal.

Definition at line 207 of file triangleI.H.

Referenced by particle< Type >::patchData(), triPoints::unitNormal(), triFace::unitNormal(), and STLtriangle::write().

Here is the caller graph for this function:


"areaNormal() or unitNormal()"   
) const

Legacy name for areaNormal().

(2018-06) Deprecated for new use

Definition at line 473 of file triangle.H.

References triangle< Point, PointRef >::areaNormal().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mag()

Foam::scalar mag ( ) const

The magnitude of the triangle area.

Definition at line 309 of file triangleI.H.

References Foam::mag().

Referenced by FreeStream< CloudType >::inflow(), momentOfInertia::massPropertiesShell(), and triangle< Point, PointRef >::sumAreaOp::operator()().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ box() [2/2]

Foam::Pair< Point > box ( ) const

The enclosing (bounding) box for the triangle.

Definition at line 236 of file triangleI.H.

Referenced by triPoints::box(), and triFace::box().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ vecA()

Point vecA ( ) const

Edge vector opposite point a(): from b() to c()

Definition at line 249 of file triangleI.H.

Referenced by boundBox::intersects().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ vecB()

Point vecB ( ) const

Edge vector opposite point b(): from c() to a()

Definition at line 255 of file triangleI.H.

Referenced by boundBox::intersects().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ vecC()

Point vecC ( ) const

Edge vector opposite point c(): from a() to b()

Definition at line 261 of file triangleI.H.

Referenced by boundBox::intersects().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ circumCentre()

Point circumCentre ( ) const

Return circum-centre.

Definition at line 316 of file triangleI.H.

References Foam::constant::universal::c, Foam::constant::physicoChemical::c1, Foam::constant::physicoChemical::c2, and Foam::mag().

Referenced by Foam::edgeMeshTools::featureProximity().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ circumRadius()

Foam::scalar circumRadius ( ) const

Return circum-radius.

Definition at line 343 of file triangleI.H.

References Foam::clamp(), Foam::mag(), and Foam::sqrt().

Referenced by Foam::edgeMeshTools::featureProximity().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ quality()

Foam::scalar quality ( ) const

Return quality: Ratio of triangle and circum-circle.

area, scaled so that an equilateral triangle has a quality of 1

Definition at line 364 of file triangleI.H.

References Foam::constant::universal::c, Foam::mag(), Foam::sqr(), and Foam::sqrt().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sweptVol()

Foam::scalar sweptVol ( const triangle< Point, PointRef > &  t) const

Return swept-volume.

Definition at line 380 of file triangleI.H.

◆ inertia()

Foam::tensor inertia ( PointRef  refPt = Zero,
scalar  density = 1.0 
) const

Return the inertia tensor, with optional reference.

point and density specification

Definition at line 399 of file triangleI.H.

References Foam::I, and Foam::mag().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ randomPoint()

Point randomPoint ( Random rndGen) const

Return a random point on the triangle from a uniform distribution.

Definition at line 435 of file triangleI.H.

References Foam::barycentric2D01(), and rndGen.

Referenced by FreeStream< CloudType >::inflow().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ barycentricToPoint()

Point barycentricToPoint ( const barycentric2D bary) const

Calculate the point from the given barycentric coordinates.

Definition at line 443 of file triangleI.H.

◆ pointToBarycentric() [1/2]

Foam::barycentric2D pointToBarycentric ( const point pt) const

Calculate the barycentric coordinates from the given point.

Definition at line 453 of file triangleI.H.

Referenced by cellPointWeight::findTriangle(), offsetSurface::operator()(), and lumpedPointMovement::setInterpolator().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pointToBarycentric() [2/2]

Foam::scalar pointToBarycentric ( const point pt,
barycentric2D bary 
) const

Calculate the barycentric coordinates from the given point.

Returns the determinant.

Definition at line 465 of file triangleI.H.

References Foam::mag().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ intersects() [1/2]

bool intersects ( const point origin,
const vector normal 
) const

Fast intersection detection with a plane.

Definition at line 504 of file triangleI.H.

◆ intersects() [2/2]

bool intersects ( const point origin,
const vector::components  axis 
) const

Fast intersection detection with an axis plane.

originOrigin of the plane
axisNormal of the plane (vector::X, vector::Y, vector::Z)

Definition at line 524 of file triangleI.H.

◆ ray()

Foam::pointHit ray ( const point p,
const vector q,
const intersection::algorithm  alg = intersection::FULL_RAY,
const intersection::direction  dir = intersection::VECTOR 
) const

Return point intersection with a ray.

For a hit, the distance is signed. Positive number represents the point in front of triangle. In case of miss pointHit is set to nearest point on triangle and its distance to the distance between the original point and the plane intersection point

Definition at line 544 of file triangleI.H.

References Foam::fieldTypes::area, intersection::CONTACT_SPHERE, intersection::FULL_RAY, intersection::HALF_RAY, PointHit< PointType >::hit(), PointHit< PointType >::hitPoint(), Foam::mag(), Foam::min(), n, p, intersection::planarTol(), PointHit< PointType >::point(), PointHit< PointType >::setDistance(), PointHit< PointType >::setMiss(), PointHit< PointType >::setPoint(), intersection::VECTOR, and intersection::VISIBLE.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ intersection()

Foam::pointHit intersection ( const point p,
const vector q,
const intersection::algorithm  alg,
const scalar  tol = 0.0 
) const

Fast intersection with a ray.

For a hit, the pointHit.distance() is the line parameter t : intersection=p+t*q. Only defined for VISIBLE, FULL_RAY or HALF_RAY. tol increases the virtual size of the triangle by a relative factor.

Definition at line 659 of file triangleI.H.

References Foam::det(), intersection::FULL_RAY, intersection::HALF_RAY, intersection::VISIBLE, and Foam::Zero.

Referenced by mappedPatchBase::facePoint(), and triangleFuncs::intersectBb().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nearestPointClassify()

Foam::pointHit nearestPointClassify ( const point p,
label &  nearType,
label &  nearLabel 
) const

Find the nearest point to p on the triangle and classify it:

+ near point (nearType=POINT, nearLabel=0, 1, 2) + near edge (nearType=EDGE, nearLabel=0, 1, 2) Note: edges are counted from starting vertex so e.g. edge 2 is from f[2] to f[0]

Definition at line 741 of file triangleI.H.

References Foam::cp(), Foam::mag(), and p.

Referenced by triSurfaceTools::calcInterpolationWeights(), and face::nearestPointClassify().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nearestPoint() [1/2]

Foam::pointHit nearestPoint ( const point p) const

Return nearest point to p on triangle.

Definition at line 890 of file triangleI.H.

References p.

Referenced by wallBoundedStreamLine::findNearestTet(), cellPointWeight::findTriangle(), and tetrahedron< Point, PointRef >::nearestPoint().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ classify()

bool classify ( const point p,
label &  nearType,
label &  nearLabel 
) const

Classify nearest point to p in triangle plane.

w.r.t. triangle edges and points. Returns inside (true)/outside (false).

Definition at line 904 of file triangleI.H.

References p.

◆ nearestPoint() [2/2]

Foam::pointHit nearestPoint ( const linePointRef edge,
pointHit edgePoint 
) const

Return nearest point to line on triangle. Returns hit if.

point is inside triangle. Sets edgePoint to point on edge (hit if nearest is inside line)

Definition at line 916 of file triangleI.H.

References PointHit< PointType >::distance(), intersection::FULL_RAY, PointHit< PointType >::hit(), PointHit< PointType >::hitPoint(), Foam::ln(), Foam::mag(), PointHit< PointType >::point(), PointHit< PointType >::setDistance(), PointHit< PointType >::setMiss(), and PointHit< PointType >::setPoint().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sign()

int sign ( const point p,
const scalar  tol = SMALL 
) const

The sign for which side of the face plane the point is on.

Uses the supplied tolerance for rounding around zero.

  • 0: on plane
  • +1: above plane
  • -1: below plane

Definition at line 1040 of file triangleI.H.

References p.

◆ sliceWithPlane()

void sliceWithPlane ( const plane pln,
AboveOp &  aboveOp,
BelowOp &  belowOp 
) const

Decompose triangle into triangles above and below plane.

Definition at line 107 of file triangle.C.

◆ triangleOverlap()

void triangleOverlap ( const vector n,
const triangle< Point, PointRef > &  tri,
InsideOp &  insideOp,
OutsideOp &  outsideOp 
) const

Decompose triangle into triangles inside and outside.

(with respect to user provided normal) other triangle.

Definition at line 120 of file triangle.C.

References triangle< Point, PointRef >::a(), triangle< Point, PointRef >::b(), triangle< Point, PointRef >::c(), Foam::mag(), n, triangle< Point, PointRef >::storeOp::nTris_, s, and triangle< Point, PointRef >::storeOp::tris_.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ operator>>

Istream& operator>> ( Istream ,
triangle< Point, PointRef > &   

◆ operator

Ostream& operator ( Ostream ,
const triangle< Point, PointRef > &   

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: