thermalShell Class Reference

Thermal-shell finite-area model. It solves the energy equation in 2D. The coupling with the 3D region is done through the temperatureCoupledBase, plus faOption is available to add extra sources on the shell such as externalHeatFluxSource etc. More...

Detailed Description

Thermal-shell finite-area model. It solves the energy equation in 2D. The coupling with the 3D region is done through the temperatureCoupledBase, plus faOption is available to add extra sources on the shell such as externalHeatFluxSource etc.

Example of the boundary condition specification:
    // Mandatory entries
    thermalShellModel   thermalShell;
        // subdictionary entries

    // Optional entries
    qr                  <word>;
    thickness           <scalar>;

    // Inherited entries
    nNonOrthCorr        <int>;    // read from another dict

where the entries mean:

Property Description Type Reqd Deflt
thermalShellModel Type name: thermalShell word yes -
thermo Solid thermal properties dictionary yes -
qr Name of radiative heat flux field word no none
thickness Uniform film thickness [m] scalar choice -

The inherited entries are elaborated in:

Source files

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