meshToMesh Class Reference

Class to calculate the cell-addressing between two overlapping meshes. More...

Collaboration diagram for meshToMesh:

Public Types

enum  interpolationMethod { imDirect, imMapNearest, imCellVolumeWeight, imCorrectedCellVolumeWeight }
 Enumeration specifying interpolation method. More...
enum  procMapMethod { pmAABB, pmLOD }
 Enumeration specifying processor parallel map construction method. More...

Public Member Functions

 TypeName ("meshToMesh")
 Run-time type information. More...
 meshToMesh (const polyMesh &src, const polyMesh &tgt, const interpolationMethod method, const procMapMethod mapMethod=procMapMethod::pmAABB, const bool interpAllPatches=true)
 Construct from source and target meshes. More...
 meshToMesh (const polyMesh &src, const polyMesh &tgt, const word &methodName, const word &AMIMethodName, const procMapMethod mapMethod=procMapMethod::pmAABB, const bool interpAllPatches=true)
 Construct from source and target meshes, generic mapping methods. More...
 meshToMesh (const polyMesh &src, const polyMesh &tgt, const interpolationMethod method, const HashTable< word > &patchMap, const wordList &cuttingPatches, const procMapMethod mapMethod=procMapMethod::pmAABB, const bool normalise=true)
 Construct from source and target meshes. More...
 meshToMesh (const polyMesh &src, const polyMesh &tgt, const word &methodName, const word &AMIMethodName, const HashTable< word > &patchMap, const wordList &cuttingPatches, const procMapMethod mapMethod=procMapMethod::pmAABB, const bool normalise=true)
 Construct from source and target meshes, generic mapping methods. More...
virtual ~meshToMesh ()
 Destructor. More...
const polyMeshsrcRegion () const
 Return const access to the source mesh. More...
const polyMeshtgtRegion () const
 Return const access to the target mesh. More...
const labelListListsrcToTgtCellAddr () const
 Return const access to the source to target cell addressing. More...
const labelListListtgtToSrcCellAddr () const
 Return const access to the target to source cell addressing. More...
const scalarListListsrcToTgtCellWght () const
 Return const access to the source to target cell weights. More...
const scalarListListtgtToSrcCellWght () const
 Return const access to the target to source cell weights. More...
const pointListListsrcToTgtCellVec () const
 Return const access to the source to target offset vectors. More...
const pointListListtgtToSrcCellVec () const
 Return const access to the target to source offset vectors. More...
scalar V () const
 Return const access to the overlap volume. More...
const PtrList< AMIPatchToPatchInterpolation > & patchAMIs () const
 Return the list of AMIs between source and target patches. More...
bool distributed () const noexcept
 Distributed across processors (singleMeshProc == -1) More...
const mapDistributehasSrcMap () const noexcept
 Pointer to the source map (if distributed). Can be checked as a bool. More...
const mapDistributehasTgtMap () const noexcept
 Pointer to the target map (if distributed). Can be checked as a bool. More...
const autoPtr< mapDistribute > & srcMap () const noexcept
 Source map pointer - valid if no singleMeshProc. More...
const autoPtr< mapDistribute > & tgtMap () const noexcept
 Target map pointer - valid if no singleMeshProc. More...
template<class Type , class CombineOp >
void mapSrcToTgt (const UList< Type > &srcFld, const CombineOp &cop, List< Type > &result) const
 Map field from src to tgt mesh with defined operation. More...
template<class Type , class CombineOp >
void mapSrcToTgt (const UList< Type > &srcField, const UList< typename outerProduct< vector, Type >::type > &, const CombineOp &cop, List< Type > &result) const
 Map extrapolated field (using gradient) from src to tgt. More...
template<class Type , class CombineOp >
tmp< Field< Type > > mapSrcToTgt (const Field< Type > &srcFld, const CombineOp &cop) const
 Return the src field mapped to the tgt mesh with a defined. More...
template<class Type , class CombineOp >
tmp< Field< Type > > mapSrcToTgt (const tmp< Field< Type >> &tsrcFld, const CombineOp &cop) const
 Convenience function to map a tmp field to the tgt mesh. More...
template<class Type >
tmp< Field< Type > > mapSrcToTgt (const Field< Type > &srcFld) const
 Convenience function to map a field to the tgt mesh with a. More...
template<class Type >
tmp< Field< Type > > mapSrcToTgt (const tmp< Field< Type >> &tsrcFld) const
 Convenience function to map a tmp field to the tgt mesh. More...
template<class Type , class CombineOp >
void mapTgtToSrc (const UList< Type > &tgtFld, const CombineOp &cop, List< Type > &result) const
 Map field from tgt to src mesh with defined operation. More...
template<class Type , class CombineOp >
void mapTgtToSrc (const UList< Type > &srcField, const UList< typename outerProduct< vector, Type >::type > &, const CombineOp &cop, List< Type > &result) const
 Map extrapolated field (using gradient) from tgt to src. More...
template<class Type , class CombineOp >
tmp< Field< Type > > mapTgtToSrc (const Field< Type > &tgtFld, const CombineOp &cop) const
 Return the tgt field mapped to the src mesh with a defined. More...
template<class Type , class CombineOp >
tmp< Field< Type > > mapTgtToSrc (const tmp< Field< Type >> &ttgtFld, const CombineOp &cop) const
 Convenience function to map a tmp field to the src mesh. More...
template<class Type >
tmp< Field< Type > > mapTgtToSrc (const Field< Type > &tgtFld) const
 Convenience function to map a field to the src mesh with a. More...
template<class Type >
tmp< Field< Type > > mapTgtToSrc (const tmp< Field< Type >> &ttgtFld) const
 Convenience function to map a tmp field to the src mesh. More...
template<class Type , class CombineOp >
void mapSrcToTgt (const VolumeField< Type > &field, const CombineOp &cop, VolumeField< Type > &result, const bool secondOrder=true) const
 Interpolate a field with a defined operation. Values. More...
template<class Type , class CombineOp >
tmp< VolumeField< Type > > mapSrcToTgt (const VolumeField< Type > &field, const CombineOp &cop, const bool secondOrder=true) const
 Interpolate a field with a defined operation. The initial. More...
template<class Type , class CombineOp >
tmp< VolumeField< Type > > mapSrcToTgt (const tmp< VolumeField< Type >> &tfield, const CombineOp &cop, const bool secondOrder=true) const
 Interpolate a tmp field with a defined operation. The. More...
template<class Type >
tmp< VolumeField< Type > > mapSrcToTgt (const VolumeField< Type > &field, const bool secondOrder=true) const
 Convenience function to map a field with a default. More...
template<class Type >
tmp< VolumeField< Type > > mapSrcToTgt (const tmp< VolumeField< Type >> &tfield, const bool secondOrder=true) const
 Convenience function to map a tmp field with a default. More...
template<class Type , class CombineOp >
void mapTgtToSrc (const VolumeField< Type > &field, const CombineOp &cop, VolumeField< Type > &result, const bool secondOrder=true) const
 Interpolate a field with a defined operation. Values. More...
template<class Type , class CombineOp >
tmp< VolumeField< Type > > mapTgtToSrc (const VolumeField< Type > &field, const CombineOp &cop, const bool secondOrder=true) const
 Interpolate a field with a defined operation. The initial. More...
template<class Type , class CombineOp >
tmp< VolumeField< Type > > mapTgtToSrc (const tmp< VolumeField< Type >> &tfield, const CombineOp &cop, const bool secondOrder=true) const
 Interpolate a tmp field with a defined operation. The. More...
template<class Type >
tmp< VolumeField< Type > > mapTgtToSrc (const VolumeField< Type > &field, const bool secondOrder=true) const
 Convenience function to map a field with a default. More...
template<class Type >
tmp< VolumeField< Type > > mapTgtToSrc (const tmp< VolumeField< Type >> &tfield, const bool secondOrder=true) const
 Convenience function to map a tmp field with a default. More...
void mapInternalSrcToTgt (const VolumeField< sphericalTensor > &field, const plusEqOp< sphericalTensor > &cop, VolumeField< sphericalTensor > &result, const bool secondOrder) const
void mapInternalSrcToTgt (const VolumeField< sphericalTensor > &field, const minusEqOp< sphericalTensor > &cop, VolumeField< sphericalTensor > &result, const bool secondOrder) const
void mapInternalSrcToTgt (const VolumeField< symmTensor > &field, const plusEqOp< symmTensor > &cop, VolumeField< symmTensor > &result, const bool secondOrder) const
void mapInternalSrcToTgt (const VolumeField< symmTensor > &field, const minusEqOp< symmTensor > &cop, VolumeField< symmTensor > &result, const bool secondOrder) const
void mapInternalSrcToTgt (const VolumeField< tensor > &field, const plusEqOp< tensor > &cop, VolumeField< tensor > &result, const bool secondOrder) const
void mapInternalSrcToTgt (const VolumeField< tensor > &field, const minusEqOp< tensor > &cop, VolumeField< tensor > &result, const bool secondOrder) const
void mapInternalTgtToSrc (const VolumeField< sphericalTensor > &field, const plusEqOp< sphericalTensor > &cop, VolumeField< sphericalTensor > &result, const bool secondOrder) const
void mapInternalTgtToSrc (const VolumeField< sphericalTensor > &field, const minusEqOp< sphericalTensor > &cop, VolumeField< sphericalTensor > &result, const bool secondOrder) const
void mapInternalTgtToSrc (const VolumeField< symmTensor > &field, const plusEqOp< symmTensor > &cop, VolumeField< symmTensor > &result, const bool secondOrder) const
void mapInternalTgtToSrc (const VolumeField< symmTensor > &field, const minusEqOp< symmTensor > &cop, VolumeField< symmTensor > &result, const bool secondOrder) const
void mapInternalTgtToSrc (const VolumeField< tensor > &field, const plusEqOp< tensor > &cop, VolumeField< tensor > &result, const bool secondOrder) const
void mapInternalTgtToSrc (const VolumeField< tensor > &field, const minusEqOp< tensor > &cop, VolumeField< tensor > &result, const bool secondOrder) const
void mapAndOpSrcToTgt (const AMIPatchToPatchInterpolation &AMI, const Field< scalar > &srcField, Field< scalar > &tgtField, const plusEqOp< scalar > &cop) const
void mapAndOpSrcToTgt (const AMIPatchToPatchInterpolation &AMI, const Field< vector > &srcField, Field< vector > &tgtField, const plusEqOp< vector > &cop) const
void mapAndOpSrcToTgt (const AMIPatchToPatchInterpolation &AMI, const Field< sphericalTensor > &srcField, Field< sphericalTensor > &tgtField, const plusEqOp< sphericalTensor > &cop) const
void mapAndOpSrcToTgt (const AMIPatchToPatchInterpolation &AMI, const Field< symmTensor > &srcField, Field< symmTensor > &tgtField, const plusEqOp< symmTensor > &cop) const
void mapAndOpSrcToTgt (const AMIPatchToPatchInterpolation &AMI, const Field< tensor > &srcField, Field< tensor > &tgtField, const plusEqOp< tensor > &cop) const
void mapAndOpTgtToSrc (const AMIPatchToPatchInterpolation &AMI, Field< scalar > &srcField, const Field< scalar > &tgtField, const plusEqOp< scalar > &cop) const
void mapAndOpTgtToSrc (const AMIPatchToPatchInterpolation &AMI, Field< vector > &srcField, const Field< vector > &tgtField, const plusEqOp< vector > &cop) const
void mapAndOpTgtToSrc (const AMIPatchToPatchInterpolation &AMI, Field< sphericalTensor > &srcField, const Field< sphericalTensor > &tgtField, const plusEqOp< sphericalTensor > &cop) const
void mapAndOpTgtToSrc (const AMIPatchToPatchInterpolation &AMI, Field< symmTensor > &srcField, const Field< symmTensor > &tgtField, const plusEqOp< symmTensor > &cop) const
void mapAndOpTgtToSrc (const AMIPatchToPatchInterpolation &AMI, Field< tensor > &srcField, const Field< tensor > &tgtField, const plusEqOp< tensor > &cop) const
template<class Type , class CombineOp >
Foam::tmp< Foam::Field< Type > > mapSrcToTgt (const Field< Type > &srcField, const CombineOp &cop) const
template<class Type , class CombineOp >
Foam::tmp< Foam::Field< Type > > mapSrcToTgt (const tmp< Field< Type >> &tsrcField, const CombineOp &cop) const
template<class Type >
Foam::tmp< Foam::Field< Type > > mapSrcToTgt (const Field< Type > &srcField) const
template<class Type >
Foam::tmp< Foam::Field< Type > > mapSrcToTgt (const tmp< Field< Type >> &tsrcField) const
template<class Type , class CombineOp >
Foam::tmp< Foam::Field< Type > > mapTgtToSrc (const Field< Type > &tgtField, const CombineOp &cop) const
template<class Type , class CombineOp >
Foam::tmp< Foam::Field< Type > > mapTgtToSrc (const tmp< Field< Type >> &ttgtField, const CombineOp &cop) const
template<class Type >
Foam::tmp< Foam::Field< Type > > mapTgtToSrc (const Field< Type > &tgtField) const
template<class Type >
Foam::tmp< Foam::Field< Type > > mapTgtToSrc (const tmp< Field< Type >> &ttgtField) const
template<class Type , class CombineOp >
Foam::tmp< Foam::VolumeField< Type > > mapSrcToTgt (const VolumeField< Type > &field, const CombineOp &cop, const bool secondOrder) const
template<class Type , class CombineOp >
Foam::tmp< Foam::VolumeField< Type > > mapSrcToTgt (const tmp< VolumeField< Type >> &tfield, const CombineOp &cop, const bool secondOrder) const
template<class Type >
Foam::tmp< Foam::VolumeField< Type > > mapSrcToTgt (const VolumeField< Type > &field, const bool secondOrder) const
template<class Type >
Foam::tmp< Foam::VolumeField< Type > > mapSrcToTgt (const tmp< VolumeField< Type >> &tfield, const bool secondOrder) const
template<class Type , class CombineOp >
Foam::tmp< Foam::VolumeField< Type > > mapTgtToSrc (const VolumeField< Type > &field, const CombineOp &cop, const bool secondOrder) const
template<class Type , class CombineOp >
Foam::tmp< Foam::VolumeField< Type > > mapTgtToSrc (const tmp< VolumeField< Type >> &tfield, const CombineOp &cop, const bool secondOrder) const
template<class Type >
Foam::tmp< Foam::VolumeField< Type > > mapTgtToSrc (const VolumeField< Type > &field, const bool secondOrder) const
template<class Type >
Foam::tmp< Foam::VolumeField< Type > > mapTgtToSrc (const tmp< VolumeField< Type >> &tfield, const bool secondOrder) const

Static Public Member Functions

static word interpolationMethodAMI (const interpolationMethod method)
 Conversion between mesh and patch interpolation methods. More...

Static Public Attributes

static const Enum< interpolationMethodinterpolationMethodNames_
static const Enum< procMapMethodprocMapMethodNames_

Detailed Description

Class to calculate the cell-addressing between two overlapping meshes.

Mapping is performed using a run-time selectable interpolation mothod

See also
Source files

Definition at line 60 of file meshToMesh.H.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ interpolationMethod

enum interpolationMethod

Enumeration specifying interpolation method.


Definition at line 69 of file meshToMesh.H.

◆ procMapMethod

enum procMapMethod

Enumeration specifying processor parallel map construction method.


Definition at line 82 of file meshToMesh.H.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ meshToMesh() [1/4]

meshToMesh ( const polyMesh src,
const polyMesh tgt,
const interpolationMethod  method,
const procMapMethod  mapMethod = procMapMethod::pmAABB,
const bool  interpAllPatches = true 

Construct from source and target meshes.

Definition at line 839 of file meshToMesh.C.

◆ meshToMesh() [2/4]

meshToMesh ( const polyMesh src,
const polyMesh tgt,
const word methodName,
const word AMIMethodName,
const procMapMethod  mapMethod = procMapMethod::pmAABB,
const bool  interpAllPatches = true 

Construct from source and target meshes, generic mapping methods.

Definition at line 875 of file meshToMesh.C.

◆ meshToMesh() [3/4]

meshToMesh ( const polyMesh src,
const polyMesh tgt,
const interpolationMethod  method,
const HashTable< word > &  patchMap,
const wordList cuttingPatches,
const procMapMethod  mapMethod = procMapMethod::pmAABB,
const bool  normalise = true 

Construct from source and target meshes.

Definition at line 907 of file meshToMesh.C.

◆ meshToMesh() [4/4]

meshToMesh ( const polyMesh src,
const polyMesh tgt,
const word methodName,
const word AMIMethodName,
const HashTable< word > &  patchMap,
const wordList cuttingPatches,
const procMapMethod  mapMethod = procMapMethod::pmAABB,
const bool  normalise = true 

Construct from source and target meshes, generic mapping methods.

Definition at line 945 of file meshToMesh.C.

◆ ~meshToMesh()

~meshToMesh ( )


Definition at line 985 of file meshToMesh.C.

Member Function Documentation

◆ TypeName()

TypeName ( "meshToMesh"  )

Run-time type information.

◆ srcRegion()

const Foam::polyMesh & srcRegion ( ) const

Return const access to the source mesh.

Definition at line 26 of file meshToMeshI.H.

Referenced by Foam::MapMesh(), and Foam::MapVolFields().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tgtRegion()

const Foam::polyMesh & tgtRegion ( ) const

Return const access to the target mesh.

Definition at line 32 of file meshToMeshI.H.

Referenced by Foam::MapMesh(), and Foam::MapVolFields().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ srcToTgtCellAddr()

const Foam::labelListList & srcToTgtCellAddr ( ) const

Return const access to the source to target cell addressing.

Definition at line 38 of file meshToMeshI.H.

Referenced by cellVolumeWeight::update().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tgtToSrcCellAddr()

const Foam::labelListList & tgtToSrcCellAddr ( ) const

Return const access to the target to source cell addressing.

Definition at line 44 of file meshToMeshI.H.

Referenced by cellVolumeWeight::update().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ srcToTgtCellWght()

const Foam::scalarListList & srcToTgtCellWght ( ) const

Return const access to the source to target cell weights.

Definition at line 50 of file meshToMeshI.H.

Referenced by cellVolumeWeight::update().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tgtToSrcCellWght()

const Foam::scalarListList & tgtToSrcCellWght ( ) const

Return const access to the target to source cell weights.

Definition at line 56 of file meshToMeshI.H.

Referenced by cellVolumeWeight::update().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ srcToTgtCellVec()

const Foam::pointListList & srcToTgtCellVec ( ) const

Return const access to the source to target offset vectors.

Definition at line 62 of file meshToMeshI.H.

◆ tgtToSrcCellVec()

const Foam::pointListList & tgtToSrcCellVec ( ) const

Return const access to the target to source offset vectors.

Definition at line 68 of file meshToMeshI.H.

◆ V()

Foam::scalar V ( ) const

Return const access to the overlap volume.

Definition at line 74 of file meshToMeshI.H.

◆ interpolationMethodAMI()

Foam::word interpolationMethodAMI ( const interpolationMethod  method)

Conversion between mesh and patch interpolation methods.

Definition at line 639 of file meshToMesh.C.

References Foam::abort(), Foam::FatalError, and FatalErrorInFunction.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ patchAMIs()

const Foam::PtrList< Foam::AMIPatchToPatchInterpolation > & patchAMIs ( ) const

Return the list of AMIs between source and target patches.

Definition at line 115 of file meshToMeshI.H.

◆ distributed()

bool distributed ( ) const

Distributed across processors (singleMeshProc == -1)

Definition at line 80 of file meshToMeshI.H.

◆ hasSrcMap()

const Foam::mapDistribute * hasSrcMap ( ) const

Pointer to the source map (if distributed). Can be checked as a bool.

Definition at line 87 of file meshToMeshI.H.

◆ hasTgtMap()

const Foam::mapDistribute * hasTgtMap ( ) const

Pointer to the target map (if distributed). Can be checked as a bool.

Definition at line 94 of file meshToMeshI.H.

◆ srcMap()

const Foam::autoPtr< Foam::mapDistribute > & srcMap ( ) const

Source map pointer - valid if no singleMeshProc.

Definition at line 101 of file meshToMeshI.H.

Referenced by cellVolumeWeight::update().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tgtMap()

const Foam::autoPtr< Foam::mapDistribute > & tgtMap ( ) const

Target map pointer - valid if no singleMeshProc.

Definition at line 108 of file meshToMeshI.H.

Referenced by cellVolumeWeight::update().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mapSrcToTgt() [1/19]

void mapSrcToTgt ( const UList< Type > &  srcFld,
const CombineOp &  cop,
List< Type > &  result 
) const

Map field from src to tgt mesh with defined operation.

Values passed in via 'result' are used to initialise the return value

Definition at line 47 of file meshToMeshTemplates.C.

References Foam::abort(), mapDistribute::distribute(), Foam::FatalError, FatalErrorInFunction, forAll, Foam::nl, UList< T >::size(), and Foam::sum().

Referenced by interRegionHeatTransferModel::interpolate(), and Foam::MapVolFields().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mapSrcToTgt() [2/19]

void mapSrcToTgt ( const UList< Type > &  srcField,
const UList< typename outerProduct< vector, Type >::type > &  srcGradField,
const CombineOp &  cop,
List< Type > &  result 
) const

Map extrapolated field (using gradient) from src to tgt.

mesh with defined operation. Falls back to non-extrapolated mapping (above) if not constructed with method that supports getting offset vectors. Extrapolation only for internal values. Values passed in via 'result' are used to initialise the return value.

Definition at line 115 of file meshToMeshTemplates.C.

References Foam::abort(), mapDistribute::distribute(), Foam::FatalError, FatalErrorInFunction, forAll, Foam::nl, Foam::returnReduceAnd(), UList< T >::size(), and Foam::sum().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mapSrcToTgt() [3/19]

tmp<Field<Type> > mapSrcToTgt ( const Field< Type > &  srcFld,
const CombineOp &  cop 
) const

Return the src field mapped to the tgt mesh with a defined.

operation. Initial values of the result are set to zero

◆ mapSrcToTgt() [4/19]

tmp<Field<Type> > mapSrcToTgt ( const tmp< Field< Type >> &  tsrcFld,
const CombineOp &  cop 
) const

Convenience function to map a tmp field to the tgt mesh.

with a defined operation

◆ mapSrcToTgt() [5/19]

tmp<Field<Type> > mapSrcToTgt ( const Field< Type > &  srcFld) const

Convenience function to map a field to the tgt mesh with a.

default operation (plusEqOp)

◆ mapSrcToTgt() [6/19]

tmp<Field<Type> > mapSrcToTgt ( const tmp< Field< Type >> &  tsrcFld) const

Convenience function to map a tmp field to the tgt mesh.

with a default operation (plusEqOp)

◆ mapTgtToSrc() [1/19]

void mapTgtToSrc ( const UList< Type > &  tgtFld,
const CombineOp &  cop,
List< Type > &  result 
) const

Map field from tgt to src mesh with defined operation.

Values passed in via 'result' are used to initialise the return value

Definition at line 255 of file meshToMeshTemplates.C.

References Foam::abort(), mapDistribute::distribute(), Foam::FatalError, FatalErrorInFunction, forAll, Foam::nl, UList< T >::size(), and Foam::sum().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mapTgtToSrc() [2/19]

void mapTgtToSrc ( const UList< Type > &  srcField,
const UList< typename outerProduct< vector, Type >::type > &  tgtGradField,
const CombineOp &  cop,
List< Type > &  result 
) const

Map extrapolated field (using gradient) from tgt to src.

mesh with defined operation. Falls back to non-extrapolated mapping (above) if not constructed with method that supports getting offset vectors. Extrapolation only for internal values. Values passed in via 'result' are used to initialise the return value

Definition at line 321 of file meshToMeshTemplates.C.

References Foam::abort(), mapDistribute::distribute(), Foam::FatalError, FatalErrorInFunction, forAll, Foam::nl, Foam::returnReduceAnd(), UList< T >::size(), and Foam::sum().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mapTgtToSrc() [3/19]

tmp<Field<Type> > mapTgtToSrc ( const Field< Type > &  tgtFld,
const CombineOp &  cop 
) const

Return the tgt field mapped to the src mesh with a defined.

operation. Initial values of the result are set to zero

◆ mapTgtToSrc() [4/19]

tmp<Field<Type> > mapTgtToSrc ( const tmp< Field< Type >> &  ttgtFld,
const CombineOp &  cop 
) const

Convenience function to map a tmp field to the src mesh.

with a defined operation

◆ mapTgtToSrc() [5/19]

tmp<Field<Type> > mapTgtToSrc ( const Field< Type > &  tgtFld) const

Convenience function to map a field to the src mesh with a.

default operation (plusEqOp)

◆ mapTgtToSrc() [6/19]

tmp<Field<Type> > mapTgtToSrc ( const tmp< Field< Type >> &  ttgtFld) const

Convenience function to map a tmp field to the src mesh.

with a default operation (plusEqOp)

◆ mapSrcToTgt() [7/19]

void mapSrcToTgt ( const VolumeField< Type > &  field,
const CombineOp &  cop,
VolumeField< Type > &  result,
const bool  secondOrder = true 
) const

Interpolate a field with a defined operation. Values.

passed in via 'result' are used to initialise the return value. Optionally uses gradient correction (internal field only) if interpolationMethod supports it

Definition at line 500 of file meshToMeshTemplates.C.

References GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >::boundaryFieldRef(), field(), forAll, Foam::identity(), fvPatchFieldBase::patch(), fvPatchField< Type >::patchInternalField(), fvPatchField< Type >::rmap(), and UList< Type >::size().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mapSrcToTgt() [8/19]

tmp<VolumeField<Type> > mapSrcToTgt ( const VolumeField< Type > &  field,
const CombineOp &  cop,
const bool  secondOrder = true 
) const

Interpolate a field with a defined operation. The initial.

values of the result are set to zero

◆ mapSrcToTgt() [9/19]

tmp<VolumeField<Type> > mapSrcToTgt ( const tmp< VolumeField< Type >> &  tfield,
const CombineOp &  cop,
const bool  secondOrder = true 
) const

Interpolate a tmp field with a defined operation. The.

initial values of the result are set to zero

◆ mapSrcToTgt() [10/19]

tmp<VolumeField<Type> > mapSrcToTgt ( const VolumeField< Type > &  field,
const bool  secondOrder = true 
) const

Convenience function to map a field with a default.

operation (plusEqOp)

◆ mapSrcToTgt() [11/19]

tmp<VolumeField<Type> > mapSrcToTgt ( const tmp< VolumeField< Type >> &  tfield,
const bool  secondOrder = true 
) const

Convenience function to map a tmp field with a default.

operation (plusEqOp)

◆ mapTgtToSrc() [7/19]

void mapTgtToSrc ( const VolumeField< Type > &  field,
const CombineOp &  cop,
VolumeField< Type > &  result,
const bool  secondOrder = true 
) const

Interpolate a field with a defined operation. Values.

passed in via 'result' are used to initialise the return value. Optionally uses gradient correction (internal field only) if interpolationMethod supports it

Definition at line 733 of file meshToMeshTemplates.C.

References GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >::boundaryFieldRef(), field(), forAll, Foam::identity(), fvPatchFieldBase::patch(), fvPatchField< Type >::patchInternalField(), fvPatchField< Type >::rmap(), and UList< Type >::size().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mapTgtToSrc() [8/19]

tmp<VolumeField<Type> > mapTgtToSrc ( const VolumeField< Type > &  field,
const CombineOp &  cop,
const bool  secondOrder = true 
) const

Interpolate a field with a defined operation. The initial.

values of the result are set to zero

◆ mapTgtToSrc() [9/19]

tmp<VolumeField<Type> > mapTgtToSrc ( const tmp< VolumeField< Type >> &  tfield,
const CombineOp &  cop,
const bool  secondOrder = true 
) const

Interpolate a tmp field with a defined operation. The.

initial values of the result are set to zero

◆ mapTgtToSrc() [10/19]

tmp<VolumeField<Type> > mapTgtToSrc ( const VolumeField< Type > &  field,
const bool  secondOrder = true 
) const

Convenience function to map a field with a default.

operation (plusEqOp)

◆ mapTgtToSrc() [11/19]

tmp<VolumeField<Type> > mapTgtToSrc ( const tmp< VolumeField< Type >> &  tfield,
const bool  secondOrder = true 
) const

Convenience function to map a tmp field with a default.

operation (plusEqOp)

◆ mapInternalSrcToTgt() [1/6]

void mapInternalSrcToTgt ( const VolumeField< sphericalTensor > &  field,
const plusEqOp< sphericalTensor > &  cop,
VolumeField< sphericalTensor > &  result,
const bool  secondOrder 
) const

Definition at line 69 of file meshToMesh.C.

References field(), and GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >::primitiveFieldRef().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mapInternalSrcToTgt() [2/6]

void mapInternalSrcToTgt ( const VolumeField< sphericalTensor > &  field,
const minusEqOp< sphericalTensor > &  cop,
VolumeField< sphericalTensor > &  result,
const bool  secondOrder 
) const

Definition at line 82 of file meshToMesh.C.

References field(), and GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >::primitiveFieldRef().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mapInternalSrcToTgt() [3/6]

void mapInternalSrcToTgt ( const VolumeField< symmTensor > &  field,
const plusEqOp< symmTensor > &  cop,
VolumeField< symmTensor > &  result,
const bool  secondOrder 
) const

Definition at line 95 of file meshToMesh.C.

References field(), and GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >::primitiveFieldRef().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mapInternalSrcToTgt() [4/6]

void mapInternalSrcToTgt ( const VolumeField< symmTensor > &  field,
const minusEqOp< symmTensor > &  cop,
VolumeField< symmTensor > &  result,
const bool  secondOrder 
) const

Definition at line 108 of file meshToMesh.C.

References field(), and GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >::primitiveFieldRef().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mapInternalSrcToTgt() [5/6]

void mapInternalSrcToTgt ( const VolumeField< tensor > &  field,
const plusEqOp< tensor > &  cop,
VolumeField< tensor > &  result,
const bool  secondOrder 
) const

Definition at line 121 of file meshToMesh.C.

References field(), and GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >::primitiveFieldRef().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mapInternalSrcToTgt() [6/6]

void mapInternalSrcToTgt ( const VolumeField< tensor > &  field,
const minusEqOp< tensor > &  cop,
VolumeField< tensor > &  result,
const bool  secondOrder 
) const

Definition at line 134 of file meshToMesh.C.

References field(), and GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >::primitiveFieldRef().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mapInternalTgtToSrc() [1/6]

void mapInternalTgtToSrc ( const VolumeField< sphericalTensor > &  field,
const plusEqOp< sphericalTensor > &  cop,
VolumeField< sphericalTensor > &  result,
const bool  secondOrder 
) const

Definition at line 147 of file meshToMesh.C.

References field(), and GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >::primitiveFieldRef().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mapInternalTgtToSrc() [2/6]

void mapInternalTgtToSrc ( const VolumeField< sphericalTensor > &  field,
const minusEqOp< sphericalTensor > &  cop,
VolumeField< sphericalTensor > &  result,
const bool  secondOrder 
) const

Definition at line 160 of file meshToMesh.C.

References field(), and GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >::primitiveFieldRef().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mapInternalTgtToSrc() [3/6]

void mapInternalTgtToSrc ( const VolumeField< symmTensor > &  field,
const plusEqOp< symmTensor > &  cop,
VolumeField< symmTensor > &  result,
const bool  secondOrder 
) const

Definition at line 173 of file meshToMesh.C.

References field(), and GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >::primitiveFieldRef().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mapInternalTgtToSrc() [4/6]

void mapInternalTgtToSrc ( const VolumeField< symmTensor > &  field,
const minusEqOp< symmTensor > &  cop,
VolumeField< symmTensor > &  result,
const bool  secondOrder 
) const

Definition at line 186 of file meshToMesh.C.

References field(), and GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >::primitiveFieldRef().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mapInternalTgtToSrc() [5/6]

void mapInternalTgtToSrc ( const VolumeField< tensor > &  field,
const plusEqOp< tensor > &  cop,
VolumeField< tensor > &  result,
const bool  secondOrder 
) const

Definition at line 199 of file meshToMesh.C.

References field(), and GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >::primitiveFieldRef().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mapInternalTgtToSrc() [6/6]

void mapInternalTgtToSrc ( const VolumeField< tensor > &  field,
const minusEqOp< tensor > &  cop,
VolumeField< tensor > &  result,
const bool  secondOrder 
) const

Definition at line 212 of file meshToMesh.C.

References field(), and GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >::primitiveFieldRef().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mapAndOpSrcToTgt() [1/5]

void mapAndOpSrcToTgt ( const AMIPatchToPatchInterpolation AMI,
const Field< scalar > &  srcField,
Field< scalar > &  tgtField,
const plusEqOp< scalar > &  cop 
) const

Definition at line 225 of file meshToMesh.C.

◆ mapAndOpSrcToTgt() [2/5]

void mapAndOpSrcToTgt ( const AMIPatchToPatchInterpolation AMI,
const Field< vector > &  srcField,
Field< vector > &  tgtField,
const plusEqOp< vector > &  cop 
) const

Definition at line 236 of file meshToMesh.C.

◆ mapAndOpSrcToTgt() [3/5]

void mapAndOpSrcToTgt ( const AMIPatchToPatchInterpolation AMI,
const Field< sphericalTensor > &  srcField,
Field< sphericalTensor > &  tgtField,
const plusEqOp< sphericalTensor > &  cop 
) const

Definition at line 247 of file meshToMesh.C.

◆ mapAndOpSrcToTgt() [4/5]

void mapAndOpSrcToTgt ( const AMIPatchToPatchInterpolation AMI,
const Field< symmTensor > &  srcField,
Field< symmTensor > &  tgtField,
const plusEqOp< symmTensor > &  cop 
) const

Definition at line 258 of file meshToMesh.C.

◆ mapAndOpSrcToTgt() [5/5]

void mapAndOpSrcToTgt ( const AMIPatchToPatchInterpolation AMI,
const Field< tensor > &  srcField,
Field< tensor > &  tgtField,
const plusEqOp< tensor > &  cop 
) const

Definition at line 269 of file meshToMesh.C.

◆ mapAndOpTgtToSrc() [1/5]

void mapAndOpTgtToSrc ( const AMIPatchToPatchInterpolation AMI,
Field< scalar > &  srcField,
const Field< scalar > &  tgtField,
const plusEqOp< scalar > &  cop 
) const

Definition at line 280 of file meshToMesh.C.

◆ mapAndOpTgtToSrc() [2/5]

void mapAndOpTgtToSrc ( const AMIPatchToPatchInterpolation AMI,
Field< vector > &  srcField,
const Field< vector > &  tgtField,
const plusEqOp< vector > &  cop 
) const

Definition at line 291 of file meshToMesh.C.

◆ mapAndOpTgtToSrc() [3/5]

void mapAndOpTgtToSrc ( const AMIPatchToPatchInterpolation AMI,
Field< sphericalTensor > &  srcField,
const Field< sphericalTensor > &  tgtField,
const plusEqOp< sphericalTensor > &  cop 
) const

Definition at line 302 of file meshToMesh.C.

◆ mapAndOpTgtToSrc() [4/5]

void mapAndOpTgtToSrc ( const AMIPatchToPatchInterpolation AMI,
Field< symmTensor > &  srcField,
const Field< symmTensor > &  tgtField,
const plusEqOp< symmTensor > &  cop 
) const

Definition at line 313 of file meshToMesh.C.

◆ mapAndOpTgtToSrc() [5/5]

void mapAndOpTgtToSrc ( const AMIPatchToPatchInterpolation AMI,
Field< tensor > &  srcField,
const Field< tensor > &  tgtField,
const plusEqOp< tensor > &  cop 
) const

Definition at line 324 of file meshToMesh.C.

◆ mapSrcToTgt() [12/19]

Foam::tmp<Foam::Field<Type> > mapSrcToTgt ( const Field< Type > &  srcField,
const CombineOp &  cop 
) const

Definition at line 209 of file meshToMeshTemplates.C.

References Foam::New(), and Foam::Zero.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mapSrcToTgt() [13/19]

Foam::tmp<Foam::Field<Type> > mapSrcToTgt ( const tmp< Field< Type >> &  tsrcField,
const CombineOp &  cop 
) const

Definition at line 224 of file meshToMeshTemplates.C.

◆ mapSrcToTgt() [14/19]

Foam::tmp<Foam::Field<Type> > mapSrcToTgt ( const Field< Type > &  srcField) const

Definition at line 235 of file meshToMeshTemplates.C.

◆ mapSrcToTgt() [15/19]

Foam::tmp<Foam::Field<Type> > mapSrcToTgt ( const tmp< Field< Type >> &  tsrcField) const

Definition at line 245 of file meshToMeshTemplates.C.

◆ mapTgtToSrc() [12/19]

Foam::tmp<Foam::Field<Type> > mapTgtToSrc ( const Field< Type > &  tgtField,
const CombineOp &  cop 
) const

Definition at line 407 of file meshToMeshTemplates.C.

References Foam::New(), and Foam::Zero.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mapTgtToSrc() [13/19]

Foam::tmp<Foam::Field<Type> > mapTgtToSrc ( const tmp< Field< Type >> &  ttgtField,
const CombineOp &  cop 
) const

Definition at line 422 of file meshToMeshTemplates.C.

◆ mapTgtToSrc() [14/19]

Foam::tmp<Foam::Field<Type> > mapTgtToSrc ( const Field< Type > &  tgtField) const

Definition at line 433 of file meshToMeshTemplates.C.

◆ mapTgtToSrc() [15/19]

Foam::tmp<Foam::Field<Type> > mapTgtToSrc ( const tmp< Field< Type >> &  ttgtField) const

Definition at line 443 of file meshToMeshTemplates.C.

◆ mapSrcToTgt() [16/19]

Foam::tmp<Foam::VolumeField<Type> > mapSrcToTgt ( const VolumeField< Type > &  field,
const CombineOp &  cop,
const bool  secondOrder 
) const

◆ mapSrcToTgt() [17/19]

Foam::tmp<Foam::VolumeField<Type> > mapSrcToTgt ( const tmp< VolumeField< Type >> &  tfield,
const CombineOp &  cop,
const bool  secondOrder 
) const

Definition at line 650 of file meshToMeshTemplates.C.

◆ mapSrcToTgt() [18/19]

Foam::tmp<Foam::VolumeField<Type> > mapSrcToTgt ( const VolumeField< Type > &  field,
const bool  secondOrder 
) const

Definition at line 663 of file meshToMeshTemplates.C.

References field().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mapSrcToTgt() [19/19]

Foam::tmp<Foam::VolumeField<Type> > mapSrcToTgt ( const tmp< VolumeField< Type >> &  tfield,
const bool  secondOrder 
) const

Definition at line 675 of file meshToMeshTemplates.C.

◆ mapTgtToSrc() [16/19]

Foam::tmp<Foam::VolumeField<Type> > mapTgtToSrc ( const VolumeField< Type > &  field,
const CombineOp &  cop,
const bool  secondOrder 
) const

◆ mapTgtToSrc() [17/19]

Foam::tmp<Foam::VolumeField<Type> > mapTgtToSrc ( const tmp< VolumeField< Type >> &  tfield,
const CombineOp &  cop,
const bool  secondOrder 
) const

Definition at line 881 of file meshToMeshTemplates.C.

◆ mapTgtToSrc() [18/19]

Foam::tmp<Foam::VolumeField<Type> > mapTgtToSrc ( const VolumeField< Type > &  field,
const bool  secondOrder 
) const

Definition at line 894 of file meshToMeshTemplates.C.

References field().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mapTgtToSrc() [19/19]

Foam::tmp<Foam::VolumeField<Type> > mapTgtToSrc ( const tmp< VolumeField< Type >> &  tfield,
const bool  secondOrder 
) const

Definition at line 906 of file meshToMeshTemplates.C.

Member Data Documentation

◆ interpolationMethodNames_

const Foam::Enum< Foam::meshToMesh::interpolationMethod > interpolationMethodNames_

Definition at line 77 of file meshToMesh.H.

Referenced by interRegionOption::setMapper().

◆ procMapMethodNames_

const Foam::Enum< Foam::meshToMesh::procMapMethod > procMapMethodNames_
Initial value:
{ procMapMethod::pmAABB, "AABB" },

Definition at line 88 of file meshToMesh.H.

Referenced by interRegionOption::setMapper().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: