IOField< Type > Class Template Reference

A primitive field of type <T> with automated input and output. More...

Inheritance diagram for IOField< Type >:
Collaboration diagram for IOField< Type >:

Public Types

typedef Field< Type > content_type
 The underlying content type. More...
- Public Types inherited from IOobject
enum  objectState : char { GOOD, BAD }
 Enumeration defining the valid states of an IOobject. More...
enum  fileCheckTypes : char { timeStamp, timeStampMaster, inotify, inotifyMaster }
 Enumeration defining the file checking options. More...
- Public Types inherited from IOobjectOption
enum  readOption : unsigned char {
 Enumeration defining read preferences. More...
enum  writeOption : unsigned char { NO_WRITE = 0, AUTO_WRITE = 0x10 }
 Enumeration defining write preferences. More...
enum  registerOption : unsigned char { NO_REGISTER = 0, REGISTER = 1, LEGACY_REGISTER = 2 }
 Enumeration for use with registerObject(). Values map to bool (false/true) More...
- Public Types inherited from Field< Type >
typedef pTraits< Type >::cmptType cmptType
 Component type. More...
typedef SubField< Type > subField
 Declare type of subField. More...
- Public Types inherited from List< Type >
typedef SubList< Type > subList
 Declare type of subList. More...
- Public Types inherited from UList< Type >
typedef Type value_type
 The value type the list contains. More...
typedef Type * pointer
 The pointer type for non-const access to value_type items. More...
typedef const Type * const_pointer
 The pointer type for const access to value_type items. More...
typedef Type & reference
 The type used for storing into value_type objects. More...
typedef const Type & const_reference
 The type used for reading from constant value_type objects. More...
typedef Type * iterator
 Random access iterator for traversing a UList. More...
typedef const Type * const_iterator
 Random access iterator for traversing a UList. More...
typedef label size_type
 The type to represent the size of a UList. More...
typedef label difference_type
 The difference between iterator objects. More...
typedef std::reverse_iterator< iteratorreverse_iterator
 Reverse iterator (non-const access) More...
typedef std::reverse_iterator< const_iteratorconst_reverse_iterator
 Reverse iterator (const access) More...

Public Member Functions

 TypeName ("Field")
 Runtime type information. More...
 IOField (const IOField &)=default
 Default copy construct. More...
 IOField (const IOobject &io)
 Construct from IOobject. More...
 IOField (const IOobject &io, const bool readOnProc)
 Construct from IOobject, with local processor conditional reading. More...
 IOField (const IOobject &io, Foam::zero)
 Construct from IOobject and zero size (if not read) More...
 IOField (const IOobject &io, const label len)
 Construct from IOobject and field size (if not read) More...
 IOField (const IOobject &io, const UList< Type > &content)
 Construct from IOobject and copy of List/Field content. More...
 IOField (const IOobject &io, Field< Type > &&content)
 Construct by transferring the Field content. More...
 IOField (const IOobject &io, const tmp< Field< Type >> &tfld)
 Construct by copying/moving tmp content. More...
virtual ~IOField ()=default
 Destructor. More...
virtual bool writeData (Ostream &os) const
 The writeData method for regIOobject write operation. More...
void operator= (const IOField< Type > &rhs)
 Copy assignment of entries. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from regIOobject
void operator= (const regIOobject &)=delete
 No copy assignment. More...
 TypeName ("regIOobject")
 Runtime type information. More...
 regIOobject (const IOobject &io, const bool isTimeObject=false)
 Construct from IOobject. The optional flag adds special handling if the object is the top-level regIOobject (eg, Time). More...
 regIOobject (const regIOobject &rio)
 Copy construct. More...
 regIOobject (const regIOobject &rio, bool registerCopy)
 Copy construct, transferring registry registration to the copy if registerCopy is true. More...
 regIOobject (const word &newName, const regIOobject &, bool registerCopy)
 Copy construct with new name, transferring registry registration to the copy if registerCopy is true. More...
 regIOobject (const IOobject &io, const regIOobject &rio)
 Copy construct with new IO parameters. More...
virtual ~regIOobject ()
 Destructor. More...
bool checkIn ()
 Add object to registry, if not already registered. More...
bool checkOut ()
 Remove object from registry, and remove all file watches. More...
virtual void addWatch ()
 Add file watch on object (if registered and READ_IF_MODIFIED) More...
bool registered () const noexcept
 Query the registered state (ie, has been checked in). This is not necessarily the same as registerObject(), which is just a stated preference. More...
bool ownedByRegistry () const noexcept
 Is this object owned by the registry? More...
bool store ()
 Register object with its registry and transfer ownership to the registry. More...
void release (const bool unregister=false) noexcept
 Set object as not ownedByRegistry. More...
label eventNo () const noexcept
 Event number at last update. More...
label & eventNo () noexcept
 Event number at last update. More...
bool upToDate (const regIOobject &) const
 Return true if up-to-date with respect to given object. More...
bool upToDate (const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) const
 Return true if up-to-date with respect to given objects. More...
bool upToDate (const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) const
 Return true if up-to-date with respect to given objects. More...
bool upToDate (const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) const
 Return true if up-to-date with respect to given objects. More...
void setUpToDate ()
 Set as up-to-date. More...
virtual void rename (const word &newName)
 Rename. More...
const dictionaryfindMetaData () const noexcept
 Return pointer to meta-data or nullptr. More...
dictionarygetMetaData () noexcept
 Get or create meta-data. More...
void removeMetaData ()
 Remove meta-data. More...
virtual void updateMetaData ()
 Update internal meta-data (eg, prior to writing) More...
virtual fileName filePath () const
 Return complete path + object name if the file exists. More...
bool headerOk ()
 Read and check header info. Does not check the headerClassName. More...
IstreamreadStream (const word &, const bool readOnProc=true)
 Return Istream and check object type against that given. More...
void close ()
 Close Istream. More...
virtual bool readData (Istream &)
 Virtual readData function. More...
virtual bool read ()
 Read object. More...
virtual label addWatch (const fileName &)
 Add file watch for fileName on object if not yet watched. More...
const labelListwatchIndices () const noexcept
 Read access to file-monitoring handles. More...
labelListwatchIndices () noexcept
 Write access to file-monitoring handles. More...
virtual bool modified () const
 Return true if the object's file (or files for objectRegistry) have been modified. (modified state is cached by Time) More...
virtual bool readIfModified ()
 Read object if modified (as set by call to modified) More...
virtual bool writeObject (IOstreamOption streamOpt, const bool writeOnProc) const
 Write using stream options. More...
virtual bool write (const bool writeOnProc=true) const
 Write using setting from DB. More...
virtual bool global () const
 Is object global. More...
void operator= (const IOobject &io)
 Copy assignment. More...
virtual bool writeObject (IOstreamOption::streamFormat fmt, IOstreamOption::versionNumber ver, IOstreamOption::compressionType cmp, const bool writeOnProc) const
 Write using given format, version and compression. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IOobject
 TypeName ("IOobject")
 Declare type-name, virtual type (with debug switch) More...
 IOobject (const IOobject &)=default
 Copy construct. More...
virtual ~IOobject ()=default
 Destructor. More...
 IOobject (const word &name, const fileName &instance, const objectRegistry &registry, IOobjectOption ioOpt=IOobjectOption())
 Construct from name, instance, registry, io options. More...
 IOobject (const word &name, const fileName &instance, const fileName &local, const objectRegistry &registry, IOobjectOption ioOpt=IOobjectOption())
 Construct from name, instance, local, registry, io options. More...
 IOobject (const fileName &path, const objectRegistry &registry, IOobjectOption ioOpt=IOobjectOption())
 Construct from path, registry, io options. More...
 IOobject (const word &name, const fileName &instance, const objectRegistry &registry, IOobjectOption::readOption rOpt, IOobjectOption::writeOption wOpt=IOobjectOption::NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true, bool globalObject=false)
 Construct from name, instance, registry, io options. More...
 IOobject (const word &name, const fileName &instance, const fileName &local, const objectRegistry &registry, IOobjectOption::readOption rOpt, IOobjectOption::writeOption wOpt=IOobjectOption::NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true, bool globalObject=false)
 Construct from name, instance, local, registry, io options. More...
 IOobject (const fileName &path, const objectRegistry &registry, IOobjectOption::readOption rOpt, IOobjectOption::writeOption wOpt=IOobjectOption::NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true, bool globalObject=false)
 Construct from path, registry, io options. More...
 IOobject (const IOobject &io, const objectRegistry &registry)
 Copy construct, resetting registry. More...
 IOobject (const IOobject &io, const word &name)
 Copy construct, resetting name. More...
 IOobject (const IOobject &io, const word &name, const fileName &local)
 Copy construct, resetting name and local component. More...
 IOobject (const IOobject &io, IOobjectOption::readOption rOpt, IOobjectOption::writeOption wOpt)
 Copy construct, resetting read/write options. More...
 IOobject (const IOobject &io, IOobjectOption::registerOption regOpt)
 Copy construct, resetting register option. More...
autoPtr< IOobjectclone () const
 Clone. More...
autoPtr< IOobjectclone (const objectRegistry &registry) const
 Clone resetting registry. More...
const objectRegistrydb () const noexcept
 Return the local objectRegistry. More...
const Timetime () const noexcept
 Return Time associated with the objectRegistry. More...
const wordname () const noexcept
 Return the object name. More...
const wordheaderClassName () const noexcept
 Return name of the class name read from header. More...
wordheaderClassName () noexcept
 Return non-constant access to the class name read from header. More...
const stringnote () const noexcept
 Return the optional note. More...
stringnote () noexcept
 Modifiable access to the optional note. More...
unsigned labelByteSize () const noexcept
 The sizeof (label) in bytes, possibly read from the header. More...
unsigned scalarByteSize () const noexcept
 The sizeof (scalar) in bytes, possibly read from the header. More...
void resetHeader (const word &newName=word::null)
 Clear various bits (headerClassName, note, sizeof...) that would be obtained when reading from a file. More...
bool hasHeaderClass () const noexcept
 True if headerClassName() is non-empty (after reading) More...
template<class Type >
bool isHeaderClass () const
 Check if headerClassName() equals Type::typeName. More...
template<class Type >
bool isHeaderClassName () const
 Same as isHeaderClass() More...
word group () const
 Return group (extension part of name) More...
word member () const
 Return member (name without the extension) More...
const fileNamerootPath () const noexcept
 Return the Time::rootPath() More...
const fileNamecaseName () const noexcept
 Return the Time::caseName() More...
const fileNameglobalCaseName () const noexcept
 Return the Time::globalCaseName() More...
const fileNameinstance () const noexcept
 Read access to instance path component. More...
fileNameinstance () noexcept
 Write access to instance path component. More...
const fileNamelocal () const noexcept
 Read access to local path component. More...
fileName path () const
 The complete path for the object (with instance, local,...). More...
fileName globalPath () const
 The complete global path for the object (with instance, local,...) More...
fileName path (const word &instance, const fileName &local=fileName::null) const
 The complete path with alternative instance and local. More...
fileName globalPath (const word &instance, const fileName &local=fileName::null) const
 The complete global path with alternative instance and local. More...
fileName objectPath () const
 The complete path + object name. More...
fileName globalObjectPath () const
 The complete global path + object name. More...
fileName objectRelPath () const
 The object path relative to the root. More...
fileName localFilePath (const word &typeName, const bool search=true) const
 Redirect to fileHandler filePath, searching locally. More...
fileName globalFilePath (const word &typeName, const bool search=true) const
 Redirect to fileHandler filePath, searching up if in parallel. More...
IOstreamOption parseHeader (const dictionary &headerDict)
 Parse 'FoamFile' header contents and set the IOobject characteristics and return the stream characteristics. More...
bool readHeader (Istream &is)
 Read header ('FoamFile' dictionary) and set the IOobject and stream characteristics. More...
bool readHeader (dictionary &headerDict, Istream &is)
 Read header (the 'FoamFile' dictionary) and set the IOobject and stream characteristics. More...
template<class Type >
bool typeHeaderOk (const bool checkType=true, const bool search=true, const bool verbose=true)
 Read header (respects is_globalIOobject trait) and check its info. More...
template<class Type >
fileName typeFilePath (const bool search=true) const
 Call localFilePath or globalFilePath for given type depending on its is_globalIOobject trait. More...
template<class Type >
void warnNoRereading () const
 Helper: warn that type does not support re-reading. More...
bool writeHeader (Ostream &os) const
 Write header with current type() More...
bool writeHeader (Ostream &os, const word &objectType) const
 Write header with override of type. More...
void writeHeader (dictionary &dict, IOstreamOption streamOpt) const
 Write header into a dictionary with current type() and given output format. More...
void writeHeader (dictionary &dict, const word &objectType, IOstreamOption streamOpt) const
 Write header into a dictionary with override of type and given output format. More...
bool good () const noexcept
 Did last readHeader() succeed? More...
bool bad () const noexcept
 Did last readHeader() fail? More...
InfoProxy< IOobjectinfo () const noexcept
 Return info proxy, for printing information to a stream. More...
void operator= (const IOobject &io)
 Copy assignment, copies all values (except the registry) More...
bool isHeaderClass () const
 Specialization for void always returns true (no headerClassName check). More...
template<class StringType >
Foam::word groupName (StringType base, const word &group)
template<class Type >
Foam::fileName typeFilePath (const bool search) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from IOobjectOption
constexpr IOobjectOption (readOption rOpt=readOption::NO_READ, writeOption wOpt=writeOption::NO_WRITE, registerOption registerObject=registerOption::REGISTER, bool globalObject=false) noexcept
 Default construct (NO_READ, NO_WRITE, REGISTER, non-global) or construct with specified options. More...
constexpr IOobjectOption (readOption rOpt, registerOption registerObject=registerOption::REGISTER, bool globalObject=false) noexcept
 Construct NO_WRITE with specified read/register options. More...
constexpr IOobjectOption (writeOption wOpt, registerOption registerObject=registerOption::REGISTER, bool globalObject=false) noexcept
 Construct NO_READ with specified write/register options. More...
constexpr IOobjectOption (registerOption registerObject, bool globalObject=false) noexcept
 Construct (NO_READ, NO_WRITE) with specified register option. More...
constexpr IOobjectOption (readOption rOpt, writeOption wOpt, bool registerObject, bool globalObject=false) noexcept
 Construct from components with specified register option as bool. More...
constexpr IOobjectOption (bool registerObject, bool globalObject=false) noexcept
 Construct (NO_READ, NO_WRITE) with specified register option as bool. More...
readOption readOpt () const noexcept
 Get the read option. More...
readOption readOpt (readOption opt) noexcept
 Set the read option. More...
writeOption writeOpt () const noexcept
 Get the write option. More...
writeOption writeOpt (writeOption opt) noexcept
 Set the write option. More...
bool registerObject () const noexcept
 Should objects created with this IOobject be registered? More...
bool registerObject (bool on) noexcept
 Change registration preference. More...
bool globalObject () const noexcept
 True if object is treated the same for all processors. More...
bool globalObject (bool on) noexcept
 Change global-object status. More...
bool isAnyRead () const noexcept
 True if any reading may be required (ie, != NO_READ) More...
bool isReadRequired () const noexcept
 True if (MUST_READ | READ_MODIFIED) bits are set. More...
bool isReadOptional () const noexcept
 True if (LAZY_READ) bits are set [same as READ_IF_PRESENT]. More...
readOptionreadOpt () noexcept
 Access to the read option. More...
writeOptionwriteOpt () noexcept
 Access to the write option. More...
bool & registerObject () noexcept
 Access to the register object option. More...
bool & globalObject () noexcept
 Access to the global object option. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Field< Type >
constexpr Field () noexcept
 Default construct. More...
 Field (const label len)
 Construct given size. More...
 Field (const label len, const Type &val)
 Construct given size and initial value. More...
 Field (const label len, const Foam::zero)
 Construct given size and initial values of zero. More...
 Field (const Foam::one, const Type &val)
 Construct with length=1, copying the value as the only content. More...
 Field (const Foam::one, Type &&val)
 Construct with length=1, moving the value as the only content. More...
 Field (const Foam::one, const Foam::zero)
 Construct with length=1, initializing content to zero. More...
 Field (const Field< Type > &fld)
 Copy construct. More...
 Field (const UList< Type > &list)
 Copy construct from UList<Type> More...
template<class Addr >
 Field (const IndirectListBase< Type, Addr > &list)
 Copy construct from IndirectList. More...
 Field (Field< Type > &&fld) noexcept
 Move construct from Field. More...
 Field (List< Type > &&list) noexcept
 Move construct from List. More...
template<int SizeMin>
 Field (DynamicList< Type, SizeMin > &&list)
 Move construct from DynamicList. More...
 Field (const UList< Type > &mapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing)
 Construct by 1 to 1 mapping from the given field. More...
 Field (const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing)
 Construct by 1 to 1 mapping from the given tmp field. More...
 Field (const UList< Type > &mapF, const labelListList &mapAddressing, const scalarListList &weights)
 Construct by interpolative mapping from the given field. More...
 Field (const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const labelListList &mapAddressing, const scalarListList &weights)
 Construct by interpolative mapping from the given tmp field. More...
 Field (const UList< Type > &mapF, const FieldMapper &map, const bool applyFlip=true)
 Construct by mapping from the given field. More...
 Field (const UList< Type > &mapF, const FieldMapper &map, const Type &defaultValue, const bool applyFlip=true)
 Construct by mapping from the given field. More...
 Field (const UList< Type > &mapF, const FieldMapper &map, const UList< Type > &defaultValues, const bool applyFlip=true)
 Construct by mapping from the given field. More...
 Field (const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const FieldMapper &map, const bool applyFlip=true)
 Construct by mapping from the given tmp field. More...
 Field (const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const FieldMapper &map, const Type &defaultValue, const bool applyFlip=true)
 Construct by mapping from the given tmp field. Uses supplied uniform value for unmapped items. More...
 Field (const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const FieldMapper &map, const UList< Type > &defaultValues, const bool applyFlip=true)
 Construct by mapping from the given tmp field. Uses supplied values for unmapped items. More...
 Field (Field< Type > &fld, bool reuse)
 Copy construct or re-use as specified. More...
 Field (const tmp< Field< Type >> &tfld)
 Copy or move construct from tmp. More...
 Field (Istream &is)
 Construct from Istream. More...
 Field (const entry &e, const label len)
 Construct from a dictionary (primitive) entry. More...
 Field (const word &key, const dictionary &dict, const label len, IOobjectOption::readOption readOpt=IOobjectOption::MUST_READ)
 Lookup of a primitive dictionary entry by (literal) name and assign its contents to this. The behaviour largely as described in assign(): More...
tmp< Field< Type > > clone () const
 Clone. More...
void assign (const entry &e, const label len)
 Assign from a primitive dictionary entry with the following behaviour: More...
bool assign (const word &key, const dictionary &dict, const label len, IOobjectOption::readOption readOpt=IOobjectOption::MUST_READ)
 Lookup a primitive dictionary entry by (literal) name and assign its contents to this (behaviour as described above). More...
void map (const UList< Type > &mapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing)
 1 to 1 map from the given field More...
void map (const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing)
 1 to 1 map from the given tmp field More...
void map (const UList< Type > &mapF, const labelListList &mapAddressing, const scalarListList &weights)
 Interpolative map from the given field. More...
void map (const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const labelListList &mapAddressing, const scalarListList &weights)
 Interpolative map from the given tmp field. More...
void map (const UList< Type > &mapF, const FieldMapper &map, const bool applyFlip=true)
 Map from the given field. More...
void map (const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const FieldMapper &map, const bool applyFlip=true)
 Map from the given tmp field. More...
void autoMap (const FieldMapper &map, const bool applyFlip=true)
 Map from self. More...
void rmap (const UList< Type > &mapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing)
 1 to 1 reverse-map from the given field More...
void rmap (const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing)
 1 to 1 reverse-map from the given tmp field More...
void rmap (const UList< Type > &mapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing, const UList< scalar > &weights)
 Interpolative reverse map from the given field. More...
void rmap (const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing, const UList< scalar > &weights)
 Interpolative reverse map from the given tmp field. More...
void negate ()
 Inplace negate this field (negative). More...
void normalise ()
 Inplace normalise this field. Generally a no-op except for vector fields. More...
tmp< Field< cmptType > > component (const direction) const
 Return a component field of the field. More...
void replace (const direction, const UList< cmptType > &)
 Replace a component field of the field. More...
void replace (const direction, const tmp< Field< cmptType >> &)
 Replace a component field of the field. More...
void replace (const direction, const cmptType &)
 Replace a component field of the field. More...
void clamp_min (const Type &lower)
 Impose lower (floor) clamp on the field values (in-place) More...
void clamp_max (const Type &upper)
 Impose upper (ceiling) clamp on the field values (in-place) More...
void clamp_range (const Type &lower, const Type &upper)
 Clamp field values (in-place) to the specified range. More...
void clamp_range (const MinMax< Type > &range)
 Clamp field values (in-place) to the specified range. More...
template<class VSForm >
VSForm block (const label start) const
tmp< Field< Type > > T () const
 Return the field transpose (only defined for second rank tensors) More...
void writeEntry (const word &keyword, Ostream &os) const
 Write the field as a dictionary entry. More...
SubField< Type > slice (const label pos, label len=-1)
 Return SubField slice (non-const access) - no range checking. More...
const SubField< Type > slice (const label pos, label len=-1) const
 Return SubField slice (const access) - no range checking. More...
SubField< Type > slice (const labelRange &range)
 Return SubField slice (non-const access) - with range checking. More...
const SubField< Type > slice (const labelRange &range) const
 Return SubField slice (const access) - with range checking. More...
void operator= (const Field< Type > &)
 Copy assignment. More...
void operator= (const tmp< Field< Type >> &)
void operator= (const UList< Type > &rhs)
void operator= (const SubField< Type > &rhs)
template<class Addr >
void operator= (const IndirectListBase< Type, Addr > &rhs)
 Copy assign from IndirectList. More...
void operator= (Field< Type > &&rhs)
 Move assignment. More...
void operator= (List< Type > &&rhs)
template<int SizeMin>
void operator= (DynamicList< Type, SizeMin > &&rhs)
void operator= (const Type &val)
 Assign entries to the given value. More...
void operator= (const Foam::zero)
 Assign entries to zero. More...
template<class Form , class Cmpt , direction nCmpt>
void operator= (const VectorSpace< Form, Cmpt, nCmpt > &)
void operator+= (const UList< Type > &)
void operator+= (const tmp< Field< Type >> &)
void operator-= (const UList< Type > &)
void operator-= (const tmp< Field< Type >> &)
void operator*= (const UList< scalar > &)
void operator*= (const tmp< Field< scalar >> &)
void operator/= (const UList< scalar > &)
void operator/= (const tmp< Field< scalar >> &)
void operator+= (const Type &)
void operator-= (const Type &)
void operator*= (const scalar &)
void operator/= (const scalar &)
template<class Type>
void operator= (const tmp< Field > &rhs)
void normalise ()
void normalise ()
void normalise ()
 Inplace normalise (float) vector field. More...
void normalise ()
 Inplace normalise (double) vector field. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from FieldBase
constexpr FieldBase () noexcept
 Default construct. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from refCount
constexpr refCount () noexcept
 Default construct, initializing count to 0. More...
int use_count () const noexcept
 Return the current reference count. More...
bool unique () const noexcept
 Return true if the reference count is zero. More...
void operator++ () noexcept
 Increment the reference count. More...
void operator++ (int) noexcept
 Increment the reference count. More...
void operator-- () noexcept
 Decrement the reference count. More...
void operator-- (int) noexcept
 Decrement the reference count. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from List< Type >
constexpr List () noexcept
 Default construct. More...
 List (const label len)
 Construct with given size. More...
 List (const label len, const Type &val)
 Construct with given size and value for all elements. More...
 List (const label len, const Foam::zero)
 Construct with given size initializing all elements to zero. More...
 List (const Foam::one, const Type &val)
 Construct with length=1, copying the value as the only content. More...
 List (const Foam::one, Type &&val)
 Construct with length=1, moving the value as the only content. More...
 List (const Foam::one, const Foam::zero)
 Construct with length=1, initializing content to zero. More...
 List (const List< Type > &list)
 Copy construct from list. More...
 List (const UList< Type > &list)
 Copy construct contents from list. More...
 List (List< Type > &list, bool reuse)
 Construct as copy or re-use as specified. More...
 List (const UList< Type > &list, const labelUList &indices)
 Copy construct subset of list. More...
 List (const UList< Type > &list, const FixedList< label, N > &indices)
 Copy construct subset of list. More...
 List (const FixedList< Type, N > &list)
 Construct as copy of FixedList<T, N> More...
 List (const PtrList< Type > &list)
 Construct as copy of PtrList<T> More...
 List (const IndirectListBase< Type, Addr > &list)
 Construct as copy of IndirectList contents. More...
 List (std::initializer_list< Type > list)
 Construct from an initializer list. More...
 List (List< Type > &&list) noexcept
 Move construct from List. More...
 List (DynamicList< Type, SizeMin > &&list)
 Move construct from DynamicList. More...
 List (Istream &is)
 Construct from Istream. More...
 List (const SLList< Type > &list)
 Copy construct from SLList. More...
autoPtr< List< Type > > clone () const
 Clone. More...
 ~List ()
 Destructor. More...
void clear ()
 Clear the list, i.e. set size to zero. More...
void resize (const label len)
 Adjust allocated size of list. More...
void resize (const label len, const Type &val)
 Adjust allocated size of list and set val for new elements. More...
void resize (const label newLen)
void resize_fill (const label len, const Type &val)
 Adjust allocated size of list and set val for all elements. More...
void resize_nocopy (const label len)
 Adjust allocated size of list without necessarily. More...
void resize_unsafe (const label len) noexcept
 Change the addressed list size directly without affecting any memory management (advanced usage). More...
void setSize (const label n)
 Alias for resize() More...
void setSize (const label n, const Type &val)
 Alias for resize() More...
void transfer (List< Type > &list)
 Transfer the contents of the argument List into this list and annul the argument list. More...
void transfer (DynamicList< Type, SizeMin > &list)
 Transfer the contents of the argument List into this list and annul the argument list. More...
Type & newElmt (const label i)
 Return subscript-checked element of UList and resizing the list if required. More...
Type & emplace_back (Args &&... args)
 Construct an element at the end of the list, return reference to the new list element. More...
void push_back (const Type &val)
 Append an element at the end of the list. More...
void push_back (Type &&val)
 Move append an element at the end of the list. More...
void push_back (const UList< Type > &list)
 Append a List to the end of this list. More...
void push_back (const IndirectListBase< Type, Addr > &list)
 Append IndirectList contents at the end of this list. More...
label push_uniq (const Type &val)
 Append an element if not already in the list. More...
void pop_back (label n=1)
 Reduce size by 1 or more elements. Can be called on an empty list. More...
void operator= (const UList< Type > &list)
 Assignment to UList operator. Takes linear time. More...
void operator= (const List< Type > &list)
 Assignment operator. Takes linear time. More...
void operator= (const IndirectListBase< Type, Addr > &list)
 Assignment from IndirectList. Takes linear time. More...
void operator= (const FixedList< Type, N > &list)
 Copy assignment from FixedList. More...
void operator= (std::initializer_list< Type > list)
 Assignment to an initializer list. More...
void operator= (const Type &val)
 Assignment of all entries to the given value. More...
void operator= (const Foam::zero)
 Assignment of all entries to zero. More...
void operator= (List< Type > &&list)
 Move assignment. Takes constant time. More...
void operator= (DynamicList< Type, SizeMin > &&list)
 Move assignment. Takes constant time. More...
void operator= (const SLList< Type > &list)
 Copy assign from SLList in linear time. More...
IstreamreadList (Istream &is)
 Read List from Istream, discarding contents of existing List. More...
void shallowCopy (const UList< Type > &)=delete
 No shallowCopy permitted. More...
std::enable_if< std::is_same< bool, TypeT >::value, bool >::type set (const label i, bool val=true)
 A bitSet::set() method for a list of bool. More...
void append (const Type &val)
 Append an element at the end of the list. More...
void append (Type &&val)
 Move append an element at the end of the list. More...
void append (const UList< Type > &list)
 Append a List to the end of this list. More...
void append (const IndirectListBase< Type, Addr > &list)
 Append IndirectList contents at the end of this list. More...
label appendUniq (const Type &val)
 Same as push_uniq() More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from UList< Type >
label size () const noexcept
 The number of elements in the container. More...
void writeEntry (const word &keyword, Ostream &os) const
 Write the List as a dictionary entry with keyword. More...
void operator= (const Type &val)
 Assignment of all entries to the given value. More...
void operator= (const Foam::zero)
 Assignment of all entries to zero. More...
 UList (const UList< Type > &)=default
 Copy construct. More...
constexpr UList () noexcept
 Default construct, zero-sized and nullptr. More...
 UList (Type *__restrict__ v, const label len) noexcept
 Construct from components. More...
label fcIndex (const label i) const noexcept
 The forward circular index. The next index in the list which returns to the first at the end of the list. More...
label rcIndex (const label i) const noexcept
 The reverse circular index. The previous index in the list which returns to the last at the beginning of the list. More...
const Type & fcValue (const label i) const
 Return forward circular value (ie, next value in the list) More...
Type & fcValue (const label i)
 Return forward circular value (ie, next value in the list) More...
const Type & rcValue (const label i) const
 Return reverse circular value (ie, previous value in the list) More...
Type & rcValue (const label i)
 Return reverse circular value (ie, previous value in the list) More...
const Type * cdata () const noexcept
 Return pointer to the underlying array serving as data storage. More...
Type * data () noexcept
 Return pointer to the underlying array serving as data storage. More...
const char * cdata_bytes () const noexcept
 Return pointer to the underlying array serving as data storage,. More...
char * data_bytes () noexcept
 Return pointer to the underlying array serving as data storage,. More...
Type & front ()
 Access first element of the list, position [0]. More...
const Type & front () const
 Access first element of the list. More...
Type & back ()
 Access last element of the list, position [size()-1]. More...
const Type & back () const
 Access last element of the list, position [size()-1]. More...
std::streamsize size_bytes () const noexcept
 Number of contiguous bytes for the List data. More...
std::streamsize byteSize () const
 Number of contiguous bytes for the List data, runtime FatalError if type is not contiguous. More...
void checkStart (const label start) const
 Check start is within valid range [0,size) More...
void checkSize (const label size) const
 Check size is within valid range [0,size]. More...
void checkRange (const label start, const label len) const
 Check that start and length define a valid range. More...
void checkIndex (const label i) const
 Check index is within valid range [0,size) More...
bool uniform () const
 True if all entries have identical values, and list is non-empty. More...
bool contains (const Type &val) const
 True if the value is contained in the list. More...
bool contains (const Type &val, label pos, label len=-1) const
 Is the value contained in the list? More...
label find (const Type &val) const
 Find index of the first occurrence of the value. More...
label find (const Type &val, label pos, label len=-1) const
 Find index of the first occurrence of the value. More...
label rfind (const Type &val, label pos=-1) const
 Find index of the last occurrence of the value. More...
void moveFirst (const label i)
 Move element to the first position. More...
void moveLast (const label i)
 Move element to the last position. More...
void swapFirst (const label i)
 Swap element with the first element. Fatal on an empty list. More...
void swapLast (const label i)
 Swap element with the last element. Fatal on an empty list. More...
void shallowCopy (Type *__restrict__ ptr, const label len) noexcept
 Copy the pointer and size. More...
void shallowCopy (std::nullptr_t) noexcept
 Copy nullptr and zero size. More...
void shallowCopy (const UList< Type > &list) noexcept
 Copy the pointer and size held by the given UList. More...
void deepCopy (const UList< Type > &list)
 Copy elements of the given UList. Sizes must match! More...
void deepCopy (const IndirectListBase< Type, Addr > &list)
 Copy elements of the given indirect list. Sizes must match! More...
SubList< Type > slice (const label pos, label len=-1)
 Return SubList slice (non-const access) - no range checking. More...
const SubList< Type > slice (const label pos, label len=-1) const
 Return SubList slice (const access) - no range checking. More...
SubList< Type > slice (const labelRange &range)
 Return SubList slice (non-const access) - with range checking. More...
const SubList< Type > slice (const labelRange &range) const
 Return SubList slice (const access) - with range checking. More...
Type & operator[] (const label i)
 Return element of UList. More...
const Type & operator[] (const label i) const
 Return element of constant UList. More...
const bool & operator[] (const label i) const
UPstream::commsStructoperator[] (const label procID)
const UPstream::commsStructoperator[] (const label procID) const
Foam::UPstream::commsStructoperator[] (const label procID)
const Foam::UPstream::commsStructoperator[] (const label procID) const
 operator const Foam::List< Type > & () const
 Allow cast to a const List<T>&. More...
iterator begin () noexcept
 Return an iterator to begin traversing the UList. More...
iterator begin (const label i) noexcept
 Return iterator at offset i from begin, clamped to [0,size] range. More...
const_iterator begin () const noexcept
 Return const_iterator to begin traversing the constant UList. More...
const_iterator begin (const label i) const noexcept
 Return const_iterator at offset i from begin, clamped to [0,size] range. More...
iterator end () noexcept
 Return an iterator to end traversing the UList. More...
const_iterator end () const noexcept
 Return const_iterator to end traversing the constant UList. More...
const_iterator cbegin () const noexcept
 Return const_iterator to begin traversing the constant UList. More...
const_iterator cbegin (const label i) const noexcept
 Return const_iterator at offset i from begin, clamped to [0,size] range. More...
const_iterator cend () const noexcept
 Return const_iterator to end traversing the constant UList. More...
reverse_iterator rbegin ()
 Return reverse_iterator to begin reverse traversing the UList. More...
const_reverse_iterator rbegin () const
 Return const_reverse_iterator to begin reverse traversing the UList. More...
reverse_iterator rend ()
 Return reverse_iterator to end reverse traversing the UList. More...
const_reverse_iterator rend () const
 Return const_reverse_iterator to end reverse traversing the UList. More...
const_reverse_iterator crbegin () const
 Return const_reverse_iterator to begin reverse traversing the UList. More...
const_reverse_iterator crend () const
 Return const_reverse_iterator to end reverse traversing the UList. More...
bool empty () const noexcept
 True if List is empty (ie, size() is zero) More...
label capacity () const noexcept
 Size of the underlying storage. More...
void swap (UList< Type > &list) noexcept
 Swap content with another UList of the same type in constant time. More...
bool operator== (const UList< Type > &list) const
 Equality operation on ULists of the same type. More...
bool operator!= (const UList< Type > &list) const
 The opposite of the equality operation. Takes linear time. More...
bool operator< (const UList< Type > &list) const
 Compare two ULists lexicographically. Takes linear time. More...
bool operator> (const UList< Type > &list) const
 Compare two ULists lexicographically. Takes linear time. More...
bool operator<= (const UList< Type > &list) const
 Return true if !(a > b). Takes linear time. More...
bool operator>= (const UList< Type > &list) const
 Return true if !(a < b). Takes linear time. More...
IstreamreadList (Istream &is)
 Read List contents from Istream. More...
OstreamwriteList (Ostream &os, const label shortLen=0) const
 Write List, with line-breaks in ASCII when length exceeds shortLen. More...
std::enable_if< std::is_same< bool, TypeT >::value, bool >::type test (const label i) const
 Test bool value at specified position, always false for out-of-range access. More...
std::enable_if< std::is_same< bool, TypeT >::value, bool >::type get (const label i) const
 Return bool value at specified position, always false for out-of-range access. More...
std::enable_if< std::is_same< bool, TypeT >::value, bool >::type unset (const label i)
 Unset the bool entry at specified position, always false for out-of-range access. More...
Type & first ()
 Access first element of the list, position [0]. More...
const Type & first () const
 Access first element of the list. More...
Type & last ()
 Access last element of the list, position [size()-1]. More...
const Type & last () const
 Access last element of the list, position [size()-1]. More...
bool found (const Type &val, label pos=0) const
 Same as contains() More...

Static Public Member Functions

static Field< Type > readContents (const IOobject &io)
 Read and return contents. The IOobject will not be registered. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from regIOobject
template<class Type >
static Type & store (Type *p)
 Transfer pointer ownership to its registry. More...
template<class Type >
static Type & store (std::unique_ptr< Type > &&ptr)
 Transfer pointer ownership to its registry. More...
template<class Type >
static Type & store (autoPtr< Type > &ptr)
 Transfer pointer ownership to its registry. More...
template<class Type >
static Type & store (autoPtr< Type > &&ptr)
 Transfer pointer ownership to its registry. More...
template<class Type >
static Type & store (refPtr< Type > &ptr)
 Transfer pointer ownership to its registry. More...
template<class Type >
static Type & store (refPtr< Type > &&ptr)
 Transfer pointer ownership to its registry. More...
template<class Type >
static Type & store (tmp< Type > &ptr)
 Transfer pointer ownership to its registry. More...
template<class Type >
static Type & store (tmp< Type > &&ptr)
 Transfer pointer ownership to its registry. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from IOobject
static bool bannerEnabled () noexcept
 Status of output file banner. More...
static bool bannerEnabled (bool on) noexcept
 Enable/disable output file banner. More...
static bool fileNameComponents (const fileName &path, fileName &instance, fileName &local, word &name)
 Split path into instance, local, name components. More...
template<class StringType >
static word groupName (StringType base, const word &group)
 Create dot-delimited string. More...
static word group (const word &name)
 Return group (extension part of name) More...
static word member (const word &name)
 Return member (name without the extension) More...
static word scopedName (const std::string &scope, const word &name)
 Create scope:name or scope_name string. More...
static word scopedName (const std::string &scope, const word &name1, const word &name2)
 Create scope:name1:name2 or scope_name1_name2 string. More...
static IOobject selectIO (const IOobject &io, const fileName &altFile, const word &ioName="")
 Return the IOobject, but also consider an alternative file name. More...
static OstreamwriteBanner (Ostream &os, const bool noSyntaxHint=false)
 Write the standard OpenFOAM file/dictionary banner. More...
static OstreamwriteDivider (Ostream &os)
 Write the standard file section divider. More...
static OstreamwriteEndDivider (Ostream &os)
 Write the standard end file divider. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from IOobjectOption
static bool isAnyRead (readOption opt) noexcept
 True if any reading may be required (ie, != NO_READ) More...
static bool isReadRequired (readOption opt) noexcept
 True if (MUST_READ | READ_MODIFIED) bits are set. More...
static bool isReadOptional (readOption opt) noexcept
 True if (LAZY_READ) bits are set [same as READ_IF_PRESENT]. More...
static readOption lazierRead (readOption opt) noexcept
 Downgrade readOption optional (LAZY_READ), leaves NO_READ intact. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Field< Type >
static const Field< Type > & null () noexcept
 Return a null Field (reference to a nullObject). Behaves like an empty Field. More...
static autoPtr< Field< Type > > New (Istream &is)
 Return a pointer to a new Field created on freestore. More...
template<class Type2 >
static tmp< Field< Type > > NewCalculatedType (const Field< Type2 > &f)
 Return a pointer to a new calculatedFvPatchFieldField created on freestore without setting patchField values. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from List< Type >
static const List< Type > & null () noexcept
 Return a null List (reference to a nullObject). Behaves like an empty List. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from UList< Type >
static const UList< Type > & null () noexcept
 Return a null UList (reference to a nullObject). Behaves like an empty UList. More...
static constexpr label max_size () noexcept
 The size of the largest possible UList. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from IOobject
static const Enum< fileCheckTypesfileCheckTypesNames
 Names for the fileCheckTypes. More...
static char scopeSeparator
 Character for scoping object names (':' or '_') More...
static fileCheckTypes fileModificationChecking
 Type of file modification checking. More...
static float fileModificationSkew
 Time skew (seconds) for file modification checks. More...
static int maxFileModificationPolls
 Max number of times to poll for file modification changes. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from FieldBase
static const char *const typeName
 Typename for Field. More...
static bool allowConstructFromLargerSize = false
 Permit read construct from a larger size. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from regIOobject
bool readHeaderOk (const IOstreamOption::streamFormat fmt, const word &typeName)
 Helper: check readOpt flags and read if necessary. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IOobject
void setBad (const string &s)
 Set the object state to bad. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from UList< Type >
void setAddressableSize (const label n) noexcept
 Set addressed size to be inconsistent with allocated storage. More...
void size (const label n)
 Older name for setAddressableSize. More...
void writeEntry (Ostream &os) const
 Write the UList with its compound type. More...
void writeEntry (Ostream &os) const
 Character list writeEntry. More...
void writeEntry (Ostream &os) const
labelRange validateRange (const labelRange &requestedRange) const
 Return a validated (start,size) subset range, which means that it always addresses a valid section of the list. More...
void fill_uniform (const Type &val)
 Assign all entries to the given value. More...
void fill_uniform (const Foam::zero)
 Assign all entries to zero. More...
UList< Type > & operator= (const UList< Type > &)=delete
 No copy assignment (default: shallow copy) More...
void operator= (const Foam::zero)
 Character list assign zero - avoids Foam::zero casting ambiguities. More...
void operator= (const Foam::zero)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from IOobject
static void writeHeaderContent (Ostream &os, const IOobject &io, const word &objectType, const dictionary *metaDataDict=nullptr)
 Helper: write content for FoamFile IOobject header with optional meta information. More...
static void writeHeaderContent (dictionary &dict, const IOobject &io, const word &objectType, IOstreamOption streamOpt, const dictionary *metaDataDict=nullptr)
 Helper: write dictionary content for FoamFile header with optional meta information. More...
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from regIOobject
static bool masterOnlyReading = false
 To flag master-only reading of objects. More...

Detailed Description

template<class Type>
class Foam::IOField< Type >

A primitive field of type <T> with automated input and output.

Source files

Definition at line 57 of file foamVtkLagrangianWriter.H.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ content_type

typedef Field<Type> content_type

The underlying content type.

Definition at line 68 of file IOField.H.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ IOField() [1/8]

IOField ( const IOField< Type > &  )

Default copy construct.

◆ IOField() [2/8]

IOField ( const IOobject io)

Construct from IOobject.

Definition at line 61 of file IOField.C.

◆ IOField() [3/8]

IOField ( const IOobject io,
const bool  readOnProc 

Construct from IOobject, with local processor conditional reading.

Definition at line 73 of file IOField.C.

◆ IOField() [4/8]

IOField ( const IOobject io,

Construct from IOobject and zero size (if not read)

Definition at line 85 of file IOField.C.

◆ IOField() [5/8]

IOField ( const IOobject io,
const label  len 

Construct from IOobject and field size (if not read)

Definition at line 97 of file IOField.C.

References List< Type >::resize().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IOField() [6/8]

IOField ( const IOobject io,
const UList< Type > &  content 

Construct from IOobject and copy of List/Field content.

Definition at line 112 of file IOField.C.

References Field< Type >::operator=().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IOField() [7/8]

IOField ( const IOobject io,
Field< Type > &&  content 

Construct by transferring the Field content.

Definition at line 127 of file IOField.C.

References List< Type >::transfer().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IOField() [8/8]

IOField ( const IOobject io,
const tmp< Field< Type >> &  tfld 

Construct by copying/moving tmp content.

Definition at line 141 of file IOField.C.

References Field< Type >::operator=(), and List< Type >::transfer().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ~IOField()

virtual ~IOField ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ TypeName()

TypeName ( "Field"  )

Runtime type information.

◆ readContents()

Foam::Field< Type > readContents ( const IOobject io)

Read and return contents. The IOobject will not be registered.

Definition at line 176 of file IOField.C.

References io(), IOobjectOption::MUST_READ, IOobjectOption::NO_REGISTER, IOobjectOption::READ_MODIFIED, and IOobjectOption::readOpt().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ writeData()

bool writeData ( Ostream os) const

The writeData method for regIOobject write operation.

Implements regIOobject.

Definition at line 193 of file IOField.C.

References IOstream::good(), and os().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator=()

void operator= ( const IOField< Type > &  rhs)

Copy assignment of entries.

Definition at line 211 of file IOField.C.

References Field< Type >::operator=().

Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: