Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2  ========= |
3  \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4  \\ / O peration |
5  \\ / A nd |
6  \\/ M anipulation |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8  Copyright (C) 2016-2017 OpenFOAM Foundation
9  Copyright (C) 2019-2020 OpenCFD Ltd.
10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 License
12  This file is part of OpenFOAM.
14  OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
15  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
16  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
17  (at your option) any later version.
19  OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
20  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
21  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
22  for more details.
24  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
25  along with OpenFOAM. If not, see <>.
27 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
29 #include "binaryTree.H"
30 #include "SortableList.H"
31 #include "demandDrivenData.H"
33 // * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * //
35 template<class CompType, class ThermoType>
37 (
38  chemPoint*& phi0,
39  node*& newNode
40 )
41 {
42  if (phi0 == phi0->node()->leafRight())
43  {
44  // phi0 is on the right
45  phi0->node()->leafRight() = nullptr;
46  phi0->node()->nodeRight() = newNode;
47  return;
48  }
49  else if (phi0 == phi0->node()->leafLeft())
50  {
51  // phi0 is on the left
52  phi0->node()->leafLeft() = nullptr;
53  phi0->node()->nodeLeft() = newNode;
54  return;
56  }
58  // if we reach this point, there is an issue with the addressing
60  << "trying to insert a node with a wrong pointer to a chemPoint"
61  << exit(FatalError);
62 }
65 template<class CompType, class ThermoType>
67 (
68  const scalarField& phiq,
69  node* y,
70  chemPoint* x
71 )
72 {
73  if ((n2ndSearch_ < max2ndSearch_) && (y != nullptr))
74  {
75  scalar vPhi = 0;
76  const scalarField& v = y->v();
77  const scalar a = y->a();
79  // compute v*phi
80  for (label i=0; i<phiq.size(); ++i)
81  {
82  vPhi += phiq[i]*v[i];
83  }
84  if (vPhi <= a)
85  {
86  // on the left side of the node
87  if (y->nodeLeft() == nullptr)
88  {
89  // left is a chemPoint
90  ++n2ndSearch_;
91  if (y->leafLeft()->inEOA(phiq))
92  {
93  x = y->leafLeft();
94  return true;
95  }
96  }
97  else
98  {
99  // the left side is a node
100  if (inSubTree(phiq, y->nodeLeft(), x))
101  {
102  return true;
103  }
104  }
106  // not on the left side, try the right side
107  if ((n2ndSearch_ < max2ndSearch_) && y->nodeRight() == nullptr)
108  {
109  ++n2ndSearch_;
110  // we reach the end of the subTree we can return the result
111  if (y->leafRight()->inEOA(phiq))
112  {
113  x = y->leafRight();
114  return true;
115  }
116  else
117  {
118  x = nullptr;
119  return false;
120  }
121  }
123  // Test for n2ndSearch is done in the call of inSubTree
124  return inSubTree(phiq, y->nodeRight(), x);
125  }
126  else
127  {
128  // on right side (symmetric of above)
130  if (y->nodeRight() == nullptr)
131  {
132  ++n2ndSearch_;
133  if (y->leafRight()->inEOA(phiq))
134  {
135  return true;
136  }
137  }
138  else // the right side is a node
139  {
140  if (inSubTree(phiq, y->nodeRight(), x))
141  {
142  x = y->leafRight();
143  return true;
144  }
145  }
147  // if we reach this point, the retrieve has
148  // failed on the right side, explore the left side
149  if ((n2ndSearch_ < max2ndSearch_) && y->nodeLeft() == nullptr)
150  {
151  ++n2ndSearch_;
152  if (y->leafLeft()->inEOA(phiq))
153  {
154  x = y->leafLeft();
155  return true;
156  }
157  else
158  {
159  x = nullptr;
160  return false;
161  }
162  }
164  return inSubTree(phiq, y->nodeLeft(), x);
165  }
166  }
168  return false;
169 }
172 template<class CompType, class ThermoType>
174 {
175  if (subTreeRoot != nullptr)
176  {
177  deleteDemandDrivenData(subTreeRoot->leafLeft());
178  deleteDemandDrivenData(subTreeRoot->leafRight());
179  deleteSubTree(subTreeRoot->nodeLeft());
180  deleteSubTree(subTreeRoot->nodeRight());
181  deleteDemandDrivenData(subTreeRoot);
182  }
183 }
186 template<class CompType, class ThermoType>
188 {
189  if (v != nullptr)
190  {
191  // u is root_
192  if (u->parent() == nullptr)
193  {
194  root_ = v;
195  }
196  // u is on the left of its parent
197  else if (u == u->parent()->nodeLeft())
198  {
199  u->parent()->nodeLeft() = v;
200  }
201  // u is ont the right of its parent
202  else if (u == u->parent()->nodeRight())
203  {
204  u->parent()->nodeRight() = v;
205  }
206  else
207  {
209  << "wrong addressing of the initial node"
210  << exit(FatalError);
211  }
212  v->parent() = u->parent();
213  }
214  else
215  {
217  << "trying to transplant a nullptr node"
218  << exit(FatalError);
219  }
220 }
223 template<class CompType, class ThermoType>
226 {
227  if (y->parent() != nullptr)
228  {
229  if (y == y->parent()->nodeLeft())// y is on the left, return right side
230  {
231  // might return nullptr if the right side is a node
232  return y->parent()->leafRight();
233  }
234  else if (y == y->parent()->nodeRight())
235  {
236  return y->parent()->leafLeft();
237  }
240  << "wrong addressing of the initial node"
241  << exit(FatalError);
242  }
244  // the binaryNode is root_ and has no sibling
245  return nullptr;
246 }
249 template<class CompType, class ThermoType>
252 {
253  if (size_ > 1)
254  {
255  if (x == x->node()->leafLeft())
256  {
257  // x is on the left, return right side
258  // might return nullptr if the right side is a node
259  return x->node()->leafRight();
260  }
261  else if (x == x->node()->leafRight())
262  {
263  // x is on the right, return left side
264  return x->node()->leafLeft();
265  }
268  << "wrong addressing of the initial leaf"
269  << exit(FatalError);
270  }
272  // there is only one leaf attached to the root_, no sibling
273  return nullptr;
274 }
277 template<class CompType, class ThermoType>
280 {
281  if (y->parent() != nullptr)
282  {
283  if (y == y->parent()->nodeLeft())
284  {
285  // y is on the left, return right side
286  return y->parent()->nodeRight();
287  }
288  else if (y == y->parent()->nodeRight())
289  {
290  return y->parent()->nodeLeft();
291  }
294  << "wrong addressing of the initial node"
295  << exit(FatalError);
296  }
298  return nullptr;
299 }
302 template<class CompType, class ThermoType>
305 {
306  if (size_ > 1)
307  {
308  if (x == x->node()->leafLeft())
309  {
310  // x is on the left, return right side
311  return x->node()->nodeRight();
312  }
313  else if (x == x->node()->leafRight())
314  {
315  // x is on the right, return left side
316  return x->node()->nodeLeft();
317  }
320  << "wrong addressing of the initial leaf"
321  << exit(FatalError);
322  }
324  return nullptr;
325 }
328 template<class CompType, class ThermoType>
330 {
331  if (subTreeRoot != nullptr)
332  {
333  deleteAllNode(subTreeRoot->nodeLeft());
334  deleteAllNode(subTreeRoot->nodeRight());
335  deleteDemandDrivenData(subTreeRoot);
336  }
337 }
340 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
342 template<class CompType, class ThermoType>
344 (
346  dictionary coeffsDict
347 )
348 :
349  chemistry_(chemistry),
350  root_(nullptr),
351  maxNLeafs_(coeffsDict.get<label>("maxNLeafs")),
352  size_(0),
353  n2ndSearch_(0),
354  max2ndSearch_(coeffsDict.getOrDefault("max2ndSearch", 0)),
355  coeffsDict_(coeffsDict)
356 {}
358 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
360 template<class CompType, class ThermoType>
361 Foam::label Foam::binaryTree<CompType, ThermoType>::depth(node* subTreeRoot)
362 {
363  // when we reach the leaf, we return 0
364  if (subTreeRoot == nullptr)
365  {
366  return 0;
367  }
368  else
369  {
370  return
371  1
372  + max
373  (
374  depth(subTreeRoot->nodeLeft()),
375  depth(subTreeRoot->nodeRight())
376  );
377  }
378 }
381 template<class CompType, class ThermoType>
383 (
384  const scalarField& phiq,
385  const scalarField& Rphiq,
386  const scalarSquareMatrix& A,
387  const scalarField& scaleFactor,
388  const scalar& epsTol,
389  const label nCols,
390  chemPoint*& phi0
391 )
392 {
393  if (size_ == 0) // no points are stored
394  {
395  // create an empty binary node and point root_ to it
396  root_ = new node();
397  // create the new chemPoint which holds the composition point
398  // phiq and the data to initialize the EOA
399  chemPoint* newChemPoint =
400  new chemPoint
401  (
402  chemistry_,
403  phiq,
404  Rphiq,
405  A,
406  scaleFactor,
407  epsTol,
408  nCols,
409  coeffsDict_,
410  root_
411  );
412  root_->leafLeft() = newChemPoint;
413  }
414  else // at least one point stored
415  {
416  // no reference chemPoint, a BT search is required
417  if (phi0 == nullptr)
418  {
419  binaryTreeSearch(phiq, root_, phi0);
420  }
421  // access to the parent node of the chemPoint
422  node* parentNode = phi0->node();
424  // create the new chemPoint which holds the composition point
425  // phiq and the data to initialize the EOA
426  chemPoint* newChemPoint =
427  new chemPoint
428  (
429  chemistry_,
430  phiq,
431  Rphiq,
432  A,
433  scaleFactor,
434  epsTol,
435  nCols,
436  coeffsDict_
437  );
438  // insert new node on the parent node in the position of the
439  // previously stored leaf (phi0)
440  // the new node contains phi0 on the left and phiq on the right
441  // the hyper plane is computed in the binaryNode constructor
442  node* newNode;
443  if (size_ > 1)
444  {
445  newNode = new node(phi0, newChemPoint, parentNode);
446  // make the parent of phi0 point to the newly created node
447  insertNode(phi0, newNode);
448  }
449  else // size_ == 1 (because not equal to 0)
450  {
451  // when size is 1, the binaryNode is without hyperplane
452  deleteDemandDrivenData(root_);
453  newNode = new node(phi0, newChemPoint, nullptr);
454  root_ = newNode;
455  }
457  phi0->node() = newNode;
458  newChemPoint->node()=newNode;
459  }
461  ++size_;
462 }
465 template<class CompType, class ThermoType>
467 (
468  const scalarField& phiq,
469  node* node,
470  chemPoint*& nearest
471 )
472 {
473  if (size_ > 1)
474  {
475  scalar vPhi=0.0;
476  const scalarField& v = node->v();
477  const scalar& a = node->a();
478  // compute v*phi
479  for (label i=0; i<phiq.size(); ++i)
480  {
481  vPhi += phiq[i]*v[i];
482  }
485  if (vPhi > a) // on right side (side of the newly added point)
486  {
487  if (node->nodeRight() != nullptr)
488  {
489  binaryTreeSearch(phiq, node->nodeRight(), nearest);
490  }
491  else // the terminal node is reached, store leaf on the right
492  {
493  nearest = node->leafRight();
494  return;
495  }
496  }
497  else // on left side (side of the previously stored point)
498  {
499  if (node->nodeLeft() != nullptr)
500  {
501  binaryTreeSearch(phiq, node->nodeLeft(), nearest);
502  }
503  else // the terminal node is reached, return element on right
504  {
505  nearest = node->leafLeft();
506  return;
507  }
508  }
509  }
510  // only one point stored (left element of the root)
511  else if (size_ == 1)
512  {
513  nearest = root_->leafLeft();
514  }
515  else // no point stored
516  {
517  nearest = nullptr;
518  }
519 }
522 template<class CompType, class ThermoType>
524 (
525  const scalarField& phiq,
526  chemPoint*& x
527 )
528 {
529  // initialize n2ndSearch_
530  n2ndSearch_ = 0;
531  if ((n2ndSearch_ < max2ndSearch_) && (size_ > 1))
532  {
533  chemPoint* xS = chemPSibling(x);
534  if (xS != nullptr)
535  {
536  n2ndSearch_++;
537  if (xS->inEOA(phiq))
538  {
539  x = xS;
540  return true;
541  }
542  }
543  else if (inSubTree(phiq, nodeSibling(x), x))
544  {
545  return true;
546  }
548  // if we reach this point, no leafs were found at this depth or lower
549  // we move upward in the tree
550  node* y = x->node();
551  while ((y->parent()!= nullptr) && (n2ndSearch_ < max2ndSearch_))
552  {
553  xS = chemPSibling(y);
554  if (xS != nullptr)
555  {
556  n2ndSearch_++;
557  if (xS->inEOA(phiq))
558  {
559  x=xS;
560  return true;
561  }
562  }
563  else if (inSubTree(phiq, nodeSibling(y),x))
564  {
565  return true;
566  }
567  y = y->parent();
568  }
570  // if we reach this point it is either because
571  // we did not find another covering EOA in the entire tree or
572  // we reach the maximum number of secondary search
573  return false;
574  }
576  return false;
577 }
580 template<class CompType, class ThermoType>
582 {
583  if (size_ == 1) // only one point is stored
584  {
586  deleteDemandDrivenData(root_);
587  }
588  else if (size_ > 1)
589  {
590  node* z = phi0->node();
591  node* x;
592  chemPoint* siblingPhi0 = chemPSibling(phi0);
594  if (siblingPhi0 != nullptr)// the sibling of phi0 is a chemPoint
595  {
596  // z was root (only two chemPoints in the tree)
597  if (z->parent() == nullptr)
598  {
599  root_ = new node();
600  root_->leafLeft()=siblingPhi0;
601  siblingPhi0->node()=root_;
602  }
603  else if (z == z->parent()->nodeLeft())
604  {
605  z->parent()->leafLeft() = siblingPhi0;
606  z->parent()->nodeLeft() = nullptr;
607  siblingPhi0->node() = z->parent();
608  }
609  else if (z == z->parent()->nodeRight())
610  {
611  z->parent()->leafRight() = siblingPhi0;
612  z->parent()->nodeRight() = nullptr;
613  siblingPhi0->node() = z->parent();
614  }
615  else
616  {
618  << "wrong addressing of the initial leaf"
619  << exit(FatalError);
620  }
621  }
622  else
623  {
624  x = nodeSibling(phi0);
625  if (x !=nullptr)
626  {
627  transplant(z, x);
628  }
629  else
630  {
632  << "inconsistent structure of the tree, no leaf and no node"
633  << exit(FatalError);
634  }
635  }
638  }
640  --size_;
641 }
644 template<class CompType, class ThermoType>
646 {
647  //1) walk through the entire tree by starting with the tree's most left
648  // chemPoint
649  chemPoint* x = treeMin();
650  List<chemPoint*> chemPoints(size_);
651  label chemPointi = 0;
653  //2) compute the mean composition
654  label n = x->phi().size();
655  scalarField mean(n, Zero);
656  while (x != nullptr)
657  {
658  const scalarField& phij = x->phi();
659  mean += phij;
660  chemPoints[chemPointi++] = x;
661  x = treeSuccessor(x);
662  }
663  mean /= scalar(size_);
665  //3) compute the variance for each space direction
666  List<scalar> variance(n, Zero);
667  forAll(chemPoints, j)
668  {
669  const scalarField& phij = chemPoints[j]->phi();
670  forAll(variance, vi)
671  {
672  variance[vi] += sqr(phij[vi] - mean[vi]);
673  }
674  }
676  //4) analyze what is the direction of the maximal variance
677  scalar maxVariance(-1.0);
678  label maxDir(-1);
679  forAll(variance, vi)
680  {
681  if (maxVariance < variance[vi])
682  {
683  maxVariance = variance[vi];
684  maxDir = vi;
685  }
686  }
687  // maxDir indicates the direction of maximum variance
688  // we create the new root node by taking the two extreme points
689  // in this direction if these extreme points were not deleted in the
690  // cleaning that come before the balance function they are still important
691  // and the tree should therefore take them into account
692  SortableList<scalar> phiMaxDir(chemPoints.size(), Zero);
693  forAll(chemPoints, j)
694  {
695  phiMaxDir[j] = chemPoints[j]->phi()[maxDir];
696  }
698  phiMaxDir.sort();
699  // delete reference to all node since the tree is reshaped
700  deleteAllNode();
701  root_ = nullptr;
703  // add the node for the two extremum
704  node* newNode = new node
705  (
706  chemPoints[phiMaxDir.indices()[0]],
707  chemPoints[phiMaxDir.indices()[phiMaxDir.size()-1]],
708  nullptr
709  );
710  root_ = newNode;
712  chemPoints[phiMaxDir.indices()[0]]->node() = newNode;
713  chemPoints[phiMaxDir.indices()[phiMaxDir.size()-1]]->node() = newNode;
715  for (label cpi=1; cpi<chemPoints.size()-1; ++cpi)
716  {
717  chemPoint* phi0;
718  binaryTreeSearch
719  (
720  chemPoints[phiMaxDir.indices()[cpi]]->phi(),
721  root_,
722  phi0
723  );
724  // add the chemPoint
725  node* nodeToAdd =
726  new node(phi0, chemPoints[phiMaxDir.indices()[cpi]], phi0->node());
727  // make the parent of phi0 point to the newly created node
728  insertNode(phi0, nodeToAdd);
729  phi0->node() = nodeToAdd;
730  chemPoints[phiMaxDir.indices()[cpi]]->node() = nodeToAdd;
731  }
732 }
735 template<class CompType, class ThermoType>
738 {
739  if (subTreeRoot != nullptr)
740  {
741  while (subTreeRoot->nodeLeft() != nullptr)
742  {
743  subTreeRoot = subTreeRoot->nodeLeft();
744  }
745  return subTreeRoot->leafLeft();
746  }
748  return nullptr;
749 }
752 template<class CompType, class ThermoType>
755 {
756  if (size_ > 1)
757  {
758  if (x == x->node()->leafLeft())
759  {
760  if (x->node()->nodeRight() == nullptr)
761  {
762  return x->node()->leafRight();
763  }
764  else
765  {
766  return treeMin(x->node()->nodeRight());
767  }
768  }
769  else if (x == x->node()->leafRight())
770  {
771  node* y = x->node();
772  while ((y->parent() != nullptr))
773  {
774  if (y == y->parent()->nodeLeft())
775  {
776  if (y->parent()->nodeRight() == nullptr)
777  {
778  return y->parent()->leafRight();
779  }
780  else
781  {
782  return treeMin(y->parent()->nodeRight());
783  }
784  }
785  y = y->parent();
786  }
788  // when we reach this point, y points to the root and
789  // never entered in the if loop (coming from the right)
790  // so we are at the tree maximum and there is no successor
791  return nullptr;
792  }
795  << "inconsistent structure of the tree, no leaf and no node"
796  << exit(FatalError);
797  }
799  return nullptr;
800 }
803 template<class CompType, class ThermoType>
805 {
806  // Recursively delete the element in the subTree
807  deleteSubTree();
809  // Reset root node (should already be nullptr)
810  root_ = nullptr;
812  // Reset size_
813  size_ = 0;
814 }
817 template<class CompType, class ThermoType>
819 {
820  return size_ >= maxNLeafs_;
821 }
824 template<class CompType, class ThermoType>
826 {
827  // Has to go along each chemPoint of the tree
828  if (size_ > 0)
829  {
830  // First finds the first leaf
831  chemPoint* chemPoint0 = treeMin();
832  chemPoint0->resetNumRetrieve();
834  // Then go to each successor
835  chemPoint* nextchemPoint = treeSuccessor(chemPoint0);
836  while (nextchemPoint != nullptr)
837  {
838  nextchemPoint->resetNumRetrieve();
839  nextchemPoint = treeSuccessor(nextchemPoint);
840  }
841  }
842 }
845 // ************************************************************************* //
void insertNewLeaf(const scalarField &phiq, const scalarField &Rphiq, const scalarSquareMatrix &A, const scalarField &scaleFactor, const scalar &epsTol, const label nCols, chemPoint *&phi0)
Definition: binaryTree.C:376
List< ReturnType > get(const UPtrList< T > &list, const AccessOp &aop)
List of values generated by applying the access operation to each list item.
void size(const label n)
Older name for setAddressableSize.
Definition: UList.H:116
void resetNumRetrieve()
Definition: binaryTree.C:818
errorManipArg< error, int > exit(error &err, const int errNo=1)
Definition: errorManip.H:125
void binaryTreeSearch(const scalarField &phiq, node *node, chemPoint *&nearest)
Definition: binaryTree.C:460
error FatalError
Error stream (stdout output on all processes), with additional &#39;FOAM FATAL ERROR&#39; header text and sta...
A list of keyword definitions, which are a keyword followed by a number of values (eg...
Definition: dictionary.H:129
#define FatalErrorInFunction
Report an error message using Foam::FatalError.
Definition: error.H:608
label max(const labelHashSet &set, label maxValue=labelMin)
Find the max value in labelHashSet, optionally limited by second argument.
Definition: hashSets.C:40
dimensionedSymmTensor sqr(const dimensionedVector &dv)
void balance()
Cheap balance function.
Definition: binaryTree.C:638
Leaf of the binary tree. The chemPoint stores the composition &#39;phi&#39;, the mapping of this composition ...
const dimensionedScalar phi0
Magnetic flux quantum: default SI units: [Wb].
bool secondaryBTSearch(const scalarField &phiq, chemPoint *&x)
Definition: binaryTree.C:517
BasicChemistryModel< psiReactionThermo > & chemistry
chemPoint * treeMin()
Definition: binaryTree.H:250
#define forAll(list, i)
Loop across all elements in list.
Definition: stdFoam.H:421
scalar y
Field< scalar > scalarField
Specialisation of Field<T> for scalar.
Data storage of the chemistryOnLineLibrary according to a binary tree structure.
Definition: binaryTree.H:53
void clear()
Removes every entries of the tree and delete the associated objects.
Definition: binaryTree.C:797
Node of the binary tree.
Definition: binaryNode.H:45
binaryTree(TDACChemistryModel< CompType, ThermoType > &chemistry, dictionary coeffsDict)
Construct from dictionary and chemistryOnLineLibrary.
Definition: binaryTree.C:337
void deleteLeaf(chemPoint *&phi0)
Delete a leaf from the binary tree and reshape the binary tree for.
Definition: binaryTree.C:574
Template functions to aid in the implementation of demand driven data.
chemPoint * treeSuccessor(chemPoint *x)
Definition: binaryTree.C:747
bool isFull()
Definition: binaryTree.C:811
label n
static const Foam::dimensionedScalar A("", Foam::dimPressure, 611.21)
void deleteDemandDrivenData(DataPtr &dataPtr)
void deleteAllNode()
Definition: binaryTree.H:243
SquareMatrix< scalar > scalarSquareMatrix
static constexpr const zero Zero
Global zero (0)
Definition: zero.H:127