Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2  ========= |
3  \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4  \\ / O peration |
5  \\ / A nd |
6  \\/ M anipulation |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8  Copyright (C) 2015-2023 OpenCFD Ltd.
9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 License
11  This file is part of OpenFOAM.
13  OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
14  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
15  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
16  (at your option) any later version.
18  OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
19  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
20  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
21  for more details.
23  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24  along with OpenFOAM. If not, see <>.
26 Class
27  Foam::noiseModel
29 Description
30  Base class for noise models.
32  Data is read from a dictionary, e.g.
34  \verbatim
35  rhoRef 1;
36  N 4096;
37  minFreq 25;
38  maxFreq 10000;
39  startTime 0;
41  outputPrefix "test1";
43  SPLweighting dBA;
45  // Optional write options dictionary
46  writeOptions
47  {
48  writePrmsf no;
49  writeSPL yes;
50  writePSD yes;
51  writePSDf no;
52  writeOctaves yes;
53  }
54  \endverbatim
56  where
57  \table
58  Property | Description | Required | Default value
59  rhoRef | Reference density | no | 1
60  N | Number of samples in sampling window | no | 65536 (2^16)
61  minFreq | Lower frequency bounds (fl) | no | 25
62  maxFreq | Upper frequency bounds (fu) | no | 10000
63  sampleFreq | Sample frequency | no | 0
64  startTime | Start time | no | 0
65  outputPrefix | Prefix applied to output files| no | ''
66  SPLweighting | Weighting: dBA, dBB, dBC, DBD | no | none
67  dBRef | Reference for dB calculation | no | 2e-5
68  writePrmsf | Write Prmsf data | no | yes
69  writeSPL | Write SPL data | no | yes
70  writePSD | Write PSD data | no | yes
71  writePSDf | Write PSDf data | no | yes
72  writeOctaves | Write octaves data | no | yes
73  \endtable
75  If provided, the sampleFreq is used to define the deltaT between samples.
76  Otherwise the deltaT is determined from the time samples themselves.
78 SourceFiles
79  noiseModel.C
81 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
83 #ifndef Foam_noiseModel_H
84 #define Foam_noiseModel_H
86 #include "writeFile.H"
87 #include "dictionary.H"
88 #include "scalarList.H"
89 #include "instantList.H"
90 #include "windowModel.H"
91 #include "Enum.H"
92 #include "Tuple2.H"
93 #include "runTimeSelectionTables.H"
94 #include <fftw3.h>
96 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
98 namespace Foam
99 {
101 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
102  Class noiseModel Declaration
103 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
105 class noiseModel
106 :
107  public functionObjects::writeFile
108 {
109 public:
111  enum class weightingType
112  {
113  none,
114  dBA,
115  dBB,
116  dBC,
117  dBD
118  };
120  static const Enum<weightingType> weightingTypeNames_;
122  //- FFTW planner information
123  // Note: storage uses double for use directly with FFTW
124  struct planInfo
125  {
126  bool active;
127  label windowSize;
128  List<double> in;
129  List<double> out;
130  fftw_plan plan;
131  };
133  //- Octave band information
134  struct octaveBandInfo
135  {
136  label octave;
138  // IDs of bin boundaries in pressure data
141  // Centre frequencies for each bin
143  };
146 protected:
148  // Protected Data
150  //- Copy of dictionary used for construction
151  const dictionary dict_;
153  //- Reference density (to convert from kinematic to static pressure)
154  scalar rhoRef_;
156  //- Number of samples in sampling window, default = 2^16
157  label nSamples_;
159  //- Lower frequency limit, default = 25Hz
160  scalar fLower_;
162  //- Upper frequency limit, default = 10kHz
163  scalar fUpper_;
165  //- Prescribed sample frequency
166  scalar sampleFreq_;
168  //- Start time, default = 0s
169  scalar startTime_;
171  //- Window model
172  autoPtr<windowModel> windowModelPtr_;
174  //- Weighting
177  //- Reference for dB calculation, default = 2e-5
178  scalar dBRef_;
181  // Data validation
183  //- Min pressure value
184  scalar minPressure_;
186  //- Min pressure value
187  scalar maxPressure_;
190  // Write options
192  //- Output file prefix, default = ''
195  //- Write Prmsf; default = yes
196  bool writePrmsf_;
198  //- Write SPL; default = yes
199  bool writeSPL_;
201  //- Write PSD; default = yes
202  bool writePSD_;
204  //- Write PSDf; default = yes
205  bool writePSDf_;
207  //- Write writeOctaves; default = yes
208  bool writeOctaves_;
211  // FFT
213  //- Plan information for FFTW
217  // Protected Member Functions
219  //- Check and return uniform time step
220  scalar checkUniformTimeStep
221  (
222  const scalarList& times
223  ) const;
225  //- Return true if all pressure data is within min/max bounds
226  bool validateBounds(const scalarList& p) const;
228  //- Find and return start time index
229  FOAM_DEPRECATED_FOR(2022-07, "instant::findStart() static method")
230  static label findStartTimeIndex
231  (
232  const instantList& allTimes,
233  const scalar startTime
234  )
235  {
236  return instant::findStart(allTimes, startTime);
237  }
239  //- Return the base output directory
240  fileName baseFileDir(const label dataseti) const;
242  //- Write output file header
244  (
245  Ostream& os,
246  const string& x,
247  const string& y,
248  const UList<Tuple2<string, token>>& headerValues
249  = UList<Tuple2<string, token>>::null()
250  ) const;
252  // Write frequency-based data to file
254  (
255  Ostream& os,
256  const scalarField& f,
257  const scalarField& fx
258  ) const;
260  //- Create a field of equally spaced frequencies for the current set of
261  //- data - assumes a constant time step
263  (
264  const scalar deltaT,
265  const bool check
266  ) const;
268  //- Return a list of the frequency indices wrt f field that correspond
269  //- to the bands limits for a given octave
270  static void setOctaveBands
271  (
272  const scalarField& f,
273  const scalar fLower,
274  const scalar fUpper,
275  const scalar octave,
276  labelList& fBandIDs,
277  scalarField& fCentre
278  );
280  //- Generate octave data
282  (
283  const scalarField& data,
284  const scalarField& f,
285  const labelUList& freqBandIDs
286  ) const;
288  //- Return the fft of the given pressure data
289  tmp<scalarField> Pf(const scalarField& p) const;
291  //- Return the multi-window mean fft of the complete pressure data [Pa]
292  tmp<scalarField> meanPf(const scalarField& p) const;
294  //- Return the multi-window RMS mean fft of the complete pressure
295  //- data [Pa]
296  tmp<scalarField> RMSmeanPf(const scalarField& p) const;
298  //- Return the multi-window Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the complete
299  //- pressure data [Pa^2/Hz]
300  tmp<scalarField> PSDf(const scalarField& p, const scalar deltaT) const;
303  // Weightings
305  //- A weighting function
306  scalar RAf(const scalar f) const;
308  //- A weighting as gain in dB
309  scalar gainA(const scalar f) const;
311  //- B weighting function
312  scalar RBf(const scalar f) const;
314  //- B weighting as gain in dB
315  scalar gainB(const scalar f) const;
317  //- C weighting function
318  scalar RCf(const scalar f) const;
320  //- C weighting as gain in dB
321  scalar gainC(const scalar f) const;
323  //- D weighting function
324  scalar RDf(const scalar f) const;
326  //- D weighting as gain in dB
327  scalar gainD(const scalar f) const;
330 public:
332  //- Runtime type information
333  TypeName("noiseModel");
335  //- Run time selection table
337  (
338  autoPtr,
339  noiseModel,
340  dictionary,
341  (
342  const dictionary& dict,
343  const objectRegistry& obr
344  ),
345  (dict, obr)
346  );
349  // Generated Methods
351  //- No copy construct
352  noiseModel(const noiseModel&) = delete;
354  //- No copy assignment
355  void operator=(const noiseModel&) = delete;
358  // Constructors
360  //- Constructor
361  noiseModel
362  (
363  const dictionary& dict,
364  const objectRegistry& obr,
365  const word& name,
366  const bool readFields = true
367  );
369  //- Selector
370  static autoPtr<noiseModel> New
371  (
372  const dictionary& dict,
373  const objectRegistry& obr
374  );
377  //- Destructor
378  virtual ~noiseModel() = default;
381  // Public Member Functions
383  //- Read from dictionary
384  virtual bool read(const dictionary& dict);
386  //- Abstract call to calculate
387  virtual void calculate() = 0;
389  //- PSD [dB/Hz]
392  //- SPL [dB]
394  (
395  const scalarField& Prms2,
396  const scalar f
397  ) const;
399  //- SPL [dB]
401  (
402  const scalarField& Prms2,
403  const scalarField& f
404  ) const;
406  //- Clean up the FFTW
407  void cleanFFTW();
409  //- Helper function to check weightings
410  void writeWeightings() const;
411 };
414 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
416 } // End namespace Foam
418 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
420 #endif
422 // ************************************************************************* //
static autoPtr< noiseModel > New(const dictionary &dict, const objectRegistry &obr)
Definition: noiseModelNew.C:26
void cleanFFTW()
Clean up the FFTW.
Definition: noiseModel.C:872
dictionary dict
tmp< scalarField > meanPf(const scalarField &p) const
Return the multi-window mean fft of the complete pressure data [Pa].
Definition: noiseModel.C:426
scalar gainD(const scalar f) const
D weighting as gain in dB.
Definition: noiseModel.C:591
A class for handling file names.
Definition: fileName.H:72
A list of keyword definitions, which are a keyword followed by a number of values (eg...
Definition: dictionary.H:129
A 2-tuple for storing two objects of dissimilar types. The container is similar in purpose to std::pa...
Definition: stringOps.H:54
autoPtr< windowModel > windowModelPtr_
Window model.
Definition: noiseModel.H:263
bool writeOctaves_
Write writeOctaves; default = yes.
Definition: noiseModel.H:319
scalar gainC(const scalar f) const
C weighting as gain in dB.
Definition: noiseModel.C:567
tmp< scalarField > Pf(const scalarField &p) const
Return the fft of the given pressure data.
Definition: noiseModel.C:383
virtual ~noiseModel()=default
scalar dBRef_
Reference for dB calculation, default = 2e-5.
Definition: noiseModel.H:273
scalar RBf(const scalar f) const
B weighting function.
Definition: noiseModel.C:529
bool validateBounds(const scalarList &p) const
Return true if all pressure data is within min/max bounds.
Definition: noiseModel.C:216
static label findStart(const UList< instant > &times, const scalar timeVal)
Find and return index of given start time (linear search)
Definition: instant.C:37
bool writePrmsf_
Write Prmsf; default = yes.
Definition: noiseModel.H:299
fileName outputPrefix_
Output file prefix, default = &#39;&#39;.
Definition: noiseModel.H:294
label nSamples_
Number of samples in sampling window, default = 2^16.
Definition: noiseModel.H:238
scalar startTime_
Start time, default = 0s.
Definition: noiseModel.H:258
scalar rhoRef_
Reference density (to convert from kinematic to static pressure)
Definition: noiseModel.H:233
class FOAM_DEPRECATED_FOR(2017-05, "Foam::Enum") NamedEnum
Definition: NamedEnum.H:65
scalar fUpper_
Upper frequency limit, default = 10kHz.
Definition: noiseModel.H:248
scalar checkUniformTimeStep(const scalarList &times) const
Check and return uniform time step.
Definition: noiseModel.C:177
scalar y
virtual bool read(const dictionary &dict)
Read from dictionary.
Definition: noiseModel.C:649
word name(const expressions::valueTypeCode typeCode)
A word representation of a valueTypeCode. Empty for expressions::valueTypeCode::INVALID.
Definition: exprTraits.C:127
virtual void calculate()=0
Abstract call to calculate.
tmp< scalarField > octaves(const scalarField &data, const scalarField &f, const labelUList &freqBandIDs) const
Generate octave data.
Definition: noiseModel.C:332
void readFields(const typename GeoFieldType::Mesh &mesh, const IOobjectList &objects, const NameMatchPredicate &selectedFields, DynamicList< regIOobject *> &storedObjects)
Read the selected GeometricFields of the templated type and store on the objectRegistry.
noiseModel(const noiseModel &)=delete
No copy construct.
void writeFileHeader(Ostream &os, const string &x, const string &y, const UList< Tuple2< string, token >> &headerValues=UList< Tuple2< string, token >>::null()) const
Write output file header.
Definition: noiseModel.C:250
A class for handling words, derived from Foam::string.
Definition: word.H:63
Field< scalar > scalarField
Specialisation of Field<T> for scalar.
scalar RDf(const scalar f) const
D weighting function.
Definition: noiseModel.C:578
static const Enum< weightingType > weightingTypeNames_
Definition: noiseModel.H:190
tmp< scalarField > PSDf(const scalarField &p, const scalar deltaT) const
Return the multi-window Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the complete pressure data [Pa^2/Hz]...
Definition: noiseModel.C:466
scalar RAf(const scalar f) const
A weighting function.
Definition: noiseModel.C:501
void writeFreqDataToFile(Ostream &os, const scalarField &f, const scalarField &fx) const
Definition: noiseModel.C:278
A 1D vector of objects of type <T>, where the size of the vector is known and can be used for subscri...
Definition: HashTable.H:105
tmp< Foam::scalarField > PSD(const scalarField &PSDf) const
PSD [dB/Hz].
Definition: noiseModel.C:758
bool writeSPL_
Write SPL; default = yes.
Definition: noiseModel.H:304
An Ostream is an abstract base class for all output systems (streams, files, token lists...
Definition: Ostream.H:56
void operator=(const noiseModel &)=delete
No copy assignment.
FFTW planner information.
Definition: noiseModel.H:197
planInfo planInfo_
Plan information for FFTW.
Definition: noiseModel.H:327
OBJstream os(runTime.globalPath()/outputName)
weightingType SPLweighting_
Definition: noiseModel.H:268
static void check(const int retVal, const char *what)
labelList f(nPoints)
scalar gainB(const scalar f) const
B weighting as gain in dB.
Definition: noiseModel.C:545
fileName baseFileDir() const
Return the base directory for output.
Definition: writeFile.C:43
scalar minPressure_
Min pressure value.
Definition: noiseModel.H:281
const dictionary dict_
Copy of dictionary used for construction.
Definition: noiseModel.H:228
static void setOctaveBands(const scalarField &f, const scalar fLower, const scalar fUpper, const scalar octave, labelList &fBandIDs, scalarField &fCentre)
Return a list of the frequency indices wrt f field that correspond to the bands limits for a given oc...
Definition: noiseModel.C:48
bool writePSDf_
Write PSDf; default = yes.
Definition: noiseModel.H:314
scalar gainA(const scalar f) const
A weighting as gain in dB.
Definition: noiseModel.C:518
tmp< scalarField > SPL(const scalarField &Prms2, const scalar f) const
SPL [dB].
Definition: noiseModel.C:767
bool writePSD_
Write PSD; default = yes.
Definition: noiseModel.H:309
Pointer management similar to std::unique_ptr, with some additional methods and type checking...
Definition: HashPtrTable.H:48
void writeWeightings() const
Helper function to check weightings.
Definition: noiseModel.C:883
Macros to ease declaration of run-time selection tables.
List< label > labelList
A List of labels.
Definition: List.H:62
volScalarField & p
A class for managing temporary objects.
Definition: HashPtrTable.H:50
Registry of regIOobjects.
scalar maxPressure_
Min pressure value.
Definition: noiseModel.H:286
declareRunTimeSelectionTable(autoPtr, noiseModel, dictionary,(const dictionary &dict, const objectRegistry &obr),(dict, obr))
Run time selection table.
Foam::label startTime
tmp< scalarField > uniformFrequencies(const scalar deltaT, const bool check) const
Create a field of equally spaced frequencies for the current set of data - assumes a constant time st...
Definition: noiseModel.C:295
scalar sampleFreq_
Prescribed sample frequency.
Definition: noiseModel.H:253
static label findStartTimeIndex(const instantList &allTimes, const scalar startTime)
Find and return start time index.
Definition: noiseModel.H:350
tmp< scalarField > RMSmeanPf(const scalarField &p) const
Return the multi-window RMS mean fft of the complete pressure data [Pa].
Definition: noiseModel.C:447
Namespace for OpenFOAM.
scalar fLower_
Lower frequency limit, default = 25Hz.
Definition: noiseModel.H:243
scalar RCf(const scalar f) const
C weighting function.
Definition: noiseModel.C:556
Runtime type information.
Base class for noise models.
Definition: noiseModel.H:175