foamDictionary.C File Reference

Interrogate and manipulate dictionaries. More...

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Detailed Description

Interrogate and manipulate dictionaries.

Original source file foamDictionary.C

foamDictionary [OPTION] dictionary
  • -entry <name>
    Selects an entry
  • -keywords
    Prints the keywords (of the selected entry or of the top level if no entry was selected
  • -add <value>
    Adds the entry (should not exist yet)
  • -set <value>
    Adds or replaces the entry
  • -remove
    Remove the selected entry
  • -diff <dictionary>
    Write differences with respect to the specified dictionary (or sub entry if -entry specified)
  • -diff-etc <dictionary>
    Write differences with respect to the specified dictionary (or sub entry if -entry specified)
  • -expand
    Read the specified dictionary file, expand the macros etc. and write the resulting dictionary to standard output.
  • -includes
    List the #include and #sinclude files to standard output
  • -disableFunctionEntries
    Do not expand macros or directives (#include etc)
  • -precision int
    Set default write precision for IOstreams
    Example usage:
  • Change simulation to run for one timestep only:
          foamDictionary system/controlDict -entry stopAt -set writeNow
  • Change solver:
           foamDictionary system/fvSolution -entry solvers/p/solver -set PCG
  • Print bc type:
           foamDictionary 0/U -entry boundaryField/movingWall/type
  • Change bc parameter:
           foamDictionary 0/U -entry boundaryField/movingWall/value \
             -set "uniform (2 0 0)"
  • Change whole bc type:
          foamDictionary 0/U -entry boundaryField/movingWall \
            -set "{type uniformFixedValue; uniformValue (2 0 0);}"
  • Write the differences with respect to a template dictionary:
          foamDictionary 0/U -diff-etc templates/closedVolume/0/U
  • Write the differences in boundaryField with respect to a template dictionary:
          foamDictionary 0/U -diff-etc templates/closedVolume/0/U \
            -entry boundaryField
  • Change patch type:
          foamDictionary constant/polyMesh/boundary \
            -entry entry0/fixedWalls/type -set patch
    This uses special parsing of Lists which stores these in the dictionary with keyword 'entryDDD' where DDD is the position in the dictionary (after ignoring the FoamFile entry).


  • the use of '.' as the scoping symbol might conflict with e.g. file extensions ('.' is not really considered to be a valid word character). Instead use the '/' as a scoping character e.g. foamDictionary system/snappyHexMeshDict \ -entry /geometry/motorBike.obj -remove

Definition in file foamDictionary.C.