ensightOutput.H File Reference
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 A collection of functions for writing ensight file content.
 Namespace for OpenFOAM.
 Various utility functions to work on Lists of Lists (usually resulting from 'gather'ing and combining information from individual processors)
 Implementation details and output backends that would not normally be called directly by a user.


template<class T , class Addr , class AccessOp >
labelList subSizes (const IndirectListBase< T, Addr > &lists, AccessOp aop)
 Return the sizes of the sub-lists. More...
template<class IntListType >
void inplaceRenumber (const labelUList &oldToNew, IntListType &lists)
 Inplace renumber the values (not the indices) of a list of lists. More...
void writeFaceList (ensightGeoFile &os, const UList< face > &faces, const label pointOffset=0)
 Write list of faces. More...
void writeFaceList (ensightGeoFile &os, const UIndirectList< face > &faces, const label pointOffset=0)
 Write list of faces (indirect addressing) More...
void writeFaceList (ensightGeoFile &os, const CompactListList< label > &faces, const label pointOffset=0)
 Write list of faces (stored in compact form) More...
void writeCellShapes (ensightGeoFile &os, const UList< cellShape > &shapes, const label pointOffset=0)
 Write cell connectivity via cell shapes. More...
void writePolysPoints (ensightGeoFile &os, const cellUList &meshCells, const labelUList &addr, const faceUList &meshFaces, const labelUList &faceOwner)
 Write the point ids per poly element. More...
void writePolysPoints (ensightGeoFile &os, const polyMesh &mesh, const labelUList &addr, const labelList &pointMap)
 Write the point ids per poly element, with point renumbering. More...
void writeFaceConnectivity (ensightGeoFile &os, const ensightFaces::elemType etype, const label nTotal, const UIndirectList< face > &faces, bool parallel)
 Write the regular face connectivity for specified type and and specified faces. More...
void writeFaceConnectivity (ensightGeoFile &os, const ensightFaces::elemType etype, const label nTotal, const faceUList &faces, bool parallel)
 Write the regular face connectivity for specified type. More...
void writeFaceConnectivity (ensightGeoFile &os, const ensightFaces &part, const faceUList &faces, bool parallel)
 Write the face connectivity for the part. More...
void writeFaceConnectivityPresorted (ensightGeoFile &os, const ensightFaces &part, const faceUList &faces, bool parallel)
 Write the presorted face connectivity for the part. More...
template<class Type >
bool writeField (ensightOutput::floatBufferType &scratch, ensightFile &os, const Field< Type > &fld, const ensightCells &part, bool parallel)
 Write a field of cell values as an indirect list, using the cell ids from ensightCells. More...
template<class Type >
bool writeField (ensightOutput::floatBufferType &scratch, ensightFile &os, const Field< Type > &fld, const ensightFaces &part, bool parallel)
 Write a field of faces values as an indirect list, using the face ids from ensightFaces. More...
template<class Type >
bool writeField (ensightFile &os, const Field< Type > &fld, const ensightCells &part, bool parallel)
 Write a field of cell values as an indirect list, using the cell ids from ensightCells. More...
template<class Type >
bool writeField (ensightFile &os, const Field< Type > &fld, const ensightFaces &part, bool parallel)
 Write a field of faces values as an indirect list, using the face ids from ensightFaces. More...
labelList getFaceSizes (const UList< face > &faces)
 Return sizes of faces in the list. More...
labelList getFaceSizes (const UIndirectList< face > &faces)
 Return sizes of faces in the list. More...
labelList getPolysNFaces (const polyMesh &mesh, const labelUList &addr)
 The number of faces per poly element. More...
labelList getPolysNPointsPerFace (const polyMesh &mesh, const labelUList &addr)
 The number of points for each face of the poly elements. More...
CompactListList< label > getPolysFacePoints (const polyMesh &mesh, const labelUList &addr, const labelList &pointMap)
 Generate 0-based point ids for each poly element face. More...
void writeLabelListList (ensightGeoFile &os, const labelUList &offsets, const labelUList &values, const label pointOffset)
 Write CompactListList<label> by components. More...
template<class LabelListListType >
void writeLabelListList (ensightGeoFile &os, const LabelListListType &listOfLists, const label pointOffset)
 Write a list of faces or cell shapes with one-entity per line. More...
template<template< typename > class FieldContainer, class Type >
void copyComponent (const FieldContainer< Type > &input, const direction cmpt, UList< float > &cmptBuffer)
 Copy specified field component into a scalar buffer. Works for various lists types. Must be adequately sized before calling. More...
template<template< typename > class FieldContainer>
bool writeCoordinates (ensightGeoFile &os, const label partId, const word &partName, const label nPoints, const FieldContainer< Foam::point > &fld, bool parallel)
 Write coordinates (component-wise) for the given part. More...
template<template< typename > class FieldContainer, class Type >
void writeFieldComponents (ensightOutput::floatBufferType &scratch, ensightFile &os, const char *key, const FieldContainer< Type > &fld, bool parallel)
 Write field content (component-wise) for the given ensight element type. More...
template<template< typename > class FieldContainer, class Type >
void writeFieldComponents (ensightFile &os, const char *key, const FieldContainer< Type > &fld, bool parallel)
 Write field content (component-wise) for the given ensight element type. More...
template<class Type >
bool writeFaceSubField (ensightOutput::floatBufferType &scratch, ensightFile &os, const Field< Type > &fld, const ensightFaces &part, bool parallel)
 Write a sub-field of faces values as an indirect list, using the sub-list sizing information from ensightFaces. More...
template<class Type >
bool writeFaceSubField (ensightFile &os, const Field< Type > &fld, const ensightFaces &part, bool parallel)
 Write a sub-field of faces values as an indirect list, using the sub-list sizing information from ensightFaces. More...
template<class Type >
bool writeFaceLocalField (ensightOutput::floatBufferType &scratch, ensightFile &os, const Field< Type > &fld, const ensightFaces &part, bool parallel)
 Write a field of faces values as an indirect list, using the face order from ensightFaces. More...
template<class Type >
bool writeFaceLocalField (ensightFile &os, const Field< Type > &fld, const ensightFaces &part, bool parallel)
 Write a field of faces values as an indirect list, using the face order from ensightFaces. More...

Detailed Description

Original source file ensightOutput.H

Definition in file ensightOutput.H.