velocityFilmShellFvPatchVectorField Class Reference

Detailed Description

Example of the boundary condition specification:
    type                velocityFilmShell;

    active              true;
    infoOutput          true;

    U                   U;
    pRef                1e5;
    T0                  300;

    deltaWet            1e-4;
    h0                  1e-8;

    zeroWallVelocity    true;


    turbulence          laminar;

        friction        ManningStrickler;   // Wall friction model
        n               0.005;              // Manning number
        Cf              0.9;                // Gas friction


    forces ();

        definedPatchRadii  0;

    region              film;
    liquidFilmModel     kinematicThinFilm;

    value               uniform (0 0 0);

where the entries mean:

Property Description Type Reqd Deflt
type Type name: velocityFilmShell word yes -
U Name of the primary U word yes -
pRef Reference pressure for thermo scalar yes -
T0 Film initial temperature scalar no READ
thermo Flow thermo wordRes yes -
zeroWallVelocity Flag to fix zero U for primary flow bool no true
turbulence Type of film turbulence model word yes -
injectionModels Lagrangian injection no -
forces Film force models wordRes no -
deltaWet Wet film thickness scalar no 1e-4
h0 Numerical minimum thickness scalar no 1e-7
region Name of the 2D region word yes -
liquidFilmModel Film model word yes -
Source files

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