Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2  ========= |
3  \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4  \\ / O peration |
5  \\ / A nd | www.openfoam.com
6  \\/ M anipulation |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8  Copyright (C) 2011-2016 OpenFOAM Foundation
9  Copyright (C) 2019 OpenCFD Ltd.
10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 License
12  This file is part of OpenFOAM.
14  OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
15  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
16  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
17  (at your option) any later version.
19  OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
20  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
21  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
22  for more details.
24  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
25  along with OpenFOAM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
27 Class
28  Foam::cellMatcher
30 Description
31  Base class for cellshape matchers (hexMatch, prismMatch, etc.). These are
32  classes which given a mesh and cell number find out the orientation of
33  the cellShape and construct cell-vertex to mesh-vertex mapping and
34  cell-face to mesh-face mapping.
36  For example,
37  \verbatim
38  hexMatcher hex(mesh);
39  cellShape shape;
40  ..
41  bool isHex = hex.match(celli, shape);
42  \endverbatim
43  Now shape is set to the correct Hex cellShape (if \a isHex is true)
45  Alternatively there is direct access to the vertex and face mapping:
46  \verbatim
47  const labelList& hexVertLabels = hex.vertLabels();
48  const labelList& hexFaceLabels = hex.faceLabels();
49  \endverbatim
50  Now
51  - \c hexVertLabels[n] is vertex label of hex vertex n
52  - \c hexFaceLabels[n] is face label of hex vertex n
54  Process of cellShape recognition consists of following steps:
55  - renumber vertices of cell to local vertex numbers
56  - construct (local to cell) addressing edge-to-faces
57  - construct (local to cell) addressing vertex and face to index in face
58  - find most unique face shape (e.g. triangle for prism)
59  - walk (following either vertices in face or jumping from face to other
60  face) to other faces and checking face sizes.
61  - if necessary try other rotations of this face
62  (only necessary for wedge, tet-wedge)
63  - if necessary try other faces which most unique face shape
64  (never necessary for hex degenerates)
66  The whole calculation is done such that no lists are allocated during
67  cell checking. E.g. localFaces_ are always sized to hold max. number
68  of possible face vertices and a separate list is filled which holds
69  the actusl face sizes.
71  For now all hex-degenerates implemented. Numbering taken from picture in
72  demoGuide.
74 SourceFiles
75  cellMatcherI.H
76  cellMatcher.C
78 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
80 #ifndef cellMatcher_H
81 #define cellMatcher_H
83 #include "cellModel.H"
84 #include "Map.H"
86 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
88 namespace Foam
89 {
91 // Forward Declarations
92 class cell;
93 class cellShape;
94 class primitiveMesh;
96 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
97  Class cellMatcher Declaration
98 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
100 class cellMatcher
101 {
102 protected:
104  // Static Functions
106  //- Given start and end of edge generate unique key
107  inline static label edgeKey
108  (
109  const label numVert,
110  const label v0,
111  const label v1
112  );
114  //- Step along face either in righthand or lefthand direction
115  inline static label nextVert(const label, const label, const bool);
118  // Protected Data
120  // Map from mesh to local vertex numbering
123  //- Faces using local vertex numbering
126  //- Number of vertices per face in localFaces_
129  //- Map from local to mesh vertex numbering
132  //- Map from local to mesh face numbering
135  //- Map from 'edge' to neighbouring faces
138  //- pointFaceIndex[localVertI][localFacei] is index in localFace
139  // where localVertI is.
142  //- After matching: holds mesh vertices in cellmodel order
145  //- After matching: holds mesh faces in cellmodel order
148  //- CellModel name
149  const word cellModelName_;
151  mutable const cellModel* cellModelPtr_;
154  // Protected Member Functions
156  //- Calculates localFaces. Returns number of local vertices (or -1
157  // if more than vertPerCell).
158  label calcLocalFaces(const faceList& faces, const labelList& myFaces);
160  //- Fill edge (start, end) to face number
161  void calcEdgeAddressing(const label numVert);
163  //- Fill vertex/face to index in face data structure
164  void calcPointFaceIndex();
166  //- Given start,end of edge lookup both faces sharing it and return
167  // face != localFacei
168  label otherFace
169  (
170  const label numVert,
171  const label v0,
172  const label v1,
173  const label localFacei
174  ) const;
176  //- No copy construct
177  cellMatcher(const cellMatcher&) = delete;
179  //- No copy assignment
180  cellMatcher& operator=(const cellMatcher&) = delete;
183 public:
185  // Constructors
187  //- Construct for shape factors
189  (
190  const label vertPerCell,
191  const label facePerCell,
192  const label maxVertPerFace,
193  const word& cellModelName
194  );
197  //- Destructor
198  virtual ~cellMatcher() = default;
201  // Member Functions
203  // Access
205  inline const Map<label>& localPoint() const;
206  inline const faceList& localFaces() const;
207  inline const labelList& faceSize() const;
208  inline const labelList& pointMap() const;
209  inline const labelList& faceMap() const;
210  inline const labelList& edgeFaces() const;
211  inline const labelListList& pointFaceIndex() const;
212  inline const labelList& vertLabels() const;
213  inline const labelList& faceLabels() const;
214  inline const cellModel& model() const;
217  // Write
219  void write(Ostream& os) const;
222  // Cell shape dependent
224  virtual label nVertPerCell() const = 0;
226  virtual label nFacePerCell() const = 0;
228  virtual label nMaxVertPerFace() const = 0;
230  //- Hash value of all face sizes of this shape. Can be used for
231  // quick initial recognition.
232  virtual label faceHashValue() const = 0;
234  //- Check whether number of face sizes match the shape.
235  virtual bool faceSizeMatch(const faceList&, const labelList&)
236  const = 0;
238  //- Low level shape recognition. Return true if matches.
239  // Works in detection mode only (checkOnly=true) or in exact
240  // matching. Returns true and sets vertLabels_.
241  // Needs faces, faceOwner of all faces in 'mesh' and cell number
242  // and labels of faces for this cell.
243  // celli only used in combination with faceOwner to detect owner
244  // status.
245  virtual bool matchShape
246  (
247  const bool checkOnly,
248  const faceList& faces,
249  const labelList& faceOwner,
250  const label celli,
251  const labelList& myFaces
252  ) = 0;
254  //- Exact match. Uses faceSizeMatch.
255  // Returns true if cell matches shape exactly.
256  virtual bool isA(const primitiveMesh& mesh, const label celli) = 0;
258  //- Exact match given all the faces forming a cell. No checks
259  // on whether faces match up and form a closed shape.
260  virtual bool isA(const faceList&) = 0;
262  //- Like isA but also constructs a cellShape (if shape matches)
263  virtual bool matches
264  (
265  const primitiveMesh& mesh,
266  const label celli,
267  cellShape& shape
268  ) = 0;
269 };
272 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
274 } // End namespace Foam
276 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
278 #include "cellMatcherI.H"
280 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
282 #endif
284 // ************************************************************************* //
const Map< label > & localPoint() const
Definition: cellMatcherI.H:23
const labelList & vertLabels() const
Definition: cellMatcherI.H:65
const labelList & faceSize() const
Definition: cellMatcherI.H:35
virtual bool faceSizeMatch(const faceList &, const labelList &) const =0
Check whether number of face sizes match the shape.
const faceList & localFaces() const
Definition: cellMatcherI.H:29
Base class for cellshape matchers (hexMatch, prismMatch, etc.). These are classes which given a mesh ...
Definition: cellMatcher.H:95
Cell-face mesh analysis engine.
Definition: primitiveMesh.H:75
labelList faceMap_
Map from local to mesh face numbering.
Definition: cellMatcher.H:140
An analytical geometric cellShape.
Definition: cellShape.H:68
virtual bool matchShape(const bool checkOnly, const faceList &faces, const labelList &faceOwner, const label celli, const labelList &myFaces)=0
Low level shape recognition. Return true if matches.
virtual ~cellMatcher()=default
cellMatcher(const cellMatcher &)=delete
No copy construct.
void calcEdgeAddressing(const label numVert)
Fill edge (start, end) to face number.
Definition: cellMatcher.C:130
const labelList & faceLabels() const
Definition: cellMatcherI.H:71
labelList vertLabels_
After matching: holds mesh vertices in cellmodel order.
Definition: cellMatcher.H:157
labelListList pointFaceIndex_
pointFaceIndex[localVertI][localFacei] is index in localFace
Definition: cellMatcher.H:152
virtual bool isA(const primitiveMesh &mesh, const label celli)=0
Exact match. Uses faceSizeMatch.
virtual label nVertPerCell() const =0
labelList edgeFaces_
Map from &#39;edge&#39; to neighbouring faces.
Definition: cellMatcher.H:145
dynamicFvMesh & mesh
virtual bool matches(const primitiveMesh &mesh, const label celli, cellShape &shape)=0
Like isA but also constructs a cellShape (if shape matches)
const cellModel * cellModelPtr_
Definition: cellMatcher.H:169
void calcPointFaceIndex()
Fill vertex/face to index in face data structure.
Definition: cellMatcher.C:179
A class for handling words, derived from Foam::string.
Definition: word.H:63
label calcLocalFaces(const faceList &faces, const labelList &myFaces)
Calculates localFaces. Returns number of local vertices (or -1.
Definition: cellMatcher.C:67
labelList faceSize_
Number of vertices per face in localFaces_.
Definition: cellMatcher.H:130
virtual label faceHashValue() const =0
Hash value of all face sizes of this shape. Can be used for.
An Ostream is an abstract base class for all output systems (streams, files, token lists...
Definition: Ostream.H:56
labelList faceLabels_
After matching: holds mesh faces in cellmodel order.
Definition: cellMatcher.H:162
const labelList & faceMap() const
Definition: cellMatcherI.H:47
Map< label > localPoint_
Definition: cellMatcher.H:120
const cellModel & model() const
Definition: cellMatcherI.H:77
faceList localFaces_
Faces using local vertex numbering.
Definition: cellMatcher.H:125
OBJstream os(runTime.globalPath()/outputName)
labelList pointMap_
Map from local to mesh vertex numbering.
Definition: cellMatcher.H:135
label otherFace(const label numVert, const label v0, const label v1, const label localFacei) const
Given start,end of edge lookup both faces sharing it and return.
Definition: cellMatcher.C:206
const word cellModelName_
CellModel name.
Definition: cellMatcher.H:167
cellMatcher & operator=(const cellMatcher &)=delete
No copy assignment.
virtual label nFacePerCell() const =0
virtual label nMaxVertPerFace() const =0
Maps a geometry to a set of cell primitives.
Definition: cellModel.H:72
void write(Ostream &os) const
Definition: cellMatcher.C:235
static label edgeKey(const label numVert, const label v0, const label v1)
Given start and end of edge generate unique key.
Definition: cellMatcherI.H:90
const labelList & pointMap() const
Definition: cellMatcherI.H:41
const labelList & edgeFaces() const
Definition: cellMatcherI.H:53
static label nextVert(const label, const label, const bool)
Step along face either in righthand or lefthand direction.
Definition: cellMatcherI.H:102
const labelListList & pointFaceIndex() const
Definition: cellMatcherI.H:59
Namespace for OpenFOAM.