Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2  ========= |
3  \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4  \\ / O peration |
5  \\ / A nd |
6  \\/ M anipulation |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8  Copyright (C) 2011-2015 OpenFOAM Foundation
9  Copyright (C) 2017 OpenCFD Ltd.
10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 License
12  This file is part of OpenFOAM.
14  OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
15  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
16  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
17  (at your option) any later version.
19  OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
20  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
21  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
22  for more details.
24  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
25  along with OpenFOAM. If not, see <>.
27 Class
28  Foam::snappyLayerDriver
30 Description
31  All to do with adding layers
33 SourceFiles
34  snappyLayerDriver.C
35  snappyLayerDriverOneByOne.C
37 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
39 #ifndef snappyLayerDriver_H
40 #define snappyLayerDriver_H
42 #include "meshRefinement.H"
43 #include "scalarIOField.H"
45 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
47 namespace Foam
48 {
50 // Forward declaration of classes
51 class removePoints;
52 class pointSet;
53 class motionSmoother;
54 class addPatchCellLayer;
55 class faceSet;
56 class layerParameters;
57 class externalDisplacementMeshMover;
59 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
60  Class snappyLayerDriver Declaration
61 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
64 {
65 public:
67  // Public data types
69  //- Extrusion controls
71  {
75  };
78 private:
80  // Private classes
82  //- Combine operator class to combine normal with other normal.
83  class nomalsCombine
84  {
85  public:
87  void operator()(vector& x, const vector& y) const
88  {
89  if (y != point::max)
90  {
91  if (x == point::max)
92  {
93  x = y;
94  }
95  else
96  {
97  x *= (x&y);
98  }
99  }
100  }
101  };
104  // Private data
106  //- Mesh+surface
107  meshRefinement& meshRefiner_;
109  //- From surface region to patch
110  const labelList globalToMasterPatch_;
112  //- From surface region to patch
113  const labelList globalToSlavePatch_;
115  //- Are we operating in test mode?
116  const bool dryRun_;
119  // Private Member Functions
121  // Layers
123  //- For debugging: Dump displacement to .obj files
124  static void dumpDisplacement
125  (
126  const fileName&,
127  const indirectPrimitivePatch&,
128  const vectorField&,
129  const List<extrudeMode>&
130  );
132  //- Average point wise data to face wise
133  static tmp<scalarField> avgPointData
134  (
135  const indirectPrimitivePatch&,
136  const scalarField& pointFld
137  );
139  //- Check that primitivePatch is not multiply connected.
140  // Collect non-manifold points in pointSet.
141  static void checkManifold
142  (
143  const indirectPrimitivePatch&,
144  pointSet& nonManifoldPoints
145  );
147  //- Check that mesh outside is not multiply connected.
148  void checkMeshManifold() const;
151  // Static extrusion setup
153  //- Unset extrusion on point. Returns true if anything unset.
154  static bool unmarkExtrusion
155  (
156  const label patchPointi,
157  pointField& patchDisp,
158  labelList& patchNLayers,
159  List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
160  );
162  //- Unset extrusion on face. Returns true if anything unset.
163  static bool unmarkExtrusion
164  (
165  const face& localFace,
166  pointField& patchDisp,
167  labelList& patchNLayers,
168  List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
169  );
171  //- Truncate index in face
172  static label constrainFp(const label sz, const label fp);
174  //- Count common points between face and its neighbours
175  void countCommonPoints
176  (
177  const indirectPrimitivePatch&,
178  const label facei,
179  Map<label>&
180  ) const;
182  //- Check if any common points form single string. Return
183  // false if not.
184  bool checkCommonOrder
185  (
186  const label nCommon,
187  const face& curFace,
188  const face& nbFace
189  ) const;
191  //- Check if any common points form single string; unmark
192  // points on face if not
193  void checkCommonOrder
194  (
195  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
196  const label facei,
197  const Map<label>& nCommonPoints,
198  pointField& patchDisp,
199  labelList& patchNLayers,
200  List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
201  ) const;
203  //- Check if any common points form single string; unmark
204  // points on face if not
205  void handleNonStringConnected
206  (
207  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
208  pointField& patchDisp,
209  labelList& patchNLayers,
210  List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
211  ) const;
213  //- No extrusion at non-manifold points.
214  void handleNonManifolds
215  (
216  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
217  const labelList& meshEdges,
218  const labelListList& edgeGlobalFaces,
219  pointField& patchDisp,
220  labelList& patchNLayers,
221  List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
222  ) const;
224  //- No extrusion on feature edges. Assumes non-manifold
225  // edges already handled.
226  void handleFeatureAngle
227  (
228  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
229  const labelList& meshEdges,
230  const scalar minAngle,
231  pointField& patchDisp,
232  labelList& patchNLayers,
233  List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
234  ) const;
236  //- No extrusion on warped faces
237  void handleWarpedFaces
238  (
239  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
240  const scalar faceRatio,
241  const boolList& relativeSizes,
242  const scalar edge0Len,
243  const labelList& cellLevel,
244  pointField& patchDisp,
245  labelList& patchNLayers,
246  List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
247  ) const;
249  //- Determine the number of layers per point from the number of
250  // layers per surface.
251  void setNumLayers
252  (
253  const labelList& patchToNLayers,
254  const labelList& patchIDs,
255  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
257  labelList& patchNLayers,
258  List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus,
259  label& nIdealAddedCells
260  ) const;
262  //- Determine number of layers per point; include static checks
263  //- on invalid extrusion (e.g. non-manifold)
264  label setPointNumLayers
265  (
266  const layerParameters& layerParams,
268  const labelList& numLayers,
269  const labelList& patchIDs,
270  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
271  const labelListList& edgeGlobalFaces,
273  vectorField& patchDisp,
274  labelList& patchNLayers,
275  List<extrudeMode>&
276  ) const;
277  autoPtr<externalDisplacementMeshMover> makeMeshMover
278  (
279  const layerParameters& layerParams,
280  const dictionary& motionDict,
281  const labelList& internalFaceZones,
282  const scalarIOField& minThickness,
283  pointVectorField& displacement
284  ) const;
285  void mapFaceZonePoints
286  (
287  const mapPolyMesh& map,
288  labelPairList& baffles,
289  labelList& pointToMaster
290  ) const;
291  void updatePatch
292  (
293  const labelList& patchIDs,
294  const mapPolyMesh& map,
295  autoPtr<indirectPrimitivePatch>& pp,
296  labelList& newToOldPatchPoints
297  ) const;
300  //- Helper function to make a pointVectorField with correct
301  // bcs for layer addition:
302  // - numLayers > 0 : fixedValue
303  // - numLayers == 0 : fixedValue (always zero)
304  // - processor : calculated (so free to move)
305  // - cyclic/wedge/symmetry : slip
306  // - other : slip
307  static tmp<pointVectorField> makeLayerDisplacementField
308  (
309  const pointMesh& pMesh,
310  const labelList& numLayers
311  );
313  //- Grow no-extrusion layer.
314  void growNoExtrusion
315  (
316  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
317  pointField& patchDisp,
318  labelList& patchNLayers,
319  List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
320  ) const;
322  //- Duplicate points on faceZones with layers
323  void dupFaceZonePoints
324  (
325  const labelList& patchIDs, // patch indices
326  const labelList& numLayers, // number of layers per patch
327  List<labelPair> baffles,
328  labelList& pointToMaster
329  );
331  //- Re-merge points/faces on faceZones. Opposite of
332  //- dupFaceZonePoints above
333  void mergeFaceZonePoints
334  (
335  const labelList& pointToMaster,
336  labelList& cellNLayers,
337  scalarField& faceRealThickness,
338  scalarField& faceWantedThickness
339  );
341  //- See what zones and patches edges should be extruded into
342  void determineSidePatches
343  (
344  const globalIndex& globalFaces,
345  const labelListList& edgeGlobalFaces,
346  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
348  labelList& edgePatchID,
349  labelList& edgeZoneID,
350  boolList& edgeFlip,
351  labelList& inflateFaceID
352  );
354  //- Calculate pointwise wanted and minimum thickness.
355  // thickness: wanted thickness
356  // minthickness: when to give up and not extrude
357  // Gets per patch parameters and determine pp pointwise
358  // parameters.
359  void calculateLayerThickness
360  (
361  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
362  const labelList& patchIDs,
363  const layerParameters& layerParams,
364  const labelList& cellLevel,
365  const labelList& patchNLayers,
366  const scalar edge0Len,
368  scalarField& thickness,
369  scalarField& minThickness,
370  scalarField& expansionRatio
371  ) const;
374  // Extrusion execution
376  //- Synchronize displacement among coupled patches.
377  void syncPatchDisplacement
378  (
379  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
380  const scalarField& minThickness,
381  pointField& patchDisp,
382  labelList& patchNLayers,
383  List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
384  ) const;
386  //- Get nearest point on surface to snap to
387  void getPatchDisplacement
388  (
389  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
390  const scalarField& thickness,
391  const scalarField& minThickness,
392  const scalarField& expansionRatio,
394  pointField& patchDisp,
395  labelList& patchNLayers,
396  List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
397  ) const;
399  //- For truncateDisplacement: find strings of edges
400  bool sameEdgeNeighbour
401  (
402  const labelListList& globalEdgeFaces,
403  const label myGlobalFacei,
404  const label nbrGlobFacei,
405  const label edgeI
406  ) const;
408  //- For truncateDisplacement: find strings of edges
409  void getVertexString
410  (
411  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
412  const labelListList& globalEdgeFaces,
413  const label facei,
414  const label edgeI,
415  const label myGlobFacei,
416  const label nbrGlobFacei,
417  DynamicList<label>& vertices
418  ) const;
420  //- Truncates displacement
421  // - for all patchFaces in the faceset displacement gets set
422  // to zero
423  // - all displacement < minThickness gets set to zero
424  // - all non-consecutive extrusions get set to 0
425  label truncateDisplacement
426  (
427  const globalIndex& globalFaces,
428  const labelListList& edgeGlobalFaces,
429  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
430  const scalarField& minThickness,
431  const faceSet& illegalPatchFaces,
432  pointField& patchDisp,
433  labelList& patchNLayers,
434  List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
435  ) const;
437  //- Setup layer information (at points and faces) to
438  // modify mesh topology in
439  // regions where layer mesh terminates. Guarantees an
440  // optional slow decreasing of the number of layers.
441  // Returns the number of layers per face and per point
442  // to go into the actual layer addition engine.
443  void setupLayerInfoTruncation
444  (
445  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
446  const labelList& patchNLayers,
447  const List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus,
448  const label nBufferCellsNoExtrude,
449  labelList& nPatchPointLayers,
450  labelList& nPatchFaceLayers
451  ) const;
453  //- Does any of the cells use a face from faces?
454  static bool cellsUseFace
455  (
456  const polyMesh& mesh,
457  const labelList& cellLabels,
458  const labelHashSet& faces
459  );
461  //- Checks the newly added cells and locally unmarks points
462  // so they will not get extruded next time round. Returns
463  // global number of unmarked points (0 if all was fine)
464  static label checkAndUnmark
465  (
466  const addPatchCellLayer& addLayer,
467  const dictionary& motionDict,
468  const bool additionalReporting,
469  const List<labelPair>& baffles,
470  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
471  const fvMesh&,
473  pointField& patchDisp,
474  labelList& patchNLayers,
475  List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
476  );
478  //- Count global number of extruded faces
479  static label countExtrusion
480  (
481  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
482  const List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
483  );
485  //- After adding to mesh get the new baffles
486  static List<labelPair> getBafflesOnAddedMesh
487  (
488  const polyMesh& mesh,
489  const labelList& newToOldFaces,
490  const List<labelPair>& baffles
491  );
493  //- Collect layer faces and layer cells into bools
494  // for ease of handling
495  static void getLayerCellsFaces
496  (
497  const polyMesh&,
498  const addPatchCellLayer&,
499  const scalarField& oldRealThickness,
501  labelList& cellStatus,
502  scalarField& faceRealThickness
503  );
505  //- Print layer coverage table
506  void printLayerData
507  (
508  const fvMesh& mesh,
509  const labelList& patchIDs,
510  const labelList& cellNLayers,
511  const scalarField& faceWantedThickness,
512  const scalarField& faceRealThickness
513  ) const;
515  //- Write cellSet,faceSet for layers
516  bool writeLayerSets
517  (
518  const fvMesh& mesh,
519  const labelList& cellNLayers,
520  const scalarField& faceRealThickness
521  ) const;
523  //- Write volFields,cellSet,faceSet for layers depending
524  // on write level
525  bool writeLayerData
526  (
527  const fvMesh& mesh,
528  const labelList& patchIDs,
529  const labelList& cellNLayers,
530  const scalarField& faceWantedThickness,
531  const scalarField& faceRealThickness
532  ) const;
535  // Mesh shrinking (to create space for layers)
537  //- Average field (over all subset of mesh points) by
538  // summing contribution from edges. Global parallel since only
539  // does master edges for coupled edges.
540  template<class Type>
541  static void averageNeighbours
542  (
543  const polyMesh& mesh,
544  const bitSet& isMasterEdge,
545  const labelList& meshEdges,
546  const labelList& meshPoints,
547  const edgeList& edges,
548  const scalarField& invSumWeight,
549  const Field<Type>& data,
550  Field<Type>& average
551  );
553  //- Calculate inverse sum of edge weights (currently always 1.0)
554  void sumWeights
555  (
556  const bitSet& isMasterEdge,
557  const labelList& meshEdges,
558  const labelList& meshPoints,
559  const edgeList& edges,
560  scalarField& invSumWeight
561  ) const;
563  //- Smooth scalar field on patch
564  void smoothField
565  (
566  const motionSmoother& meshMover,
567  const bitSet& isMasterPoint,
568  const bitSet& isMasterEdge,
569  const labelList& meshEdges,
570  const scalarField& fieldMin,
571  const label nSmoothDisp,
573  ) const;
575  //- Smooth normals on patch.
576  void smoothPatchNormals
577  (
578  const motionSmoother& meshMover,
579  const bitSet& isMasterPoint,
580  const bitSet& isMasterEdge,
581  const labelList& meshEdges,
582  const label nSmoothDisp,
583  pointField& normals
584  ) const;
586  //- Smooth normals in interior.
587  void smoothNormals
588  (
589  const label nSmoothDisp,
590  const bitSet& isMasterPoint,
591  const bitSet& isMasterEdge,
592  const labelList& fixedPoints,
593  pointVectorField& normals
594  ) const;
596  //- Stop layer growth where mesh wraps around edge with a
597  // large feature angle
598  void handleFeatureAngleLayerTerminations
599  (
600  const scalar minCos,
601  const bitSet& isMasterPoint,
602  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
603  const labelList& meshEdges,
605  List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus,
606  pointField& patchDisp,
607  labelList& patchNLayers,
608  label& nPointCounter
609  ) const;
611  //- Find isolated islands (points, edges and faces and
612  // layer terminations)
613  // in the layer mesh and stop any layer growth at these points.
614  void findIsolatedRegions
615  (
616  const scalar minCosLayerTermination,
617  const bitSet& isMasterPoint,
618  const bitSet& isMasterEdge,
619  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
620  const labelList& meshEdges,
621  const scalarField& minThickness,
623  List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus,
624  pointField& patchDisp,
625  labelList& patchNLayers
626  ) const;
629  //- No copy construct
630  snappyLayerDriver(const snappyLayerDriver&) = delete;
632  //- No copy assignment
633  void operator=(const snappyLayerDriver&) = delete;
636 public:
638  //- Runtime type information
639  ClassName("snappyLayerDriver");
641  // Constructors
643  //- Construct from components
644  snappyLayerDriver
645  (
646  meshRefinement& meshRefiner,
647  const labelList& globalToMasterPatch,
648  const labelList& globalToSlavePatch,
649  const bool dryRun = false
650  );
653  // Member Functions
655  //- Merge patch faces on same cell.
657  (
658  const layerParameters& layerParams,
659  const dictionary& motionDict,
660  const meshRefinement::FaceMergeType mergeType
661  );
663  void addLayers
664  (
665  const layerParameters& layerParams,
666  const label nLayerIter,
668  const dictionary& motionDict,
669  const label nRelaxedIter,
670  const label nAllowableErrors,
672  const labelList& patchIDs,
673  const labelList& internalFaceZones,
674  const List<labelPair>& baffles,
675  const labelList& numLayers,
676  const label nIdealTotAddedCells,
678  const globalIndex& globalFaces,
680  const labelListList& edgeGlobalFaces,
681  const labelList& edgePatchID,
682  const labelList& edgeZoneID,
683  const boolList& edgeFlip,
684  const labelList& inflateFaceID,
685  const scalarField& thickness,
686  const scalarIOField& minThickness,
687  const scalarField& expansionRatio,
688  vectorField& patchDisp,
689  labelList& patchNLayers,
690  List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus,
691  polyTopoChange& savedMeshMod,
692  labelList& cellNLayers,
693  scalarField& faceRealThickness
694  );
696  //- Add cell layers
697  void addLayers
698  (
699  const layerParameters& layerParams,
700  const dictionary& motionDict,
701  const labelList& patchIDs,
702  const label nAllowableErrors,
703  decompositionMethod& decomposer,
704  fvMeshDistribute& distributor
705  );
707  //- For debugging. Can be removed.
709  (
710  const layerParameters& layerParams,
711  const dictionary& motionDict,
712  const labelList& patchIDs,
713  const label nAllowableErrors,
714  decompositionMethod& decomposer,
715  fvMeshDistribute& distributor
716  );
718  //- Add layers according to the dictionary settings
719  void doLayers
720  (
721  const dictionary& shrinkDict,
722  const dictionary& motionDict,
723  const layerParameters& layerParams,
724  const meshRefinement::FaceMergeType mergeType,
725  const bool preBalance, // balance before adding?
726  decompositionMethod& decomposer,
727  fvMeshDistribute& distributor
728  );
729 };
732 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
734 } // End namespace Foam
736 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
738 #ifdef NoRepository
740 #endif
742 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
744 #endif
746 // ************************************************************************* //
dimensioned< Type > average(const DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh > &f1)
const labelList patchIDs(pbm.patchSet(polyPatchNames, false, true).sortedToc())
rDeltaTY field()
List< edge > edgeList
List of edge.
Definition: edgeList.H:32
label max(const labelHashSet &set, label maxValue=labelMin)
Find the max value in labelHashSet, optionally limited by second argument.
Definition: hashSets.C:40
GeometricField< vector, pointPatchField, pointMesh > pointVectorField
List< labelPair > labelPairList
List of labelPair.
Definition: labelPair.H:33
Runtime type information.
IOField< scalar > scalarIOField
IO for a Field of scalar.
Definition: scalarIOField.H:32
PrimitivePatch< IndirectList< face >, const pointField & > indirectPrimitivePatch
A PrimitivePatch with an IndirectList for the faces, const reference for the point field...
List< labelList > labelListList
List of labelList.
Definition: labelList.H:38
HashSet< label, Hash< label > > labelHashSet
A HashSet of labels, uses label hasher.
Definition: HashSet.H:85
pointField vertices(const blockVertexList &bvl)
scalar y
void addLayersSinglePass(const layerParameters &layerParams, const dictionary &motionDict, const labelList &patchIDs, const label nAllowableErrors, decompositionMethod &decomposer, fvMeshDistribute &distributor)
For debugging. Can be removed.
vectorField pointField
pointField is a vectorField.
Definition: pointFieldFwd.H:38
Enumeration for what to do with co-planar patch faces on a single.
dynamicFvMesh & mesh
Do not extrude. No layers added.
Field< scalar > scalarField
Specialisation of Field<T> for scalar.
A Vector of values with scalar precision, where scalar is float/double depending on the compilation f...
void doLayers(const dictionary &shrinkDict, const dictionary &motionDict, const layerParameters &layerParams, const meshRefinement::FaceMergeType mergeType, const bool preBalance, decompositionMethod &decomposer, fvMeshDistribute &distributor)
Add layers according to the dictionary settings.
void mergePatchFacesUndo(const layerParameters &layerParams, const dictionary &motionDict, const meshRefinement::FaceMergeType mergeType)
Merge patch faces on same cell.
All to do with adding layers.
Extrusion controls.
Field< vector > vectorField
Specialisation of Field<T> for vector.
void addLayers(const layerParameters &layerParams, const label nLayerIter, const dictionary &motionDict, const label nRelaxedIter, const label nAllowableErrors, const labelList &patchIDs, const labelList &internalFaceZones, const List< labelPair > &baffles, const labelList &numLayers, const label nIdealTotAddedCells, const globalIndex &globalFaces, indirectPrimitivePatch &pp, const labelListList &edgeGlobalFaces, const labelList &edgePatchID, const labelList &edgeZoneID, const boolList &edgeFlip, const labelList &inflateFaceID, const scalarField &thickness, const scalarIOField &minThickness, const scalarField &expansionRatio, vectorField &patchDisp, labelList &patchNLayers, List< extrudeMode > &extrudeStatus, polyTopoChange &savedMeshMod, labelList &cellNLayers, scalarField &faceRealThickness)
List< label > labelList
A List of labels.
Definition: List.H:62
List< bool > boolList
A List of bools.
Definition: List.H:60
uindirectPrimitivePatch pp(UIndirectList< face >(mesh.faces(), faceLabels), mesh.points())
Namespace for OpenFOAM.