Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2  ========= |
3  \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4  \\ / O peration |
5  \\ / A nd | www.openfoam.com
6  \\/ M anipulation |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8  Copyright (C) 2007-2019 PCOpt/NTUA
9  Copyright (C) 2013-2019 FOSS GP
10  Copyright (C) 2019-2021 OpenCFD Ltd.
11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 License
13  This file is part of OpenFOAM.
15  OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
16  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
17  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
18  (at your option) any later version.
20  OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
21  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
22  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
23  for more details.
25  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
26  along with OpenFOAM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
28 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
30 #include "optimisationManager.H"
32 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
34 namespace Foam
35 {
38 }
41 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
43 Foam::optimisationManager::optimisationManager(fvMesh& mesh)
44 :
46  (
47  IOobject
48  (
49  "optimisationDict",
50  mesh.time().system(),
51  mesh,
53  IOobject::NO_WRITE,
54  IOobject::REGISTER
55  )
56  ),
57  mesh_(mesh),
58  time_(const_cast<Time&>(mesh.time())),
59  primalSolvers_(),
60  adjointSolverManagers_(),
61  managerType_(get<word>("optimisationManager")),
62  optType_(nullptr)
63 {
64  dictionary& primalSolversDict = subDict("primalSolvers");
65  const wordList& primalSolverNames = primalSolversDict.toc();
67  // Construct primal solvers
68  primalSolvers_.setSize(primalSolverNames.size());
69  forAll(primalSolvers_, solveri)
70  {
71  dictionary& solverDict =
72  primalSolversDict.subDict(primalSolverNames[solveri]);
73  if (primalSolvers_.size() > 1)
74  {
75  solverDict.add<bool>("useSolverNameForFields", true);
76  }
77  primalSolvers_.set
78  (
79  solveri,
81  (
82  mesh,
84  solverDict
85  )
86  );
87  }
89  // Construct adjointSolverManagers
90  const dictionary& adjointManagersDict = subDict("adjointManagers");
91  const wordList& adjointManagerNames = adjointManagersDict.toc();
92  adjointSolverManagers_.setSize(adjointManagerNames.size());
94  label nAdjointSolvers(0);
95  bool overrideUseSolverName(adjointSolverManagers_.size() > 1);
97  {
99  (
100  manageri,
101  new adjointSolverManager
102  (
103  mesh,
104  managerType_,
105  adjointManagersDict.subDict(adjointManagerNames[manageri]),
106  overrideUseSolverName
107  )
108  );
109  nAdjointSolvers += adjointSolverManagers_[manageri].nAdjointSolvers();
110  }
112  // Sanity checks on the naming convention
113  if (primalSolvers_.size() > 1)
114  {
115  for (const primalSolver& solveri : primalSolvers_)
116  {
117  if (!solveri.useSolverNameForFields())
118  {
120  << "Multiple primal solvers are present but "
121  << "useSolverNameForFields is set to false in "
122  << "primal solver " << solveri.solverName() << nl
123  << "This is considered fatal."
124  << exit(FatalError);
125  }
126  }
127  }
129  if (nAdjointSolvers > 1)
130  {
131  for (const adjointSolverManager& amI : adjointSolverManagers_)
132  {
133  const PtrList<adjointSolver>& adjointSolvers = amI.adjointSolvers();
134  for (const adjointSolver& asI : adjointSolvers)
135  {
136  if (!asI.useSolverNameForFields())
137  {
139  << "Multiple adjoint solvers are present but "
140  << "useSolverNameForFields is set to false in "
141  << "adjoint solver " << asI.solverName() << nl
142  << "This is considered fatal."
143  << exit(FatalError);
144  }
145  }
146  }
147  }
148 }
151 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Selectors * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
154 (
155  fvMesh& mesh
156 )
157 {
158  const IOdictionary dict
159  (
160  IOobject
161  (
162  "optimisationDict",
163  mesh.time().system(),
164  mesh,
168  )
169  );
171  const word modelType(dict.get<word>("optimisationManager"));
173  Info<< "optimisationManager type : " << modelType << endl;
175  auto* ctorPtr = dictionaryConstructorTable(modelType);
177  if (!ctorPtr)
178  {
180  (
181  dict,
182  "optimisationManager",
183  modelType,
184  *dictionaryConstructorTablePtr_
185  ) << exit(FatalIOError);
186  }
188  return autoPtr<optimisationManager>(ctorPtr(mesh));
189 }
192 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * //
195 {
196  if (regIOobject::read())
197  {
198  // Note: Only changing existing solvers - not adding any new
199  const dictionary& primalSolversDict = subDict("primalSolvers");
200  for (primalSolver& sol : primalSolvers_)
201  {
202  sol.readDict(primalSolversDict.subDict(sol.solverName()));
203  }
205  const dictionary& adjointManagersDict = subDict("adjointManagers");
206  for (adjointSolverManager& man : adjointSolverManagers_)
207  {
208  man.readDict(adjointManagersDict.subDict(man.managerName()));
209  }
211  return true;
212  }
214  return false;
215 }
219 {
220  return primalSolvers_;
221 }
226 {
227  return adjointSolverManagers_;
228 }
232 {
233  // Solve all primal equations
234  forAll(primalSolvers_, psI)
235  {
236  primalSolvers_[psI].solve();
237  }
238 }
242 {
243  // Solve all adjoint solver equations
244  forAll(adjointSolverManagers_, amI)
245  {
246  adjointSolverManagers_[amI].solveAdjointEquations();
247  }
248 }
252 {
253  // Compute senstivities from all adjoint solvers
254  forAll(adjointSolverManagers_, amI)
255  {
256  adjointSolverManagers_[amI].computeAllSensitivities();
257  }
258 }
262 {
263  forAll(adjointSolverManagers_, amI)
264  {
265  PtrList<adjointSolver>& adjointSolvers =
266  adjointSolverManagers_[amI].adjointSolvers();
268  forAll(adjointSolvers, asI)
269  {
270  adjointSolvers[asI].updatePrimalBasedQuantities();
271  }
272  }
273 }
276 // ************************************************************************* //
List< ReturnType > get(const UPtrList< T > &list, const AccessOp &aop)
List of values generated by applying the access operation to each list item.
static autoPtr< optimisationManager > New(fvMesh &mesh)
Return a reference to the selected turbulence model.
dictionary dict
void size(const label n)
Older name for setAddressableSize.
Definition: UList.H:116
PtrList< adjointSolverManager > adjointSolverManagers_
errorManipArg< error, int > exit(error &err, const int errNo=1)
Definition: errorManip.H:125
virtual void updatePrimalBasedQuantities()
Solve all primal equations.
virtual bool read()
Read object.
error FatalError
Error stream (stdout output on all processes), with additional &#39;FOAM FATAL ERROR&#39; header text and sta...
A list of keyword definitions, which are a keyword followed by a number of values (eg...
Definition: dictionary.H:120
#define FatalErrorInFunction
Report an error message using Foam::FatalError.
Definition: error.H:578
Base class for primal solvers.
Definition: primalSolver.H:46
Abstract base class for optimisation methods.
constexpr char nl
The newline &#39;\n&#39; character (0x0a)
Definition: Ostream.H:49
Ostream & endl(Ostream &os)
Add newline and flush stream.
Definition: Ostream.H:487
entry * add(entry *entryPtr, bool mergeEntry=false)
Add a new entry.
Definition: dictionary.C:637
Ignore writing from objectRegistry::writeObject()
T get(const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const
Find and return a T. FatalIOError if not found, or if the number of tokens is incorrect.
const Time & time() const
Return the top-level database.
Definition: fvMesh.H:362
const dictionary & subDict(const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const
Find and return a sub-dictionary.
Definition: dictionary.C:453
Class to control time during OpenFOAM simulations that is also the top-level objectRegistry.
Definition: Time.H:69
PtrList< primalSolver > primalSolvers_
wordList toc() const
Return the table of contents.
Definition: dictionary.C:599
IOdictionary is derived from dictionary and IOobject to give the dictionary automatic IO functionalit...
Definition: IOdictionary.H:50
#define forAll(list, i)
Loop across all elements in list.
Definition: stdFoam.H:414
virtual PtrList< adjointSolverManager > & adjointSolverManagers()
Default construct, a top-level empty dictionary.
Definition: dictionary.C:68
dynamicFvMesh & mesh
A class for handling words, derived from Foam::string.
Definition: word.H:63
const word & system() const noexcept
Return system name.
Definition: TimePathsI.H:95
virtual void computeSensitivities()
Compute all adjoint sensitivities.
defineRunTimeSelectionTable(reactionRateFlameArea, dictionary)
defineTypeNameAndDebug(combustionModel, 0)
virtual void solveAdjointEquations()
Solve all adjoint equations.
List< word > wordList
List of word.
Definition: fileName.H:58
Class for managing adjoint solvers, which may be more than one per operating point.
Mesh data needed to do the Finite Volume discretisation.
Definition: fvMesh.H:79
static autoPtr< primalSolver > New(fvMesh &mesh, const word &managerType, const dictionary &dict)
Return a reference to the selected primal solver.
Definition: primalSolver.C:52
messageStream Info
Information stream (stdout output on master, null elsewhere)
Pointer management similar to std::unique_ptr, with some additional methods and type checking...
Definition: HashPtrTable.H:48
int system(const std::string &command, const bool bg=false)
Execute the specified command via the shell.
Definition: POSIX.C:1702
Defines the attributes of an object for which implicit objectRegistry management is supported...
Definition: IOobject.H:171
#define FatalIOErrorInLookup(ios, lookupTag, lookupName, lookupTable)
Report an error message using Foam::FatalIOError.
Definition: error.H:615
virtual bool read()
Read object.
Do not request registration (bool: false)
virtual void solvePrimalEquations()
Solve all primal equations.
Namespace for OpenFOAM.
virtual PtrList< primalSolver > & primalSolvers()
IOerror FatalIOError
Error stream (stdout output on all processes), with additional &#39;FOAM FATAL IO ERROR&#39; header text and ...