Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2  ========= |
3  \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4  \\ / O peration |
5  \\ / A nd |
6  \\/ M anipulation |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8  Copyright (C) 2011-2016 OpenFOAM Foundation
9  Copyright (C) 2015-2022 OpenCFD Ltd.
10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 License
12  This file is part of OpenFOAM.
14  OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
15  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
16  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
17  (at your option) any later version.
19  OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
20  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
21  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
22  for more details.
24  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
25  along with OpenFOAM. If not, see <>.
27 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
29 #include "addPatchCellLayer.H"
30 #include "polyMesh.H"
31 #include "polyTopoChange.H"
32 #include "meshTools.H"
33 #include "mapPolyMesh.H"
34 #include "syncTools.H"
35 #include "polyAddPoint.H"
36 #include "polyAddFace.H"
37 #include "polyModifyFace.H"
38 #include "polyAddCell.H"
39 #include "globalIndex.H"
40 #include "PatchTools.H"
41 #include "dummyTransform.H"
43 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
45 namespace Foam
46 {
49  // Reduction class to get minimum value over face.
50  class minEqOpFace
51  {
52  public:
54  void operator()(face& x, const face& y) const
55  {
56  if (x.size())
57  {
58  if (y.size())
59  {
60  label j = 0;
61  forAll(x, i)
62  {
63  x[i] = min(x[i], y[j]);
65  j = y.rcIndex(j);
66  }
67  }
68  }
69  else if (y.size())
70  {
71  x.setSize(y.size());
72  label j = 0;
73  forAll(x, i)
74  {
75  x[i] = y[j];
76  j = y.rcIndex(j);
77  }
78  }
79  }
80  };
82 }
85 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * //
87 Foam::label Foam::addPatchCellLayer::nbrFace
88 (
89  const labelListList& edgeFaces,
90  const label edgei,
91  const label facei
92 )
93 {
94  const labelList& eFaces = edgeFaces[edgei];
96  if (eFaces.size() == 2)
97  {
98  return (eFaces[0] != facei ? eFaces[0] : eFaces[1]);
99  }
100  else
101  {
102  return -1;
103  }
104 }
107 void Foam::addPatchCellLayer::addVertex
108 (
109  const label pointi,
110  face& f,
111  label& fp
112 )
113 {
114  if (fp == 0)
115  {
116  f[fp++] = pointi;
117  }
118  else
119  {
120  if (f[fp-1] != pointi && f[0] != pointi)
121  {
122  f[fp++] = pointi;
123  }
124  }
125 }
128 // Is edge to the same neighbour? (and needs extrusion and has not been
129 // dealt with already)
130 bool Foam::addPatchCellLayer::sameEdgeNeighbour
131 (
132  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
133  const labelListList& globalEdgeFaces,
134  const boolList& doneEdge,
135  const label thisGlobalFacei,
136  const label nbrGlobalFacei,
137  const label edgei
138 ) const
139 {
140  const edge& e = pp.edges()[edgei];
142  return
143  !doneEdge[edgei] // not yet handled
144  && (
145  addedPoints_[e[0]].size() // is extruded
146  || addedPoints_[e[1]].size()
147  )
148  && (
149  nbrFace(globalEdgeFaces, edgei, thisGlobalFacei)
150  == nbrGlobalFacei // is to same neighbour
151  );
152 }
155 // Collect consecutive string of edges that connects the same two
156 // (possibly coupled) faces. Returns -1 if no unvisited edge can be found.
157 // Otherwise returns start and end index in face.
158 Foam::labelPair Foam::addPatchCellLayer::getEdgeString
159 (
160  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
161  const labelListList& globalEdgeFaces,
162  const boolList& doneEdge,
163  const label patchFacei,
164  const label globalFacei
165 ) const
166 {
167  const labelList& fEdges = pp.faceEdges()[patchFacei];
169  label startFp = -1;
170  label endFp = -1;
172  // Get edge that hasn't been done yet but needs extrusion
173  forAll(fEdges, fp)
174  {
175  label edgei = fEdges[fp];
176  const edge& e = pp.edges()[edgei];
178  if
179  (
180  !doneEdge[edgei]
181  && ( addedPoints_[e[0]].size() || addedPoints_[e[1]].size() )
182  )
183  {
184  startFp = fp;
185  break;
186  }
187  }
189  if (startFp != -1)
190  {
191  // We found an edge that needs extruding but hasn't been done yet.
192  // Now find the face on the other side
193  label nbrGlobalFacei = nbrFace
194  (
195  globalEdgeFaces,
196  fEdges[startFp],
197  globalFacei
198  );
200  if (nbrGlobalFacei == -1)
201  {
202  // Proper boundary edge. Only extrude single edge.
203  endFp = startFp;
204  }
205  else
206  {
207  // Search back for edge
208  // - which hasn't been handled yet
209  // - with same neighbour
210  // - that needs extrusion
212  const label initFp = startFp;
213  while (true)
214  {
215  label prevFp = fEdges.rcIndex(startFp);
217  if (prevFp == initFp)
218  {
219  const edge& e = pp.edges()[fEdges[initFp]];
220  const face& localF = pp.localFaces()[patchFacei];
223  << "On face:" << patchFacei
224  << " fc:" << pp.faceCentres()[patchFacei]
225  << " vertices:" << localF
226  << " points:"
227  << UIndirectList<point>(pp.points(), pp[patchFacei])
228  << " edges:" << fEdges
229  << " All edges of face seem to have same neighbour "
230  << nbrGlobalFacei
231  << " starting walking from edge " << e
232  << exit(FatalError);
233  }
235  if
236  (
237  !sameEdgeNeighbour
238  (
239  pp,
240  globalEdgeFaces,
241  doneEdge,
242  globalFacei,
243  nbrGlobalFacei,
244  fEdges[prevFp]
245  )
246  )
247  {
248  break;
249  }
250  startFp = prevFp;
251  }
253  // Search forward for end of string
254  endFp = startFp;
255  while (true)
256  {
257  label nextFp = fEdges.fcIndex(endFp);
259  if
260  (
261  !sameEdgeNeighbour
262  (
263  pp,
264  globalEdgeFaces,
265  doneEdge,
266  globalFacei,
267  nbrGlobalFacei,
268  fEdges[nextFp]
269  )
270  )
271  {
272  break;
273  }
274  endFp = nextFp;
275  }
276  }
277  }
279  return labelPair(startFp, endFp);
280 }
283 Foam::label Foam::addPatchCellLayer::addSideFace
284 (
285  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
286  const labelListList& addedCells, // per pp face the new extruded cell
287  const face& newFace,
288  const label newPatchID,
289  const label zonei,
290  const bool edgeFlip,
291  const label inflateFacei,
293  const label ownFacei, // pp face that provides owner
294  const label nbrFacei,
295  const label meshEdgei, // corresponding mesh edge
296  const label layeri, // layer
297  const label numEdgeFaces, // number of layers for edge
298  const labelList& meshFaces, // precalculated edgeFaces
299  polyTopoChange& meshMod
300 ) const
301 {
302  // Adds a side face i.e. extrudes a patch edge.
304  label addedFacei = -1;
307  // Is patch edge external edge of indirectPrimitivePatch?
308  if (nbrFacei == -1)
309  {
310  // External edge so external face.
312  // Determine if different number of layer on owner and neighbour side
313  // (relevant only for coupled faces). See section for internal edge
314  // below.
316  label layerOwn;
318  if (addedCells[ownFacei].size() < numEdgeFaces)
319  {
320  label offset = numEdgeFaces - addedCells[ownFacei].size();
321  if (layeri <= offset)
322  {
323  layerOwn = 0;
324  }
325  else
326  {
327  layerOwn = layeri - offset;
328  }
329  }
330  else
331  {
332  layerOwn = layeri;
333  }
336  //Pout<< "Added boundary face:" << newFace
337  // << " atfc:" << newFace.centre(meshMod.points())
338  // << " n:" << newFace.unitNormal(meshMod.points())
339  // << " own:" << addedCells[ownFacei][layerOwn]
340  // << " patch:" << newPatchID
341  // << endl;
343  addedFacei = meshMod.setAction
344  (
345  polyAddFace
346  (
347  newFace, // face
348  addedCells[ownFacei][layerOwn], // owner
349  -1, // neighbour
350  -1, // master point
351  -1, // master edge
352  inflateFacei, // master face
353  false, // flux flip
354  newPatchID, // patch for face
355  zonei, // zone for face
356  edgeFlip // face zone flip
357  )
358  );
359  }
360  else
361  {
362  // When adding side faces we need to modify neighbour and owners
363  // in region where layer mesh is stopped. Determine which side
364  // has max number of faces and make sure layers match closest to
365  // original pp if there are different number of layers.
367  label layerNbr;
368  label layerOwn;
370  if (addedCells[ownFacei].size() > addedCells[nbrFacei].size())
371  {
372  label offset =
373  addedCells[ownFacei].size() - addedCells[nbrFacei].size();
375  layerOwn = layeri;
377  if (layeri <= offset)
378  {
379  layerNbr = 0;
380  }
381  else
382  {
383  layerNbr = layeri - offset;
384  }
385  }
386  else if (addedCells[nbrFacei].size() > addedCells[ownFacei].size())
387  {
388  label offset =
389  addedCells[nbrFacei].size() - addedCells[ownFacei].size();
391  layerNbr = layeri;
393  if (layeri <= offset)
394  {
395  layerOwn = 0;
396  }
397  else
398  {
399  layerOwn = layeri - offset;
400  }
401  }
402  else
403  {
404  // Same number of layers on both sides.
405  layerNbr = layeri;
406  layerOwn = layeri;
407  }
410  // Check mesh internal faces using edge to initialise
411  label inflateEdgei = -1;
412  if (addToMesh_)
413  {
414  forAll(meshFaces, i)
415  {
416  if (mesh_.isInternalFace(meshFaces[i]))
417  {
418  // meshEdge uses internal faces so ok to inflate from it
419  inflateEdgei = meshEdgei;
420  break;
421  }
422  }
423  }
426  addedFacei = meshMod.setAction
427  (
428  polyAddFace
429  (
430  newFace, // face
431  addedCells[ownFacei][layerOwn], // owner
432  addedCells[nbrFacei][layerNbr], // neighbour
433  -1, // master point
434  inflateEdgei, // master edge
435  -1, // master face
436  false, // flux flip
437  -1, // patch for face
438  zonei, // zone for face
439  edgeFlip // face zone flip
440  )
441  );
443  //Pout<< "Added internal face:" << newFace
444  // << " atfc:" << newFace.centre(meshMod.points())
445  // << " n:" << newFace.unitNormal(meshMod.points())
446  // << " own:" << addedCells[ownFacei][layerOwn]
447  // << " nei:" << addedCells[nbrFacei][layerNbr]
448  // << endl;
449  }
451  return addedFacei;
452 }
455 void Foam::addPatchCellLayer::setFaceProps
456 (
457  const polyMesh& mesh,
458  const label facei,
460  label& patchi,
461  label& zonei,
462  bool& zoneFlip
463 )
464 {
465  patchi = mesh.boundaryMesh().whichPatch(facei);
466  zonei = mesh.faceZones().whichZone(facei);
467  if (zonei != -1)
468  {
469  label index = mesh.faceZones()[zonei].whichFace(facei);
470  zoneFlip = mesh.faceZones()[zonei].flipMap()[index];
471  }
472 }
475 void Foam::addPatchCellLayer::setFaceProps
476 (
477  const polyMesh& mesh,
478  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
479  const label ppEdgeI,
480  const label faceI,
482  label& patchI,
483  label& zoneI,
484  bool& zoneFlip,
485  label& inflateFaceI
486 )
487 {
488  setFaceProps
489  (
490  mesh,
491  faceI,
493  patchI,
494  zoneI,
495  zoneFlip
496  );
498  if (patchI != -1 || zoneI != -1)
499  {
500  inflateFaceI = faceI;
501  }
503  if (zoneI != -1)
504  {
505  // Correct flip for patch edge ordering
506  const edge& ppEdge = pp.edges()[ppEdgeI];
507  const edge patchEdge
508  (
509  pp.meshPoints()[ppEdge[0]],
510  pp.meshPoints()[ppEdge[1]]
511  );
513  const face& f = mesh.faces()[faceI];
514  bool found = false;
515  forAll(f, fp)
516  {
517  const edge e(f[fp], f.nextLabel(fp));
518  int stat = edge::compare(e, patchEdge);
519  if (stat == 1)
520  {
521  found = true;
522  break;
523  }
524  else if (stat == -1)
525  {
526  found = true;
527  zoneFlip = !zoneFlip;
528  break;
529  }
530  }
532  if (!found)
533  {
534  //FatalErrorInFunction
536  << "Problem: cannot find patch edge " << ppEdgeI
537  << " with mesh vertices " << patchEdge
538  << " at " << patchEdge.line(mesh.points())
539  << " in face " << faceI << " with mesh vertices "
540  << f
541  << " at " << pointField(mesh.points(), f)
542  << endl
543  << "Continuing with potentially incorrect faceZone orientation"
544  //<< exit(FatalError);
545  << endl;
546  }
547  }
548 }
551 void Foam::addPatchCellLayer::findZoneFace
552 (
553  const bool useInternalFaces,
554  const bool useBoundaryFaces,
556  const polyMesh& mesh,
557  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
558  const label ppEdgeI,
559  const labelUIndList& excludeFaces,
560  const labelList& meshFaces,
562  label& inflateFaceI,
563  label& patchI,
564  label& zoneI,
565  bool& zoneFlip
566 )
567 {
568  inflateFaceI = -1;
569  patchI = -1;
570  zoneI = -1;
571  zoneFlip = false;
573  forAll(meshFaces, k)
574  {
575  label faceI = meshFaces[k];
577  if
578  (
579  !excludeFaces.found(faceI)
580  && (
581  (mesh.isInternalFace(faceI) && useInternalFaces)
582  || (!mesh.isInternalFace(faceI) && useBoundaryFaces)
583  )
584  )
585  {
586  setFaceProps
587  (
588  mesh,
589  pp,
590  ppEdgeI,
591  faceI,
593  patchI,
594  zoneI,
595  zoneFlip,
596  inflateFaceI
597  );
599  if (zoneI != -1 || patchI != -1)
600  {
601  break;
602  }
603  }
604  }
605 }
608 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
610 // Construct from mesh
611 Foam::addPatchCellLayer::addPatchCellLayer
612 (
613  const polyMesh& mesh,
614  const bool addToMesh
615 )
616 :
617  mesh_(mesh),
618  addToMesh_(addToMesh),
619  addedPoints_(0),
620  layerFaces_(0)
621 {}
624 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
627 (
628  const polyMesh& mesh,
629  const labelListList& layerFaces
630 )
631 {
632  labelListList layerCells(layerFaces.size());
634  forAll(layerFaces, patchFacei)
635  {
636  const labelList& faceLabels = layerFaces[patchFacei];
638  if (faceLabels.size())
639  {
640  labelList& added = layerCells[patchFacei];
641  added.setSize(faceLabels.size()-1);
643  for (label i = 0; i < faceLabels.size()-1; i++)
644  {
645  added[i] = mesh.faceNeighbour()[faceLabels[i]];
646  }
647  }
648  }
649  return layerCells;
650 }
654 {
655  return addedCells(mesh_, layerFaces_);
656 }
660 (
661  const polyMesh& mesh,
662  const globalIndex& globalFaces,
664 )
665 {
666  // Precalculate mesh edges for pp.edges.
667  const labelList meshEdges(pp.meshEdges(mesh.edges(), mesh.pointEdges()));
669  // From mesh edge to global face labels. Non-empty sublists only for
670  // pp edges.
671  labelListList globalEdgeFaces(mesh.nEdges());
673  const labelListList& edgeFaces = pp.edgeFaces();
675  forAll(edgeFaces, edgeI)
676  {
677  label meshEdgeI = meshEdges[edgeI];
679  const labelList& eFaces = edgeFaces[edgeI];
681  // Store face and processor as unique tag.
682  labelList& globalEFaces = globalEdgeFaces[meshEdgeI];
683  globalEFaces.setSize(eFaces.size());
684  forAll(eFaces, i)
685  {
686  globalEFaces[i] = globalFaces.toGlobal(pp.addressing()[eFaces[i]]);
687  }
688  }
690  // Synchronise across coupled edges.
692  (
693  mesh,
694  globalEdgeFaces,
695  ListOps::uniqueEqOp<label>(),
696  labelList() // null value
697  );
699  // Extract pp part
700  return labelListList(UIndirectList<labelList>(globalEdgeFaces, meshEdges));
701 }
704 void Foam::addPatchCellLayer::markPatchEdges
705 (
706  const polyMesh& mesh,
707  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
708  const labelListList& edgeGlobalFaces,
709  const labelList& meshEdges,
711  bitSet& isPatchEdge,
712  bitSet& isPatchBoundaryEdge
713 )
714 {
715  // Mark (mesh) edges:
716  // - anywhere on extrusion
717  // - where the extrusion ends
719  isPatchEdge.setSize(mesh.nEdges());
720  isPatchEdge = false;
721  isPatchEdge.set(meshEdges);
722  // Synchronise across coupled edges
724  (
725  mesh,
726  isPatchEdge,
727  orEqOp<unsigned int>(),
728  false // initial value
729  );
731  isPatchBoundaryEdge.setSize(mesh.nEdges());
732  isPatchBoundaryEdge = false;
733  forAll(edgeGlobalFaces, edgei)
734  {
735  // Test that edge has single global extruded face.
736  // Mark on processor that holds the face (since edgeGlobalFaces
737  // only gets filled from pp faces so if there is only one this
738  // is it)
739  if (edgeGlobalFaces[edgei].size() == 1)
740  {
741  isPatchBoundaryEdge.set(meshEdges[edgei]);
742  }
743  }
744  // Synchronise across coupled edges
746  (
747  mesh,
748  isPatchBoundaryEdge,
749  orEqOp<unsigned int>(),
750  false // initial value
751  );
752 }
755 void Foam::addPatchCellLayer::globalEdgeInfo
756 (
757  const bool zoneFromAnyFace,
759  const polyMesh& mesh,
760  const globalIndex& globalFaces,
761  const labelListList& edgeGlobalFaces,
762  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
763  const labelList& meshEdges,
765  labelList& patchEdgeToFace, // face (in globalFaces index)
766  labelList& patchEdgeToPatch, // patch on face (or -1 for internal faces)
767  labelList& patchEdgeToZone, // zone on face
768  bitSet& patchEdgeToFlip // flip orientation on face
769 )
770 {
771  // For every edge on the outside of the patch return a potential patch/
772  // faceZone to extrude into.
774  // Mark (mesh) edges on pp.
775  bitSet isExtrudeEdge;
776  bitSet isBoundaryEdge;
777  markPatchEdges
778  (
779  mesh,
780  pp,
781  edgeGlobalFaces,
782  meshEdges,
784  isExtrudeEdge,
785  isBoundaryEdge
786  );
788  // Build map of pp edges (in mesh point indexing). Note that this
789  // is now also on processors that do not have pp (but do have the edge)
790  EdgeMap<label> isBoundaryEdgeSet(pp.nEdges());
791  for (const label edgei : isBoundaryEdge)
792  {
793  isBoundaryEdgeSet.insert(mesh.edges()[edgei], edgei);
794  }
795  EdgeMap<label> isExtrudeEdgeSet(pp.nEdges());
796  for (const label edgei : isExtrudeEdge)
797  {
798  isExtrudeEdgeSet.insert(mesh.edges()[edgei], edgei);
799  }
802  const faceZoneMesh& fzs = mesh.faceZones();
804  // Extract zone info into mesh face indexing for ease of addressing
805  labelList faceToZone(mesh.nFaces(), -1);
806  bitSet faceToFlip(mesh.nFaces());
807  for (const faceZone& fz: fzs)
808  {
809  const labelList& addressing = fz;
810  UIndirectList<label>(faceToZone, addressing) = fz.index();
812  const boolList& fm = fz.flipMap();
813  forAll(addressing, i)
814  {
815  faceToFlip[addressing[i]] = fm[i];
816  }
817  }
820  // Storage (over all mesh edges)
821  // - face that data originates from (in globalFaces indexing)
822  labelList meshEdgeToFace(mesh.nEdges(), -1);
823  // - patch (for boundary faces)
824  labelList meshEdgeToPatch(mesh.nEdges(), -1);
825  // - faceZone
826  labelList meshEdgeToZone(mesh.nEdges(), -1);
827  // - faceZone orientation
828  bitSet meshEdgeToFlip(mesh.nEdges());
830  //if (useInternalFaces)
831  {
832  const bitSet isInternalOrCoupled
833  (
835  );
837  // Loop over edges of the face to find any faceZone.
838  // Edges kept as point pair so we don't construct mesh.faceEdges etc.
840  for (const label facei : isInternalOrCoupled)
841  {
842  const face& f = mesh.faces()[facei];
844  label prevPointi = f.last();
845  for (const label pointi : f)
846  {
847  const edge e(prevPointi, pointi);
849  // Check if edge is internal to extrusion. Take over faceZone
850  // etc from internal face.
851  const auto eFnd = isExtrudeEdgeSet.cfind(e);
852  if (eFnd)
853  {
854  const label edgei = eFnd();
856  if (faceToZone[facei] != -1)
857  {
858  // Found a zoned internal face. Use.
859  meshEdgeToFace[edgei] = globalFaces.toGlobal(facei);
860  meshEdgeToZone[edgei] = faceToZone[facei];
861  const edge& meshE = mesh.edges()[edgei];
862  const int d = edge::compare(e, meshE);
863  if (d == 1)
864  {
865  meshEdgeToFlip[edgei] = faceToFlip[facei];
866  }
867  else if (d == -1)
868  {
869  meshEdgeToFlip[edgei] = !faceToFlip[facei];
870  }
871  else
872  {
873  FatalErrorInFunction << "big problem"
874  << exit(FatalError);
875  }
876  }
877  }
879  prevPointi = pointi;
880  }
881  }
882  }
885  //if (useBoundaryFaces)
886  {
887  // Loop over all patches and find 'best' one (non-coupled,
888  // non-extrusion, non-constraint(?)). Note that logic is slightly
889  // different from internal faces loop above - first patch face
890  // is being used instead of first zoned face for internal faces
892  const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh.boundaryMesh();
894  bitSet isPpFace(mesh.nFaces());
895  isPpFace.set(pp.addressing());
896  // Note: no need to sync ppFace since does not include processor patches
898  for (const polyPatch& pp : patches)
899  {
900  if (!pp.coupled())
901  {
902  // TBD. Check for constraint? This is usually a geometric
903  // constraint and not a topological one so should
904  // be handled in the extrusion vector calculation instead?
906  forAll(pp, i)
907  {
908  const label facei = pp.start()+i;
910  if (!isPpFace[facei])
911  {
912  const face& f = pp[i];
914  label prevPointi = f.last();
915  for (const label pointi : f)
916  {
917  const edge e(prevPointi, pointi);
918  const auto eFnd =
919  (
920  zoneFromAnyFace
921  ? isExtrudeEdgeSet.cfind(e)
922  : isBoundaryEdgeSet.cfind(e)
923  );
924  if (eFnd)
925  {
926  const label edgei = eFnd();
927  if (meshEdgeToFace[edgei] == -1)
928  {
929  // Found unassigned face. Use its
930  // information.
931  // Note that we use the lowest numbered
932  // patch face.
934  meshEdgeToFace[edgei] =
935  globalFaces.toGlobal(facei);
936  }
938  // Override any patch info. Note that
939  // meshEdgeToFace might be an internal face.
940  if (meshEdgeToPatch[edgei] == -1)
941  {
942  meshEdgeToPatch[edgei] = pp.index();
943  }
945  // Override any zone info
946  if (meshEdgeToZone[edgei] == -1)
947  {
948  meshEdgeToZone[edgei] =
949  faceToZone[facei];
950  const edge& meshE = mesh.edges()[edgei];
951  const int d = edge::compare(e, meshE);
952  if (d == 1)
953  {
954  meshEdgeToFlip[edgei] =
955  faceToFlip[facei];
956  }
957  else if (d == -1)
958  {
959  meshEdgeToFlip[edgei] =
960  !faceToFlip[facei];
961  }
962  else
963  {
965  << "big problem"
966  << exit(FatalError);
967  }
968  }
969  }
971  prevPointi = pointi;
972  }
973  }
974  }
975  }
976  }
977  }
980  // Synchronise across coupled edges. Max patch/face/faceZone wins
982  (
983  mesh,
984  meshEdgeToFace,
985  maxEqOp<label>(),
986  label(-1)
987  );
989  (
990  mesh,
991  meshEdgeToPatch,
992  maxEqOp<label>(),
993  label(-1)
994  );
996  (
997  mesh,
998  meshEdgeToZone,
999  maxEqOp<label>(),
1000  label(-1)
1001  );
1002 // // Note: flipMap not yet done. Needs edge orientation. This is handled
1003 // // later on.
1004 // if (Pstream::parRun())
1005 // {
1006 // const globalMeshData& gd = mesh.globalData();
1007 // const indirectPrimitivePatch& cpp = gd.coupledPatch();
1008 //
1009 // labelList patchEdges;
1010 // labelList coupledEdges;
1011 // bitSet sameEdgeOrientation;
1012 // PatchTools::matchEdges
1013 // (
1014 // pp,
1015 // cpp,
1016 // patchEdges,
1017 // coupledEdges,
1018 // sameEdgeOrientation
1019 // );
1020 //
1021 // // Convert data on pp edges to data on coupled patch
1022 // labelList cppEdgeZoneID(cpp.nEdges(), -1);
1023 // boolList cppEdgeFlip(cpp.nEdges(), false);
1024 // forAll(coupledEdges, i)
1025 // {
1026 // label cppEdgei = coupledEdges[i];
1027 // label ppEdgei = patchEdges[i];
1028 //
1029 // cppEdgeZoneID[cppEdgei] = edgeZoneID[ppEdgei];
1030 // if (sameEdgeOrientation[i])
1031 // {
1032 // cppEdgeFlip[cppEdgei] = edgeFlip[ppEdgei];
1033 // }
1034 // else
1035 // {
1036 // cppEdgeFlip[cppEdgei] = !edgeFlip[ppEdgei];
1037 // }
1038 // }
1039 //
1040 // // Sync
1041 // const globalIndexAndTransform& git = gd.globalTransforms();
1042 // const mapDistribute& edgeMap = gd.globalEdgeSlavesMap();
1043 //
1044 // globalMeshData::syncData
1045 // (
1046 // cppEdgeZoneID,
1047 // gd.globalEdgeSlaves(),
1048 // gd.globalEdgeTransformedSlaves(),
1049 // edgeMap,
1050 // git,
1051 // maxEqOp<label>(),
1052 // dummyTransform()
1053 // );
1054 // globalMeshData::syncData
1055 // (
1056 // cppEdgeFlip,
1057 // gd.globalEdgeSlaves(),
1058 // gd.globalEdgeTransformedSlaves(),
1059 // edgeMap,
1060 // git,
1061 // andEqOp<bool>(),
1062 // dummyTransform()
1063 // );
1064 //
1065 // // Convert data on coupled edges to pp edges
1066 // forAll(coupledEdges, i)
1067 // {
1068 // label cppEdgei = coupledEdges[i];
1069 // label ppEdgei = patchEdges[i];
1070 //
1071 // edgeZoneID[ppEdgei] = cppEdgeZoneID[cppEdgei];
1072 // if (sameEdgeOrientation[i])
1073 // {
1074 // edgeFlip[ppEdgei] = cppEdgeFlip[cppEdgei];
1075 // }
1076 // else
1077 // {
1078 // edgeFlip[ppEdgei] = !cppEdgeFlip[cppEdgei];
1079 // }
1080 // }
1081 // }
1084  (
1085  mesh,
1086  meshEdgeToFlip,
1087  orEqOp<unsigned int>(),
1088  0
1089  );
1091  // Extract pp info
1092  patchEdgeToFace = UIndirectList<label>(meshEdgeToFace, meshEdges);
1093  patchEdgeToPatch = UIndirectList<label>(meshEdgeToPatch, meshEdges);
1094  patchEdgeToZone = UIndirectList<label>(meshEdgeToZone, meshEdges);
1095  patchEdgeToFlip.setSize(meshEdges.size());
1096  patchEdgeToFlip = false;
1097  forAll(meshEdges, i)
1098  {
1099  patchEdgeToFlip[i] = meshEdgeToFlip[meshEdges[i]];
1100  }
1101 }
1105 (
1106  const bool zoneFromAnyFace,
1108  const polyMesh& mesh,
1109  const globalIndex& globalFaces,
1110  const labelListList& globalEdgeFaces,
1111  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
1113  labelList& edgePatchID,
1114  label& nPatches,
1115  Map<label>& nbrProcToPatch,
1116  Map<label>& patchToNbrProc,
1117  labelList& edgeZoneID,
1118  boolList& edgeFlip,
1119  labelList& inflateFaceID
1120 )
1121 {
1122  const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh.boundaryMesh();
1123  const globalMeshData& gd = mesh.globalData();
1125  // Precalculate mesh edges for pp.edges.
1126  const labelList meshEdges(pp.meshEdges(mesh.edges(), mesh.pointEdges()));
1128  edgePatchID.setSize(pp.nEdges());
1129  edgePatchID = -1;
1130  nPatches = patches.size();
1131  edgeZoneID.setSize(pp.nEdges());
1132  edgeZoneID = -1;
1133  edgeFlip.setSize(pp.nEdges());
1134  edgeFlip = false;
1135  inflateFaceID.setSize(pp.nEdges(), -1);
1138  // Determine properties for faces extruded from edges
1139  // - edge inbetween two different processors:
1140  // - extrude as patch face on correct processor
1141  // - edge at end of patch (so edgeFaces.size() == 1):
1142  // - use mesh face that is a boundary face
1143  // - edge internal to patch (so edgeFaces.size() == 2):
1146  // Pass1:
1147  // For all edges inbetween two processors: see if matches to existing
1148  // processor patch or create interprocessor-patch if necessary.
1149  // Sets edgePatchID[edgeI] but none of the other quantities
1151  forAll(globalEdgeFaces, edgei)
1152  {
1153  const labelList& eGlobalFaces = globalEdgeFaces[edgei];
1154  if
1155  (
1156  eGlobalFaces.size() == 2
1157  && pp.edgeFaces()[edgei].size() == 1
1158  )
1159  {
1160  // Locally but not globally a boundary edge. Hence a coupled
1161  // edge. Find the patch to use if on different processors.
1163  label f0 = eGlobalFaces[0];
1164  label f1 = eGlobalFaces[1];
1166  label otherProci = -1;
1167  if (globalFaces.isLocal(f0) && !globalFaces.isLocal(f1))
1168  {
1169  otherProci = globalFaces.whichProcID(f1);
1170  }
1171  else if (!globalFaces.isLocal(f0) && globalFaces.isLocal(f1))
1172  {
1173  otherProci = globalFaces.whichProcID(f0);
1174  }
1177  if (otherProci != -1)
1178  {
1179  // Use existing processorPolyPatch to otherProci?
1181  label procPatchi =
1182  gd.topology().procPatchLookup(otherProci);
1184  if (procPatchi < 0)
1185  {
1186  // No existing processorPolyPatch to otherProci.
1187  // See if already marked for addition
1188  procPatchi = nbrProcToPatch.lookup(otherProci, -1);
1190  if (procPatchi < 0)
1191  {
1192  // Add new proc-patch, mark for addition.
1194  procPatchi = nPatches;
1195  ++nPatches;
1197  nbrProcToPatch.insert(otherProci, procPatchi);
1198  patchToNbrProc.insert(procPatchi, otherProci);
1199  }
1200  }
1202  edgePatchID[edgei] = procPatchi;
1203  }
1204  }
1205  }
1208  // Pass2: determine face properties for all other edges
1209  // ----------------------------------------------------
1211  // Info for edges of pp
1212  labelList edgeToFace;
1213  labelList edgeToPatch;
1214  labelList edgeToZone;
1215  bitSet edgeToFlip;
1216  globalEdgeInfo
1217  (
1218  zoneFromAnyFace, // internal edge info also from boundary faces
1220  mesh,
1221  globalFaces,
1222  globalEdgeFaces,
1223  pp,
1224  meshEdges,
1226  edgeToFace, // face (in globalFaces index)
1227  edgeToPatch, // patch on face (or -1 for internal faces)
1228  edgeToZone, // zone on face
1229  edgeToFlip // flip orientation on face
1230  );
1232  const labelListList& edgeFaces = pp.edgeFaces();
1234  DynamicList<label> dynMeshEdgeFaces;
1236  forAll(edgeFaces, edgei)
1237  {
1238  if (edgePatchID[edgei] == -1)
1239  {
1240  if (edgeFaces[edgei].size() == 2)
1241  {
1242  // Internal edge. Look at any face (internal or boundary) to
1243  // determine extrusion properties. First one that has zone
1244  // info wins
1245  if (globalFaces.isLocal(edgeToFace[edgei]))
1246  {
1247  inflateFaceID[edgei] =
1248  globalFaces.toLocal(edgeToFace[edgei]);
1249  }
1250  edgeZoneID[edgei] = edgeToZone[edgei];
1251  edgeFlip[edgei] = edgeToFlip[edgei];
1252  }
1253  else
1254  {
1255  // Proper, uncoupled patch edge. Boundary to get info from
1256  // might be on a different processor!
1258  if (globalFaces.isLocal(edgeToFace[edgei]))
1259  {
1260  inflateFaceID[edgei] =
1261  globalFaces.toLocal(edgeToFace[edgei]);
1262  }
1263  edgePatchID[edgei] = edgeToPatch[edgei];
1264  edgeZoneID[edgei] = edgeToZone[edgei];
1265  edgeFlip[edgei] = edgeToFlip[edgei];
1266  }
1267  }
1268  }
1272  // Now hopefully every boundary edge has a edge patch. Check
1273  if (debug)
1274  {
1275  forAll(edgeFaces, edgei)
1276  {
1277  if (edgeFaces[edgei].size() == 1 && edgePatchID[edgei] == -1)
1278  {
1279  const edge& e = pp.edges()[edgei];
1281  << "Have no sidePatchID for edge " << edgei << " points "
1282  << pp.points()[pp.meshPoints()[e[0]]]
1283  << pp.points()[pp.meshPoints()[e[1]]]
1284  << endl;
1285  }
1286  }
1287  }
1291  // Pass3: for any faces set in pass1 see if we can find a processor face
1292  // to inherit from (we only have a patch, not a patch face)
1293  forAll(edgeFaces, edgei)
1294  {
1295  if
1296  (
1297  edgeFaces[edgei].size() == 1
1298  && globalEdgeFaces[edgei].size() == 2
1299  && edgePatchID[edgei] != -1
1300  && inflateFaceID[edgei] == -1
1301  )
1302  {
1303  // 1. Do we have a local boundary face to inflate from
1305  label myFaceI = pp.addressing()[edgeFaces[edgei][0]];
1307  // Pick up any boundary face on this edge and use its properties
1308  label meshEdgei = meshEdges[edgei];
1309  const labelList& meshFaces = mesh.edgeFaces
1310  (
1311  meshEdgei,
1312  dynMeshEdgeFaces
1313  );
1315  forAll(meshFaces, k)
1316  {
1317  label facei = meshFaces[k];
1319  if (facei != myFaceI && !mesh.isInternalFace(facei))
1320  {
1321  if (patches.whichPatch(facei) == edgePatchID[edgei])
1322  {
1323  setFaceProps
1324  (
1325  mesh,
1326  pp,
1327  edgei,
1328  facei,
1330  edgePatchID[edgei],
1331  edgeZoneID[edgei],
1332  edgeFlip[edgei],
1333  inflateFaceID[edgei]
1334  );
1335  break;
1336  }
1337  }
1338  }
1339  }
1340  }
1344  // Sync all data:
1345  // - edgePatchID : might be local in case of processor patch. Do not
1346  // sync for now
1347  // - inflateFaceID: local. Do not sync
1348  // - edgeZoneID : global. sync.
1349  // - edgeFlip : global. sync.
1351  if (Pstream::parRun())
1352  {
1353  const globalMeshData& gd = mesh.globalData();
1354  const indirectPrimitivePatch& cpp = gd.coupledPatch();
1356  labelList patchEdges;
1357  labelList coupledEdges;
1358  bitSet sameEdgeOrientation;
1360  (
1361  pp,
1362  cpp,
1363  patchEdges,
1364  coupledEdges,
1365  sameEdgeOrientation
1366  );
1368  // Convert data on pp edges to data on coupled patch
1369  labelList cppEdgeZoneID(cpp.nEdges(), -1);
1370  boolList cppEdgeFlip(cpp.nEdges(), false);
1371  forAll(coupledEdges, i)
1372  {
1373  label cppEdgei = coupledEdges[i];
1374  label ppEdgei = patchEdges[i];
1376  cppEdgeZoneID[cppEdgei] = edgeZoneID[ppEdgei];
1377  if (sameEdgeOrientation[i])
1378  {
1379  cppEdgeFlip[cppEdgei] = edgeFlip[ppEdgei];
1380  }
1381  else
1382  {
1383  cppEdgeFlip[cppEdgei] = !edgeFlip[ppEdgei];
1384  }
1385  }
1387  // Sync
1388  const globalIndexAndTransform& git = gd.globalTransforms();
1389  const mapDistribute& edgeMap = gd.globalEdgeSlavesMap();
1392  (
1393  cppEdgeZoneID,
1394  gd.globalEdgeSlaves(),
1395  gd.globalEdgeTransformedSlaves(),
1396  edgeMap,
1397  git,
1398  maxEqOp<label>(),
1399  dummyTransform()
1400  );
1402  (
1403  cppEdgeFlip,
1404  gd.globalEdgeSlaves(),
1405  gd.globalEdgeTransformedSlaves(),
1406  edgeMap,
1407  git,
1408  andEqOp<bool>(),
1409  dummyTransform()
1410  );
1412  // Convert data on coupled edges to pp edges
1413  forAll(coupledEdges, i)
1414  {
1415  label cppEdgei = coupledEdges[i];
1416  label ppEdgei = patchEdges[i];
1418  edgeZoneID[ppEdgei] = cppEdgeZoneID[cppEdgei];
1419  if (sameEdgeOrientation[i])
1420  {
1421  edgeFlip[ppEdgei] = cppEdgeFlip[cppEdgei];
1422  }
1423  else
1424  {
1425  edgeFlip[ppEdgei] = !cppEdgeFlip[cppEdgei];
1426  }
1427  }
1428  }
1429 }
1433 (
1434  const globalIndex& globalFaces,
1435  const labelListList& globalEdgeFaces,
1436  const scalarField& expansionRatio,
1437  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
1438  const bitSet& ppFlip,
1440  const labelList& edgePatchID,
1441  const labelList& edgeZoneID,
1442  const boolList& edgeFlip,
1443  const labelList& inflateFaceID,
1445  const labelList& exposedPatchID,
1446  const labelList& nFaceLayers,
1447  const labelList& nPointLayers,
1448  const vectorField& firstLayerDisp,
1449  polyTopoChange& meshMod
1450 )
1451 {
1452  if (debug)
1453  {
1454  Pout<< "addPatchCellLayer::setRefinement : Adding up to "
1455  << gMax(nPointLayers)
1456  << " layers of cells to indirectPrimitivePatch with "
1457  << pp.nPoints() << " points" << endl;
1458  }
1460  if
1461  (
1462  pp.nPoints() != firstLayerDisp.size()
1463  || pp.nPoints() != nPointLayers.size()
1464  || pp.size() != nFaceLayers.size()
1465  || pp.size() != ppFlip.size()
1466  )
1467  {
1469  << "Size of new points is not same as number of points used by"
1470  << " the face subset" << endl
1471  << " patch.nPoints:" << pp.nPoints()
1472  << " displacement:" << firstLayerDisp.size()
1473  << " nPointLayers:" << nPointLayers.size() << nl
1474  << " patch.nFaces:" << pp.size()
1475  << " flip map:" << ppFlip.size()
1476  << " nFaceLayers:" << nFaceLayers.size()
1477  << abort(FatalError);
1478  }
1479  if (!addToMesh_)
1480  {
1481  // flip map should be false
1482  if (ppFlip.count())
1483  {
1485  << "In generating stand-alone mesh the flip map should be empty"
1486  << ". Instead it is " << ppFlip.count()
1487  << abort(FatalError);
1488  }
1489  }
1490  else
1491  {
1492  // Maybe check for adding to neighbour of boundary faces? How about
1493  // coupled faces where the faceZone flipMap is negated
1495  // For all boundary faces:
1496  // -1 : not extruded
1497  // 0 : extruded from owner outwards (flip = false)
1498  // 1 : extrude from neighbour outwards
1499  labelList stateAndFlip(mesh_.nBoundaryFaces(), 0);
1500  forAll(pp.addressing(), patchFacei)
1501  {
1502  if (nFaceLayers[patchFacei] > 0)
1503  {
1504  const label meshFacei = pp.addressing()[patchFacei];
1505  const label bFacei = meshFacei-mesh_.nInternalFaces();
1506  if (bFacei >= 0)
1507  {
1508  stateAndFlip[bFacei] = label(ppFlip[patchFacei]);
1509  }
1510  }
1511  }
1512  // Make sure uncoupled patches do not trigger the error below
1513  for (const auto& patch : mesh_.boundaryMesh())
1514  {
1515  if (!patch.coupled())
1516  {
1517  forAll(patch, i)
1518  {
1519  label& state = stateAndFlip[patch.offset()+i];
1520  state = (state == 0 ? 1 : 0);
1521  }
1522  }
1523  }
1524  syncTools::swapBoundaryFaceList(mesh_, stateAndFlip);
1526  forAll(pp.addressing(), patchFacei)
1527  {
1528  if (nFaceLayers[patchFacei] > 0)
1529  {
1530  const label meshFacei = pp.addressing()[patchFacei];
1531  const label bFacei = meshFacei-mesh_.nInternalFaces();
1532  if (bFacei >= 0)
1533  {
1534  if (stateAndFlip[bFacei] == -1)
1535  {
1537  << "At extruded face:" << meshFacei
1538  << " at:" << mesh_.faceCentres()[meshFacei]
1539  << " locally have nLayers:"
1540  << nFaceLayers[patchFacei]
1541  << " but remotely have none" << exit(FatalError);
1542  }
1543  else if (stateAndFlip[bFacei] == label(ppFlip[patchFacei]))
1544  {
1546  << "At extruded face:" << meshFacei
1547  << " at:" << mesh_.faceCentres()[meshFacei]
1548  << " locally have flip:" << ppFlip[patchFacei]
1549  << " which is not the opposite of coupled version "
1550  << stateAndFlip[bFacei]
1551  << exit(FatalError);
1552  }
1553  }
1554  }
1555  }
1556  }
1559  forAll(nPointLayers, i)
1560  {
1561  if (nPointLayers[i] < 0)
1562  {
1564  << "Illegal number of layers " << nPointLayers[i]
1565  << " at patch point " << i << abort(FatalError);
1566  }
1567  }
1568  forAll(nFaceLayers, i)
1569  {
1570  if (nFaceLayers[i] < 0)
1571  {
1573  << "Illegal number of layers " << nFaceLayers[i]
1574  << " at patch face " << i << abort(FatalError);
1575  }
1576  }
1578  forAll(globalEdgeFaces, edgei)
1579  {
1580  if (globalEdgeFaces[edgei].size() > 2)
1581  {
1582  const edge& e = pp.edges()[edgei];
1584  if (nPointLayers[e[0]] > 0 || nPointLayers[e[1]] > 0)
1585  {
1587  << "Trying to extrude edge "
1588  << e.line(pp.localPoints())
1589  << " which is non-manifold (has "
1590  << globalEdgeFaces[edgei].size()
1591  << " local or coupled faces using it)"
1592  << " of which "
1593  << pp.edgeFaces()[edgei].size()
1594  << " local"
1595  << abort(FatalError);
1596  }
1597  }
1598  }
1601  const labelList& meshPoints = pp.meshPoints();
1604  // Determine which points are on which side of the extrusion
1605  // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1607  bitSet isBlockedFace(mesh_.nFaces());
1608  forAll(nFaceLayers, patchFacei)
1609  {
1610  if (nFaceLayers[patchFacei] > 0)
1611  {
1612  isBlockedFace.set(pp.addressing()[patchFacei]);
1613  }
1614  }
1616  // Some storage for edge-face-addressing.
1617  DynamicList<label> ef;
1619  // Precalculate mesh edges for pp.edges.
1620  const labelList meshEdges(pp.meshEdges(mesh_.edges(), mesh_.pointEdges()));
1622  if (debug)
1623  {
1624  // Check synchronisation
1625  // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1627  {
1628  labelList n(mesh_.nPoints(), Zero);
1629  labelUIndList(n, meshPoints) = nPointLayers;
1630  syncTools::syncPointList(mesh_, n, maxEqOp<label>(), label(0));
1632  // Non-synced
1633  forAll(meshPoints, i)
1634  {
1635  label meshPointi = meshPoints[i];
1637  if (n[meshPointi] != nPointLayers[i])
1638  {
1640  << "At mesh point:" << meshPointi
1641  << " coordinate:" << mesh_.points()[meshPointi]
1642  << " specified nLayers:" << nPointLayers[i] << endl
1643  << "On coupled point a different nLayers:"
1644  << n[meshPointi] << " was specified."
1645  << abort(FatalError);
1646  }
1647  }
1650  // Check that nPointLayers equals the max layers of connected faces
1651  // (or 0). Anything else makes no sense.
1652  labelList nFromFace(mesh_.nPoints(), Zero);
1653  forAll(nFaceLayers, i)
1654  {
1655  const face& f = pp[i];
1657  forAll(f, fp)
1658  {
1659  label pointi = f[fp];
1661  nFromFace[pointi] = max(nFromFace[pointi], nFaceLayers[i]);
1662  }
1663  }
1665  (
1666  mesh_,
1667  nFromFace,
1668  maxEqOp<label>(),
1669  label(0)
1670  );
1672  forAll(nPointLayers, i)
1673  {
1674  label meshPointi = meshPoints[i];
1676  if
1677  (
1678  nPointLayers[i] > 0
1679  && nPointLayers[i] != nFromFace[meshPointi]
1680  )
1681  {
1683  << "At mesh point:" << meshPointi
1684  << " coordinate:" << mesh_.points()[meshPointi]
1685  << " specified nLayers:" << nPointLayers[i] << endl
1686  << "but the max nLayers of surrounding faces is:"
1687  << nFromFace[meshPointi]
1688  << abort(FatalError);
1689  }
1690  }
1691  }
1693  {
1694  pointField d(mesh_.nPoints(), vector::max);
1695  UIndirectList<point>(d, meshPoints) = firstLayerDisp;
1697  (
1698  mesh_,
1699  d,
1700  minEqOp<vector>(),
1701  vector::max
1702  );
1704  forAll(meshPoints, i)
1705  {
1706  label meshPointi = meshPoints[i];
1708  if (mag(d[meshPointi] - firstLayerDisp[i]) > SMALL)
1709  {
1711  << "At mesh point:" << meshPointi
1712  << " coordinate:" << mesh_.points()[meshPointi]
1713  << " specified displacement:" << firstLayerDisp[i]
1714  << endl
1715  << "On coupled point a different displacement:"
1716  << d[meshPointi] << " was specified."
1717  << abort(FatalError);
1718  }
1719  }
1720  }
1722  // Check that edges of pp (so ones that become boundary faces)
1723  // connect to only one boundary face. Guarantees uniqueness of
1724  // patch that they go into so if this is a coupled patch both
1725  // sides decide the same.
1726  // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1728  for (label edgei = pp.nInternalEdges(); edgei < pp.nEdges(); edgei++)
1729  {
1730  const edge& e = pp.edges()[edgei];
1732  if (nPointLayers[e[0]] > 0 || nPointLayers[e[1]] > 0)
1733  {
1734  // Edge is to become a face
1736  const labelList& eFaces = pp.edgeFaces()[edgei];
1738  // First check: pp should be single connected.
1739  if (eFaces.size() != 1)
1740  {
1742  << "boundary-edge-to-be-extruded:"
1743  << pp.points()[meshPoints[e[0]]]
1744  << pp.points()[meshPoints[e[1]]]
1745  << " has more than two faces using it:" << eFaces
1746  << abort(FatalError);
1747  }
1749  //label myFacei = pp.addressing()[eFaces[0]];
1750  //
1751  //label meshEdgei = meshEdges[edgei];
1752  //
1754  //const labelList& meshFaces = mesh_.edgeFaces(meshEdgei, ef);
1755  //
1757  //const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh_.boundaryMesh();
1758  //
1759  //label bFacei = -1;
1760  //
1761  //forAll(meshFaces, i)
1762  //{
1763  // label facei = meshFaces[i];
1764  //
1765  // if (facei != myFacei)
1766  // {
1767  // if (!mesh_.isInternalFace(facei))
1768  // {
1769  // if (bFacei == -1)
1770  // {
1771  // bFacei = facei;
1772  // }
1773  // else
1774  // {
1775  // //FatalErrorInFunction
1776  // WarningInFunction
1777  // << "boundary-edge-to-be-extruded:"
1778  // << pp.points()[meshPoints[e[0]]]
1779  // << pp.points()[meshPoints[e[1]]]
1780  // << " has more than one boundary faces"
1781  // << " using it:"
1782  // << bFacei << " fc:"
1783  // << mesh_.faceCentres()[bFacei]
1784  // << " patch:" << patches.whichPatch(bFacei)
1785  // << " and " << facei << " fc:"
1786  // << mesh_.faceCentres()[facei]
1787  // << " patch:" << patches.whichPatch(facei)
1788  // << endl;
1789  // //abort(FatalError);
1790  // }
1791  // }
1792  // }
1793  //}
1794  }
1795  }
1796  }
1799  const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh_.boundaryMesh();
1801  // Precalculated patchID for each patch face
1802  labelList patchID(pp.size());
1804  forAll(pp, patchFacei)
1805  {
1806  label meshFacei = pp.addressing()[patchFacei];
1808  patchID[patchFacei] = patches.whichPatch(meshFacei);
1809  }
1812  // From master point (in patch point label) to added points (in mesh point
1813  // label)
1814  addedPoints_.setSize(pp.nPoints());
1816  // Mark points that do not get extruded by setting size of addedPoints_ to 0
1817  label nTruncated = 0;
1819  forAll(nPointLayers, patchPointi)
1820  {
1821  if (nPointLayers[patchPointi] > 0)
1822  {
1823  addedPoints_[patchPointi].setSize(nPointLayers[patchPointi]);
1824  }
1825  else
1826  {
1827  nTruncated++;
1828  }
1829  }
1831  if (debug)
1832  {
1833  Pout<< "Not adding points at " << nTruncated << " out of "
1834  << pp.nPoints() << " points" << endl;
1835  }
1838  // Store per face whether it uses the duplicated point or the original one
1839  // Also mark any affected cells. We could transport the duplicated point
1840  // itself but since it is a processor-local index only we only transport
1841  // a boolean.
1843  // Per face, per index in face either labelMax or a valid index. Note:
1844  // most faces are not affected in which case the face will be zero size
1845  // and only have a nullptr and a size.
1846  faceList baseFaces(mesh_.nFaces());
1847  bitSet isAffectedCell(mesh_.nCells());
1848  {
1849  const faceList& localFaces = pp.localFaces();
1850  forAll(localFaces, patchFacei)
1851  {
1852  const face& f = localFaces[patchFacei];
1853  forAll(f, fp)
1854  {
1855  const label patchPointi = f[fp];
1856  if (nPointLayers[patchPointi] > 0)
1857  {
1858  const label meshFacei = pp.addressing()[patchFacei];
1859  face& baseF = baseFaces[meshFacei];
1860  // Initialise to labelMax if not yet sized
1861  baseF.setSize(f.size(), labelMax);
1862  baseF[fp] = pp.meshPoints()[patchPointi];
1864  if (ppFlip[patchFacei])
1865  {
1866  // Neighbour stays. Affected points on the owner side.
1867  const label celli = mesh_.faceOwner()[meshFacei];
1868  isAffectedCell.set(celli);
1869  }
1870  else if (mesh_.isInternalFace(meshFacei))
1871  {
1872  // Owner unaffected. Unaffected points on neighbour side
1873  const label celli = mesh_.faceNeighbour()[meshFacei];
1874  isAffectedCell.set(celli);
1875  }
1876  }
1877  }
1878  }
1879  }
1881  // Transport affected side across faces. Could do across edges: say we have
1882  // a loose cell edge-(but not face-)connected to face-to-be-extruded do
1883  // we want it to move with the extrusion or stay connected to the original?
1884  // For now just keep it connected to the original.
1885  {
1886  // Work space
1887  Map<label> minPointValue(128);
1888  faceList oldBoundaryFaces(mesh_.nBoundaryFaces());
1890  while (true)
1891  {
1892  bitSet newIsAffectedCell(mesh_.nCells());
1894  label nChanged = 0;
1895  for (const label celli : isAffectedCell)
1896  {
1897  const cell& cFaces = mesh_.cells()[celli];
1899  // 1. Determine marked base points. Inside a single cell all
1900  // faces use the same 'instance' of a point.
1901  minPointValue.clear();
1902  for (const label facei : cFaces)
1903  {
1904  const face& baseF = baseFaces[facei];
1905  const face& f = mesh_.faces()[facei];
1907  if (baseF.size())
1908  {
1909  forAll(f, fp)
1910  {
1911  if (baseF[fp] != labelMax)
1912  {
1913  // Could check here for inconsistent patchPoint
1914  // e.g. cell using both sides of a
1915  // face-to-be-extruded. Is not possible!
1916  minPointValue.insert(f[fp], baseF[fp]);
1917  }
1918  }
1919  }
1920  }
1922  //Pout<< "For cell:" << celli
1923  // << " at:" << mesh_.cellCentres()[celli]
1924  // << " have minPointValue:" << minPointValue
1925  // << endl;
1927  // 2. Transport marked points on all cell points
1928  for (const label facei : cFaces)
1929  {
1930  const face& f = mesh_.faces()[facei];
1931  face& baseF = baseFaces[facei];
1933  const label oldNChanged = nChanged;
1934  forAll(f, fp)
1935  {
1936  const auto fnd = minPointValue.find(f[fp]);
1937  if (fnd.good())
1938  {
1939  baseF.setSize(f.size(), labelMax);
1940  if (baseF[fp] == labelMax)
1941  {
1942  baseF[fp] = fnd();
1943  nChanged++;
1945  //Pout<< "For cell:" << celli
1946  // << " at:" << mesh_.cellCentres()[celli]
1947  // << " on face:" << facei
1948  // << " points:"
1949  // << UIndirectList<point>(mesh_.points(), f)
1950  // << " now have baseFace:" << baseF
1951  // << endl;
1952  }
1953  }
1954  }
1956  if (!isBlockedFace(facei) && nChanged > oldNChanged)
1957  {
1958  // Mark neighbouring cells
1959  const label own = mesh_.faceOwner()[facei];
1960  if (!isAffectedCell[own])
1961  {
1962  newIsAffectedCell.set(own);
1963  }
1964  if (mesh_.isInternalFace(facei))
1965  {
1966  const label nei = mesh_.faceNeighbour()[facei];
1967  if (!isAffectedCell[nei])
1968  {
1969  newIsAffectedCell.set(nei);
1970  }
1971  }
1972  }
1973  }
1974  }
1976  if (debug)
1977  {
1978  Pout<< "isAffectedCell:" << isAffectedCell.count() << endl;
1979  Pout<< "newIsAffectedCell:" << newIsAffectedCell.count()
1980  << endl;
1981  Pout<< "nChanged:" << nChanged << endl;
1982  }
1984  if (!returnReduceOr(nChanged))
1985  {
1986  break;
1987  }
1990  // Transport minimum across coupled faces
1991  // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1993  SubList<face> l
1994  (
1995  baseFaces,
1996  mesh_.nBoundaryFaces(),
1997  mesh_.nInternalFaces()
1998  );
1999  oldBoundaryFaces = l;
2001  (
2002  mesh_,
2003  l,
2004  minEqOpFace(),
2005  Foam::dummyTransform() // dummy transformation
2006  );
2008  forAll(l, bFacei)
2009  {
2010  // Note: avoid special handling of comparing zero-sized faces
2011  // (see face::operator==). Review.
2012  const labelUList& baseVts = l[bFacei];
2013  const labelUList& oldVts = oldBoundaryFaces[bFacei];
2014  if (baseVts != oldVts)
2015  {
2016  const label facei = mesh_.nInternalFaces()+bFacei;
2017  const label own = mesh_.faceOwner()[facei];
2018  if (!isAffectedCell[own])
2019  {
2020  newIsAffectedCell.set(own);
2021  }
2022  }
2023  }
2025  isAffectedCell = newIsAffectedCell;
2026  }
2027  }
2030  //
2031  // Create new points
2032  //
2034  // If creating new mesh: copy existing patch points
2035  labelList copiedPatchPoints;
2036  if (!addToMesh_)
2037  {
2038  copiedPatchPoints.setSize(firstLayerDisp.size());
2039  forAll(firstLayerDisp, patchPointi)
2040  {
2041  if (addedPoints_[patchPointi].size())
2042  {
2043  label meshPointi = meshPoints[patchPointi];
2044  label zoneI = mesh_.pointZones().whichZone(meshPointi);
2045  copiedPatchPoints[patchPointi] = meshMod.setAction
2046  (
2047  polyAddPoint
2048  (
2049  mesh_.points()[meshPointi], // point
2050  -1, // master point
2051  zoneI, // zone for point
2052  true // supports a cell
2053  )
2054  );
2055  }
2056  }
2057  }
2060  // Create points for additional layers
2061  forAll(firstLayerDisp, patchPointi)
2062  {
2063  if (addedPoints_[patchPointi].size())
2064  {
2065  const label meshPointi = meshPoints[patchPointi];
2066  const label zoneI = mesh_.pointZones().whichZone(meshPointi);
2068  point pt = mesh_.points()[meshPointi];
2070  vector disp = firstLayerDisp[patchPointi];
2072  forAll(addedPoints_[patchPointi], i)
2073  {
2074  pt += disp;
2076  const label addedVertI = meshMod.setAction
2077  (
2078  polyAddPoint
2079  (
2080  pt, // point
2081  (addToMesh_ ? meshPointi : -1), // master point
2082  zoneI, // zone for point
2083  true // supports a cell
2084  )
2085  );
2088  //Pout<< "Adding point:" << addedVertI << " at:" << pt
2089  // << " from point:" << meshPointi
2090  // << " at:" << mesh_.points()[meshPointi]
2091  // << endl;
2093  addedPoints_[patchPointi][i] = addedVertI;
2095  disp *= expansionRatio[patchPointi];
2096  }
2097  }
2098  }
2101  //
2102  // Add cells to all boundaryFaces
2103  //
2105  labelListList addedCells(pp.size());
2107  forAll(pp, patchFacei)
2108  {
2109  if (nFaceLayers[patchFacei] > 0)
2110  {
2111  const label meshFacei = pp.addressing()[patchFacei];
2113  label extrudeCelli = -2;
2114  label extrudeZonei;
2115  if (!addToMesh_)
2116  {
2117  extrudeCelli = -1;
2118  const label ownCelli = mesh_.faceOwner()[meshFacei];
2119  extrudeZonei = mesh_.cellZones().whichZone(ownCelli);
2120  }
2121  else if (!ppFlip[patchFacei])
2122  {
2123  // Normal: extrude from owner face
2124  extrudeCelli = mesh_.faceOwner()[meshFacei];
2125  extrudeZonei = mesh_.cellZones().whichZone(extrudeCelli);
2126  }
2127  else if (mesh_.isInternalFace(meshFacei))
2128  {
2129  // Extrude from neighbour face (if internal). Might be
2130  // that it is a coupled face and the other side is
2131  // extruded
2132  extrudeCelli = mesh_.faceNeighbour()[meshFacei];
2133  extrudeZonei = mesh_.cellZones().whichZone(extrudeCelli);
2134  }
2136  if (extrudeCelli != -2)
2137  {
2138  addedCells[patchFacei].setSize(nFaceLayers[patchFacei]);
2140  for (label i = 0; i < nFaceLayers[patchFacei]; i++)
2141  {
2142  // Note: add from cell (owner of patch face) or from face?
2143  // for now add from cell so we can map easily.
2144  addedCells[patchFacei][i] = meshMod.setAction
2145  (
2146  polyAddCell
2147  (
2148  -1, // master point
2149  -1, // master edge
2150  -1, // master face
2151  extrudeCelli, // master cell
2152  extrudeZonei // zone for cell
2153  )
2154  );
2156  //Pout<< "Added cell:" << addedCells[patchFacei][i]
2157  // << " from master:" << extrudeCelli
2158  // << " at:" << mesh_.cellCentres()[extrudeCelli]
2159  // << endl;
2160  }
2161  }
2162  }
2163  }
2167  // Create faces on top of the original patch faces.
2168  // These faces are created from original patch faces outwards so in order
2169  // of increasing cell number. So orientation should be same as original
2170  // patch face for them to have owner<neighbour.
2172  layerFaces_.setSize(pp.size());
2174  forAll(pp.localFaces(), patchFacei)
2175  {
2176  label meshFacei = pp.addressing()[patchFacei];
2178  if (addedCells[patchFacei].size())
2179  {
2180  layerFaces_[patchFacei].setSize(addedCells[patchFacei].size() + 1);
2182  // Get duplicated vertices on the patch face.
2183  const face& f = pp.localFaces()[patchFacei];
2185  face newFace(f.size());
2187  forAll(addedCells[patchFacei], i)
2188  {
2189  forAll(f, fp)
2190  {
2191  if (addedPoints_[f[fp]].empty())
2192  {
2193  // Keep original point
2194  newFace[fp] =
2195  (
2196  addToMesh_
2197  ? meshPoints[f[fp]]
2198  : copiedPatchPoints[f[fp]]
2199  );
2200  }
2201  else
2202  {
2203  // Get new outside point
2204  label offset =
2205  addedPoints_[f[fp]].size()
2206  - addedCells[patchFacei].size();
2207  newFace[fp] = addedPoints_[f[fp]][i+offset];
2208  }
2209  }
2210  //Pout<< " newFace:" << newFace << endl;
2211  //Pout<< " coords:"
2212  // << UIndirectList<point>(meshMod.points(), newFace)
2213  // << " normal:" << newFace.unitNormal(meshMod.points())
2214  // << endl;
2216  // Get new neighbour
2217  label own = addedCells[patchFacei][i];
2218  label nei;
2219  label patchi;
2220  label zoneI = -1;
2221  bool flip = false;
2222  bool fluxFlip = false;
2224  if (i == addedCells[patchFacei].size()-1)
2225  {
2226  // Top layer so is either patch face or connects to
2227  // the other cell
2228  patchi = patchID[patchFacei];
2229  if (patchi == -1)
2230  {
2231  // Internal face
2232  nei =
2233  (
2234  !ppFlip[patchFacei]
2235  ? mesh_.faceNeighbour()[meshFacei]
2236  : mesh_.faceOwner()[meshFacei]
2237  );
2239  if (ppFlip[patchFacei])
2240  {
2241  newFace = newFace.reverseFace();
2242  }
2243  //Pout<< "** adding top (internal) face:"
2244  // << " at:" << mesh_.faceCentres()[meshFacei]
2245  // << " own:" << own << " nei:" << nei
2246  // << " patchi:" << patchi
2247  // << " newFace:" << newFace
2248  // << endl;
2249  }
2250  else
2251  {
2252  nei = -1;
2253  }
2254  zoneI = mesh_.faceZones().whichZone(meshFacei);
2255  if (zoneI != -1)
2256  {
2257  const faceZone& fz = mesh_.faceZones()[zoneI];
2258  flip = fz.flipMap()[fz.whichFace(meshFacei)];
2259  }
2260  }
2261  else
2262  {
2263  // Internal face between layer i and i+1
2264  nei = addedCells[patchFacei][i+1];
2265  patchi = -1;
2266  }
2268  if (nei != -1 && nei < own)
2269  {
2270  // Wrongly oriented internal face
2271  newFace = newFace.reverseFace();
2272  std::swap(own, nei);
2273  flip = !flip;
2274  fluxFlip = true;
2276  //Pout<< "Flipped newFace:"
2277  // << newFace.unitNormal(meshMod.points())
2278  // << " own:" << own
2279  // << " nei:" << nei
2280  // << endl;
2281  }
2285  layerFaces_[patchFacei][i+1] = meshMod.setAction
2286  (
2287  polyAddFace
2288  (
2289  newFace, // face
2290  own, // owner
2291  nei, // neighbour
2292  -1, // master point
2293  -1, // master edge
2294  (addToMesh_ ? meshFacei : -1), // master face
2295  fluxFlip, // flux flip
2296  patchi, // patch for face
2297  zoneI, // zone for face
2298  flip // face zone flip
2299  )
2300  );
2302  //Pout<< "added layer face:" << layerFaces_[patchFacei][i+1]
2303  // << " verts:" << newFace
2304  // << " newFc:" << newFace.centre(meshMod.points())
2305  // << " originalFc:" << mesh_.faceCentres()[meshFacei]
2306  // << nl
2307  // << " n:" << newFace.unitNormal(meshMod.points())
2308  // << " own:" << own << " nei:" << nei
2309  // << " patchi:" << patchi
2310  // << endl;
2311  }
2312  }
2313  }
2315  //
2316  // Modify owner faces to have addedCells as neighbour
2317  //
2319  if (addToMesh_)
2320  {
2321  forAll(pp, patchFacei)
2322  {
2323  if (addedCells[patchFacei].size())
2324  {
2325  label meshFacei = pp.addressing()[patchFacei];
2327  layerFaces_[patchFacei][0] = meshFacei;
2328  const face& f = pp[patchFacei];
2330  const label own =
2331  (
2332  !ppFlip[patchFacei]
2333  ? mesh_.faceOwner()[meshFacei]
2334  : mesh_.faceNeighbour()[meshFacei]
2335  );
2336  const label nei = addedCells[patchFacei][0];
2338  meshMod.setAction
2339  (
2340  polyModifyFace
2341  (
2342  (ppFlip[patchFacei] ? f.reverseFace() : f),// verts
2343  meshFacei, // label of face
2344  own, // owner
2345  nei, // neighbour
2346  ppFlip[patchFacei], // face flip
2347  -1, // patch for face
2348  true, //false, // remove from zone
2349  -1, //zoneI, // zone for face
2350  false // face flip in zone
2351  )
2352  );
2354  //Pout<< "Modified bottom face " << meshFacei
2355  // << " at:" << mesh_.faceCentres()[meshFacei]
2356  // << " new own:" << own << " new nei:" << nei
2357  // << " verts:" << meshMod.faces()[meshFacei]
2358  // << " n:"
2359  // << meshMod.faces()[meshFacei].unitNormal(meshMod.points())
2360  // << endl;
2361  }
2362  }
2363  }
2364  else
2365  {
2366  // If creating new mesh: reverse original faces and put them
2367  // in the exposed patch ID.
2368  forAll(pp, patchFacei)
2369  {
2370  if (addedCells[patchFacei].size())
2371  {
2372  label meshFacei = pp.addressing()[patchFacei];
2373  label zoneI = mesh_.faceZones().whichZone(meshFacei);
2374  bool zoneFlip = false;
2375  if (zoneI != -1)
2376  {
2377  const faceZone& fz = mesh_.faceZones()[zoneI];
2378  zoneFlip = !fz.flipMap()[fz.whichFace(meshFacei)];
2379  }
2381  // Reverse and renumber old patch face.
2382  face f(pp.localFaces()[patchFacei].reverseFace());
2383  forAll(f, fp)
2384  {
2385  f[fp] = copiedPatchPoints[f[fp]];
2386  }
2388  layerFaces_[patchFacei][0] = meshMod.setAction
2389  (
2390  polyAddFace
2391  (
2392  f, // modified face
2393  addedCells[patchFacei][0], // owner
2394  -1, // neighbour
2395  -1, // masterPoint
2396  -1, // masterEdge
2397  -1, // masterFace
2398  true, // face flip
2399  exposedPatchID[patchFacei], // patch for face
2400  zoneI, // zone for face
2401  zoneFlip // face flip in zone
2402  )
2403  );
2404  }
2405  }
2406  }
2410  //
2411  // Create 'side' faces, one per edge that is being extended.
2412  //
2414  const labelListList& faceEdges = pp.faceEdges();
2415  const faceList& localFaces = pp.localFaces();
2416  const edgeList& edges = pp.edges();
2418  // Get number of layers per edge. This is 0 if edge is not extruded;
2419  // max of connected faces otherwise.
2420  labelList edgeLayers(pp.nEdges());
2422  {
2423  // Use list over mesh.nEdges() since syncTools does not yet support
2424  // partial list synchronisation.
2425  labelList meshEdgeLayers(mesh_.nEdges(), -1);
2427  forAll(meshEdges, edgei)
2428  {
2429  const edge& e = edges[edgei];
2431  label meshEdgei = meshEdges[edgei];
2433  if ((nPointLayers[e[0]] == 0) && (nPointLayers[e[1]] == 0))
2434  {
2435  meshEdgeLayers[meshEdgei] = 0;
2436  }
2437  else
2438  {
2439  const labelList& eFaces = pp.edgeFaces()[edgei];
2441  forAll(eFaces, i)
2442  {
2443  meshEdgeLayers[meshEdgei] = max
2444  (
2445  nFaceLayers[eFaces[i]],
2446  meshEdgeLayers[meshEdgei]
2447  );
2448  }
2449  }
2450  }
2453  (
2454  mesh_,
2455  meshEdgeLayers,
2456  maxEqOp<label>(),
2457  label(0) // initial value
2458  );
2460  forAll(meshEdges, edgei)
2461  {
2462  edgeLayers[edgei] = meshEdgeLayers[meshEdges[edgei]];
2463  }
2464  }
2467  // Mark off which edges have been extruded
2468  boolList doneEdge(pp.nEdges(), false);
2471  // Create faces. Per face walk connected edges and find string of edges
2472  // between the same two faces and extrude string into a single face.
2473  forAll(pp, patchFacei)
2474  {
2475  const labelList& fEdges = faceEdges[patchFacei];
2477  forAll(fEdges, fp)
2478  {
2479  // Get string of edges that needs to be extruded as a single face.
2480  // Returned as indices in fEdges.
2481  labelPair indexPair
2482  (
2483  getEdgeString
2484  (
2485  pp,
2486  globalEdgeFaces,
2487  doneEdge,
2488  patchFacei,
2489  globalFaces.toGlobal(pp.addressing()[patchFacei])
2490  )
2491  );
2493  //Pout<< "Found unextruded edges in edges:" << fEdges
2494  // << " start:" << indexPair[0]
2495  // << " end:" << indexPair[1]
2496  // << endl;
2498  const label startFp = indexPair[0];
2499  const label endFp = indexPair[1];
2501  if (startFp != -1)
2502  {
2503  // Extrude edges from indexPair[0] up to indexPair[1]
2504  // (note indexPair = indices of edges. There is one more vertex
2505  // than edges)
2506  const face& f = localFaces[patchFacei];
2508  labelList stringedVerts;
2509  if (endFp >= startFp)
2510  {
2511  stringedVerts.setSize(endFp-startFp+2);
2512  }
2513  else
2514  {
2515  stringedVerts.setSize(endFp+f.size()-startFp+2);
2516  }
2518  label fp = startFp;
2520  for (label i = 0; i < stringedVerts.size()-1; i++)
2521  {
2522  stringedVerts[i] = f[fp];
2523  doneEdge[fEdges[fp]] = true;
2524  fp = f.fcIndex(fp);
2525  }
2526  stringedVerts.last() = f[fp];
2529  // Now stringedVerts contains the vertices in order of face f.
2530  // This is consistent with the order if f becomes the owner cell
2531  // and nbrFacei the neighbour cell. Note that the cells get
2532  // added in order of pp so we can just use face ordering and
2533  // because we loop in incrementing order as well we will
2534  // always have nbrFacei > patchFacei.
2536  label startEdgei = fEdges[startFp];
2538  label meshEdgei = meshEdges[startEdgei];
2540  label numEdgeSideFaces = edgeLayers[startEdgei];
2542  for (label i = 0; i < numEdgeSideFaces; i++)
2543  {
2544  label vEnd = stringedVerts.last();
2545  label vStart = stringedVerts[0];
2547  // calculate number of points making up a face
2548  label newFp = 2*stringedVerts.size();
2550  if (i == 0)
2551  {
2552  // layer 0 gets all the truncation of neighbouring
2553  // faces with more layers.
2554  if (addedPoints_[vEnd].size())
2555  {
2556  newFp +=
2557  addedPoints_[vEnd].size() - numEdgeSideFaces;
2558  }
2559  if (addedPoints_[vStart].size())
2560  {
2561  newFp +=
2562  addedPoints_[vStart].size() - numEdgeSideFaces;
2563  }
2564  }
2566  face newFace(newFp);
2568  newFp = 0;
2570  // For layer 0 get pp points, for all other layers get
2571  // points of layer-1.
2572  if (i == 0)
2573  {
2574  forAll(stringedVerts, stringedI)
2575  {
2576  label v = stringedVerts[stringedI];
2577  addVertex
2578  (
2579  (
2580  addToMesh_
2581  ? meshPoints[v]
2582  : copiedPatchPoints[v]
2583  ),
2584  newFace,
2585  newFp
2586  );
2587  }
2588  }
2589  else
2590  {
2591  forAll(stringedVerts, stringedI)
2592  {
2593  label v = stringedVerts[stringedI];
2594  if (addedPoints_[v].size())
2595  {
2596  label offset =
2597  addedPoints_[v].size() - numEdgeSideFaces;
2598  addVertex
2599  (
2600  addedPoints_[v][i+offset-1],
2601  newFace,
2602  newFp
2603  );
2604  }
2605  else
2606  {
2607  addVertex
2608  (
2609  (
2610  addToMesh_
2611  ? meshPoints[v]
2612  : copiedPatchPoints[v]
2613  ),
2614  newFace,
2615  newFp
2616  );
2617  }
2618  }
2619  }
2621  // add points between stringed vertices (end)
2622  if (numEdgeSideFaces < addedPoints_[vEnd].size())
2623  {
2624  if (i == 0 && addedPoints_[vEnd].size())
2625  {
2626  label offset =
2627  addedPoints_[vEnd].size() - numEdgeSideFaces;
2628  for (label ioff = 0; ioff < offset; ioff++)
2629  {
2630  addVertex
2631  (
2632  addedPoints_[vEnd][ioff],
2633  newFace,
2634  newFp
2635  );
2636  }
2637  }
2638  }
2640  forAllReverse(stringedVerts, stringedI)
2641  {
2642  label v = stringedVerts[stringedI];
2643  if (addedPoints_[v].size())
2644  {
2645  label offset =
2646  addedPoints_[v].size() - numEdgeSideFaces;
2647  addVertex
2648  (
2649  addedPoints_[v][i+offset],
2650  newFace,
2651  newFp
2652  );
2653  }
2654  else
2655  {
2656  addVertex
2657  (
2658  (
2659  addToMesh_
2660  ? meshPoints[v]
2661  : copiedPatchPoints[v]
2662  ),
2663  newFace,
2664  newFp
2665  );
2666  }
2667  }
2670  // add points between stringed vertices (start)
2671  if (numEdgeSideFaces < addedPoints_[vStart].size())
2672  {
2673  if (i == 0 && addedPoints_[vStart].size())
2674  {
2675  label offset =
2676  addedPoints_[vStart].size() - numEdgeSideFaces;
2677  for (label ioff = offset-1; ioff >= 0; ioff--)
2678  {
2679  addVertex
2680  (
2681  addedPoints_[vStart][ioff],
2682  newFace,
2683  newFp
2684  );
2685  }
2686  }
2687  }
2689  if (newFp >= 3)
2690  {
2691  // Add face inbetween faces patchFacei and nbrFacei
2692  // (possibly -1 for external edges)
2694  newFace.setSize(newFp);
2696  // Walked edges as if owner face was extruded. Reverse
2697  // for neighbour face extrusion.
2698  if (ppFlip[patchFacei])
2699  {
2700  newFace = newFace.reverseFace();
2701  }
2703  if (debug)
2704  {
2705  labelHashSet verts(2*newFace.size());
2706  forAll(newFace, fp)
2707  {
2708  if (!verts.insert(newFace[fp]))
2709  {
2711  << "Duplicate vertex in face"
2712  << " to be added." << nl
2713  << "newFace:" << newFace << nl
2714  << "points:"
2715  << UIndirectList<point>
2716  (
2717  meshMod.points(),
2718  newFace
2719  ) << nl
2720  << "Layer:" << i
2721  << " out of:" << numEdgeSideFaces << nl
2722  << "ExtrudeEdge:" << meshEdgei
2723  << " at:"
2724  << mesh_.edges()[meshEdgei].line
2725  (
2726  mesh_.points()
2727  ) << nl
2728  << "string:" << stringedVerts
2729  << "stringpoints:"
2730  << UIndirectList<point>
2731  (
2732  pp.localPoints(),
2733  stringedVerts
2734  ) << nl
2735  << "stringNLayers:"
2736  << labelUIndList
2737  (
2738  nPointLayers,
2739  stringedVerts
2740  ) << nl
2741  << abort(FatalError);
2742  }
2743  }
2744  }
2746  label nbrFacei = nbrFace
2747  (
2748  pp.edgeFaces(),
2749  startEdgei,
2750  patchFacei
2751  );
2753  const labelList& meshFaces = mesh_.edgeFaces
2754  (
2755  meshEdgei,
2756  ef
2757  );
2759  // Because we walk in order of patch face and in order
2760  // of face edges so face orientation will be opposite
2761  // that of the patch edge
2762  bool zoneFlip = false;
2763  if (edgeZoneID[startEdgei] != -1)
2764  {
2765  zoneFlip = !edgeFlip[startEdgei];
2766  }
2768  addSideFace
2769  (
2770  pp,
2771  addedCells,
2773  newFace, // vertices of new face
2774  edgePatchID[startEdgei],// -1 or patch for face
2775  edgeZoneID[startEdgei],
2776  zoneFlip,
2777  inflateFaceID[startEdgei],
2779  patchFacei,
2780  nbrFacei,
2781  meshEdgei, // (mesh) edge to inflate
2782  i, // layer
2783  numEdgeSideFaces, // num layers
2784  meshFaces, // edgeFaces
2785  meshMod
2786  );
2787  }
2788  }
2789  }
2790  }
2791  }
2794  // Adjust side faces if they're on the side where points were duplicated
2795  // (i.e. adding to internal faces). Like duplicatePoints::setRefinement.
2796  if (addToMesh_)
2797  {
2798  face newFace;
2800  forAll(baseFaces, facei)
2801  {
2802  const face& f = mesh_.faces()[facei];
2803  const face& baseF = baseFaces[facei];
2805  if (isBlockedFace(facei) || baseF.empty())
2806  {
2807  // Either part of patch or no duplicated points on face
2808  continue;
2809  }
2811  // Start off from original face
2812  newFace = f;
2813  forAll(f, fp)
2814  {
2815  const label meshPointi = f[fp];
2816  if (baseF[fp] != labelMax)
2817  {
2818  // Duplicated point
2819  const label patchPointi = pp.meshPointMap()[meshPointi];
2820  const label addedPointi = addedPoints_[patchPointi].last();
2822  //Pout<< " For point:" << meshPointi
2823  // << " at:" << mesh_.points()[meshPointi]
2824  // << " at:" << pp.localPoints()[patchPointi]
2825  // << " using addedpoint:" << addedPointi
2826  // << " at:" << meshMod.points()[addedPointi]
2827  // << endl;
2829  newFace[fp] = addedPointi;
2830  }
2831  }
2833  //Pout<< "for face:" << facei << nl
2834  // << " old:" << f
2835  // << " n:" << newFace.unitNormal(meshMod.points())
2836  // << " coords:" << UIndirectList<point>(mesh_.points(), f)
2837  // << nl
2838  // << " new:" << newFace
2839  // << " n:" << newFace.unitNormal(meshMod.points())
2840  // << " coords:"
2841  // << UIndirectList<point>(meshMod.points(), newFace)
2842  // << endl;
2844  // Get current zone info
2845  label zoneID = mesh_.faceZones().whichZone(facei);
2846  bool zoneFlip = false;
2847  if (zoneID >= 0)
2848  {
2849  const faceZone& fZone = mesh_.faceZones()[zoneID];
2850  zoneFlip = fZone.flipMap()[fZone.whichFace(facei)];
2851  }
2854  if (mesh_.isInternalFace(facei))
2855  {
2856  meshMod.modifyFace
2857  (
2858  newFace, // modified face
2859  facei, // label of modified face
2860  mesh_.faceOwner()[facei], // owner
2861  mesh_.faceNeighbour()[facei], // neighbour
2862  false, // face flip
2863  -1, // patch for face
2864  zoneID, // zone for face
2865  zoneFlip // face flip in zone
2866  );
2867  }
2868  else
2869  {
2870  meshMod.modifyFace
2871  (
2872  newFace, // modified face
2873  facei, // label of modified face
2874  mesh_.faceOwner()[facei], // owner
2875  -1, // neighbour
2876  false, // face flip
2877  patches.whichPatch(facei), // patch for face
2878  zoneID, // zone for face
2879  zoneFlip // face flip in zone
2880  );
2881  }
2882  }
2883  }
2884 }
2888 (
2889  const mapPolyMesh& morphMap,
2890  const labelList& faceMap, // new to old patch faces
2891  const labelList& pointMap // new to old patch points
2892 )
2893 {
2894  {
2895  labelListList newAddedPoints(pointMap.size());
2897  forAll(newAddedPoints, newPointi)
2898  {
2899  label oldPointi = pointMap[newPointi];
2901  const labelList& added = addedPoints_[oldPointi];
2903  labelList& newAdded = newAddedPoints[newPointi];
2904  newAdded.setSize(added.size());
2905  label newI = 0;
2907  forAll(added, i)
2908  {
2909  label newPointi = morphMap.reversePointMap()[added[i]];
2911  if (newPointi >= 0)
2912  {
2913  newAdded[newI++] = newPointi;
2914  }
2915  }
2916  newAdded.setSize(newI);
2917  }
2918  addedPoints_.transfer(newAddedPoints);
2919  }
2921  {
2922  labelListList newLayerFaces(faceMap.size());
2924  forAll(newLayerFaces, newFacei)
2925  {
2926  label oldFacei = faceMap[newFacei];
2928  const labelList& added = layerFaces_[oldFacei];
2930  labelList& newAdded = newLayerFaces[newFacei];
2931  newAdded.setSize(added.size());
2932  label newI = 0;
2934  forAll(added, i)
2935  {
2936  label newFacei = morphMap.reverseFaceMap()[added[i]];
2938  if (newFacei >= 0)
2939  {
2940  newAdded[newI++] = newFacei;
2941  }
2942  }
2943  newAdded.setSize(newI);
2944  }
2945  layerFaces_.transfer(newLayerFaces);
2946  }
2947 }
2950 // ************************************************************************* //
label nPatches
Definition: readKivaGrid.H:396
label nPoints() const
Number of points supporting patch faces.
const List< face_type > & localFaces() const
Return patch faces addressing into local point list.
void size(const label n)
Older name for setAddressableSize.
Definition: UList.H:116
ZoneMesh< faceZone, polyMesh > faceZoneMesh
A ZoneMesh with the type faceZone.
static void syncBoundaryFaceList(const polyMesh &mesh, UList< T > &faceValues, const CombineOp &cop, const TransformOp &top, const bool parRun=UPstream::parRun())
Synchronize values on boundary faces only.
errorManipArg< error, int > exit(error &err, const int errNo=1)
Definition: errorManip.H:125
A face is a list of labels corresponding to mesh vertices.
Definition: face.H:68
dimensioned< typename typeOfMag< Type >::type > mag(const dimensioned< Type > &dt)
const Field< point_type > & localPoints() const
Return pointField of points in patch.
error FatalError
Error stream (stdout output on all processes), with additional &#39;FOAM FATAL ERROR&#39; header text and sta...
#define FatalErrorInFunction
Report an error message using Foam::FatalError.
Definition: error.H:578
virtual const labelList & faceNeighbour() const
Return face neighbour.
Definition: polyMesh.C:1117
List< edge > edgeList
List of edge.
Definition: edgeList.H:32
const labelListList & pointEdges() const
label max(const labelHashSet &set, label maxValue=labelMin)
Find the max value in labelHashSet, optionally limited by second argument.
Definition: hashSets.C:40
std::enable_if< std::is_same< bool, TypeT >::value, bool >::type set(const label i, bool val=true)
A bitSet::set() method for a list of bool.
Definition: List.H:472
constexpr char nl
The newline &#39;\n&#39; character (0x0a)
Definition: Ostream.H:49
static void matchEdges(const PrimitivePatch< FaceList1, PointField1 > &p1, const PrimitivePatch< FaceList2, PointField2 > &p2, labelList &p1EdgeLabels, labelList &p2EdgeLabels, bitSet &sameOrientation)
Find corresponding edges on patches sharing the same points.
UIndirectList< label > labelUIndList
UIndirectList of labels.
Definition: IndirectList.H:65
Ostream & endl(Ostream &os)
Add newline and flush stream.
Definition: Ostream.H:487
static void calcExtrudeInfo(const bool zoneFromAnyFace, const polyMesh &, const globalIndex &globalFaces, const labelListList &globalEdgeFaces, const indirectPrimitivePatch &pp, labelList &edgePatchID, label &nPatches, Map< label > &nbrProcToPatch, Map< label > &patchToNbrProc, labelList &edgeZoneID, boolList &edgeFlip, labelList &inflateFaceID)
Determine extrude information per patch edge:
static bool & parRun() noexcept
Test if this a parallel run.
Definition: UPstream.H:1004
label nInternalEdges() const
Number of internal edges.
label k
Boltzmann constant.
label nFaces() const noexcept
Number of mesh faces.
PrimitivePatch< IndirectList< face >, const pointField & > indirectPrimitivePatch
A PrimitivePatch with an IndirectList for the faces, const reference for the point field...
labelList faceLabels(nFaceLabels)
List< labelList > labelListList
List of labelList.
Definition: labelList.H:38
static bitSet getInternalOrCoupledFaces(const polyMesh &mesh)
Get per face whether it is internal or coupled.
Definition: syncTools.C:169
bool isInternalFace(const label faceIndex) const noexcept
Return true if given face label is internal to the mesh.
UList< label > labelUList
A UList of labels.
Definition: UList.H:78
const labelList & meshPoints() const
Return labelList of mesh points in patch.
Pair< int > faceMap(const label facePi, const face &faceP, const label faceNi, const face &faceN)
virtual const pointField & points() const
Return raw points.
Definition: polyMesh.C:1073
#define forAll(list, i)
Loop across all elements in list.
Definition: stdFoam.H:414
static void syncData(List< Type > &elems, const labelListList &slaves, const labelListList &transformedSlaves, const mapDistribute &slavesMap, const globalIndexAndTransform &, const CombineOp &cop, const TransformOp &top)
Helper: synchronise data with transforms.
label fcIndex(const label i) const noexcept
The forward circular index. The next index in the list which returns to the first at the end of the l...
Definition: UListI.H:52
Dummy transform to be used with syncTools.
HashSet< label, Hash< label > > labelHashSet
A HashSet of labels, uses label hasher.
Definition: HashSet.H:85
List< face > faceList
List of faces.
Definition: faceListFwd.H:39
scalar y
A list of faces which address into the list of points.
Calculates a unique integer (label so might not have enough room - 2G max) for processor + local inde...
Definition: globalIndex.H:62
const Map< label > & meshPointMap() const
Mesh point map.
vectorField pointField
pointField is a vectorField.
Definition: pointFieldFwd.H:38
const dimensionedScalar e
Elementary charge.
Definition: createFields.H:11
void setSize(const label n)
Alias for resize()
Definition: List.H:289
dynamicFvMesh & mesh
void clear()
Clear the list, i.e. set size to zero.
Definition: ListI.H:109
Adds layers of cells to outside of polyPatch. Can optionally create stand-alone extruded mesh (addToM...
const polyBoundaryMesh & boundaryMesh() const noexcept
Return boundary mesh.
Definition: polyMesh.H:584
Field< scalar > scalarField
Specialisation of Field<T> for scalar.
label size() const noexcept
The number of entries in the list.
Definition: UPtrListI.H:113
const Field< point_type > & faceCentres() const
Return face centres for patch.
const labelListList & edgeFaces() const
Return edge-face addressing.
const globalMeshData & globalData() const
Return parallel info.
Definition: polyMesh.C:1300
const edgeList & edges() const
Return list of edges, address into LOCAL point list.
Vector< scalar > vector
Definition: vector.H:57
const Field< point_type > & points() const noexcept
Return reference to global points.
virtual const faceList & faces() const
Return raw faces.
Definition: polyMesh.C:1098
label whichPatch(const label meshFacei) const
Return patch index for a given mesh face index. Uses binary search.
label min(const labelHashSet &set, label minValue=labelMax)
Find the min value in labelHashSet, optionally limited by second argument.
Definition: hashSets.C:26
void setRefinement(const globalIndex &globalFaces, const labelListList &globalEdgeFaces, const scalarField &expansionRatio, const indirectPrimitivePatch &pp, const bitSet &flip, const labelList &sidePatchID, const labelList &sideZoneID, const boolList &sideFlip, const labelList &inflateFaceID, const labelList &exposedPatchID, const labelList &nFaceLayers, const labelList &nPointLayers, const vectorField &firstLayerDisp, polyTopoChange &meshMod)
Play commands into polyTopoChange to create layers on top.
errorManip< error > abort(error &err)
Definition: errorManip.H:139
const T * set(const label i) const
Return const pointer to element (can be nullptr), or nullptr for out-of-range access (ie...
Definition: PtrList.H:159
label nEdges() const
Number of mesh edges.
static void syncPointList(const polyMesh &mesh, List< T > &pointValues, const CombineOp &cop, const T &nullValue, const TransformOp &top)
Synchronize values on all mesh points.
label nEdges() const
Number of edges in patch.
int debug
Static debugging option.
Pair< label > labelPair
A pair of labels.
Definition: Pair.H:51
Type gMax(const FieldField< Field, Type > &f)
const faceZoneMesh & faceZones() const noexcept
Return face zone mesh.
Definition: polyMesh.H:646
defineTypeNameAndDebug(combustionModel, 0)
labelList f(nPoints)
T & last()
Access last element of the list, position [size()-1].
Definition: UList.H:828
label whichZone(const label objectIndex) const
Given a global object index, return the zone it is in.
Definition: ZoneMesh.C:276
void updateMesh(const mapPolyMesh &, const labelList &faceMap, const labelList &pointMap)
Update any locally stored mesh information. Gets additional.
const edgeList & edges() const
Return mesh edges. Uses calcEdges.
label toGlobal(const label i) const
From local to global index.
Definition: globalIndexI.H:277
vector point
Point is a vector.
Definition: point.H:37
#define WarningInFunction
Report a warning using Foam::Warning.
label newPointi
Definition: readKivaGrid.H:496
void operator()(face &x, const face &y) const
labelList meshEdges(const edgeList &allEdges, const labelListList &cellEdges, const labelList &faceCells) const
Return labels of patch edges in the global edge list using cell addressing.
const polyBoundaryMesh & patches
const std::string patch
OpenFOAM patch number as a std::string.
constexpr label labelMax
Definition: label.H:55
const labelListList & faceEdges() const
Return face-edge addressing.
static labelListList globalEdgeFaces(const polyMesh &, const globalIndex &globalFaces, const indirectPrimitivePatch &pp)
Per patch edge the pp faces (in global indices) using it.
label n
labelListList addedCells() const
Added cells given current mesh & layerfaces.
Field< vector > vectorField
Specialisation of Field<T> for vector.
Mesh consisting of general polyhedral cells.
Definition: polyMesh.H:73
#define forAllReverse(list, i)
Reverse loop across all elements in list.
Definition: stdFoam.H:430
static void syncEdgeList(const polyMesh &mesh, List< T > &edgeValues, const CombineOp &cop, const T &nullValue, const TransformOp &top, const FlipOp &fop)
Synchronize values on all mesh edges.
List< label > labelList
A List of labels.
Definition: List.H:62
bool returnReduceOr(const bool value, const label comm=UPstream::worldComm)
Perform logical (or) MPI Allreduce on a copy. Uses UPstream::reduceOr.
List< bool > boolList
A List of bools.
Definition: List.H:60
bool found
prefixOSstream Pout
OSstream wrapped stdout (std::cout) with parallel prefix.
const labelListList & edgeFaces() const
uindirectPrimitivePatch pp(UIndirectList< face >(mesh.faces(), faceLabels), mesh.points())
Namespace for OpenFOAM.
static void swapBoundaryFaceList(const polyMesh &mesh, UList< T > &faceValues)
Swap coupled boundary face values. Uses eqOp.
Definition: syncTools.H:485
static int compare(const edge &a, const edge &b)
Compare edges.
Definition: edgeI.H:26
static constexpr const zero Zero
Global zero (0)
Definition: zero.H:133