Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2  ========= |
3  \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4  \\ / O peration |
5  \\ / A nd | www.openfoam.com
6  \\/ M anipulation |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8  Copyright (C) 2007-2022 PCOpt/NTUA
9  Copyright (C) 2013-2020 FOSS GP
10  Copyright (C) 2019-2021 OpenCFD Ltd.
11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 License
13  This file is part of OpenFOAM.
15  OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
16  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
17  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
18  (at your option) any later version.
20  OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
21  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
22  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
23  for more details.
25  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
26  along with OpenFOAM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
28 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
30 #include "objective.H"
31 #include "createZeroField.H"
32 #include "IOmanip.H"
34 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
36 namespace Foam
37 {
39 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
41 defineTypeNameAndDebug(objective, 0);
42 defineRunTimeSelectionTable(objective, objective);
44 // * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * //
46 void objective::makeFolder()
47 {
48  if (Pstream::master())
49  {
50  const Time& time = mesh_.time();
52  time.globalPath()/"optimisation"/type()/time.timeName();
55  }
56 }
60 {
62  (
64  );
65 }
69 {
71  (
72  new OFstream
73  (
75  )
76  );
77 }
81 {
82  meanValueFilePtr_.reset
83  (
84  new OFstream
85  (
87  )
88  );
89 }
92 // * * * * * * * * * * * * Protected Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * //
94 const dictionary& objective::dict() const
95 {
96  return dict_;
97 }
100 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
102 objective::objective
103 (
104  const fvMesh& mesh,
105  const dictionary& dict,
106  const word& adjointSolverName,
107  const word& primalSolverName
108 )
109 :
111  (
112  IOobject
113  (
114  adjointSolverName + "_" + dict.dictName(),
115  mesh.time().timeName(),
116  fileName("uniform")/fileName("objectives")/adjointSolverName,
117  mesh,
118  IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT,
119  IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
120  ),
121  // avoid type checking since dictionary is read using the
122  // derived type name and type() will result in "objective"
123  // here
124  word::null
125  ),
126  mesh_(mesh),
127  dict_(dict),
128  adjointSolverName_(adjointSolverName),
129  primalSolverName_(primalSolverName),
130  objectiveName_(dict.dictName()),
131  computeMeanFields_(false), // is reset in derived classes
132  nullified_(false),
133  normalize_(dict.getOrDefault<bool>("normalize", false)),
135  J_(Zero),
136  JMean_(this->getOrDefault<scalar>("JMean", Zero)),
137  weight_(Zero),
138  normFactor_(nullptr),
139  target_
140  (
141  dict.found("target") ?
142  autoPtr<scalar>::New(dict.get<scalar>("target")) :
143  nullptr
144  ),
145  integrationStartTimePtr_(nullptr),
146  integrationEndTimePtr_(nullptr),
148  // Initialize pointers to nullptr.
149  // Not all of them are required for each objective function.
150  // Each child should allocate whatever is needed.
152  dJdbPtr_(nullptr),
153  bdJdbPtr_(nullptr),
154  bdSdbMultPtr_(nullptr),
155  bdndbMultPtr_(nullptr),
156  bdxdbMultPtr_(nullptr),
157  bdxdbDirectMultPtr_(nullptr),
158  bEdgeContribution_(nullptr),
159  divDxDbMultPtr_(nullptr),
160  gradDxDbMultPtr_(nullptr),
162  objFunctionFolder_("word"),
163  objFunctionFilePtr_(nullptr),
164  instantValueFilePtr_(nullptr),
165  meanValueFilePtr_(nullptr),
166  width_(IOstream::defaultPrecision() + 5)
167 {
168  makeFolder();
169  // Read integration start and end times, if present.
170  // For unsteady runs only
171  if (dict.found("integrationStartTime"))
172  {
174  (
175  new scalar(dict.get<scalar>("integrationStartTime"))
176  );
177  }
178  if (dict.found("integrationEndTime"))
179  {
181  (
182  new scalar(dict.get<scalar>("integrationEndTime"))
183  );
184  }
186  // Set normalization factor, if present
187  if (normalize_)
188  {
189  scalar normFactor(Zero);
190  if (dict.readIfPresent("normFactor", normFactor))
191  {
192  normFactor_.reset(new scalar(normFactor));
193  }
194  else if (this->readIfPresent("normFactor", normFactor))
195  {
196  normFactor_.reset(new scalar(normFactor));
197  }
198  }
199 }
202 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Selectors * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
204 autoPtr<objective> objective::New
205 (
206  const fvMesh& mesh,
207  const dictionary& dict,
208  const word& objectiveType,
209  const word& adjointSolverName,
210  const word& primalSolverName
211 )
212 {
213  auto* ctorPtr = objectiveConstructorTable(objectiveType);
215  if (!ctorPtr)
216  {
218  (
219  dict,
220  "objective",
221  objectiveType,
222  *objectiveConstructorTablePtr_
223  ) << exit(FatalIOError);
224  }
226  return autoPtr<objective>
227  (
228  ctorPtr
229  (
230  mesh,
231  dict,
232  adjointSolverName,
233  primalSolverName
234  )
235  );
236 }
239 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
242 {
243  dict_ = dict;
244  return true;
245 }
248 scalar objective::JCycle() const
249 {
250  scalar J(J_);
251  if
252  (
255  )
256  {
257  J = JMean_;
258  }
260  // Subtract target, in case the objective is used as a constraint
261  if (target_.valid())
262  {
263  J -= target_();
264  }
266  // Normalize here, in order to get the correct value for line search
267  if (normalize_ && normFactor_)
268  {
270  }
272  return J;
273 }
277 {
279  {
280  normFactor_.reset(new scalar(JCycle()));
281  }
282 }
285 void objective::accumulateJMean(solverControl& solverControl)
286 {
287  if (solverControl.doAverageIter())
288  {
289  const label iAverageIter = solverControl.averageIter();
290  if (iAverageIter == 0)
291  {
292  JMean_ = Zero;
293  }
294  scalar avIter(iAverageIter);
295  scalar oneOverItP1 = 1./(avIter + 1);
296  scalar mult = avIter*oneOverItP1;
297  JMean_ = JMean_*mult + J_*oneOverItP1;
298  }
299 }
303 {
305  {
306  const scalar time = mesh_.time().value();
308  {
309  const scalar dt = mesh_.time().deltaT().value();
310  const scalar elapsedTime = time - integrationStartTimePtr_();
311  const scalar denom = elapsedTime + dt;
312  JMean_ = (JMean_*elapsedTime + J_*dt)/denom;
313  }
314  }
315  else
316  {
318  << "Unallocated integration start or end time"
319  << exit(FatalError);
320  }
321 }
324 scalar objective::weight() const
325 {
326  return weight_;
327 }
330 bool objective::normalize() const
331 {
332  return normalize_;
333 }
337 {
338  if (normalize_ && normFactor_)
339  {
340  const scalar oneOverNorm(1./normFactor_());
342  if (hasdJdb())
343  {
344  dJdbPtr_().primitiveFieldRef() *= oneOverNorm;
345  }
346  if (hasBoundarydJdb())
347  {
348  bdJdbPtr_() *= oneOverNorm;
349  }
350  if (hasdSdbMult())
351  {
352  bdSdbMultPtr_() *= oneOverNorm;
353  }
354  if (hasdndbMult())
355  {
356  bdndbMultPtr_() *= oneOverNorm;
357  }
358  if (hasdxdbMult())
359  {
360  bdxdbMultPtr_() *= oneOverNorm;
361  }
362  if (hasdxdbDirectMult())
363  {
364  bdxdbDirectMultPtr_() *= oneOverNorm;
365  }
367  {
368  bEdgeContribution_() *= oneOverNorm;
369  }
370  if (hasDivDxDbMult())
371  {
372  divDxDbMultPtr_() *= oneOverNorm;
373  }
374  if (hasGradDxDbMult())
375  {
376  gradDxDbMultPtr_() *= oneOverNorm;
377  }
378  }
379 }
383 {
385  {
386  const scalar time = mesh_.time().value();
387  return
388  (
391  );
392  }
393  else
394  {
396  << "Unallocated integration start or end time"
397  << exit(FatalError);
398  }
399  return false;
400 }
403 void objective::incrementIntegrationTimes(const scalar timeSpan)
404 {
406  {
407  integrationStartTimePtr_() += timeSpan;
408  integrationEndTimePtr_() += timeSpan;
409  }
410  else
411  {
413  << "Unallocated integration start or end time"
414  << exit(FatalError);
415  }
416 }
420 {
421  if (!dJdbPtr_)
422  {
423  // If pointer is not set, set it to a zero field
424  dJdbPtr_.reset
425  (
426  createZeroFieldPtr<scalar>
427  (
428  mesh_,
429  ("dJdb_" + objectiveName_),
430  dimensionSet(0, 5, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0)
431  )
432  );
433  }
435  return *dJdbPtr_;
436 }
439 const fvPatchVectorField& objective::boundarydJdb(const label patchI)
440 {
441  if (!bdJdbPtr_)
442  {
443  bdJdbPtr_.reset(createZeroBoundaryPtr<vector>(mesh_));
444  }
445  return bdJdbPtr_()[patchI];
446 }
449 const fvPatchVectorField& objective::dSdbMultiplier(const label patchI)
450 {
451  if (!bdSdbMultPtr_)
452  {
453  bdSdbMultPtr_.reset(createZeroBoundaryPtr<vector>(mesh_));
454  }
455  return bdSdbMultPtr_()[patchI];
456 }
459 const fvPatchVectorField& objective::dndbMultiplier(const label patchI)
460 {
461  if (!bdndbMultPtr_)
462  {
463  bdndbMultPtr_.reset(createZeroBoundaryPtr<vector>(mesh_));
464  }
465  return bdndbMultPtr_()[patchI];
466 }
469 const fvPatchVectorField& objective::dxdbMultiplier(const label patchI)
470 {
471  if (!bdxdbMultPtr_)
472  {
473  bdxdbMultPtr_.reset(createZeroBoundaryPtr<vector>(mesh_));
474  }
475  return bdxdbMultPtr_()[patchI];
476 }
479 const fvPatchVectorField& objective::dxdbDirectMultiplier(const label patchI)
480 {
481  if (!bdxdbDirectMultPtr_)
482  {
483  bdxdbDirectMultPtr_.reset(createZeroBoundaryPtr<vector>(mesh_));
484  }
485  return bdxdbDirectMultPtr_()[patchI];
486 }
490 (
491  const label patchI,
492  const label edgeI
493 )
494 {
495  if (!bdxdbDirectMultPtr_)
496  {
498  << "Unallocated boundaryEdgeMultiplier field"
499  << exit(FatalError);
500  }
501  return bEdgeContribution_()[patchI][edgeI];
502 }
506 {
507  if (!bdJdbPtr_)
508  {
509  bdJdbPtr_.reset(createZeroBoundaryPtr<vector>(mesh_));
510  }
511  return *bdJdbPtr_;
512 }
516 {
517  if (!bdSdbMultPtr_)
518  {
519  bdSdbMultPtr_.reset(createZeroBoundaryPtr<vector>(mesh_));
520  }
521  return *bdSdbMultPtr_;
522 }
526 {
527  if (!bdndbMultPtr_)
528  {
529  bdndbMultPtr_.reset(createZeroBoundaryPtr<vector>(mesh_));
530  }
531  return *bdndbMultPtr_;
532 }
536 {
537  if (!bdxdbMultPtr_)
538  {
539  bdxdbMultPtr_.reset(createZeroBoundaryPtr<vector>(mesh_));
540  }
541  return *bdxdbMultPtr_;
542 }
546 {
547  if (!bdxdbDirectMultPtr_)
548  {
549  bdxdbDirectMultPtr_.reset(createZeroBoundaryPtr<vector>(mesh_));
550  }
551  return *bdxdbDirectMultPtr_;
552 }
556 {
557  if (!bdxdbDirectMultPtr_)
558  {
560  << "Unallocated boundaryEdgeMultiplier field"
561  << endl << endl
562  << exit(FatalError);
563  }
564  return *bEdgeContribution_;
565 }
569 {
570  if (!divDxDbMultPtr_)
571  {
572  // If pointer is not set, set it to a zero field
573  divDxDbMultPtr_.reset
574  (
575  createZeroFieldPtr<scalar>
576  (
577  mesh_,
578  ("divDxDbMult"+objectiveName_),
579  // Variable dimensions!!
580  // Dummy dimensionless. Only the internalField will be used
581  dimless
582  )
583  );
584  }
585  return *divDxDbMultPtr_;
586 }
590 {
591  if (!gradDxDbMultPtr_)
592  {
593  // If pointer is not set, set it to a zero field
594  gradDxDbMultPtr_.reset
595  (
596  createZeroFieldPtr<tensor>
597  (
598  mesh_,
599  ("gradDxDbMult"+objectiveName_),
600  // Variable dimensions!!
601  dimensionSet(pow2(dimLength)/pow3(dimTime))
602  )
603  );
604  }
605  return *gradDxDbMultPtr_;
606 }
609 void objective::nullify()
610 {
611  if (!nullified_)
612  {
613  if (hasdJdb())
614  {
615  dJdbPtr_() == dimensionedScalar(dJdbPtr_().dimensions(), Zero);
616  }
617  if (hasBoundarydJdb())
618  {
619  bdJdbPtr_() == vector::zero;
620  }
621  if (hasdSdbMult())
622  {
623  bdSdbMultPtr_() == vector::zero;
624  }
625  if (hasdndbMult())
626  {
627  bdndbMultPtr_() == vector::zero;
628  }
629  if (hasdxdbMult())
630  {
631  bdxdbMultPtr_() == vector::zero;
632  }
633  if (hasdxdbDirectMult())
634  {
635  bdxdbDirectMultPtr_() == vector::zero;
636  }
638  {
639  for (Field<vectorField>& field : bEdgeContribution_())
640  {
641  field = vector::zero;
642  }
643  }
644  if (hasDivDxDbMult())
645  {
646  divDxDbMultPtr_() ==
647  dimensionedScalar(divDxDbMultPtr_().dimensions(), Zero);
648  }
649  if (hasGradDxDbMult())
650  {
651  gradDxDbMultPtr_() ==
652  dimensionedTensor(gradDxDbMultPtr_().dimensions(), Zero);
653  }
655  nullified_ = true;
656  }
657 }
660 bool objective::write(const bool valid) const
661 {
662  if (Pstream::master())
663  {
664  // File is opened only upon invocation of the write function
665  // in order to avoid various instantiations of the same objective
666  // opening the same file
667  if (!objFunctionFilePtr_)
668  {
670  OFstream& file = objFunctionFilePtr_();
671  ios_base::fmtflags flags = file.flags();
672  flags |= std::cout.left;
673  file.flags(flags);
674  if (target_.valid())
675  {
676  file<< setw(width_) << "#target" << " "
677  << setw(width_) << target_() << endl;
678  }
679  if (normalize_)
680  {
681  file<< setw(width_) << "#normFactor " << " "
682  << setw(width_) << normFactor_() << endl;
683  }
684  addHeaderInfo();
685  file<< setw(4) << "#" << " ";
686  file<< setw(width_) << "J" << " ";
687  file<< setw(width_) << "JCycle" << " ";
689  file<< endl;
690  }
692  OFstream& file = objFunctionFilePtr_();
693  file<< setw(4) << mesh_.time().value() << " ";
694  file<< setw(width_) << J_ << " ";
695  file<< setw(width_) << JCycle() << " ";
696  addColumnValues();
697  file<< endl;
698  }
700  return true;
701 }
705 {
706  if (Pstream::master())
707  {
708  // File is opened only upon invocation of the write function
709  // in order to avoid various instantiations of the same objective
710  // opening the same file
712  {
714  }
716  instantValueFilePtr_() << mesh_.time().value() << tab << J_ << endl;
717  }
718 }
722 {
723  if (Pstream::master())
724  {
726  {
728  }
729  }
730 }
733 void objective::writeMeanValue() const
734 {
735  if (Pstream::master())
736  {
737  // Write mean value if necessary
738  // Covers both steady and unsteady runs
739  if
740  (
743  )
744  {
745  // File is opened only upon invocation of the write function
746  // in order to avoid various instantiations of the same objective
747  // opening the same file
748  if (!meanValueFilePtr_)
749  {
751  }
754  << mesh_.time().value() << tab << JMean_ << endl;
755  }
756  }
757 }
760 bool objective::writeData(Ostream& os) const
761 {
762  os.writeEntry("JMean", JMean_);
763  if (normFactor_)
764  {
765  os.writeEntry("normFactor", normFactor_());
766  }
767  return os.good();
768 }
771 void objective::addHeaderInfo() const
772 {
773  // Does nothing in base
774 }
777 void objective::addHeaderColumns() const
778 {
779  // Does nothing in base
780 }
783 void objective::addColumnValues() const
784 {
785  // Does nothing in base
786 }
789 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
791 } // End namespace Foam
793 // ************************************************************************* //
List< ReturnType > get(const UPtrList< T > &list, const AccessOp &aop)
List of values generated by applying the access operation to each list item.
bool hasGradDxDbMult() const
Definition: objectiveI.H:80
const Type & value() const noexcept
Return const reference to value.
void setInstantValueFilePtr() const
Set the output file ptr for the instantaneous value.
Definition: objective.C:61
dictionary dict
virtual void updateNormalizationFactor()
Update normalization factors, for objectives in which the factor is not known a priori.
Definition: objective.C:269
autoPtr< boundaryVectorField > bdxdbMultPtr_
Term multiplying delta(x)/delta b at the boundary.
Definition: objective.H:135
rDeltaTY field()
autoPtr< scalar > target_
Target value, in case the objective is used as a constraint.
Definition: objective.H:98
A class for handling file names.
Definition: fileName.H:71
fvPatchField< vector > fvPatchVectorField
void incrementIntegrationTimes(const scalar timeSpan)
Increment integration times.
Definition: objective.C:396
const word adjointSolverName_
Definition: objective.H:65
const dictionary & dict() const
Return objective dictionary.
Definition: objective.C:87
virtual void writeMeanValue() const
Write mean objective function history.
Definition: objective.C:726
dictionary dict_
Definition: objective.H:64
errorManipArg< error, int > exit(error &err, const int errNo=1)
Definition: errorManip.H:125
error FatalError
Error stream (stdout output on all processes), with additional &#39;FOAM FATAL ERROR&#39; header text and sta...
A list of keyword definitions, which are a keyword followed by a number of values (eg...
Definition: dictionary.H:120
#define FatalErrorInFunction
Report an error message using Foam::FatalError.
Definition: error.H:578
bool hasdxdbMult() const
Definition: objectiveI.H:56
autoPtr< OFstream > objFunctionFilePtr_
File to keep the objective values after the end of the primal solver.
Definition: objective.H:173
GeometricField< tensor, fvPatchField, volMesh > volTensorField
Definition: volFieldsFwd.H:89
autoPtr< scalar > normFactor_
Normalization factor.
Definition: objective.H:90
bool hasdndbMult() const
Definition: objectiveI.H:50
Output to file stream, using an OSstream.
Definition: OFstream.H:49
volVectorField::Boundary boundaryVectorField
bool hasdJdb() const
Definition: objectiveI.H:32
virtual void doNormalization()
Normalize all fields allocated by the objective.
Definition: objective.C:329
const word dictName("faMeshDefinition")
Ostream & endl(Ostream &os)
Add newline and flush stream.
Definition: Ostream.H:487
virtual scalar J()=0
Return the instantaneous objective function value.
bool hasDivDxDbMult() const
Definition: objectiveI.H:74
constexpr char tab
The tab &#39;\t&#39; character(0x09)
Definition: Ostream.H:48
void accumulateJMean()
Accumulate contribution for the mean objective value.
Definition: objective.C:295
autoPtr< vectorField3 > bEdgeContribution_
Contribution located in specific parts of a patch. Mainly intended for patch boundary edges contribut...
Definition: objective.H:149
const dimensionSet dimless
T get(const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const
Find and return a T. FatalIOError if not found, or if the number of tokens is incorrect.
autoPtr< boundaryVectorField > bdJdbPtr_
Term from material derivative.
Definition: objective.H:120
tmp< DimensionedField< TypeR, GeoMesh > > New(const tmp< DimensionedField< TypeR, GeoMesh >> &tdf1, const word &name, const dimensionSet &dimensions, const bool initCopy=false)
Global function forwards to reuseTmpDimensionedField::New.
const Time & time() const
Return the top-level database.
Definition: fvMesh.H:361
const boundaryVectorField & dndbMultiplier()
Multiplier of delta(n dS)/delta b for all patches.
Definition: objective.C:518
const volTensorField & gradDxDbMultiplier()
Multiplier of grad( delta(x)/delta b) for volume-based sensitivities.
Definition: objective.C:582
const boundaryVectorField & dxdbDirectMultiplier()
Multiplier of delta(x)/delta b for all patches.
Definition: objective.C:538
const boundaryVectorField & dxdbMultiplier()
Multiplier of delta(x)/delta b for all patches.
Definition: objective.C:528
bool found(const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const
Find an entry (const access) with the given keyword.
Definition: dictionaryI.H:100
const word objectiveName_
Definition: objective.H:67
localIOdictionary is derived from IOdictionary but excludes parallel master reading.
bool hasBoundarydJdb() const
Definition: objectiveI.H:38
void reset(T *p=nullptr) noexcept
Delete managed object and set to new given pointer.
Definition: autoPtrI.H:37
GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > volScalarField
Definition: volFieldsFwd.H:84
word timeName
Definition: getTimeIndex.H:3
fileName::Type type(const fileName &name, const bool followLink=true)
Return the file type: DIRECTORY or FILE, normally following symbolic links.
Definition: POSIX.C:752
virtual bool write(const bool valid=true) const
Write objective function history.
Definition: objective.C:653
static autoPtr< objective > New(const fvMesh &mesh, const dictionary &dict, const word &objectiveType, const word &adjointSolverName, const word &primalSolverName)
Return a reference to the selected turbulence model.
Definition: objective.C:198
autoPtr< scalar > integrationEndTimePtr_
Definition: objective.H:104
dynamicFvMesh & mesh
bool mkDir(const fileName &pathName, mode_t mode=0777)
Make a directory and return an error if it could not be created.
Definition: POSIX.C:567
bool computeMeanFields_
Definition: objective.H:68
void setObjectiveFilePtr() const
Set the output file ptr.
Definition: objective.C:52
A class for handling words, derived from Foam::string.
Definition: word.H:63
void setMeanValueFilePtr() const
Set the output file ptr for the mean value.
Definition: objective.C:73
virtual void addHeaderColumns() const
Write headers for additional columns.
Definition: objective.C:770
scalar JCycle() const
Return the mean objective function value, if it exists, otherwise the mean one.
Definition: objective.C:241
const fvMesh & mesh_
Definition: objective.H:63
dimensioned< tensor > dimensionedTensor
Dimensioned tensor obtained from generic dimensioned type.
dimensionSet pow2(const dimensionSet &ds)
Definition: dimensionSet.C:362
scalar JMean_
Average objective value.
Definition: objective.H:80
scalar J_
Objective function value and weight.
Definition: objective.H:75
const boundaryVectorField & dSdbMultiplier()
Multiplier of delta(n dS)/delta b for all patches.
Definition: objective.C:508
bool valid() const noexcept
Identical to good(), or bool operator.
Definition: autoPtr.H:410
scalar weight() const
Return the objective function weight.
Definition: objective.C:317
Istream and Ostream manipulators taking arguments.
static word timeName(const scalar t, const int precision=precision_)
Return time name of given scalar time formatted with the given precision.
Definition: Time.C:760
defineRunTimeSelectionTable(reactionRateFlameArea, dictionary)
bool readIfPresent(const word &keyword, T &val, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const
Find an entry if present, and assign to T val. FatalIOError if it is found and the number of tokens i...
autoPtr< boundaryVectorField > bdndbMultPtr_
Term multiplying delta(n)/delta b.
Definition: objective.H:130
virtual bool writeData(Ostream &os) const
Write averaged objective for continuation.
Definition: objective.C:753
virtual void writeInstantaneousValue() const
Write objective function history at each primal solver iteration.
Definition: objective.C:697
const boundaryVectorField & boundarydJdb()
Contribution to surface sensitivities for all patches.
Definition: objective.C:498
autoPtr< volScalarField > dJdbPtr_
Contribution to field sensitivity derivatives.
Definition: objective.H:112
OBJstream os(runTime.globalPath()/outputName)
bool hasdxdbDirectMult() const
Definition: objectiveI.H:62
defineTypeNameAndDebug(combustionModel, 0)
bool hasIntegrationEndTime() const
Definition: objectiveI.H:92
bool hasIntegrationStartTime() const
Definition: objectiveI.H:86
bool isWithinIntegrationTime() const
Check whether this is an objective integration time.
Definition: objective.C:375
autoPtr< volScalarField > divDxDbMultPtr_
Multiplier of d(Volume)/db.
Definition: objective.H:158
virtual void addColumnValues() const
Write information to additional columns.
Definition: objective.C:776
autoPtr< OFstream > meanValueFilePtr_
File to keep the average objective values after the end of the primal solver.
Definition: objective.H:185
const volScalarField & dJdb()
Contribution to field sensitivities.
Definition: objective.C:412
unsigned int width_
Default width of entries when writing in the objective files.
Definition: objective.H:190
const volScalarField & divDxDbMultiplier()
Multiplier of grad( delta(x)/delta b) for volume-based sensitivities.
Definition: objective.C:561
dimensionedScalar pow3(const dimensionedScalar &ds)
An IOstream is an abstract base class for all input/output systems; be they streams, files, token lists etc.
Definition: IOstream.H:75
virtual void nullify()
Nullify adjoint contributions.
Definition: objective.C:602
virtual void writeInstantaneousSeparator() const
Append a blank line after the end of optimisation cycle to the file holding the instantaneous objecti...
Definition: objective.C:714
const dimensionSet dimLength(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Definition: dimensionSets.H:50
dimensioned< scalar > dimensionedScalar
Dimensioned scalar obtained from generic dimensioned type.
const Time & time() const
Return Time associated with the objectRegistry.
Definition: IOobject.C:447
bool normalize() const
Is the objective normalized.
Definition: objective.C:323
Field< Field< vectorField > > vectorField3
Definition: objectiveFwd.H:32
scalar weight_
Objective weight.
Definition: objective.H:85
Mesh data needed to do the Finite Volume discretisation.
Definition: fvMesh.H:79
const vectorField3 & boundaryEdgeMultiplier()
Multiplier located at patch boundary edges.
Definition: objective.C:548
static bool master(const label communicator=worldComm)
Am I the master rank.
Definition: UPstream.H:672
virtual void addHeaderInfo() const
Write any information that needs to go the header of the file.
Definition: objective.C:764
virtual bool readDict(const dictionary &dict)
Definition: objective.C:234
const dimensionSet dimTime(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Definition: dimensionSets.H:51
autoPtr< volTensorField > gradDxDbMultPtr_
Emerging from volume objectives that include spatial derivatives.
Definition: objective.H:163
autoPtr< scalar > integrationStartTimePtr_
Objective integration start and end times (for unsteady flows)
Definition: objective.H:103
Field< vector > vectorField
Specialisation of Field<T> for vector.
Pointer management similar to std::unique_ptr, with some additional methods and type checking...
Definition: HashPtrTable.H:48
Omanip< int > setw(const int i)
Definition: IOmanip.H:199
autoPtr< OFstream > instantValueFilePtr_
File to keep the objective values at each iteration of the primal solver.
Definition: objective.H:179
autoPtr< boundaryVectorField > bdxdbDirectMultPtr_
Term multiplying delta(x)/delta b at the boundary for objectives that directly depend on x...
Definition: objective.H:142
autoPtr< boundaryVectorField > bdSdbMultPtr_
Term multiplying delta(n dS)/delta b.
Definition: objective.H:125
bool hasdSdbMult() const
Definition: objectiveI.H:44
fileName objFunctionFolder_
Output file variables.
Definition: objective.H:168
Defines the attributes of an object for which implicit objectRegistry management is supported...
Definition: IOobject.H:166
bool hasBoundaryEdgeContribution() const
Definition: objectiveI.H:68
#define FatalIOErrorInLookup(ios, lookupTag, lookupName, lookupTable)
Report an error message using Foam::FatalIOError.
Definition: error.H:615
bool found
dimensionedScalar deltaT() const
Return time step.
Definition: TimeStateI.H:48
Namespace for OpenFOAM.
fileName globalPath() const
Return global path for the case.
Definition: TimePathsI.H:73
IOerror FatalIOError
Error stream (stdout output on all processes), with additional &#39;FOAM FATAL IO ERROR&#39; header text and ...
static constexpr const zero Zero
Global zero (0)
Definition: zero.H:157