Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2  ========= |
3  \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4  \\ / O peration |
5  \\ / A nd |
6  \\/ M anipulation |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8  Copyright (C) 2011-2016 OpenFOAM Foundation
9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 License
11  This file is part of OpenFOAM.
13  OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
14  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
15  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
16  (at your option) any later version.
18  OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
19  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
20  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
21  for more details.
23  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24  along with OpenFOAM. If not, see <>.
26 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
28 #include "Pstream.H"
29 #include "PstreamBuffers.H"
31 #include "transformField.H"
32 #include "flipOp.H"
34 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * //
36 template<class T>
37 void Foam::mapDistribute::applyDummyTransforms(List<T>& field) const
38 {
39  forAll(transformElements_, trafoI)
40  {
41  const labelList& elems = transformElements_[trafoI];
43  label n = transformStart_[trafoI];
45  forAll(elems, i)
46  {
47  field[n++] = field[elems[i]];
48  }
49  }
50 }
53 template<class T>
54 void Foam::mapDistribute::applyDummyInverseTransforms(List<T>& field) const
55 {
56  forAll(transformElements_, trafoI)
57  {
58  const labelList& elems = transformElements_[trafoI];
59  label n = transformStart_[trafoI];
61  forAll(elems, i)
62  {
63  field[elems[i]] = field[n++];
64  }
65  }
66 }
69 template<class T, class TransformOp> //, class CombineOp>
70 void Foam::mapDistribute::applyTransforms
71 (
72  const globalIndexAndTransform& globalTransforms,
73  List<T>& field,
74  const TransformOp& top
75 ) const
76 {
77  const List<vectorTensorTransform>& totalTransform =
78  globalTransforms.transformPermutations();
80  forAll(totalTransform, trafoI)
81  {
82  const vectorTensorTransform& vt = totalTransform[trafoI];
83  const labelList& elems = transformElements_[trafoI];
84  label n = transformStart_[trafoI];
86  // Could be optimised to avoid memory allocations
87  List<T> transformFld(UIndirectList<T>(field, elems));
88  top(vt, true, transformFld);
90  forAll(transformFld, i)
91  {
92  //cop(field[n++], transformFld[i]);
93  field[n++] = transformFld[i];
94  }
95  }
96 }
99 template<class T, class TransformOp> //, class CombineOp>
100 void Foam::mapDistribute::applyInverseTransforms
101 (
102  const globalIndexAndTransform& globalTransforms,
103  List<T>& field,
104  const TransformOp& top
105 ) const
106 {
107  const List<vectorTensorTransform>& totalTransform =
108  globalTransforms.transformPermutations();
110  forAll(totalTransform, trafoI)
111  {
112  const vectorTensorTransform& vt = totalTransform[trafoI];
113  const labelList& elems = transformElements_[trafoI];
114  label n = transformStart_[trafoI];
116  // Could be optimised to avoid memory allocations
117  List<T> transformFld(SubList<T>(field, elems.size(), n));
118  top(vt, false, transformFld);
120  forAll(transformFld, i)
121  {
122  //cop(field[elems[i]], transformFld[i]);
123  field[elems[i]] = transformFld[i];
124  }
125  }
126 }
129 template<class T, class NegateOp>
131 (
132  List<T>& fld,
133  const NegateOp& negOp,
134  const bool dummyTransform,
135  const int tag
136 ) const
137 {
138  mapDistributeBase::distribute(fld, negOp, tag);
140  //- Fill in transformed slots with copies
141  if (dummyTransform)
142  {
143  applyDummyTransforms(fld);
144  }
145 }
148 template<class T>
150 (
151  List<T>& fld,
152  const bool dummyTransform,
153  const int tag
154 ) const
155 {
156  distribute(fld, flipOp(), dummyTransform, tag);
157 }
160 template<class T>
162 (
164  const bool dummyTransform,
165  const int tag
166 ) const
167 {
168  fld.shrink();
170  List<T>& list = static_cast<List<T>&>(fld);
172  distribute(list, dummyTransform, tag);
174  fld.setCapacity(list.size());
175 }
178 template<class T>
180 (
181  const label constructSize,
182  List<T>& fld,
183  const bool dummyTransform,
184  const int tag
185 ) const
186 {
187  if (dummyTransform)
188  {
189  applyDummyInverseTransforms(fld);
190  }
192  mapDistributeBase::reverseDistribute(constructSize, fld, tag);
193 }
196 template<class T>
198 (
199  const label constructSize,
200  const T& nullValue,
201  List<T>& fld,
202  const bool dummyTransform,
203  const int tag
204 ) const
205 {
206  if (dummyTransform)
207  {
208  applyDummyInverseTransforms(fld);
209  }
211  mapDistributeBase::reverseDistribute(constructSize, nullValue, fld, tag);
212 }
215 template<class T, class TransformOp>
217 (
218  const globalIndexAndTransform& git,
219  List<T>& fld,
220  const TransformOp& top,
221  const int tag
222 ) const
223 {
224  // Distribute. Leave out dummy transforms since we're doing them ourselves
225  distribute(fld, false, tag);
227  // Do transforms
228  applyTransforms(git, fld, top);
229 }
232 template<class T, class TransformOp>
234 (
235  const globalIndexAndTransform& git,
236  const label constructSize,
237  List<T>& fld,
238  const TransformOp& top,
239  const int tag
240 ) const
241 {
242  // Fill slots with reverse-transformed data. Note that it also copies
243  // back into the non-remote part of fld even though these values are not
244  // used.
245  applyInverseTransforms(git, fld, top);
247  // And send back (the remote slots). Disable dummy transformations.
248  reverseDistribute(constructSize, fld, false, tag);
249 }
252 template<class T, class TransformOp>
254 (
255  const globalIndexAndTransform& git,
256  const label constructSize,
257  const T& nullValue,
258  List<T>& fld,
259  const TransformOp& top,
260  const int tag
261 ) const
262 {
263  // Fill slots with reverse-transformed data Note that it also copies
264  // back into the non-remote part of fld even though these values are not
265  // used.
266  applyInverseTransforms(git, fld, top); //, eqOp<T>());
268  // And send back (the remote slots) Disable dummy transformations.
269  reverseDistribute(constructSize, nullValue, fld, false, tag);
270 }
273 // ************************************************************************* //
void size(const label n)
Older name for setAddressableSize.
Definition: UList.H:118
rDeltaTY field()
void distribute(List< T > &fld, const bool dummyTransform=true, const int tag=UPstream::msgType()) const
Distribute data using default commsType.
A 1D array of objects of type <T>, where the size of the vector is known and used for subscript bound...
Definition: BitOps.H:56
#define forAll(list, i)
Loop across all elements in list.
Definition: stdFoam.H:413
Spatial transformation functions for primitive fields.
A 1D vector of objects of type <T> that resizes itself as necessary to accept the new objects...
Definition: DynamicList.H:51
void reverseDistribute(const label constructSize, List< T > &values, const int tag=UPstream::msgType()) const
Reverse distribute data using default commsType and the default flip/negate operator.
void reverseDistribute(const label constructSize, List< T > &fld, const bool dummyTransform=true, const int tag=UPstream::msgType()) const
Reverse distribute data using default commsType.
void T(FieldField< Field, Type > &f1, const FieldField< Field, Type > &f2)
gmvFile<< "tracers "<< particles.size()<< nl;for(const passiveParticle &p :particles){ gmvFile<< p.position().x()<< ' ';}gmvFile<< nl;for(const passiveParticle &p :particles){ gmvFile<< p.position().y()<< ' ';}gmvFile<< nl;for(const passiveParticle &p :particles){ gmvFile<< p.position().z()<< ' ';}gmvFile<< nl;for(const word &name :lagrangianScalarNames){ IOField< scalar > fld(IOobject(name, runTime.timeName(), cloud::prefix, mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE))
static void distribute(const Pstream::commsTypes commsType, const List< labelPair > &schedule, const label constructSize, const labelListList &subMap, const bool subHasFlip, const labelListList &constructMap, const bool constructHasFlip, List< T > &field, const NegateOp &negOp, const int tag=UPstream::msgType(), const label comm=UPstream::worldComm)
Distribute data with specified negate operator (for flips).
label n
List< label > labelList
A List of labels.
Definition: List.H:62
Functor to negate primitives. Dummy for most other types.
Definition: flipOp.H:66
Determination and storage of the possible independent transforms introduced by coupledPolyPatches, as well as all of the possible permutations of these transforms generated by the presence of multiple coupledPolyPatches, i.e. more than one cyclic boundary. Note that any given point can be on maximum 3 transforms only (and these transforms have to be perpendicular)