Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2  ========= |
3  \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4  \\ / O peration |
5  \\ / A nd |
6  \\/ M anipulation |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8  Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Wikki Ltd
9  Copyright (C) 2019-2022 OpenCFD Ltd.
10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 License
12  This file is part of OpenFOAM.
14  OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
15  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
16  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
17  (at your option) any later version.
19  OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
20  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
21  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
22  for more details.
24  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
25  along with OpenFOAM. If not, see <>.
27 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
29 #include "cyclicFaPatch.H"
30 #include "coupledPolyPatch.H"
32 #include "transform.H"
33 #include "faMesh.H"
35 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
37 namespace Foam
38 {
39  defineTypeNameAndDebug(cyclicFaPatch, 0);
40  addToRunTimeSelectionTable(faPatch, cyclicFaPatch, dictionary);
41 }
43 const Foam::scalar Foam::cyclicFaPatch::matchTol_ = 1e-3;
46 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
49 (
50  const word& name,
51  const dictionary& dict,
52  const label index,
53  const faBoundaryMesh& bm,
54  const word& patchType
55 )
56 :
57  coupledFaPatch(name, dict, index, bm, patchType)
58 {}
62 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
64 void Foam::cyclicFaPatch::calcTransforms()
65 {
66  const label sizeby2 = this->size()/2;
67  if (size() > 0)
68  {
69  pointField half0Ctrs(sizeby2);
70  pointField half1Ctrs(sizeby2);
71  for (label edgei=0; edgei < sizeby2; ++edgei)
72  {
73  half0Ctrs[edgei] = this->edgeCentres()[edgei];
74  half1Ctrs[edgei] = this->edgeCentres()[edgei + sizeby2];
75  }
77  vectorField half0Normals(sizeby2);
78  vectorField half1Normals(sizeby2);
80  const vectorField eN(edgeNormals()*magEdgeLengths());
82  scalar maxMatchError = 0;
83  label errorEdge = -1;
85  for (label edgei = 0; edgei < sizeby2; ++edgei)
86  {
87  half0Normals[edgei] = eN[edgei];
88  half1Normals[edgei] = eN[edgei + sizeby2];
90  scalar magLe = mag(half0Normals[edgei]);
91  scalar nbrMagLe = mag(half1Normals[edgei]);
92  scalar avLe = 0.5*(magLe + nbrMagLe);
94  if (magLe < ROOTVSMALL && nbrMagLe < ROOTVSMALL)
95  {
96  // Undetermined normal. Use dummy normal to force separation
97  // check. (note use of sqrt(VSMALL) since that is how mag
98  // scales)
99  half0Normals[edgei] = point(1, 0, 0);
100  half1Normals[edgei] = half0Normals[edgei];
101  }
102  else if (mag(magLe - nbrMagLe)/avLe > matchTol_)
103  {
104  // Error in area matching. Find largest error
105  maxMatchError =
106  Foam::max(maxMatchError, mag(magLe - nbrMagLe)/avLe);
107  errorEdge = edgei;
108  }
109  else
110  {
111  half0Normals[edgei] /= magLe;
112  half1Normals[edgei] /= nbrMagLe;
113  }
114  }
116  // Check for error in edge matching
117  if (maxMatchError > matchTol_)
118  {
119  label nbrEdgei = errorEdge + sizeby2;
120  scalar magLe = mag(half0Normals[errorEdge]);
121  scalar nbrMagLe = mag(half1Normals[errorEdge]);
122  scalar avLe = 0.5*(magLe + nbrMagLe);
125  << "edge " << errorEdge
126  << " area does not match neighbour "
127  << nbrEdgei << " by "
128  << 100*mag(magLe - nbrMagLe)/avLe
129  << "% -- possible edge ordering problem." << endl
130  << "patch:" << name()
131  << " my area:" << magLe
132  << " neighbour area:" << nbrMagLe
133  << " matching tolerance:" << matchTol_
134  << endl
135  << "Mesh edge:" << start() + errorEdge
136  << endl
137  << "Neighbour edge:" << start() + nbrEdgei
138  << endl
139  << "Other errors also exist, only the largest is reported. "
140  << "Please rerun with cyclic debug flag set"
141  << " for more information." << exit(FatalError);
142  }
144  // Calculate transformation tensors
145  calcTransformTensors
146  (
147  half0Ctrs,
148  half1Ctrs,
149  half0Normals,
150  half1Normals
151  );
153  // Check transformation tensors
154  if (!parallel())
155  {
156  if (forwardT().size() > 1 || reverseT().size() > 1)
157  {
159  << "Transformation tensor is not constant for the cyclic "
160  << "patch. Please reconsider your setup and definition of "
161  << "cyclic boundaries." << endl;
162  }
163  }
164  }
165 }
169 {
170  const scalarField& magL = magEdgeLengths();
172  const scalarField deltas(edgeNormals() & faPatch::delta());
173  const label sizeby2 = deltas.size()/2;
175  scalar maxMatchError = 0;
176  label errorEdge = -1;
178  for (label edgei = 0; edgei < sizeby2; ++edgei)
179  {
180  scalar avL = 0.5*(magL[edgei] + magL[edgei + sizeby2]);
182  if
183  (
184  mag(magL[edgei] - magL[edgei + sizeby2])/avL
185  > matchTol_
186  )
187  {
188  // Found error. Look for largest matching error
189  maxMatchError =
190  Foam::max
191  (
192  maxMatchError,
193  mag(magL[edgei] - magL[edgei + sizeby2])/avL
194  );
196  errorEdge = edgei;
197  }
199  scalar di = deltas[edgei];
200  scalar dni = deltas[edgei + sizeby2];
202  w[edgei] = dni/(di + dni);
203  w[edgei + sizeby2] = 1 - w[edgei];
204  }
206  // Check for error in matching
207  if (maxMatchError > matchTol_)
208  {
209  scalar avL = 0.5*(magL[errorEdge] + magL[errorEdge + sizeby2]);
212  << "edge " << errorEdge << " and " << errorEdge + sizeby2
213  << " areas do not match by "
214  << 100*mag(magL[errorEdge] - magL[errorEdge + sizeby2])/avL
215  << "% -- possible edge ordering problem." << nl
216  << "Cyclic area match tolerance = "
217  << matchTol_ << " patch: " << name()
218  << abort(FatalError);
219  }
220 }
224 {
225  const scalarField deltas(edgeNormals() & faPatch::delta());
226  const label sizeby2 = deltas.size()/2;
228  for (label edgei = 0; edgei < sizeby2; ++edgei)
229  {
230  scalar di = deltas[edgei];
231  scalar dni = deltas[edgei + sizeby2];
233  dc[edgei] = 1.0/(di + dni);
234  dc[edgei + sizeby2] = dc[edgei];
235  }
236 }
240 {
241  faPatch::initGeometry(pBufs);
242 }
246 {
247  faPatch::calcGeometry(pBufs);
248  calcTransforms();
249 }
253 (
254  PstreamBuffers& pBufs,
255  const pointField& p
256 )
257 {
258  faPatch::initMovePoints(pBufs, p);
259 }
263 (
264  PstreamBuffers& pBufs,
265  const pointField& p
266 )
267 {
268  faPatch::movePoints(pBufs, p);
269  calcTransforms();
270 }
274 {
275  const vectorField patchD(faPatch::delta());
276  const label sizeby2 = patchD.size()/2;
278  auto tpdv = tmp<vectorField>::New(patchD.size());
279  auto& pdv = tpdv.ref();
281  // Do the transformation if necessary
282  if (parallel())
283  {
284  for (label edgei = 0; edgei < sizeby2; ++edgei)
285  {
286  const vector& ddi = patchD[edgei];
287  vector dni = patchD[edgei + sizeby2];
289  pdv[edgei] = ddi - dni;
290  pdv[edgei + sizeby2] = -pdv[edgei];
291  }
292  }
293  else
294  {
295  for (label edgei = 0; edgei < sizeby2; ++edgei)
296  {
297  const vector& ddi = patchD[edgei];
298  vector dni = patchD[edgei + sizeby2];
300  pdv[edgei] = ddi - transform(forwardT()[0], dni);
301  pdv[edgei + sizeby2] = -transform(reverseT()[0], pdv[edgei]);
302  }
303  }
305  return tpdv;
306 }
310 (
311  const labelUList& internalData
312 ) const
313 {
314  return patchInternalField(internalData);
315 }
319 (
320  const labelUList& internalData,
321  const labelUList& edgeFaces
322 ) const
323 {
324  return patchInternalField(internalData, edgeFaces);
325 }
329 (
330  const Pstream::commsTypes commsType,
331  const labelUList& interfaceData
332 ) const
333 {
334  auto tpnf = tmp<labelField>::New(this->size());
335  auto& pnf = tpnf.ref();
337  const label sizeby2 = this->size()/2;
339  for (label edgei=0; edgei < sizeby2; ++edgei)
340  {
341  pnf[edgei] = interfaceData[edgei + sizeby2];
342  pnf[edgei + sizeby2] = interfaceData[edgei];
343  }
345  return tpnf;
346 }
350 (
351  const Pstream::commsTypes commsType,
352  const labelUList& iF
353 ) const
354 {
355  return internalFieldTransfer(commsType, iF, this->faceCells());
356 }
360 (
361  const Pstream::commsTypes commsType,
362  const labelUList& iF,
363  const labelUList& edgeCells
364 ) const
365 {
366  auto tpnf = tmp<labelField>::New(this->size());
367  auto& pnf = tpnf.ref();
369  const label sizeby2 = this->size()/2;
371  for (label edgei=0; edgei < sizeby2; ++edgei)
372  {
373  pnf[edgei] = iF[edgeCells[edgei + sizeby2]];
374  pnf[edgei + sizeby2] = iF[edgeCells[edgei]];
375  }
377  return tpnf;
378 }
381 // ************************************************************************* //
dictionary dict
virtual void initMovePoints(PstreamBuffers &, const pointField &)
Initialise the patches for moving points.
virtual tmp< labelField > interfaceInternalField(const labelUList &internalData) const
Return the values of the given internal data adjacent to the interface as a field.
virtual tmp< vectorField > delta() const
Return cell-centre to face-centre vector.
Definition: faPatch.C:470
static const scalar matchTol_
Relative tolerance (for geometric matching). Is factor of.
Definition: cyclicFaPatch.H:71
errorManipArg< error, int > exit(error &err, const int errNo=1)
Definition: errorManip.H:125
dimensioned< typename typeOfMag< Type >::type > mag(const dimensioned< Type > &dt)
Types of communications.
Definition: UPstream.H:66
error FatalError
Error stream (stdout output on all processes), with additional &#39;FOAM FATAL ERROR&#39; header text and sta...
A list of keyword definitions, which are a keyword followed by a number of values (eg...
Definition: dictionary.H:120
#define FatalErrorInFunction
Report an error message using Foam::FatalError.
Definition: error.H:578
virtual tmp< labelField > internalFieldTransfer(const Pstream::commsTypes commsType, const labelUList &internalData) const
Return neighbour field.
label max(const labelHashSet &set, label maxValue=labelMin)
Find the max value in labelHashSet, optionally limited by second argument.
Definition: hashSets.C:40
virtual void movePoints(PstreamBuffers &, const pointField &)
Correct patches after moving points.
constexpr char nl
The newline &#39;\n&#39; character (0x0a)
Definition: Ostream.H:49
void makeDeltaCoeffs(scalarField &) const
Make patch face - neighbour cell distances.
virtual void initMovePoints(PstreamBuffers &, const pointField &)
Initialise the patches for moving points.
Definition: faPatch.H:157
Ostream & endl(Ostream &os)
Add newline and flush stream.
Definition: Ostream.H:487
virtual void calcGeometry(PstreamBuffers &)
Calculate the patch geometry.
Definition: faPatch.H:151
Smooth ATC in cells next to a set of patches supplied by type.
Definition: faceCells.H:52
virtual void initGeometry(PstreamBuffers &)
Initialise the calculation of the patch geometry.
Macros for easy insertion into run-time selection tables.
UList< label > labelUList
A UList of labels.
Definition: UList.H:80
#define SeriousErrorInFunction
Report an error message using Foam::SeriousError.
const dimensionedScalar e
Elementary charge.
Definition: createFields.H:11
word name(const expressions::valueTypeCode typeCode)
A word representation of a valueTypeCode. Empty for INVALID.
Definition: exprTraits.C:52
virtual void calcGeometry(PstreamBuffers &)
Calculate the patch geometry.
A class for handling words, derived from Foam::string.
Definition: word.H:63
Field< scalar > scalarField
Specialisation of Field<T> for scalar.
3D tensor transformation operations.
void makeWeights(scalarField &) const
Make patch weighting factors.
static tmp< T > New(Args &&... args)
Construct tmp with forwarding arguments.
Definition: tmp.H:203
Vector< scalar > vector
Definition: vector.H:57
errorManip< error > abort(error &err)
Definition: errorManip.H:139
A Vector of values with scalar precision, where scalar is float/double depending on the compilation f...
defineTypeNameAndDebug(combustionModel, 0)
Buffers for inter-processor communications streams (UOPstream, UIPstream).
cyclicFaPatch(const word &name, const dictionary &dict, const label index, const faBoundaryMesh &bm, const word &patchType)
Construct from dictionary.
Definition: cyclicFaPatch.C:42
addToRunTimeSelectionTable(decompositionMethod, kahipDecomp, dictionary)
vector point
Point is a vector.
Definition: point.H:37
coupledFaPatch is an abstract base class for patches that couple regions of the computational domain ...
Finite area boundary mesh.
Field< vector > vectorField
Specialisation of Field<T> for vector.
virtual tmp< labelField > transfer(const Pstream::commsTypes commsType, const labelUList &interfaceData) const
Transfer and return neighbour field.
volScalarField & p
A class for managing temporary objects.
Definition: HashPtrTable.H:50
dimensionSet transform(const dimensionSet &ds)
Return the argument; transformations do not change the dimensions.
Definition: dimensionSet.C:529
virtual void movePoints(PstreamBuffers &, const pointField &)
Correct patch after moving points.
Definition: faPatch.C:524
virtual tmp< vectorField > delta() const
Return delta (P to N) vectors across coupled patch.
virtual void initGeometry(PstreamBuffers &)
Initialise the calculation of the patch geometry.
Definition: faPatch.H:145
Namespace for OpenFOAM.