Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2  ========= |
3  \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4  \\ / O peration |
5  \\ / A nd | www.openfoam.com
6  \\/ M anipulation |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8  Copyright (C) 2016-2022 OpenCFD Ltd.
9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 License
11  This file is part of OpenFOAM.
13  OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
14  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
15  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
16  (at your option) any later version.
18  OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
19  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
20  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
21  for more details.
23  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24  along with OpenFOAM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
26 Class
27  Foam::UIListStream
29 Description
30  Similar to IStringStream but using an externally managed buffer for its
31  input. This allows the input buffer to be filled (and refilled) from
32  various sources.
34  Note that this stream will normally be used as a "one-shot" reader.
35  Caution must be exercised that the referenced buffer remains valid and
36  without any intermediate resizing for the duration of the stream's use.
38  An example of possible use:
39  \code
40  DynamicList<char> buffer(4096); // allocate some large buffer
42  nread = something.read(buffer.data(),1024); // fill with content
43  buffer.resize(nread); // content size
45  // Construct dictionary, or something else
46  UIListStream is(buffer)
47  dictionary dict1(is);
49  // Sometime later
50  nread = something.read(buffer.data(),2048); // fill with content
51  buffer.resize(nread); // content size
53  // Without intermediate variable
54  dictionary dict2(UIListStream(buffer)());
55  \endcode
57 See Also
58  Foam::IListStream
59  Foam::OListStream
60  Foam::UOListStream
62 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
64 #ifndef Foam_UIListStream_H
65 #define Foam_UIListStream_H
67 #include "UList.H"
68 #include "ISstream.H"
69 #include "memoryStreamBuffer.H"
71 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
73 namespace Foam
74 {
76 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
77  Class uiliststream Declaration
78 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
80 //- Similar to std::istringstream, but with an externally managed input buffer.
81 // This allows the input buffer to be filled or refilled from various sources
82 // without copying.
83 class uiliststream
84 :
85  virtual public std::ios,
86  protected memorybuf::in,
87  public std::istream
88 {
89 public:
91  //- Construct for character array and number of bytes
92  uiliststream(const char* buffer, size_t nbytes)
93  :
94  memorybuf::in(const_cast<char*>(buffer), nbytes),
95  std::istream(static_cast<memorybuf::in*>(this))
96  {}
98  //- Reset buffer pointers
99  inline void reset(char *buffer, size_t nbytes)
100  {
101  resetg(buffer, nbytes);
102  }
104  //- Rewind the stream, clearing any old errors
105  void rewind()
106  {
107  this->pubseekpos(0, std::ios_base::in);
108  clear(); // for safety, clear any old errors
109  }
110 };
113 namespace Detail
114 {
116 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
117  Class Detail::UIListStreamAllocator Declaration
118 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
120 //- An stream/stream-buffer input allocator for a externally allocated list
121 class UIListStreamAllocator
122 {
123 protected:
125  // Protected Data
127  typedef std::istream stream_type;
129  //- The stream buffer
132  //- The stream
136  // Constructors
138  //- Construct for character array and number of bytes
139  UIListStreamAllocator(char* buffer, size_t nbytes)
140  :
141  buf_(buffer, nbytes),
142  stream_(&buf_)
143  {}
146  // Protected Member Functions
148  //- Reset buffer pointers
149  inline void reset(char* buffer, size_t nbytes)
150  {
151  buf_.resetg(buffer, nbytes);
152  }
154  void printBufInfo(Ostream& os) const
155  {
157  }
159 public:
161  // Member Functions
163  //- Const UList access to the input characters (shallow copy).
164  inline const UList<char> list() const
165  {
166  return buf_.list();
167  }
169  //- Non-const UList access to the input characters (shallow copy).
170  inline UList<char> list()
171  {
172  return buf_.list();
173  }
175  //- The list size
176  inline label size() const
177  {
178  return buf_.capacity();
179  }
181  //- Position of the get buffer
182  std::streampos tellg() const
183  {
184  return buf_.tellg();
185  }
187  //- Move to buffer start, clear errors
188  void rewind()
189  {
190  buf_.pubseekpos(0, std::ios_base::in);
191  stream_.clear(); // for safety, clear any old errors
192  }
193 };
195 } // End namespace Detail
198 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
199  Class UIListStream Declaration
200 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
203 :
205  public ISstream
206 {
207  typedef Detail::UIListStreamAllocator allocator_type;
209 public:
211  // Constructors
213  //- Construct using specified buffer and number of bytes
215  (
216  const char* buffer,
217  size_t nbytes,
218  IOstreamOption streamOpt = IOstreamOption()
219  )
220  :
221  allocator_type(const_cast<char*>(buffer), nbytes),
222  ISstream(stream_, "input", streamOpt.format(), streamOpt.version())
223  {}
225  //- Construct using data area from a List and number of bytes
227  (
228  const UList<char>& buffer,
229  size_t nbytes,
230  IOstreamOption streamOpt = IOstreamOption()
231  )
232  :
233  UIListStream(buffer.cdata(), nbytes, streamOpt)
234  {}
236  //- Construct using data area from a List and its inherent storage size
237  // Uses addressed size, thus no special treatment for a DynamicList
238  explicit UIListStream
239  (
240  const UList<char>& buffer,
241  IOstreamOption streamOpt = IOstreamOption()
242  )
243  :
244  UIListStream(buffer.cdata(), buffer.size(), streamOpt)
245  {}
248  // Member Functions
250  //- Return the current get position in the buffer
251  std::streampos pos() const
252  {
254  }
256  //- Rewind the stream, clearing any old errors
257  virtual void rewind()
258  {
260  setGood(); // resynchronize with internal state
261  }
263  //- Print stream description to Ostream
264  virtual void print(Ostream& os) const;
267  // Member Operators
269  //- A non-const reference to const Istream
270  // Needed for read-constructors where the stream argument is temporary
271  Istream& operator()() const
272  {
273  // Could also rewind
274  return const_cast<UIListStream&>(*this);
275  }
278  // Additional constructors and methods (as per v2012 and earlier)
279  #ifdef Foam_IOstream_extras
281  //- Construct using specified buffer and number of bytes
283  (
284  const char* buffer,
285  size_t nbytes,
287  )
288  :
289  UIListStream(buffer, nbytes, IOstreamOption(fmt))
290  {}
292  //- Construct using data area from a List and number of bytes
294  (
295  const UList<char>& buffer,
296  size_t nbytes,
298  )
299  :
300  UIListStream(buffer.cdata(), nbytes, IOstreamOption(fmt))
301  {}
303  //- Construct using data area from a List and its inherent storage size
304  // Uses addressed size, thus no special treatment for a DynamicList
306  (
307  const UList<char>& buf,
309  )
310  :
311  UIListStream(buf.cdata(), buf.size(), IOstreamOption(fmt))
312  {}
314  #endif /* Foam_IOstream_extras */
315 };
318 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
320 } // End namespace Foam
322 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
324 #endif
326 // ************************************************************************* //
An input streambuf for memory access.
void size(const label n)
Older name for setAddressableSize.
Definition: UList.H:118
stream_type stream_
The stream.
Definition: UIListStream.H:141
Istream & operator()() const
A non-const reference to const Istream.
Definition: UIListStream.H:309
virtual void print(Ostream &os) const
Print stream description to Ostream.
Definition: ListStream.C:35
An Istream is an abstract base class for all input systems (streams, files, token lists etc)...
Definition: Istream.H:57
void printBufInfo(Ostream &os) const
Some information about the input buffer position/capacity.
A simple container for options an IOstream can normally have.
Similar to std::istringstream, but with an externally managed input buffer.
Definition: UIListStream.H:79
label size() const
The list size.
Definition: UIListStream.H:194
constexpr IOstreamOption(streamFormat fmt=streamFormat::ASCII, compressionType comp=compressionType::UNCOMPRESSED) noexcept
Default construct (ASCII, UNCOMPRESSED, currentVersion) or construct with format, compression...
void printBufInfo(Ostream &os) const
Definition: UIListStream.H:166
virtual void rewind()
Rewind the stream, clearing any old errors.
Definition: UIListStream.H:290
const UList< char > list() const
Const UList access to the input characters (shallow copy).
Definition: UIListStream.H:178
std::streamsize tellg() const
The buffer get position.
An stream/stream-buffer input allocator for a externally allocated list.
Definition: UIListStream.H:125
std::streampos tellg() const
Position of the get buffer.
Definition: UIListStream.H:202
patchWriters clear()
memorybuf::in buf_
The stream buffer.
Definition: UIListStream.H:136
A 1D vector of objects of type <T>, where the size of the vector is known and can be used for subscri...
Definition: HashTable.H:99
Similar to IStringStream but using an externally managed buffer for its input. This allows the input ...
Definition: UIListStream.H:224
void resetg(char *s, std::streamsize n)
Reset for character array (can be nullptr) and number of bytes.
An Ostream is an abstract base class for all output systems (streams, files, token lists...
Definition: Ostream.H:55
uiliststream(const char *buffer, size_t nbytes)
Construct for character array and number of bytes.
Definition: UIListStream.H:90
OBJstream os(runTime.globalPath()/outputName)
void rewind()
Rewind the stream, clearing any old errors.
Definition: UIListStream.H:107
Generic input stream using a standard (STL) stream.
Definition: ISstream.H:51
UIListStreamAllocator(char *buffer, size_t nbytes)
Construct for character array and number of bytes.
Definition: UIListStream.H:149
A streambuf for memory.
versionNumber version() const noexcept
Get the stream version.
Data format (ascii | binary)
const T * cdata() const noexcept
Return pointer to the underlying array serving as data storage.
Definition: UListI.H:223
void setGood() noexcept
Set stream state to be good.
Definition: IOstream.H:167
std::streampos pos() const
Return the current get position in the buffer.
Definition: UIListStream.H:282
void reset(char *buffer, size_t nbytes)
Reset buffer pointers.
Definition: UIListStream.H:161
void rewind()
Move to buffer start, clear errors.
Definition: UIListStream.H:210
const UList< char > list() const
Const UList access to the input characters (shallow copy).
streamFormat format() const noexcept
Get the current stream format.
void reset(char *buffer, size_t nbytes)
Reset buffer pointers.
Definition: UIListStream.H:99
Namespace for OpenFOAM.
std::streamsize capacity() const
The buffer capacity.
UIListStream(const char *buffer, size_t nbytes, IOstreamOption streamOpt=IOstreamOption())
Construct using specified buffer and number of bytes.
Definition: UIListStream.H:239