Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2  ========= |
3  \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4  \\ / O peration |
5  \\ / A nd | www.openfoam.com
6  \\/ M anipulation |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8  Copyright (C) 2016 Shell Research Ltd.
9  Copyright (C) 2019 OpenCFD Ltd.
10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 License
12  This file is part of OpenFOAM.
14  OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
15  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
16  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
17  (at your option) any later version.
19  OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
20  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
21  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
22  for more details.
24  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
25  along with OpenFOAM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
27 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
29 #include "PDRsetFields.H"
30 #include "PDRutilsInternal.H"
31 #include "mathematicalConstants.H"
33 #ifndef FULLDEBUG
34 #ifndef NDEBUG
35 #define NDEBUG
36 #endif
37 #endif
38 #include <cassert>
40 using namespace Foam::constant;
42 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Local Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
44 namespace Foam
45 {
47 // Calculate the area of the sector of a circle whose ends are at
48 // (dxa, dya) and (dxb, dyb) relative to the centre. radsqu is radius
49 // squared.
50 //
51 // (We trust that this is consistent with the other parameters..)
52 inline static scalar sector
53 (
54  scalar dxa, scalar dya,
55  scalar dxb, scalar dyb
56 )
57 {
58  scalar angle = (::atan2(dyb, dxb) - ::atan2(dya, dxa));
60  if (angle < -1.0E-10)
61  {
62  angle += mathematical::twoPi;
63  }
65  return angle;
66 }
68 } // End namespace Foam
71 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
74 (
75  double xc, double yc, double rad,
76  double x1, double x2,
77  double y1, double y2,
78  scalar* perim_p,
79  scalar* x_proj_edge_p, scalar* y_proj_edge_p,
80  scalar* x_overlap_p, scalar* y_overlap_p
81 )
82 {
83  double angle, area, del;
84  double x_int[6][2], y_int[6][2]; // Coordinates of intersections between the circle and sides of the rectangle.
85  double x_arc[6][2], y_arc[6][2]; // Coordinates of end orc (within cell) for each quadrant
86  double dx[6], dy[6];
88  double x_olap_min = GREAT;
89  double x_olap_max = -GREAT;
90  double y_olap_min = GREAT;
91  double y_olap_max = -GREAT;
92  int n_vert, n_oppv;
93  int no_intersection;
95  const double dx1 = (x1 - xc);
96  const double dx2 = (x2 - xc);
97  const double dy1 = (y1 - yc);
98  const double dy2 = (y2 - yc);
100  const double dx1squ = dx1 * dx1;
101  const double dx2squ = dx2 * dx2;
102  const double dy1squ = dy1 * dy1;
103  const double dy2squ = dy2 * dy2;
104  const double radsqu = rad * rad;
107  /* Going clockwise from (x1, y1), vertices are labelled 1,2,3,4, with 0 the same as 4
108  and 5 the same as 1 (so that we can find the vertices on either side of any of 1 to 4).*/
110  dx[1] = dx1; dy[1] = dy1;
111  dx[2] = dx1; dy[2] = dy2;
112  dx[3] = dx2; dy[3] = dy2;
113  dx[4] = dx2; dy[4] = dy1;
114  dx[0] = dx2; dy[0] = dy1;
115  dx[5] = dx1; dy[5] = dy1;
117  // The positions of the ends of the arcs, if these points are
118  // inside the cell, they will be changed, if necessary, below.
120  x_arc[2][0] = x_arc[1][1] = -rad; y_arc[2][0] = y_arc[1][1] = 0.0;
121  x_arc[3][0] = x_arc[2][1] = 0.0; y_arc[3][0] = y_arc[2][1] = rad;
122  x_arc[4][0] = x_arc[3][1] = rad; y_arc[4][0] = y_arc[3][1] = 0.0;
123  x_arc[1][0] = x_arc[4][1] = 0.0; y_arc[1][0] = y_arc[4][1] = -rad;
125  // We catch arcs that are entirely inside the rectangle
126  // Note: this is wrong for a circle completely outside, but that
127  // will be dealt with separately
129  int arc_in[6] = { /* zero-initialied */ };
130  arc_in[1] = (dx1 < -rad && dy1 < -rad) ? 1 : 0;
131  arc_in[2] = (dx1 < -rad && dy2 > rad) ? 1 : 0;
132  arc_in[3] = (dx2 > rad && dy2 > rad) ? 1 : 0;
133  arc_in[4] = (dx2 > rad && dy1 < -rad) ? 1 : 0;
135  // Work out which vertices are in the circle
137  int vert_in[6];
138  vert_in[1] = (dx1squ + dy1squ <= radsqu);
139  vert_in[2] = (dx1squ + dy2squ <= radsqu);
140  vert_in[3] = (dx2squ + dy2squ <= radsqu);
141  vert_in[4] = (dx2squ + dy1squ <= radsqu);
142  vert_in[0] = vert_in[4];
143  vert_in[5] = vert_in[1];
145  int n_in = 0;
146  if (vert_in[1]) ++n_in;
147  if (vert_in[2]) ++n_in;
148  if (vert_in[3]) ++n_in;
149  if (vert_in[4]) ++n_in;
152  /* We now calculate the points of intersection of the circle with, successively,
153  x=x1, y=y2, x=x2. y=y1.
155  Where there are two intersections with one side, need to be careful about
156  the order of the two points (i.e. clockwise round the rectangle) so that
157  later on we get the right sector (short or long way round the circumference) */
159  int n_int[6] = { /* zero-initialied */ };
160  n_int[1] = 0;
161  if ( dx1squ <= radsqu)
162  {
163  del = std::sqrt( radsqu - dx1squ);
164  if ( ( ( -del ) <= dy2 ) && ( del >= dy1 ) )
165  {
166  x_int[1][0] = x_int[1][1] = dx1;
167  if ( (-del ) > dy1 )
168  {
169  y_int[1][0] = -del;
170  n_int[1]++;
171  // This intersection will be an end of the 3rd- or 4th-quadrant arc
172  if ( dx1 > 0.0 ) { x_arc[4][1] = dx1; y_arc[4][1] = -del; arc_in[4] = 1; }
173  else { x_arc[1][1] = dx1; y_arc[1][1] = -del; arc_in[1] = 1; }
174  }
175  if ( ( del ) < dy2 )
176  {
177  y_int[1][n_int[1]] = del;
178  n_int[1]++;
179  if ( dx1 > 0.0 ) { x_arc[3][0] = dx1; y_arc[3][0] = del; arc_in[3] = 1; }
180  else { x_arc[2][0] = dx1; y_arc[2][0] = del; arc_in[2] = 1; }
181  }
182  }
183  }
185  n_int[2] = 0;
186  if ( dy2squ <= radsqu)
187  {
188  del = std::sqrt( radsqu - dy2squ);
189  if ( ( ( -del ) <= dx2 ) && ( del >= dx1 ) )
190  {
191  y_int[2][0] = y_int[2][1] = dy2;
192  if ( (-del ) > dx1 )
193  {
194  x_int[2][0] = -del;
195  n_int[2]++;
196  if ( dy2 > 0.0 ) { x_arc[2][1] = -del; y_arc[2][1] = dy2; arc_in[2] = 1; }
197  else { x_arc[1][1] = -del; y_arc[1][1] = dy2; arc_in[1] = 1; }
198  }
199  if ( ( del ) < dx2 )
200  {
201  x_int[2][n_int[2]] = del;
202  n_int[2]++;
203  if ( dy2 > 0.0 ) { x_arc[3][0] = del; y_arc[3][0] = dy2; arc_in[3] = 1; }
204  else { x_arc[4][0] = del; y_arc[4][0] = dy2; arc_in[4] = 1; }
205  }
206  }
207  }
209  n_int[3] = 0;
210  if ( dx2squ <= radsqu)
211  {
212  del = std::sqrt( radsqu - dx2squ);
213  if ( ( ( -del ) <= dy2 ) && ( del >= dy1 ) )
214  {
215  x_int[3][0] = x_int[3][1] = dx2;
216  if ( ( del ) < dy2 )
217  {
218  y_int[3][0] = del;
219  n_int[3]++;
220  if ( dx2 > 0.0 ) { x_arc[3][1] = dx2; y_arc[3][1] = del; arc_in[3] = 1; }
221  else { x_arc[2][1] = dx2; y_arc[2][1] = del; arc_in[2] = 1; }
222  }
223  if ( (-del ) > dy1 )
224  {
225  y_int[3][n_int[3]] = -del;
226  n_int[3]++;
227  if ( dx2 > 0.0 ) { x_arc[4][0] = dx2; y_arc[4][0] = -del; arc_in[4] = 1; }
228  else { x_arc[1][0] = dx2; y_arc[1][0] = -del; arc_in[1] = 1; }
229  }
230  }
231  }
233  n_int[4] = 0;
234  if ( dy1squ <= radsqu)
235  {
236  del = std::sqrt( radsqu - dy1squ);
237  if ( ( ( -del ) <= dx2 ) && ( del >= dx1 ) )
238  {
239  y_int[4][0] = y_int[4][1] = dy1;
240  if ( ( del ) < dx2 )
241  {
242  x_int[4][0] = del;
243  n_int[4]++;
244  if ( dy1 > 0.0 ) { x_arc[3][1] = del; y_arc[3][1] = dy1; arc_in[3] = 1; }
245  else { x_arc[4][1] = del; y_arc[4][1] = dy1; arc_in[4] = 1; }
246  }
247  if ( (-del ) > dx1 )
248  {
249  x_int[4][n_int[4]] = -del;
250  n_int[4]++;
251  if ( dy1 > 0.0 ) { x_arc[2][0] = -del; y_arc[2][0] = dy1; arc_in[2] = 1; }
252  else { x_arc[1][0] = -del; y_arc[1][0] = dy1; arc_in[1] = 1; }
253  }
254  }
255  }
257  n_int[0] = n_int[4];
258  n_int[5] = n_int[1];
260  y_int[0][0] = y_int[0][1] = dy1;
261  x_int[0][0] = x_int[4][0];
262  x_int[0][1] = x_int[4][1];
263  x_int[5][0] = x_int[5][1] = dx1;
264  y_int[5][0] = y_int[1][0];
265  y_int[5][1] = y_int[1][1];
267  /* There are five separate cases, depending of the number of vertices inside the circle */
268  switch ( n_in )
269  {
270  case 0:
271  {
272  /* We start with the whole area of the circle, and then subtract any bits that stick out. */
273  area = radsqu * mathematical::pi;
274  *perim_p = mathematical::twoPi * rad;
275  no_intersection = true;
276  for (n_vert = 1; n_vert < 5; n_vert++)
277  {
278  assert(n_int[n_vert] != 1);
279  if (n_int[n_vert] == 2)
280  {
281  /* The area of the bit to be subtracted is a sector minus a triangle. */
282  no_intersection = false;
283  angle = sector( x_int[n_vert][1], y_int[n_vert][1], x_int[n_vert][0], y_int[n_vert][0]);
284  area -= angle * radsqu * 0.5;
285  *perim_p -= angle * rad;
286  /* Two trinagles specified here, but one has zero area. */
287  area += ( - ( y_int[n_vert][1] - y_int[n_vert][0] ) * x_int[n_vert][0]
288  + ( x_int[n_vert][1] - x_int[n_vert][0] ) * y_int[n_vert][0] ) / 2.0;
289  }
290  }
291  /* Need to allow for when the circle is completely out side the rectanglle
292  by checking if the centre is outside the rectangle */
293  if ( no_intersection )
294  {
295  if ( (dx1>0) ||(dx2<0) || (dy1>0) || (dy2<0) )
296  {
297  *perim_p = *x_proj_edge_p = *y_proj_edge_p = 0.0;
298  area = *x_overlap_p = *y_overlap_p = 0.0;
299  return area;
300  }
301  }
303  break;
304  }
306  case 1:
307  {
308  /* Find which vertex is inside */
309  n_vert = 1;
310  while ( !vert_in[n_vert] ) { n_vert++; assert( n_vert < 5 ); }
311  assert( n_int[n_vert-1] == 1 );
312  if ( n_int[n_vert] != 1 )
313  {
314  assert( n_int[n_vert] == 1 );
315  }
316  angle = sector( x_int[n_vert-1][0], y_int[n_vert-1][0], x_int[n_vert][0], y_int[n_vert][0]);
317  area = angle * radsqu * 0.5;
318  *perim_p = angle * rad;
319  /* We subtract (or add) two triangles; the other two evaluate to zero */
320  area -= ( - ( x_int[n_vert][0] - dx[n_vert] ) * dy[n_vert]
321  + ( x_int[n_vert-1][0] - dx[n_vert] ) * dy[n_vert]
322  + ( y_int[n_vert][0] - dy[n_vert] ) * dx[n_vert]
323  - ( y_int[n_vert-1][0] - dy[n_vert] ) * dx[n_vert] ) / 2.0;
325  break;
326  }
328  case 2:
329  {
330  /* This time n_vert is the number of the side which is completely inside the circle */
331  n_vert = 1;
332  while ( !(vert_in[n_vert] && vert_in[n_vert+1]) ) { n_vert++; assert( n_vert < 5 ); }
333  assert( n_int[n_vert-1] == 1 );
334  assert( n_int[n_vert+1] == 1 );
335  angle = sector( x_int[n_vert-1][0], y_int[n_vert-1][0], x_int[n_vert+1][0], y_int[n_vert+1][0]);
336  area = angle * radsqu * 0.5;
337  *perim_p = angle * rad;
338  /* We subtract (or add) three triangles; the other three evaluate to zero */
339  area += ( ( x_int[n_vert+1][0] - dx[n_vert+1] ) * dy[n_vert+1]
340  - ( x_int[n_vert-1][0] - dx[n_vert] ) * dy[n_vert]
341  - ( y_int[n_vert+1][0] - dy[n_vert+1] ) * dx[n_vert+1]
342  + ( y_int[n_vert-1][0] - dy[n_vert] ) * dx[n_vert]
343  + ( dx[n_vert+1] -dx[n_vert] ) * dy[n_vert]
344  - ( dy[n_vert+1] -dy[n_vert] ) * dx[n_vert] ) / 2.0;
346  switch ( n_vert )
347  {
348  case 1: x_olap_min = dx1; break;
349  case 2: y_olap_max = dy2; break;
350  case 3: x_olap_max = dx2; break;
351  case 4: y_olap_min = dy1; break;
352  }
354  break;
355  }
357  case 3:
358  {
359  /* Find which vertex is NOT inside */
360  n_vert = 1;
361  while ( vert_in[n_vert] ) { n_vert++; assert( n_vert < 5 ); }
362  assert( n_int[n_vert-1] == 1 );
363  assert( n_int[n_vert] == 1 );
364  n_oppv = (n_vert + 2) % 4;
365  angle = sector( x_int[n_vert][0], y_int[n_vert][0], x_int[n_vert-1][0], y_int[n_vert-1][0]);
366  area = angle * radsqu * 0.5;
367  *perim_p = angle * rad;
368  /* We subtract (or add) four triangles; the other four evaluate to zero */
369  area += ( - ( x_int[n_vert][0] - dx[n_vert+1] ) * dy[n_vert+1]
370  + ( x_int[n_vert-1][0] - dx[n_vert-1] ) * dy[n_vert-1]
371  + ( y_int[n_vert][0] - dy[n_vert+1] ) * dx[n_vert+1]
372  - ( y_int[n_vert-1][0] - dy[n_vert-1] ) * dx[n_vert-1]
373  + ( dx[n_oppv] -dx[n_vert+1] ) * dy[n_oppv]
374  - ( dx[n_oppv] -dx[n_vert-1] ) * dy[n_oppv]
375  - ( dy[n_oppv] -dy[n_vert+1] ) * dx[n_oppv]
376  + ( dy[n_oppv] -dy[n_vert-1] ) * dx[n_oppv] ) / 2.0;
378  x_olap_min = dx1;
379  y_olap_max = dy2;
380  x_olap_max = dx2;
381  y_olap_min = dy1;
383  break;
384  }
386  case 4:
387  {
388  /* Easy! We have the whole rectangle. */
389  area = *x_overlap_p = *y_overlap_p = 1.0; // Normalised
390  *perim_p = *x_proj_edge_p = *y_proj_edge_p = 0.0;
391  return area;
393  break;
394  }
395  }
397  // The area may be very small negative by rounding errors
398  assert(area >=-1.0E-4);
399  if (area < 0.0) area = 0.0;
400  /* Return the overlap as a fraction of the rectangle's area. */
401  area /= ( (x2 - x1 ) * ( y2 - y1 ) );
403  // Sum the parts of the circumference that are inside the circle, projected onto axes
404  *x_proj_edge_p =
405  (
406  (y_arc[1][1] - y_arc[1][0]) * arc_in[1]
407  + (y_arc[2][1] - y_arc[2][0]) * arc_in[2]
408  + (y_arc[3][0] - y_arc[3][1]) * arc_in[3]
409  + (y_arc[4][0] - y_arc[4][1]) * arc_in[4]
410  );
412  *y_proj_edge_p =
413  (
414  (x_arc[1][0] - x_arc[1][1]) * arc_in[1]
415  + (x_arc[2][1] - x_arc[2][0]) * arc_in[2]
416  + (x_arc[3][1] - x_arc[3][0]) * arc_in[3]
417  + (x_arc[4][0] - x_arc[4][1]) * arc_in[4]
418  );
420  if (arc_in[1])
421  {
422  x_olap_min = min(x_olap_min, x_arc[1][1]);
423  x_olap_max = max(x_olap_max, x_arc[1][0]);
424  y_olap_min = min(y_olap_min, y_arc[1][0]);
425  y_olap_max = max(y_olap_max, y_arc[1][1]);
426  }
427  if (arc_in[2])
428  {
429  x_olap_min = min(x_olap_min, x_arc[2][0]);
430  x_olap_max = max(x_olap_max, x_arc[2][1]);
431  y_olap_min = min(y_olap_min, y_arc[2][0]);
432  y_olap_max = max(y_olap_max, y_arc[2][1]);
433  }
434  if (arc_in[3])
435  {
436  x_olap_min = min(x_olap_min, x_arc[3][0]);
437  x_olap_max = max(x_olap_max, x_arc[3][1]);
438  y_olap_min = min(y_olap_min, y_arc[3][1]);
439  y_olap_max = max(y_olap_max, y_arc[3][0]);
440  }
441  if (arc_in[4])
442  {
443  x_olap_min = min(x_olap_min, x_arc[4][1]);
444  x_olap_max = max(x_olap_max, x_arc[4][0]);
445  y_olap_min = min(y_olap_min, y_arc[4][1]);
446  y_olap_max = max(y_olap_max, y_arc[4][0]);
447  }
449  *x_overlap_p = ( x_olap_max - x_olap_min ) / ( x2 - x1 );
450  *y_overlap_p = ( y_olap_max - y_olap_min ) / ( y2 - y1 );
451  assert ( *x_overlap_p >= -floatSMALL );
452  assert ( *y_overlap_p >= -floatSMALL );
454  return area;
455 } // End intersect
458 // ************************************************************************* //
461 (
462  double xc, double yc, double rad,
463  double x1, double x2,
464  double y1, double y2,
465  scalar* count_p, scalar* drag_p, scalar* centre_p
466 )
467 {
468  double xi = 0.0, lb, lb1, lb2, del;
469  bool within = true; // Indicates that the the intersection does not overlap the ends of the line
471  /* xi is the side we need to calc. intersections with */
472  if ( xc < x1 ) { xi = x1; }
473  else if ( xc > x2 ) { xi = x2; }
475  if ( xi == 0.0 )
476  {
477  del = rad; // The relevant lowest ( or highest) point is at end of vertical radius
478  }
479  else // The relevant lowest ( or highest) point at intersection with x = xi
480  {
481  del = rad*rad - ( xi - xc ) * ( xi - xc );
482  if ( del < 0.0 ) { del = 0.0; } // No intersection
483  else { del = std::sqrt(del); }
484  }
486  if ( ( yc + del ) > y2 ) { lb2 = y2; within = false; } else { lb2 = yc + del; }
487  if ( ( yc - del ) < y1 ) { lb1 = y1; within = false; } else { lb1 = yc - del; }
489  lb = (lb2 - lb1) / (y2 - y1);
490  *centre_p = (lb2 + lb1) * 0.5;
492  if ( lb < 0.0 ) lb = 0.0;
494  /* *count_p is 0 if the circle overlaps either y-side of the rectangle,
495  1 if the circle is entirely inside the rectangle
496  reduced if it overlaps x-sides.
497  A negative value indicates total blockage*/
498  if ( within && (lb > 0.0) )
499  {
500  *count_p = 1.0;
501  if ( ( xc - rad ) < x1 ) *count_p -= 0.5;
502  if ( ( xc + rad ) > x2 ) *count_p -= 0.5;
503  }
504  else
505  {
506  *count_p = 0.0;
507  }
508  *drag_p = lb * 1.2; //*drag_p = lb * CD_ROUND;
509  if ( lb > 0.99 ) { *count_p = -1000.0; *drag_p = 1000.0; }
510  assert(lb >-100.0);
511  return lb;
512 }// End l_blockage
515 // ************************************************************************* //
518 (
519  double xc, double yc, double theta,
520  double wa, double wb,
521  double x1, double x2,
522  double y1, double y2,
523  scalar* count_p,
524  symmTensor2D& vdrag, scalar* perim_p,
525  scalar* x_lblk_p, scalar* y_lblk_p,
526  scalar* x_centre_p, scalar* y_centre_p
527 )
528 {
529  double x_int[6][2], y_int[6][2]; // Coordinates of intersections between the circle and sides of the rectangle.
530  double area, lpa, lpb, len;
532  double m = ::tan( theta );
533  double cth = ::cos( theta );
534  double sth = ::sin( theta );
536  double was = wa * sth * 0.5;
537  double wac = wa * cth * 0.5;
538  double wbs = wb * sth * 0.5;
539  double wbc = wb * cth * 0.5;
540  double waos = wa / sth * 0.5;
541  double waoc = wa / cth * 0.5;
542  double wbos = wb / sth * 0.5;
543  double wboc = wb / cth * 0.5;
545  double xb[6], yb[6], xp1, xp2, yp1, yp2;
547  double dx1 = (x1 - xc);
548  double dx2 = (x2 - xc);
549  double dy1 = (y1 - yc);
550  double dy2 = (y2 - yc);
552  *count_p = 0;
554 // The vertices of the rectangle (all coordinates relative to centre of rectangle)
555  xb[1] = -wac - wbs;
556  yb[1] = -was + wbc;
557  xb[3] = wac + wbs;
558  yb[3] = was - wbc;
559  xb[2] = wac - wbs;
560  yb[2] = was + wbc;
561  xb[4] = -wac + wbs;
562  yb[4] = -was - wbc;
564  // First parameter of x_int or y_int determines which side of the cell we intersecting with
565  // Second parameter 0 is first intersection, 1 is second, going clockwise
567  if ( xb[1] < dx1 ) // i.e. if left corner of block is to the left of x1
568  {
569  // Where one of lower sides of block intersects with x=x1
570  // Innermost max determines which intersection is the genuine one
571  // (not if whole block is to left of x1)
572  y_int[1][0] = min(max(max(dx1 * m - wboc, -dx1 / m - waos), dy1), dy2);
573  // Upper intersection
574  y_int[1][1] = min(max(min(dx1 * m + wboc, -dx1 / m + waos), dy1), dy2);
575  }
576  else
577  {
578  y_int[1][1] = dy1;
579  y_int[1][0] = dy2;
580  // We add a quarter to count for each vertex inside the cell
581  if ( (yb[1] > dy1) && (yb[1] < dy2) ) // ?? Seems inefficient ??
582  { *count_p += 0.25; }
583  }
584  if ( xb[3] > dx2 )
585  {
586  y_int[3][1] = min(max(max(dx2 * m - wboc, -dx2 / m - waos), dy1), dy2);
587  y_int[3][0] = min(max(min(dx2 * m + wboc, -dx2 / m + waos), dy1), dy2);
588  }
589  else
590  {
591  y_int[3][0] = dy1;
592  y_int[3][1] = dy2;
593  if (yb[3] > dy1 && yb[3] < dy2)
594  {
595  *count_p += 0.25;
596  }
597  }
598  if (yb[2] > dy2)
599  {
600  x_int[2][0] = min(max(max(dy2 / m - wbos, -dy2 * m - waoc), dx1), dx2);
601  x_int[2][1] = min(max(min(dy2 / m + wbos, -dy2 * m + waoc), dx1), dx2);
602  }
603  else
604  {
605  x_int[2][0] = dx2;
606  x_int[2][1] = dx1;
607  if ( (xb[2] > dx1) && (xb[2] < dx2) )
608  { *count_p += 0.25; }
609  }
610  if ( yb[4] < dy1 )
611  {
612  x_int[4][1] = min(max(max(dy1 / m - wbos, -dy1 * m - waoc ), dx1), dx2);
613  x_int[4][0] = min(max(min(dy1 / m + wbos, -dy1 * m + waoc ), dx1), dx2);
614  }
615  else
616  {
617  x_int[4][1] = dx2;
618  x_int[4][0] = dx1;
619  if ( (xb[4] > dx1) && (xb[4] < dx2) )
620  { *count_p += 0.25; }
621  }
623  y_int[0][0] = y_int[0][1] = dy1;
624  x_int[0][0] = x_int[4][0];
625  x_int[0][1] = x_int[4][1];
626  x_int[5][0] = x_int[5][1] = dx1;
627  y_int[5][0] = y_int[1][0];
628  y_int[5][1] = y_int[1][1];
631 // We can now define a smaller enclosing rectangle
633  xp1 = min(x_int[2][0], x_int[4][1]); // Leftmost of the intersections with top and bottom of cell
634  if ( yb[1] > dy1 && yb[1] < dy2 ) xp1 = min(xp1, xb[1] ); // left corner of block
635  xp1 = max(xp1, dx1); // Make sure it is not to the left of x1
637  yp2 = max(y_int[1][1], y_int[3][0] );
638  if ( xb[2] > dx1 && xb[2] < dx2 ) yp2 = max(yp2, yb[2] );
639  yp2 = min(yp2, dy2);
641  xp2 = max(x_int[2][1], x_int[4][0] );
642  if ( yb[3] > dy1 && yb[3] < dy2 ) xp2 = max(xp2, xb[3] );
643  xp2 = min(xp2, dx2);
645  yp1 = min(y_int[1][0], y_int[3][1]);
646  if ( xb[4] > dx1 && xb[4] < dx2 ) yp1 = min(yp1, yb[4] );
647  yp1 = max(yp1, dy1 );
649  // Conveniently, the dimensions of the enclosing rectangle give us the line blockages
650  *x_lblk_p = (xp2 - xp1 ) / (x2 - x1 );
651  if ( *x_lblk_p < 0.0 ) { *x_lblk_p = 0.0; *count_p = 0.0; }; // ?? Better to trap no intersection earlier??
652  *y_lblk_p = (yp2 - yp1 ) / (y2 - y1 );
653  if ( *y_lblk_p < 0.0 ) { *y_lblk_p = 0.0; *count_p = 0.0; };
655  *x_centre_p = xc + (xp2 + xp1 ) * 0.5;
656  *y_centre_p = yc + (yp2 + yp1 ) * 0.5;
658  *perim_p = lpa = lpb = 0.0;;
659  area = (xp2 - xp1 ) * ( yp2 - yp1 );
660  {
661  double dxx, dyy;
662  // Lower left
663  dyy = max(0.0, min(yb[1], y_int[1][0]) - yp1);
664  dxx = min(xb[4], x_int[0][1] ) - xp1;
666  if ( ( dxx * dyy) > 0.0 )
667  {
668  area -= dxx * dyy * 0.5;
669  len = std::hypot(dxx, dyy);
670  lpa += len * 0.5;
671  *perim_p += len;
672  }
673  // Upper left
674  dxx = max(0.0, min(xb[2], x_int[2][0]) - xp1);
675  dyy = yp2 - max(yb[1], y_int[1][1] );
676  if ( ( dxx * dyy) > 0.0 )
677  {
678  area -= dxx * dyy * 0.5;
679  len = std::hypot(dxx, dyy);
680  lpb += len * 0.5;
681  *perim_p += len;
682  }
683  // Upper right
684  dyy = max(0.0, yp2 - max(yb[3], y_int[3][0]));
685  dxx = xp2 - max(xb[2], x_int[2][1] );
686  if ( ( dxx * dyy) > 0.0 )
687  {
688  area -= dxx * dyy * 0.5;
689  len = std::hypot(dxx, dyy);
690  lpa += len * 0.5;
691  *perim_p += len;
692  }
693  // Lower right
694  dxx = max(0.0, xp2 - max(xb[4], x_int[4][0]));
695  dyy = min(yb[3], y_int[3][1] ) - yp1;
696  if ( ( dxx * dyy) > 0.0 )
697  {
698  area -= dxx * dyy * 0.5;
699  len = std::hypot(dxx, dyy);
700  lpb += len * 0.5;
701  *perim_p += len;
702  }
704  }
706  vdrag.xx() = lpa * cth * cth + lpb * sth * sth;
707  vdrag.xy() = lpa * cth * sth - lpb * sth * cth;
708  vdrag.yy() = lpa * sth * sth + lpb * cth * cth;
710  return area / ( (x2 - x1 ) * ( y2 - y1 ) );
711 } // End inters_db
714 // ************************************************************************* //
Different types of constants.
label max(const labelHashSet &set, label maxValue=labelMin)
Find the max value in labelHashSet, optionally limited by second argument.
Definition: hashSets.C:40
dimensionedScalar sqrt(const dimensionedScalar &ds)
double l_blockage(double xc, double yc, double rad, double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, scalar *count_p, scalar *drag_p, scalar *centre_p)
double inters_cy(double xc, double yc, double rad, double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, scalar *perim_p, scalar *x_proj_edge_p, scalar *y_proj_edge_p, scalar *x_overlap_p, scalar *y_overlap_p)
Area of intersection between circle and rectangle.
dimensionedScalar cos(const dimensionedScalar &ds)
constexpr scalar twoPi(2 *M_PI)
const wordList area
Standard area field types (scalar, vector, tensor, etc)
constexpr scalar pi(M_PI)
double inters_db(double xc, double yc, double theta, double wa, double wb, double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, scalar *count_p, symmTensor2D &vdrag, scalar *perim_p, scalar *x_lblk, scalar *y_lblk, scalar *x_centre_p, scalar *y_centre_p)
The area overlap in the plane of a diagonal block and a cell.
Preparation of fields for PDRFoam.
label min(const labelHashSet &set, label minValue=labelMax)
Find the min value in labelHashSet, optionally limited by second argument.
Definition: hashSets.C:26
dimensionedScalar y1(const dimensionedScalar &ds)
#define floatSMALL
Definition: PDRsetFields.H:48
dimensionedScalar sin(const dimensionedScalar &ds)
dimensionedScalar atan2(const dimensionedScalar &x, const dimensionedScalar &y)
radiation::radiationModel & rad
dimensionedScalar tan(const dimensionedScalar &ds)
dimensionedScalar hypot(const dimensionedScalar &x, const dimensionedScalar &y)
SymmTensor2D< scalar > symmTensor2D
SymmTensor2D of scalars, i.e. SymmTensor2D<scalar>.
Definition: symmTensor2D.H:62
Namespace for OpenFOAM.