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PDRutilsInternal.H File Reference
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 Utilities for PDR (eg, for setFields)
 Namespace for OpenFOAM.


void one_d_overlap (scalar xmin, scalar xmax, const PDRblock::location &grid, List< scalar > &olap, int *cmin, int *cmax, int *cfmin, int *cfmax)
 Determine 1-D overlap locations for a geometric entity. More...
void two_d_overlap (const UList< scalar > &a_olap, label amin, label amax, const UList< scalar > &b_olap, label bmin, label bmax, SquareMatrix< scalar > &ab_olap)
 Combine two 1D overlaps. More...
void circle_overlap (scalar ac, scalar bc, scalar dia, scalar theta, scalar wa, scalar wb, const PDRblock::location &agrid, label amin, label amax, const PDRblock::location &bgrid, label bmin, label bmax, SquareMatrix< scalar > &ab_olap, SquareMatrix< scalar > &ab_perim, SquareMatrix< scalar > &a_lblock, SquareMatrix< scalar > &ac_lblock, SquareMatrix< scalar > &c_count, SquareMatrix< symmTensor2D > &c_drag, SquareMatrix< scalar > &b_lblock, SquareMatrix< scalar > &bc_lblock)
 Calculate the proportion of each (two-dimensional) grid cell overlapped by the circle or angled rectangle. More...
double inters_cy (double xc, double yc, double rad, double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, scalar *perim_p, scalar *x_proj_edge_p, scalar *y_proj_edge_p, scalar *x_overlap_p, scalar *y_overlap_p)
 Area of intersection between circle and rectangle. More...
double inters_db (double xc, double yc, double theta, double wa, double wb, double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, scalar *count_p, symmTensor2D &vdrag, scalar *perim_p, scalar *x_lblk, scalar *y_lblk, scalar *x_centre_p, scalar *y_centre_p)
 The area overlap in the plane of a diagonal block and a cell. More...
double l_blockage (double xc, double yc, double rad, double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, scalar *count_p, scalar *drag_p, scalar *centre_p)

Detailed Description

Original source file PDRutilsInternal.H

Definition in file PDRutilsInternal.H.