Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2  ========= |
3  \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4  \\ / O peration |
5  \\ / A nd |
6  \\/ M anipulation |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8  Copyright (C) 2011-2017 OpenFOAM Foundation
9  Copyright (C) 2020 OpenCFD Ltd.
10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 License
12  This file is part of OpenFOAM.
14  OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
15  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
16  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
17  (at your option) any later version.
19  OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
20  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
21  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
22  for more details.
24  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
25  along with OpenFOAM. If not, see <>.
27 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
29 #include "KinematicParcel.H"
30 #include "forceSuSp.H"
31 #include "integrationScheme.H"
32 #include "meshTools.H"
33 #include "cloudSolution.H"
35 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
37 template<class ParcelType>
41 // * * * * * * * * * * * Protected Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * //
43 template<class ParcelType>
44 template<class TrackCloudType>
46 (
47  TrackCloudType& cloud,
48  trackingData& td
49 )
50 {
51  tetIndices tetIs = this->currentTetIndices();
53  td.rhoc() = td.rhoInterp().interpolate(this->coordinates(), tetIs);
55  if (td.rhoc() < cloud.constProps().rhoMin())
56  {
57  if (debug)
58  {
60  << "Limiting observed density in cell " << this->cell()
61  << " to " << cloud.constProps().rhoMin() << nl << endl;
62  }
64  td.rhoc() = cloud.constProps().rhoMin();
65  }
67  td.Uc() = td.UInterp().interpolate(this->coordinates(), tetIs);
69  td.muc() = td.muInterp().interpolate(this->coordinates(), tetIs);
70 }
73 template<class ParcelType>
74 template<class TrackCloudType>
76 (
77  TrackCloudType& cloud,
78  trackingData& td,
79  const scalar dt
80 )
81 {
82  td.Uc() = cloud.dispersion().update
83  (
84  dt,
85  this->cell(),
86  U_,
87  td.Uc(),
88  UTurb_,
89  tTurb_
90  );
91 }
94 template<class ParcelType>
95 template<class TrackCloudType>
97 (
98  TrackCloudType& cloud,
99  trackingData& td,
100  const scalar dt
101 )
102 {
103  typename TrackCloudType::parcelType& p =
104  static_cast<typename TrackCloudType::parcelType&>(*this);
106  this->UCorrect_ = Zero;
108  this->UCorrect_ =
109  cloud.dampingModel().velocityCorrection(p, dt);
111  this->UCorrect_ +=
112  cloud.packingModel().velocityCorrection(p, dt);
113 }
116 template<class ParcelType>
117 template<class TrackCloudType>
119 (
120  TrackCloudType& cloud,
121  trackingData& td,
122  const scalar dt
123 )
124 {
125  td.Uc() += cloud.UTrans()[this->cell()]/massCell(td);
126 }
129 template<class ParcelType>
130 template<class TrackCloudType>
132 (
133  TrackCloudType& cloud,
134  trackingData& td,
135  const scalar dt
136 )
137 {
138  // Define local properties at beginning of time step
139  // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
140  const scalar np0 = nParticle_;
141  const scalar mass0 = mass();
143  // Reynolds number
144  const scalar Re = this->Re(td);
147  // Sources
148  //~~~~~~~~
150  // Explicit momentum source for particle
151  vector Su = Zero;
153  // Linearised momentum source coefficient
154  scalar Spu = 0.0;
156  // Momentum transfer from the particle to the carrier phase
157  vector dUTrans = Zero;
160  // Motion
161  // ~~~~~~
163  // Calculate new particle velocity
164  this->U_ =
165  calcVelocity(cloud, td, dt, Re, td.muc(), mass0, Su, dUTrans, Spu);
167  this->U_ += this->UCorrect_;
169  // Accumulate carrier phase source terms
170  // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
171  if (cloud.solution().coupled())
172  {
173  // Update momentum transfer
174  cloud.UTrans()[this->cell()] += np0*dUTrans;
176  // Update momentum transfer coefficient
177  cloud.UCoeff()[this->cell()] += np0*Spu;
178  }
179 }
182 template<class ParcelType>
183 template<class TrackCloudType>
185 (
186  TrackCloudType& cloud,
187  trackingData& td,
188  const scalar dt,
189  const scalar Re,
190  const scalar mu,
191  const scalar mass,
192  const vector& Su,
193  vector& dUTrans,
194  scalar& Spu
195 ) const
196 {
197  const typename TrackCloudType::parcelType& p =
198  static_cast<const typename TrackCloudType::parcelType&>(*this);
199  typename TrackCloudType::parcelType::trackingData& ttd =
200  static_cast<typename TrackCloudType::parcelType::trackingData&>(td);
202  const typename TrackCloudType::forceType& forces = cloud.forces();
204  // Momentum source due to particle forces
205  const forceSuSp Fcp = forces.calcCoupled(p, ttd, dt, mass, Re, mu);
206  const forceSuSp Fncp = forces.calcNonCoupled(p, ttd, dt, mass, Re, mu);
207  const scalar massEff = forces.massEff(p, ttd, mass);
209  /*
210  // Proper splitting ...
211  // Calculate the integration coefficients
212  const vector acp = (Fcp.Sp()*td.Uc() + Fcp.Su())/massEff;
213  const vector ancp = (Fncp.Sp()*td.Uc() + Fncp.Su() + Su)/massEff;
214  const scalar bcp = Fcp.Sp()/massEff;
215  const scalar bncp = Fncp.Sp()/massEff;
217  // Integrate to find the new parcel velocity
218  const vector deltaUcp =
219  cloud.UIntegrator().partialDelta
220  (
221  U_, dt, acp + ancp, bcp + bncp, acp, bcp
222  );
223  const vector deltaUncp =
224  cloud.UIntegrator().partialDelta
225  (
226  U_, dt, acp + ancp, bcp + bncp, ancp, bncp
227  );
228  const vector deltaT = deltaUcp + deltaUncp;
229  */
231  // Shortcut splitting assuming no implicit non-coupled force ...
232  // Calculate the integration coefficients
233  const vector acp = (Fcp.Sp()*td.Uc() + Fcp.Su())/massEff;
234  const vector ancp = (Fncp.Su() + Su)/massEff;
235  const scalar bcp = Fcp.Sp()/massEff;
237  // Integrate to find the new parcel velocity
238  const vector deltaU = cloud.UIntegrator().delta(U_, dt, acp + ancp, bcp);
239  const vector deltaUncp = ancp*dt;
240  const vector deltaUcp = deltaU - deltaUncp;
242  // Calculate the new velocity and the momentum transfer terms
243  vector Unew = U_ + deltaU;
245  dUTrans -= massEff*deltaUcp;
247  Spu = dt*Fcp.Sp();
249  // Apply correction to velocity and dUTrans for reduced-D cases
250  const polyMesh& mesh = cloud.pMesh();
251  meshTools::constrainDirection(mesh, mesh.solutionD(), Unew);
252  meshTools::constrainDirection(mesh, mesh.solutionD(), dUTrans);
254  return Unew;
255 }
258 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
260 template<class ParcelType>
262 (
263  const KinematicParcel<ParcelType>& p
264 )
265 :
266  ParcelType(p),
267  active_(p.active_),
268  typeId_(p.typeId_),
269  nParticle_(p.nParticle_),
270  d_(p.d_),
271  dTarget_(p.dTarget_),
272  U_(p.U_),
273  rho_(p.rho_),
274  age_(p.age_),
275  tTurb_(p.tTurb_),
276  UTurb_(p.UTurb_),
277  UCorrect_(p.UCorrect_)
278 {}
281 template<class ParcelType>
283 (
284  const KinematicParcel<ParcelType>& p,
285  const polyMesh& mesh
286 )
287 :
288  ParcelType(p, mesh),
289  active_(p.active_),
290  typeId_(p.typeId_),
291  nParticle_(p.nParticle_),
292  d_(p.d_),
293  dTarget_(p.dTarget_),
294  U_(p.U_),
295  rho_(p.rho_),
296  age_(p.age_),
297  tTurb_(p.tTurb_),
298  UTurb_(p.UTurb_),
299  UCorrect_(p.UCorrect_)
300 {}
303 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
305 template<class ParcelType>
306 template<class TrackCloudType>
308 (
309  TrackCloudType& cloud,
310  trackingData& td,
311  const scalar trackTime
312 )
313 {
314  typename TrackCloudType::parcelType& p =
315  static_cast<typename TrackCloudType::parcelType&>(*this);
316  typename TrackCloudType::parcelType::trackingData& ttd =
317  static_cast<typename TrackCloudType::parcelType::trackingData&>(td);
319  ttd.switchProcessor = false;
320  ttd.keepParticle = true;
322  const cloudSolution& solution = cloud.solution();
323  const scalarField& cellLengthScale = cloud.cellLengthScale();
324  const scalar maxCo = solution.maxCo();
326  while (ttd.keepParticle && !ttd.switchProcessor && p.stepFraction() < 1)
327  {
328  // Cache the current position, cell and step-fraction
329  const point start = p.position();
330  const scalar sfrac = p.stepFraction();
332  // Total displacement over the time-step
333  const vector s = trackTime*U_;
335  // Cell length scale
336  const scalar l = cellLengthScale[p.cell()];
338  // Deviation from the mesh centre for reduced-D cases
339  const vector d = p.deviationFromMeshCentre();
341  // Fraction of the displacement to track in this loop. This is limited
342  // to ensure that the both the time and distance tracked is less than
343  // maxCo times the total value.
344  scalar f = 1 - p.stepFraction();
345  f = min(f, maxCo);
346  f = min(f, maxCo*l/max(SMALL*l, mag(s)));
347  if (
348  {
349  // Track to the next face
350  p.trackToFace(f*s - d, f);
351  }
352  else
353  {
354  // At present the only thing that sets active_ to false is a stick
355  // wall interaction. We want the position of the particle to remain
356  // the same relative to the face that it is on. The local
357  // coordinates therefore do not change. We still advance in time and
358  // perform the relevant interactions with the fixed particle.
359  p.stepFraction() += f;
360  }
362  const scalar dt = (p.stepFraction() - sfrac)*trackTime;
364  // Avoid problems with extremely small timesteps
365  if (dt > ROOTVSMALL)
366  {
367  // Update cell based properties
368  p.setCellValues(cloud, ttd);
370  p.calcDispersion(cloud, ttd, dt);
372  if (solution.cellValueSourceCorrection())
373  {
374  p.cellValueSourceCorrection(cloud, ttd, dt);
375  }
377  p.calcUCorrection(cloud, ttd, dt);
379  p.calc(cloud, ttd, dt);
380  }
382  p.age() += dt;
384  if ( && p.onFace())
385  {
386  cloud.functions().postFace(p, ttd.keepParticle);
387  }
388  cloud.functions().postMove(p, dt, start, ttd.keepParticle);
390  if ( && p.onFace() && ttd.keepParticle)
391  {
392  p.hitFace(s, cloud, ttd);
393  }
394  }
396  return ttd.keepParticle;
397 }
400 template<class ParcelType>
401 template<class TrackCloudType>
403 (
404  TrackCloudType& cloud,
405  trackingData& td
406 )
407 {
408  typename TrackCloudType::parcelType& p =
409  static_cast<typename TrackCloudType::parcelType&>(*this);
411  const polyPatch& pp = p.mesh().boundaryMesh()[p.patch()];
413  // Invoke post-processing model
414  cloud.functions().postPatch(p, pp, td.keepParticle);
416  if (isA<processorPolyPatch>(pp))
417  {
418  // Skip processor patches
419  return false;
420  }
421  else if (cloud.surfaceFilm().transferParcel(p, pp, td.keepParticle))
422  {
423  // Surface film model consumes the interaction, i.e. all
424  // interactions done
425  return true;
426  }
427  else
428  {
429  // This does not take into account the wall interaction model
430  // Just the polyPatch type. Then, a patch type which has 'rebound'
431  // interaction model will count as escaped parcel while it is not
432  if (!isA<wallPolyPatch>(pp) && !polyPatch::constraintType(pp.type()))
433  {
434  cloud.patchInteraction().addToEscapedParcels(nParticle_*mass());
435  }
437  // Invoke patch interaction model
438  return cloud.patchInteraction().correct(p, pp, td.keepParticle);
439  }
440 }
443 template<class ParcelType>
444 template<class TrackCloudType>
446 (
447  TrackCloudType&,
448  trackingData& td
449 )
450 {
451  td.switchProcessor = true;
452 }
455 template<class ParcelType>
456 template<class TrackCloudType>
458 (
459  TrackCloudType&,
460  trackingData&
461 )
462 {
463  // wall interactions are handled by the generic hitPatch method
464 }
467 template<class ParcelType>
469 {
470  ParcelType::transformProperties(T);
472  U_ = transform(T, U_);
473 }
476 template<class ParcelType>
478 (
479  const vector& separation
480 )
481 {
482  ParcelType::transformProperties(separation);
483 }
486 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * IOStream operators * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
488 #include "KinematicParcelIO.C"
490 // ************************************************************************* //
zeroField Su
Definition: alphaSuSp.H:1
dimensioned< typename typeOfMag< Type >::type > mag(const dimensioned< Type > &dt)
Kinematic parcel class with rotational motion (as spherical particles only) and one/two-way coupling ...
label max(const labelHashSet &set, label maxValue=labelMin)
Find the max value in labelHashSet, optionally limited by second argument.
Definition: hashSets.C:40
constexpr char nl
The newline &#39;\n&#39; character (0x0a)
Definition: Ostream.H:49
Ostream & endl(Ostream &os)
Add newline and flush stream.
Definition: Ostream.H:487
const interpolation< vector > & UInterp() const
Return const access to the interpolator for continuous phase velocity field.
void setCellValues(TrackCloudType &cloud, trackingData &td)
Set cell values.
KinematicParcel(const polyMesh &mesh, const barycentric &coordinates, const label celli, const label tetFacei, const label tetPti)
Construct from mesh, coordinates and topology.
virtual Type interpolate(const vector &position, const label celli, const label facei=-1) const =0
Interpolate field to the given point in the given cell.
void cellValueSourceCorrection(TrackCloudType &cloud, trackingData &td, const scalar dt)
Correct cell values using latest transfer information.
dynamicFvMesh & mesh
virtual void transformProperties(const tensor &T)
Transform the physical properties of the particle.
A cloud is a registry collection of lagrangian particles.
Definition: cloud.H:53
scalarField Re(const UList< complex > &cf)
Extract real component.
Definition: complexField.C:152
void calc(TrackCloudType &cloud, trackingData &td, const scalar dt)
Update parcel properties over the time interval.
Storage and named access for the indices of a tet which is part of the decomposition of a cell...
Definition: tetIndices.H:78
Vector< scalar > vector
Definition: vector.H:57
label min(const labelHashSet &set, label minValue=labelMax)
Find the min value in labelHashSet, optionally limited by second argument.
Definition: hashSets.C:26
const vector calcVelocity(TrackCloudType &cloud, trackingData &td, const scalar dt, const scalar Re, const scalar mu, const scalar mass, const vector &Su, vector &dUTrans, scalar &Spu) const
Calculate new particle velocity.
const Mesh & mesh() const noexcept
Return mesh.
A Vector of values with scalar precision, where scalar is float/double depending on the compilation f...
scalar maxCo
int debug
Static debugging option.
scalar rhoc() const
Return the continuous phase density.
scalar muc() const
Return the continuous phase viscosity.
labelList f(nPoints)
void T(FieldField< Field, Type > &f1, const FieldField< Field, Type > &f2)
const dimensionedScalar mu
Atomic mass unit.
Stores all relevant solution info for cloud.
Definition: cloudSolution.H:49
PtrList< coordinateSystem > coordinates(solidRegions.size())
static bool constraintType(const word &patchType)
Return true if the given type is a constraint type.
Definition: polyPatch.C:270
#define WarningInFunction
Report a warning using Foam::Warning.
A cell is defined as a list of faces with extra functionality.
Definition: cell.H:53
const interpolation< scalar > & rhoInterp() const
Return const access to the interpolator for continuous phase density field.
const interpolation< scalar > & muInterp() const
Return const access to the interpolator for continuous phase dynamic viscosity field.
Selector class for relaxation factors, solver type and solution.
Definition: solution.H:59
bool move(TrackCloudType &cloud, trackingData &td, const scalar trackTime)
Move the parcel.
void constrainDirection(const polyMesh &mesh, const Vector< label > &dirs, vector &d)
Set the constrained components of directions/velocity to zero.
Definition: meshTools.C:680
volScalarField & p
A patch is a list of labels that address the faces in the global face list.
Definition: polyPatch.H:69
gmvFile<< "tracers "<< particles.size()<< nl;for(const passiveParticle &p :particles){ gmvFile<< p.position().x()<< " ";}gmvFile<< nl;for(const passiveParticle &p :particles){ gmvFile<< p.position().y()<< " ";}gmvFile<< nl;for(const passiveParticle &p :particles){ gmvFile<< p.position().z()<< " ";}gmvFile<< nl;forAll(lagrangianScalarNames, i){ word name=lagrangianScalarNames[i];IOField< scalar > s(IOobject(name, runTime.timeName(), cloud::prefix, mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE))
dimensionSet transform(const dimensionSet &ds)
Return the argument; transformations do not change the dimensions.
Definition: dimensionSet.C:529
Tensor of scalars, i.e. Tensor<scalar>.
void hitProcessorPatch(TrackCloudType &cloud, trackingData &td)
Overridable function to handle the particle hitting a.
bool hitPatch(TrackCloudType &cloud, trackingData &td)
Overridable function to handle the particle hitting a patch.
const vector & Uc() const
Return the continuous phase velocity.
void calcUCorrection(TrackCloudType &cloud, trackingData &td, const scalar dt)
Correct U following MP-PIC sub-models.
void calcDispersion(TrackCloudType &cloud, trackingData &td, const scalar dt)
Apply dispersion to the carrier phase velocity and update.
void hitWallPatch(TrackCloudType &cloud, trackingData &td)
Overridable function to handle the particle hitting a wallPatch.
static constexpr const zero Zero
Global zero (0)
Definition: zero.H:157