Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2  ========= |
3  \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4  \\ / O peration |
5  \\ / A nd | www.openfoam.com
6  \\/ M anipulation |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8  Copyright (C) 2020 OpenCFD Ltd.
9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 License
11  This file is part of OpenFOAM.
13  OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
14  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
15  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
16  (at your option) any later version.
18  OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
19  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
20  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
21  for more details.
23  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24  along with OpenFOAM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
26 Class
27  Foam::fileFormats::ABAQUSCore
29 Description
30  Core routines used when reading/writing ABAQUS files.
32  Face mappings for abaqus deduced from libmesh internals
34  Tet4 cells
35  \table
36  Face | OpenFOAM | libmesh | abaqus | starcd
37  (1 2 3) | 0 | 2 | 2 | 5
38  (0 3 2) | 1 | 3 | 3 | 4
39  (0 1 3) | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2
40  (0 2 1) | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0
41  \endtable
43  Pyr5 cells
44  \table
45  Face | OpenFOAM | libmesh | abaqus | starcd
46  (0 3 2 1) | 0 | 4 | n/a | 0
47  (0 4 3) | 1 | 3 | n/a | 4
48  (3 4 2) | 2 | 2 | n/a | 3
49  (1 2 4) | 3 | 1 | n/a | 5
50  (0 1 4) | 4 | 0 | n/a | 2
51  \endtable
53  Prism6 cells
54  \table
55  Face | OpenFOAM | libmesh | abaqus | starcd
56  (0 2 1) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0
57  (3 4 5) | 1 | 4 | 1 | 1
58  (0 3 5 2) | 2 | 3 | 4 | 4
59  (1 2 5 4) | 3 | 2 | 3 | 5
60  (0 1 4 3) | 4 | 1 | 2 | 2
61  \endtable
63  Hex8 cells
64  \table
65  Face | OpenFOAM | libmesh | abaqus | starcd
66  (0 4 7 3) | 0 | 4 | 5 | 4
67  (1 2 6 5) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5
68  (0 1 5 4) | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2
69  (3 7 6 2) | 3 | 3 | 4 | 3
70  (0 3 2 1) | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0
71  (4 5 6 7) | 5 | 5 | 1 | 1
72  \endtable
74 SourceFiles
75  ABAQUSCore.C
77 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
79 #ifndef Foam_ABAQUSCore_H
80 #define Foam_ABAQUSCore_H
82 #include "Fstream.H"
83 #include "Enum.H"
84 #include "Map.H"
85 #include "face.H"
86 #include "point.H"
87 #include "DynamicList.H"
89 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
91 namespace Foam
92 {
93 namespace fileFormats
94 {
96 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
97  Class fileFormats::ABAQUSCore Declaration
98 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
100 class ABAQUSCore
101 {
102 public:
104  // Public Data, Declarations
106  //- Shape-Type - the values are for internal use only!
107  enum shapeType : uint8_t
108  {
109  abaqusUnknownShape = 0,
110  abaqusTria = 0x03,
111  abaqusQuad = 0x04,
112  abaqusTet = 0x84,
113  abaqusPyr = 0x85,
114  abaqusPrism = 0x86,
115  abaqusHex = 0x88
116  };
119  // Public Functions
121  //- Classify named element type (eg, S4R) to known/supported
122  //- element types.
123  // The input string must be Uppercase!
124  static shapeType getElementType(const string& elemTypeName);
126  //- The number of points associated with the element type
127  inline static int nPoints(shapeType tag)
128  {
129  return (tag & 0x3F);
130  }
132  //- True if element type is not unknown/invalid
133  inline static bool isValidType(shapeType tag)
134  {
135  return tag;
136  }
138  //- True if element type is a 2D shell
139  inline static bool isShellType(shapeType tag)
140  {
141  return (tag & 0x07) && !(tag & 0x80);
142  }
144  //- True if element type is a 3D element
145  inline static bool isSolidType(shapeType tag)
146  {
147  return (tag & 0x80);
148  }
150  //- Is a combined (synthetic) face Id?
151  inline static bool isEncodedSolidId(const label combinedId)
152  {
153  return (combinedId < 0);
154  }
156  //- Combine solid element Id and side Id into synthetic face Id
157  inline static label encodeSolidId(const label id, const label side)
158  {
159  return -(10 * id + side);
160  }
162  //- Entangle solid element id from synthetic face Id
163  inline static label decodeSolidElementId(const label combinedId)
164  {
165  return
166  (
167  isEncodedSolidId(combinedId)
168  ? (-combinedId / 10)
169  : combinedId
170  );
171  }
173  //- Entangle solid side id from synthetic face Id
174  //- Synthesize faceId from solid element Id and sideId
175  inline static label decodeSolidSideNum(const label combinedId)
176  {
177  return
178  (
179  isEncodedSolidId(combinedId)
180  ? (-combinedId % 10)
181  : 0
182  );
183  }
186 protected:
188  // Protected Member Functions
190  //- From 1-based to 0-based
191  inline static void renumber0_elemId(label& elemId)
192  {
193  if (isEncodedSolidId(elemId))
194  {
195  // Eg,
196  // 1-based (solid 4, side 2) is -42
197  // 0-based (solid 3, side 2) is -32
198  elemId += 10;
199  }
200  else
201  {
202  --elemId;
203  }
204  }
206  //- Face addressing from ABAQUS faces to OpenFOAM faces.
207  // For hex, prism, tet primitive shapes.
208  static const Map<labelList>& abaqusToFoamFaceAddr();
211  // Protected Classes
213  //- Raw reader structure
214  struct readHelper
215  {
216  // General
218  //- Additional verbosity
219  bool verbose_;
222  // Point Handling
224  //- Locations of the points (nodes)
225  DynamicList<point> points_;
227  //- The 1-based abaqus Id for the point (node)
228  DynamicList<label> nodeIds_;
231  // Element Handling
233  //- The element connectivity.
234  // Initially uses the abaqus node Id (1-based)
235  // but remapped to 0-based compact form later.
236  DynamicList<labelList> connectivity_;
238  //- The 1-based abaqus Id for the element
241  //- The element types
244  //- The element set ids
247  //- Mapping of elem set names
251  // Constructos
253  //- Default construct without verbosity
254  explicit readHelper(bool verbosity = false)
255  :
256  verbose_(verbosity)
257  {}
260  // Member Functions
262  //- Clear out contents.
263  void clear()
264  {
265  points_.clear();
266  nodeIds_.clear();
268  connectivity_.clear();
269  elemTypes_.clear();
271  elemIds_.clear();
272  elsetIds_.clear();
273  elsetMap_.clear();
274  }
276  //- Add a new element set name or return an existing one.
277  // Case-insensitive.
278  label addNewElset(const std::string& setName);
281  //- Read an abaqus input file
282  void read(ISstream& is);
284  //- Read entries within a "*Nodes" section.
285  // Appends to points and nodeIds lists.
286  //
287  // \return the number of points read
288  label readPoints(ISstream& is);
290  //- Read entries within an "*Element" section.
291  // If the shape is known/supported, appends to
292  // connectivity, elemType, elemIds lists.
293  //
294  // \return the number of elements read
295  label readElements
296  (
297  ISstream& is,
298  const ABAQUSCore::shapeType shape,
299  const label setId = 0
300  );
302  //- Read elements within an "*Surface" section.
303  // If the shape is known/supported, appends to
304  // connectivity, elemType, elemIds lists.
305  //
306  // \return the number of elements read
307  label readSurfaceElements
308  (
309  ISstream& is,
310  const label setId = 0
311  );
314  //- Remove non-shell elements and compact the points
315  void purge_solids();
317  //- Compact unused points and relabel connectivity
318  void compact_nodes();
320  //- Renumber elements from 1-based to 0-based
322  };
325  // Constructors
327  //- Default construct
328  ABAQUSCore() = default;
331 public:
333  // Public Member Functions
335  //- Write '*NODE' header and entries to file, optionally with scaling
336  // This is a no-op for an empty list
337  static void writePoints
338  (
339  Ostream& os,
340  const UList<point>& points,
341  const scalar scaleFactor = 1.0
342  );
344  //- Calculate face decomposition for non tri/quad faces
345  //
346  // \param points the surface points
347  // \param faces the surface faces
348  // \param decompOffsets begin/end offsets (size+1) into decompFaces
349  // \param decompFaces List of non-tri/quad decomposed into triangles
350  //
351  // \return number of decomposed faces
352  static label faceDecomposition
353  (
354  const UList<point>& points,
355  const UList<face>& faces,
356  labelList& decompOffsets,
357  DynamicList<face>& decompFaces
358  );
359 };
362 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
364 } // End namespace fileFormats
365 } // End namespace Foam
367 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
369 #endif
371 // ************************************************************************* //
DynamicList< labelList > connectivity_
The element connectivity.
Definition: ABAQUSCore.H:412
static label decodeSolidSideNum(const label combinedId)
Entangle solid side id from synthetic face Id Synthesize faceId from solid element Id and sideId...
Definition: ABAQUSCore.H:335
Shape-Type - the values are for internal use only!
Definition: ABAQUSCore.H:248
readHelper(bool verbosity=false)
Default construct without verbosity.
Definition: ABAQUSCore.H:440
void read(ISstream &is)
Read an abaqus input file.
Definition: ABAQUSCore.C:525
void compact_nodes()
Compact unused points and relabel connectivity.
Definition: ABAQUSCore.C:678
DynamicList< label > nodeIds_
The 1-based abaqus Id for the point (node)
Definition: ABAQUSCore.H:401
void renumber_elements_1to0()
Renumber elements from 1-based to 0-based.
Definition: ABAQUSCore.C:772
Default construct.
DynamicList< ABAQUSCore::shapeType > elemTypes_
The element types.
Definition: ABAQUSCore.H:422
static label decodeSolidElementId(const label combinedId)
Entangle solid element id from synthetic face Id.
Definition: ABAQUSCore.H:321
static bool isEncodedSolidId(const label combinedId)
Is a combined (synthetic) face Id?
Definition: ABAQUSCore.H:305
static void writePoints(Ostream &os, const UList< point > &points, const scalar scaleFactor=1.0)
Write &#39;*NODE&#39; header and entries to file, optionally with scaling.
Definition: ABAQUSCore.C:782
static label encodeSolidId(const label id, const label side)
Combine solid element Id and side Id into synthetic face Id.
Definition: ABAQUSCore.H:313
const pointField & points
DynamicList< label > elsetIds_
The element set ids.
Definition: ABAQUSCore.H:427
static shapeType getElementType(const string &elemTypeName)
Classify named element type (eg, S4R) to known/supported element types.
Definition: ABAQUSCore.C:198
label readElements(ISstream &is, const ABAQUSCore::shapeType shape, const label setId=0)
Read entries within an "*Element" section.
Definition: ABAQUSCore.C:347
label readSurfaceElements(ISstream &is, const label setId=0)
Read elements within an "*Surface" section.
Definition: ABAQUSCore.C:402
static int nPoints(shapeType tag)
The number of points associated with the element type.
Definition: ABAQUSCore.H:273
DynamicList< point > points_
Locations of the points (nodes)
Definition: ABAQUSCore.H:396
A HashTable similar to std::unordered_map.
Definition: HashTable.H:102
A 1D vector of objects of type <T>, where the size of the vector is known and can be used for subscri...
Definition: HashTable.H:99
static label faceDecomposition(const UList< point > &points, const UList< face > &faces, labelList &decompOffsets, DynamicList< face > &decompFaces)
Calculate face decomposition for non tri/quad faces.
Definition: ABAQUSCore.C:817
An Ostream is an abstract base class for all output systems (streams, files, token lists...
Definition: Ostream.H:55
OBJstream os(runTime.globalPath()/outputName)
void clear() noexcept
Clear the addressed list, i.e. set the size to zero.
Definition: DynamicListI.H:384
static const Map< labelList > & abaqusToFoamFaceAddr()
Face addressing from ABAQUS faces to OpenFOAM faces.
Definition: ABAQUSCore.C:184
void clear()
Clear out contents.
Definition: ABAQUSCore.H:451
HashTable< label, string > elsetMap_
Mapping of elem set names.
Definition: ABAQUSCore.H:432
static void renumber0_elemId(label &elemId)
From 1-based to 0-based.
Definition: ABAQUSCore.H:353
static bool isSolidType(shapeType tag)
True if element type is a 3D element.
Definition: ABAQUSCore.H:297
Generic input stream using a standard (STL) stream.
Definition: ISstream.H:51
bool verbose_
Additional verbosity.
Definition: ABAQUSCore.H:388
label readPoints(ISstream &is)
Read entries within a "*Nodes" section.
Definition: ABAQUSCore.C:310
static bool isValidType(shapeType tag)
True if element type is not unknown/invalid.
Definition: ABAQUSCore.H:281
void purge_solids()
Remove non-shell elements and compact the points.
Definition: ABAQUSCore.C:652
label addNewElset(const std::string &setName)
Add a new element set name or return an existing one.
Definition: ABAQUSCore.C:262
static bool isShellType(shapeType tag)
True if element type is a 2D shell.
Definition: ABAQUSCore.H:289
DynamicList< label > elemIds_
The 1-based abaqus Id for the element.
Definition: ABAQUSCore.H:417
Namespace for OpenFOAM.