Radiation models
Collaboration diagram for Radiation models:




class  fvDOM
 Finite Volume Discrete Ordinates Method. Solves the RTE equation for n directions in a participating media, not including scatter and reflective walls. More...
class  noRadiation
 No radiation - does nothing to energy equation source terms (returns zeros) More...
class  opaqueSolid
 Radiation for solid opaque solids - does nothing to energy equation source terms (returns zeros) but creates absorptionEmissionModel and scatterModel. More...
class  P1
 Works well for combustion applications where optical thickness, tau is large, i.e. tau = a*L > 3 (L = distance between objects) More...
class  solarLoad
 The solarLoad radiation model includes Sun primary hits, their reflective fluxes and diffusive sky radiative fluxes. More...
class  solarLoadBase
 Base class for solarLoad models. More...
class  viewFactor
 View factor radiation model. The system solved is: C q = b where: Cij = deltaij/Ej - (1/Ej - 1)Fij q = heat flux b = A eb - Ho and: eb = sigma*T^4 Ej = emissivity Aij = deltaij - Fij Fij = view factor matrix. More...
class  laserDTRM
 Discrete Tray Radiation Method for collimated radiation flux. At the moment the particles are injected on a 2D disk in polar coordinates providing starting and finish locations. More...

Detailed Description

This group contains radiation models