Collaboration diagram for Function objects:


class  CloudFunctionObject< CloudType >
 Templated cloud function object base class. More...
class  FaceInteraction< CloudType >
 Face zone-based particle interactions. More...
class  FacePostProcessing< CloudType >
 Records particle face quantities on used-specified face zone. More...
class  FreezeParticles< CloudType >
 Sets particle active flag to false to freeze particles in space. More...
class  HeatTransferCoeff< CloudType >
 Calculates and writes particle heat transfer coefficient field on the cloud. More...
class  KinematicReynoldsNumber< CloudType >
 Calculates and writes particle Reynolds number field on the cloud. The normalisation factors are calculated without thermal effects. More...
class  KinematicWeberNumber< CloudType >
 Calculates and writes particle Weber number field on the cloud. More...
class  NusseltNumber< CloudType >
 Calculates and writes particle Nusselt number field on the cloud. More...
class  ParticleCollector< CloudType >
 Function object to collect the parcel mass- and mass flow rate over a set of polygons. The polygons can either be specified by sets of user- supplied points, or in a concentric circles arrangement. If a parcel is 'collected', it can be flagged to be removed from the domain using the removeCollected entry. More...
class  ParticleDose< CloudType >
 Calculate the doses absorbed by a particle as the time integral of the particle track along the radiation field G [w/m2]. More...
class  ParticleErosion< CloudType >
 Creates particle erosion field, Q. More...
class  ParticleTracks< CloudType >
 Records particle state (all variables) on each call to postFace. More...
class  ParticleTrap< CloudType >
 Traps particles within a given phase fraction for multi-phase cases. More...
class  ParticleZoneInfo< CloudType >
 Reports cloud information for particles passing through a specified cell zone. More...
class  PatchInteractionFields< CloudType >
 Creates volume fields whose boundaries are used to store patch interaction statistics. More...
class  ReactingWeberNumber< CloudType >
 Creates particle Weber number field on the cloud. More...
class  RemoveParcels< CloudType >
 Removes parcels that hit user-specified face zone faces. More...
class  ThermoReynoldsNumber< CloudType >
 Calculates and writes particle Reynolds number field on the cloud. The normalisation factors are calculated with thermal effects. More...
class  VoidFraction< CloudType >
 Creates particle void fraction field on carrier phase. More...

Detailed Description

Function objects

This group contains Lagrangian function objects