Collaboration diagram for Generic:


class  freeSurfacePressureFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides static pressure condition for p_rgh, calculated as: More...
class  extrapolatedCalculatedFaPatchField< Type >
 This boundary condition applies a zero-gradient condition from the patch internal field onto the patch faces when evaluated but may also be assigned. snGrad returns the patch gradient evaluated from the current internal and patch field values rather than returning zero. More...
class  slicedFaPatchField< Type >
 Specialization of faPatchField which creates the underlying faPatchField as a slice of the given complete field. More...
class  uniformFixedGradientFaPatchField< Type >
 This boundary condition provides a uniform fixed gradient condition. More...
class  uniformFixedValueFaPatchField< Type >
 This boundary condition provides a uniform fixed value condition. More...
class  uniformMixedFaPatchField< Type >
 This boundary condition provides 'mixed' type boundary condition that mix a uniform fixed value and a uniform patch-normal gradient condition. The term "uniform" is a legacy name since the prescribed values were previously spatially uniform across that patch. More...
class  calculatedFvPatchField< Type >
 This boundary condition is not designed to be evaluated; it is assumed that the value is assigned via field assignment, and not via a call to e.g. updateCoeffs or evaluate. More...
class  directionMixedFvPatchField< Type >
 Base class for direction-mixed boundary conditions. More...
class  extrapolatedCalculatedFvPatchField< Type >
 This boundary condition applies a zero-gradient condition from the patch internal field onto the patch faces when evaluated but may also be assigned. snGrad returns the patch gradient evaluated from the current internal and patch field values rather than returning zero. More...
class  fixedGradientFvPatchField< Type >
 This boundary condition supplies a fixed gradient condition, such that the patch values are calculated using: More...
class  fixedValueFvPatchField< Type >
 This boundary condition supplies a fixed value constraint, and is the base class for a number of other boundary conditions. More...
class  mixedFvPatchField< Type >
 This boundary condition provides a base class for 'mixed' type boundary conditions, i.e. conditions that mix fixed value and patch-normal gradient conditions. More...
class  slicedFvPatchField< Type >
 Specialization of fvPatchField which creates the underlying fvPatchField as a slice of the given complete field. More...
class  transformFvPatchField< Type >
 Intermediate layer (not used directly as a user boundary condition). The "value" entry is NO_READ, NO_WRITE. More...
class  zeroGradientFvPatchField< Type >
 This boundary condition applies a zero-gradient condition from the patch internal field onto the patch faces. More...
class  calculatedProcessorFvPatchField< Type >
 A processorFvPatchField type bypassing fvPatch. More...
class  codedFixedValueFvPatchField< Type >
 Constructs on-the-fly a new boundary condition (derived from fixedValueFvPatchField) which is then used to evaluate. More...
class  codedMixedFvPatchField< Type >
 Constructs on-the-fly a new boundary condition (derived from mixedFvPatchField) which is then used to evaluate. More...
class  electrostaticDepositionFvPatchScalarField
 The electrostaticDeposition is a boundary condition to calculate electric potential (V) on a given boundary based on film thickness (h) and film resistance (R) fields which are updated based on a given patch-normal current density field (jn), Coulombic efficiency and film resistivity. More...
class  fixedInternalValueFvPatchField< Type >
 This boundary condition provides a mechanism to set boundary (cell) values directly into a matrix, i.e. to set a constraint condition. Default behaviour is to act as a zero gradient condition. More...
class  fixedNormalSlipFvPatchField< Type >
 This boundary condition sets the patch-normal component to the field (vector or tensor) to the patch-normal component of a user specified field. The tangential component is treated as slip, i.e. copied from the internal field. More...
class  fixedProfileFvPatchField< Type >
 This boundary condition provides a fixed value profile condition. More...
class  interfaceCompressionFvPatchScalarField
 Applies interface-compression to the phase-fraction distribution at the patch by setting the phase-fraction to 0 if it is below 0.5, otherwise to 1. More...
class  mappedFieldFvPatchField< Type >
 This boundary condition provides a self-contained version of the mapped condition. It does not use information on the patch; instead it holds the data locally. More...
class  mappedMixedFieldFvPatchField< Type >
 This boundary condition provides a self-contained version of e.g. mapped boundary conditions. More...
class  mappedFixedInternalValueFvPatchField< Type >
 This boundary condition maps the boundary and internal values of a neighbour patch field to the boundary and internal values of *this. More...
class  mappedFixedPushedInternalValueFvPatchField< Type >
 This boundary condition maps the boundary values of a neighbour patch field to the boundary and internal cell values of *this. More...
class  mappedFixedValueFvPatchField< Type >
 This boundary condition maps the value at a set of cells or patch faces back to *this. More...
class  mappedMixedFvPatchField< Type >
 This boundary condition maps the value at a set of cells or patch faces back to *this. More...
class  partialSlipFvPatchField< Type >
 This boundary condition provides a partial slip condition. The amount of slip is controlled by a user-supplied field. More...
class  phaseHydrostaticPressureFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a phase-based hydrostatic pressure condition, calculated as: More...
class  prghPressureFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides static pressure condition for p_rgh, calculated as: More...
class  prghTotalHydrostaticPressureFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides static pressure condition for p_rgh, calculated as: More...
class  prghTotalPressureFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides static pressure condition for p_rgh, calculated as: More...
class  rotatingWallVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 This boundary condition provides a rotational velocity condition. More...
class  scaledFixedValueFvPatchField< Type >
 This condition applies a scalar multiplier to the value of another boundary condition. More...
class  slipFvPatchField< Type >
 This boundary condition provides a slip constraint. More...
class  surfaceNormalFixedValueFvPatchVectorField
 This boundary condition provides a surface-normal vector boundary condition by its magnitude. More...
class  translatingWallVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 This boundary condition provides a velocity condition for translational motion on walls. More...
class  uniformDensityHydrostaticPressureFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a hydrostatic pressure condition, calculated as: More...
class  uniformFixedGradientFvPatchField< Type >
 This boundary condition provides a uniform fixed gradient condition. More...
class  uniformFixedValueFvPatchField< Type >
 This boundary condition provides a uniform fixed value condition. More...
class  uniformMixedFvPatchField< Type >
 This boundary condition provides 'mixed' type boundary condition that mix a uniform fixed value and a uniform patch-normal gradient condition. The term "uniform" is a legacy name since the prescribed values were previously spatially uniform across that patch. More...
class  uniformNormalFixedValueFvPatchVectorField
 This boundary condition provides a uniform surface-normal vector boundary condition by its magnitude. More...
class  externalCoupledMixedFvPatchField< Type >
 Extends the mixed boundary condition with serialisation functions. More...
class  lduCalculatedProcessorField< Type >
 A lduProcessorField type bypassing coupledFvPatchField. More...
class  timeVaryingMassSorptionFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a first order fixed-value condition for a given scalar field to model time-dependent adsorption-desoprtion processes to be used with the interfaceOxideRate mass model. More...
class  enthalpySorptionFvPatchScalarField
 This is a temperature boundary condition which works in conjunction with the speciesSorption condition for species. More...
class  speciesSorptionFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a first-order zero-gradient condition for a given scalar field to model time-dependent adsorption-desorption processes. More...
class  semiPermeableBaffleMassFractionFvPatchScalarField
 This is a mass-fraction boundary condition for a semi-permeable baffle. More...
class  semiPermeableBaffleVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 This is a velocity boundary condition for a semi-permeable baffle. More...
class  alphaContactAngleTwoPhaseFvPatchScalarField
 Abstract base class for two-phase alphaContactAngle boundary conditions. More...

Detailed Description

This group contains generic boundary condition types