nearWallDist Member List

This is the complete list of members for nearWallDist, including all inherited members.

append(autoPtr< PatchField< Type > > &ptr)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
append(PatchField< Type > *ptr)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
append(std::unique_ptr< PatchField< Type > > &&ptr)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
append(autoPtr< PatchField< Type > > &&ptr)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
append(const refPtr< PatchField< Type > > &ptr)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
append(const tmp< PatchField< Type > > &ptr)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
append(PtrList< PatchField< Type > > &&other)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
Foam::UPtrList::append(T *ptr)UPtrList< T >inline
Foam::UPtrList::append(UPtrList< T > &&other)UPtrList< T >inline
at(const label i) constUPtrList< T >inline
at(const label i)UPtrList< T >inline
back()UPtrList< T >inline
back() constUPtrList< T >inline
begin()UPtrList< T >inline
begin() constUPtrList< T >inline
begin_ptr() noexceptUPtrList< T >inline
Boundary typedefGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
boundaryInternalField() constGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
BoundaryMesh typedefGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
capacity() const noexceptUPtrList< T >inline
cbegin() constUPtrList< T >inline
cend() const noexceptUPtrList< T >inline
check() constGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
check() constGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
check() constGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
check() constGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
check() constGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
check() constGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
check() constGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
check() constGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
check() constGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
check() constGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
check() constGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
check() constGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
check() constGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
check() constGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
check() constGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
check() constGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
check() constGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
check() constGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
check() constGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
check() constGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
check() constGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
checkNonNull() constUPtrList< T >inline
clamp_max(const Type &upper)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
clamp_min(const Type &lower)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
clamp_range(const Type &lower, const Type &upper)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
clamp_range(const MinMax< Type > &range)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
clear()PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
clone() constFieldField< PatchField, Type >
PtrList< PatchField< Type > >::clone(Args &&... args) constPtrList< PatchField< Type > >
cmptType typedefFieldField< PatchField, Type >
component(const direction) constFieldField< PatchField, Type >
const_reference typedefUPtrList< T >
count() const noexceptUPtrList< T >inline
count_nonnull() const noexceptUPtrList< T >inline
debugGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >static
emplace(const label i, Args &&... args)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
emplace_back(Args &&... args)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
emplace_set(const label i, Args &&... args)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
empty() const noexceptUPtrList< T >inline
end() noexceptUPtrList< T >inline
end() const noexceptUPtrList< T >inline
end_ptr() noexceptUPtrList< T >inline
evaluate(const UPstream::commsTypes commsType=UPstream::defaultCommsType)GeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
evaluate_if(const UnaryPredicate &pred, const UPstream::commsTypes commsType=UPstream::defaultCommsType)GeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
evaluateCoupled(const UPstream::commsTypes commsType=UPstream::defaultCommsType)GeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
evaluateLocal(const UPstream::commsTypes commsType=UPstream::defaultCommsType)GeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
evaluateSelected(const labelUList &patchIDs)GeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
FieldField() noexceptFieldField< PatchField, Type >
FieldField(const label size)FieldField< PatchField, Type >explicit
FieldField(const word &type, const FieldField< PatchField, Type > &ff)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
FieldField(const FieldField< PatchField, Type > &ff)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
FieldField(FieldField< PatchField, Type > &&ff)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
FieldField(FieldField< PatchField, Type > &ff, bool reuse)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
FieldField(const PtrList< PatchField< Type >> &list)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
FieldField(PtrList< PatchField< Type >> &&list)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
FieldField(const tmp< FieldField< PatchField, Type >> &tf)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
FieldField(Istream &is)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
find_next(label pos) constUPtrList< T >inlineprotected
first()UPtrList< T >inline
first() constUPtrList< T >inline
FOAM_DEPRECATED_FOR(2022-09, "get(), set() or test() methods") const T *operator()(const label i) constUPtrList< T >inline
free()PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
front()UPtrList< T >inline
front() constUPtrList< T >inline
GeometricBoundaryField(const BoundaryMesh &bmesh)GeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >explicit
GeometricBoundaryField(const BoundaryMesh &bmesh, const Internal &iField, const word &patchFieldType=PatchField< Type >::calculatedType())GeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
GeometricBoundaryField(const BoundaryMesh &bmesh, const Internal &iField, const wordList &wantedPatchTypes, const wordList &actualPatchTypes=wordList())GeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
GeometricBoundaryField(const BoundaryMesh &bmesh, const Internal &iField, const PtrList< PatchField< Type >> &ptfl)GeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
GeometricBoundaryField(const Internal &iField, const GeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh > &btf)GeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
GeometricBoundaryField(const Internal &iField, const GeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh > &btf, const labelList &patchIDs, const word &patchFieldName)GeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
GeometricBoundaryField(const GeometricBoundaryField &btf)GeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
GeometricBoundaryField(const BoundaryMesh &bmesh, const Internal &iField, const dictionary &dict)GeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
get(const label i) constUPtrList< T >inline
get(const label i)UPtrList< T >inline
interfaces() constGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
Internal typedefGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
last()UPtrList< T >inline
last() constUPtrList< T >inline
localConsistencyGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >static
nearWallDist(const fvMesh &mesh)nearWallDist
negate()FieldField< PatchField, Type >
NewCalculatedType(const FieldField< PatchField, Type2 > &ff)FieldField< PatchField, Type >static
normalise()FieldField< PatchField, Type >
operator!=(const GeometricBoundaryField &)=deleteGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
operator!=(const FieldField< PatchField, Type > &)=deleteGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
operator!=(const Type &)=deleteGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
operator*=(const FieldField< PatchField, scalar > &)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
operator*=(const tmp< FieldField< PatchField, scalar >> &)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
operator*=(const scalar &)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
operator++() noexceptrefCountinline
operator++(int) noexceptrefCountinline
operator+=(const FieldField< PatchField, Type > &)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
operator+=(const tmp< FieldField< PatchField, Type >> &)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
operator+=(const Type &)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
operator--() noexceptrefCountinline
operator--(int) noexceptrefCountinline
operator-=(const FieldField< PatchField, Type > &)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
operator-=(const tmp< FieldField< PatchField, Type >> &)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
operator-=(const Type &)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
operator/=(const FieldField< PatchField, scalar > &)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
operator/=(const tmp< FieldField< PatchField, scalar >> &)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
operator/=(const scalar &)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
Foam::GeometricBoundaryField::operator=(const GeometricBoundaryField &bf)GeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
Foam::GeometricBoundaryField::operator=(const FieldField< PatchField, Type > &bf)GeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
Foam::GeometricBoundaryField::operator=(const Type &val)GeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
FieldField< PatchField, Type >::operator=(FieldField< PatchField, Type > &&)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
FieldField< PatchField, Type >::operator=(const tmp< FieldField< PatchField, Type >> &)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
FieldField< PatchField, Type >::operator=(const Foam::zero)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
PtrList< PatchField< Type > >::operator=(const PtrList< PatchField< Type > > &list)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >
PtrList< PatchField< Type > >::operator=(PtrList< PatchField< Type > > &&list)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
Foam::UPtrList::operator=(const UPtrList< T > &list)UPtrList< T >inline
Foam::UPtrList::operator=(UPtrList< T > &&list)UPtrList< T >inline
operator==(const GeometricBoundaryField &bf)GeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
operator==(const FieldField< PatchField, Type > &bf)GeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
operator==(const Type &val)GeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
operator[](const labelPair &index) constFieldField< PatchField, Type >inline
operator[](const labelPair &index)FieldField< PatchField, Type >inline
PtrList< PatchField< Type > >::operator[](const label i) constUPtrList< T >inline
PtrList< PatchField< Type > >::operator[](const label i)UPtrList< T >inline
Patch typedefGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
PtrList() noexceptPtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
PtrList(const label len)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inlineexplicit
PtrList(const PtrList< PatchField< Type > > &list)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
PtrList(PtrList< PatchField< Type > > &&list) noexceptPtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
PtrList(UList< PatchField< Type > * > &list)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inlineexplicit
PtrList(const PtrList< PatchField< Type > > &list, const CloneArg &cloneArgs)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
PtrList(PtrList< PatchField< Type > > &list, bool reuse)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >
PtrList(const SLPtrList< PatchField< Type > > &list)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >explicit
PtrList(Istream &is, const INew &inew)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >
PtrList(Istream &is)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >
ptrs_UPtrList< T >protected
push_back(PatchField< Type > *ptr)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
push_back(std::unique_ptr< PatchField< Type > > &&ptr)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
push_back(autoPtr< PatchField< Type > > &&ptr)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
push_back(const refPtr< PatchField< Type > > &ptr)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
push_back(const tmp< PatchField< Type > > &ptr)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
push_back(PtrList< PatchField< Type > > &&other)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
push_back(autoPtr< PatchField< Type > > &ptr)=deletePtrList< PatchField< Type > >
Foam::UPtrList::push_back(T *ptr)UPtrList< T >inline
Foam::UPtrList::push_back(UPtrList< T > &&other)UPtrList< T >inline
readField(const Internal &iField, const dictionary &dict)GeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
readIstream(Istream &is, const INew &inew)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >protected
refCount() noexceptrefCountinline
reference typedefUPtrList< T >
release(const label i)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
reorder(const labelUList &oldToNew, const bool check=false)UPtrList< T >
replace(const direction, const FieldField< PatchField, cmptType > &)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
replace(const direction, const cmptType &)FieldField< PatchField, Type >
resize(const label newLen)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >
resize_null(const label newLen)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
scalarInterfaces() constGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
set(const label i) constPtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
set(const label i, PatchField< Type > *ptr)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
set(const label i, std::unique_ptr< PatchField< Type > > &&ptr)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
set(const label i, autoPtr< PatchField< Type > > &&ptr)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
set(const label i, const refPtr< PatchField< Type > > &ptr)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
set(const label i, const tmp< PatchField< Type > > &ptr)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
set(const label i, autoPtr< PatchField< Type > > &ptr)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
Foam::UPtrList::set(const label i, T *ptr)UPtrList< T >inline
setAddressableSize(const label n) noexceptUPtrList< T >inlineprotected
setSize(const label newLen)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
size() const noexceptUPtrList< T >inline
sortOrder(const labelUList &order, const bool check=false)UPtrList< T >
squeezeNull()UPtrList< T >
swap(UPtrList< T > &list) noexceptUPtrList< T >inline
T() constFieldField< PatchField, Type >
test(const label i) constUPtrList< T >inline
toleranceGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >static
transfer(PtrList< PatchField< Type > > &list)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
Foam::UPtrList::transfer(UPtrList< T > &list)UPtrList< T >inline
trimTrailingNull()UPtrList< T >
try_emplace(const label i, Args &&... args)PtrList< PatchField< Type > >inline
types() constGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
unique() const noexceptrefCountinline
updateCoeffs()GeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
UPtrList(Detail::PtrListDetail< T > &&ptrs) noexceptUPtrList< T >inlineexplicitprotected
UPtrList() noexcept=defaultUPtrList< T >
UPtrList(const label len)UPtrList< T >inlineexplicit
UPtrList(const UPtrList< T > &list)UPtrList< T >inline
UPtrList(UPtrList< T > &&list) noexceptUPtrList< T >inline
UPtrList(UPtrList< T > &list, bool reuse)UPtrList< T >inline
UPtrList(PtrList< T > &list)UPtrList< T >explicit
UPtrList(const UList< T *> &list)UPtrList< T >inlineexplicit
UPtrList(UList< T > &list)UPtrList< T >inlineexplicit
use_count() const noexceptrefCountinline
value_type typedefUPtrList< T >
writeEntries(Ostream &os) constGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
writeEntry(const word &keyword, Ostream &os) constGeometricBoundaryField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >
y() constnearWallDistinline
~PtrList()PtrList< PatchField< Type > >