namesList< Type > Member List

This is the complete list of members for namesList< Type >, including all inherited members.

append(const T &elem)LList< LListBase, T >inline
append(T &&elem)LList< LListBase, T >inline
back()LList< LListBase, T >inline
back() constLList< LListBase, T >inline
base_iterator typedefLList< LListBase, T >
begin()LList< LListBase, T >inline
begin() constLList< LListBase, T >inline
cbegin() constLList< LListBase, T >inline
cend() constLList< LListBase, T >inline
clear()LList< LListBase, T >
const_base_iterator typedefLList< LListBase, T >
const_iterator typedefnamesList< Type >
const_pointer typedefLList< LListBase, T >
const_reference typedefLList< LListBase, T >
crbegin() constLList< LListBase, T >inline
crend() constLList< LListBase, T >inline
difference_type typedefLList< LListBase, T >
end()LList< LListBase, T >inline
end() constLList< LListBase, T >inline
find(const word &key)namesList< Type >inline
findNames(const wordRes &allow, const wordRes &deny=wordRes()) constnamesList< Type >inline
first()LList< LListBase, T >inline
first() constLList< LListBase, T >inline
found(const word &key) constnamesList< Type >inline
front()LList< LListBase, T >inline
front() constLList< LListBase, T >inline
insert(const T &elem)LList< LListBase, T >inline
insert(T &&elem)LList< LListBase, T >inline
iterator typedefnamesList< Type >
last()LList< LListBase, T >inline
last() constLList< LListBase, T >inline
LList()=defaultLList< LListBase, T >
LList(const T &elem)LList< LListBase, T >inlineexplicit
LList(T &&elem)LList< LListBase, T >inlineexplicit
LList(Istream &is)LList< LListBase, T >explicit
LList(const LList< LListBase, T > &lst)LList< LListBase, T >
LList(LList< LListBase, T > &&lst)LList< LListBase, T >
LList(std::initializer_list< T > lst)LList< LListBase, T >
namesList()=defaultnamesList< Type >
operator=(const LList< LListBase, T > &lst)LList< LListBase, T >
operator=(LList< LListBase, T > &&lst)LList< LListBase, T >
operator=(std::initializer_list< T > lst)LList< LListBase, T >
pointer typedefLList< LListBase, T >
pop_front(label n=1)LList< LListBase, T >
prepend(const T &elem)LList< LListBase, T >inline
prepend(T &&elem)LList< LListBase, T >inline
push_back(const T &elem)LList< LListBase, T >inline
push_back(T &&elem)LList< LListBase, T >inline
push_front(const T &elem)LList< LListBase, T >inline
push_front(T &&elem)LList< LListBase, T >inline
rbegin()LList< LListBase, T >inline
rbegin() constLList< LListBase, T >inline
readList(Istream &is)LList< LListBase, T >
reference typedefLList< LListBase, T >
remove(link *item)LList< LListBase, T >inline
remove(iterator &iter)LList< LListBase, T >inline
removeHead()LList< LListBase, T >inline
rend()LList< LListBase, T >inline
rend() constLList< LListBase, T >inline
size_type typedefLList< LListBase, T >
transfer(LList< LListBase, T > &lst)LList< LListBase, T >
value_type typedefLList< LListBase, T >
writeList(Ostream &os, const label shortLen=0) constLList< LListBase, T >
~LList()LList< LListBase, T >