RectangularMatrix< Type > Member List

This is the complete list of members for RectangularMatrix< Type >, including all inherited members.

Amul(const UList< Type > &x) constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
Amul(const IndirectListBase< Type, Addr > &x) constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
Amul(const IndirectListBase< Type, Addr > &x) constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
AmulImpl(const ListType &x) constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
at(const label idx) constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
at(const label idx)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
begin() noexceptMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
begin() const noexceptMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
block(const label rowIndex, const label colIndex) constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
block(const label rowIndex, const label colIndex)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
block(const label m, const label n, const label mStart, const label nStart) constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
block(const label m, const label n, const label mStart, const label nStart)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
block(const label rowIndex, const label colIndex) constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
block(const label rowIndex, const label colIndex)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
byteSize() constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
cbegin() const noexceptMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
cdata() const noexceptMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
cdata_bytes() const noexceptMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
cend() const noexceptMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
checki(const label irow) constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
checkj(const label jcol) constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
checkSize() constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
clear()Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
clone() constRectangularMatrix< Type >inline
cmptType typedefMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
col(const label m, const label mStart, const label nStart) constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
col(const label m, const label mStart, const label nStart)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
col(const label m, const label rowStart) const=deleteMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
col(const label m, const label rowStart)=deleteMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
columnNorm(const label colIndex, const bool noSqrt=false) constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
const_iterator typedefMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
data() noexceptMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
data_bytes() noexceptMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
diag() constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
diag(const UList< Type > &list)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
empty() const noexceptMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
end() noexceptMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
end() const noexceptMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
iterator typedefMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
m() const noexceptMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
Matrix() noexceptMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
Matrix(const label m, const label n)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
Matrix(const label m, const label n, const Foam::zero)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
Matrix(const label m, const label n, const Type &val)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
Matrix(const labelPair &dims)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inlineexplicit
Matrix(const labelPair &dims, const Foam::zero)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
Matrix(const labelPair &dims, const Type &val)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
Matrix(const Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type > &mat)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
Matrix(Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type > &&mat)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
Matrix(const Matrix< Form2, Type > &mat)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >explicit
Matrix(const ConstMatrixBlock< MatrixType > &Mb)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
Matrix(const MatrixBlock< MatrixType > &Mb)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
Matrix(Istream &is)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >explicit
mRows() const noexceptMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
mType typedefMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
n() const noexceptMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
nCols() const noexceptMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
norm(const bool noSqrt=false) constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
nRows() const noexceptMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
null() noexceptMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inlinestatic
operator()(const label irow, const label jcol) constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
operator()(const label irow, const label jcol)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
operator*=(const Type &s)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
operator+=(const Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type > &other)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
operator+=(const Type &s)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
operator-=(const Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type > &other)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
operator-=(const Type &s)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
operator/=(const Type &s)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
operator=(const RectangularMatrix &)=defaultRectangularMatrix< Type >
operator=(RectangularMatrix< Type > &&mat)RectangularMatrix< Type >inline
operator=(const Foam::zero)RectangularMatrix< Type >inline
operator=(const Type &val)RectangularMatrix< Type >inline
Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >::operator=(const Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type > &mat)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >::operator=(Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type > &&mat)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >::operator=(const ConstMatrixBlock< MatrixType > &Mb)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >::operator=(const MatrixBlock< MatrixType > &Mb)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
operator[](const label irow) constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
operator[](const label irow)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
readMatrix(Istream &is)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
RectangularMatrix()=defaultRectangularMatrix< Type >
RectangularMatrix(const RectangularMatrix &)=defaultRectangularMatrix< Type >
RectangularMatrix(const label n)RectangularMatrix< Type >inlineexplicit
RectangularMatrix(const label m, const label n)RectangularMatrix< Type >inline
RectangularMatrix(const label m, const label n, const Foam::zero)RectangularMatrix< Type >inline
RectangularMatrix(const label m, const label n, const Type &val)RectangularMatrix< Type >inline
RectangularMatrix(const labelPair &dims, const Identity< AnyType >)RectangularMatrix< Type >inline
RectangularMatrix(const labelPair &dims)RectangularMatrix< Type >inlineexplicit
RectangularMatrix(const labelPair &dims, const Foam::zero)RectangularMatrix< Type >inline
RectangularMatrix(const labelPair &dims, const Type &val)RectangularMatrix< Type >inline
RectangularMatrix(const ConstMatrixBlock< MatrixType > &mat)RectangularMatrix< Type >inline
RectangularMatrix(const MatrixBlock< MatrixType > &mat)RectangularMatrix< Type >inline
RectangularMatrix(const SquareMatrix< Type > &mat)RectangularMatrix< Type >inline
RectangularMatrix(Istream &is)RectangularMatrix< Type >inlineexplicit
release()Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
resize(const label m, const label n)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
resize_nocopy(const label mrow, const label ncol)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
round(const scalar tol=SMALL)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
rowData(const label irow) constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
rowData(const label irow)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
setSize(const label m, const label n)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
shallowResize(const label m, const label n)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
size() constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
size_bytes() const noexceptMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
sizes() constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
subColumn(const label colIndex, const label rowIndex=0, label len=-1) constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
subColumn(const label colIndex, const label rowIndex=0, label len=-1)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
subMatrix(const label rowIndex, const label colIndex, label szRows=-1, label szCols=-1) constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
subMatrix(const label rowIndex, const label colIndex, label szRows=-1, label szCols=-1)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
subRow(const label rowIndex, const label colIndex=0, label len=-1) constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
subRow(const label rowIndex, const label colIndex=0, label len=-1)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
swap(Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type > &mat)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
T() constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
Tmul(const UList< Type > &x) constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
Tmul(const IndirectListBase< Type, Addr > &x) constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
Tmul(const IndirectListBase< Type, Addr > &x) constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
TmulImpl(const ListType &x) constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
trace() constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
transfer(Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type > &mat)Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
transpose() constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
uniform() constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
v() constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
v()Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >inline
writeMatrix(Ostream &os, const label shortLen=0) constMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
~Matrix()Matrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >