Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2  ========= |
3  \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4  \\ / O peration |
5  \\ / A nd |
6  \\/ M anipulation |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8  Copyright (C) 2015 OpenFOAM Foundation
9  Copyright (C) 2015-2022 OpenCFD Ltd.
10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 License
12  This file is part of OpenFOAM.
14  OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
15  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
16  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
17  (at your option) any later version.
19  OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
20  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
21  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
22  for more details.
24  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
25  along with OpenFOAM. If not, see <>.
27 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
29 #include "meshRefinement.H"
30 #include "Time.H"
31 #include "refinementSurfaces.H"
32 #include "refinementFeatures.H"
33 #include "shellSurfaces.H"
34 #include "triSurfaceMesh.H"
35 #include "treeDataCell.H"
36 #include "searchableSurfaces.H"
37 #include "DynamicField.H"
38 #include "transportData.H"
39 #include "FaceCellWave.H"
40 #include "volFields.H"
43 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * //
45 Foam::label Foam::meshRefinement::markSurfaceGapRefinement
46 (
47  const scalar planarCos,
49  const label nAllowRefine,
50  const labelList& neiLevel,
51  const pointField& neiCc,
53  labelList& refineCell,
54  label& nRefine
55 ) const
56 {
57  const labelList& cellLevel = meshCutter_.cellLevel();
58  const pointField& cellCentres = mesh_.cellCentres();
60  // Get the gap level for the shells
61  const labelList maxLevel(shells_.maxGapLevel());
63  label oldNRefine = nRefine;
65  if (max(maxLevel) > 0)
66  {
67  // Use cached surfaceIndex_ to detect if any intersection. If so
68  // re-intersect to determine level wanted.
70  // Collect candidate faces
71  // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
73  labelList testFaces(getRefineCandidateFaces(refineCell));
75  // Collect segments
76  // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
78  pointField start(testFaces.size());
79  pointField end(testFaces.size());
80  {
81  labelList minLevel(testFaces.size());
82  calcCellCellRays
83  (
84  neiCc,
85  neiLevel,
86  testFaces,
87  start,
88  end,
89  minLevel
90  );
91  }
94  // Collect cells to test for inside/outside in shell
95  labelList cellToCompact(mesh_.nCells(), -1);
96  labelList bFaceToCompact(mesh_.nBoundaryFaces(), -1);
97  labelList gapShell;
98  List<FixedList<label, 3>> shellGapInfo;
99  List<volumeType> shellGapMode;
100  {
101  DynamicField<point> compactToCc(mesh_.nCells()/10);
102  DynamicList<label> compactToLevel(compactToCc.capacity());
103  forAll(testFaces, i)
104  {
105  label faceI = testFaces[i];
106  label own = mesh_.faceOwner()[faceI];
107  if (cellToCompact[own] == -1)
108  {
109  cellToCompact[own] = compactToCc.size();
110  compactToCc.append(cellCentres[own]);
111  compactToLevel.append(cellLevel[own]);
112  }
113  if (mesh_.isInternalFace(faceI))
114  {
115  label nei = mesh_.faceNeighbour()[faceI];
116  if (cellToCompact[nei] == -1)
117  {
118  cellToCompact[nei] = compactToCc.size();
119  compactToCc.append(cellCentres[nei]);
120  compactToLevel.append(cellLevel[nei]);
121  }
122  }
123  else
124  {
125  label bFaceI = faceI - mesh_.nInternalFaces();
126  if (bFaceToCompact[bFaceI] == -1)
127  {
128  bFaceToCompact[bFaceI] = compactToCc.size();
129  compactToCc.append(neiCc[bFaceI]);
130  compactToLevel.append(neiLevel[bFaceI]);
131  }
132  }
133  }
135  shells_.findHigherGapLevel
136  (
137  compactToCc,
138  compactToLevel,
140  gapShell,
141  shellGapInfo,
142  shellGapMode
143  );
144  }
147  //const fileName dir(mesh_.time().path()/timeName());
148  //if (debug)
149  //{
150  // mkDir(dir);
151  // OBJstream insideStr(dir/"insideShell.obj");
152  // OBJstream outsideStr(dir/"outsideShell.obj");
153  // Pout<< "Writing points to:" << nl
154  // << " inside : " << << nl
155  // << " outside: " << << nl
156  // << endl;
157  //
158  // forAll(cellToCompact, celli)
159  // {
160  // const label compacti = cellToCompact[celli];
161  //
162  // if (compacti != -1)
163  // {
164  // if (gapShell[compacti] != -1)
165  // {
166  // insideStr.write(mesh_.cellCentres()[celli]);
167  // }
168  // else
169  // {
170  // outsideStr.write(mesh_.cellCentres()[celli]);
171  // }
172  // }
173  // }
174  // forAll(bFaceToCompact, bFacei)
175  // {
176  // const label compacti = bFaceToCompact[bFacei];
177  // if (compacti != -1)
178  // {
179  // if (gapShell[compacti] != -1)
180  // {
181  // insideStr.write(neiCc[bFacei]);
182  // }
183  // else
184  // {
185  // outsideStr.write(neiCc[bFacei]);
186  // }
187  // }
188  // }
189  //}
192  const List<FixedList<label, 3>>& extendedGapLevel =
193  surfaces_.extendedGapLevel();
194  const List<volumeType>& extendedGapMode =
195  surfaces_.extendedGapMode();
196  const boolList& extendedGapSelf = surfaces_.gapSelf();
198  labelList ccSurface1;
199  List<pointIndexHit> ccHit1;
200  labelList ccRegion1;
201  vectorField ccNormal1;
202  {
203  labelList ccSurface2;
204  List<pointIndexHit> ccHit2;
205  labelList ccRegion2;
206  vectorField ccNormal2;
208  surfaces_.findNearestIntersection
209  (
210  identity(surfaces_.surfaces().size()),
211  start,
212  end,
214  ccSurface1,
215  ccHit1,
216  ccRegion1,
217  ccNormal1,
219  ccSurface2,
220  ccHit2,
221  ccRegion2,
222  ccNormal2
223  );
224  }
226  start.clear();
227  end.clear();
229  DynamicField<point> rayStart(2*ccSurface1.size());
230  DynamicField<point> rayEnd(2*ccSurface1.size());
231  DynamicField<scalar> gapSize(2*ccSurface1.size());
233  DynamicField<point> rayStart2(2*ccSurface1.size());
234  DynamicField<point> rayEnd2(2*ccSurface1.size());
235  DynamicField<scalar> gapSize2(2*ccSurface1.size());
237  DynamicList<label> cellMap(2*ccSurface1.size());
238  DynamicList<label> compactMap(2*ccSurface1.size());
240  forAll(ccSurface1, i)
241  {
242  label surfI = ccSurface1[i];
244  if (surfI != -1)
245  {
246  label globalRegionI =
247  surfaces_.globalRegion(surfI, ccRegion1[i]);
249  label faceI = testFaces[i];
250  const point& surfPt = ccHit1[i].hitPoint();
252  label own = mesh_.faceOwner()[faceI];
253  if
254  (
255  cellToCompact[own] != -1
256  && shellGapInfo[cellToCompact[own]][2] > 0
257  )
258  {
259  // Combine info from shell and surface
260  label compactI = cellToCompact[own];
261  FixedList<label, 3> gapInfo;
262  volumeType gapMode;
263  mergeGapInfo
264  (
265  shellGapInfo[compactI],
266  shellGapMode[compactI],
267  extendedGapLevel[globalRegionI],
268  extendedGapMode[globalRegionI],
270  gapInfo,
271  gapMode
272  );
274  const point& cc = cellCentres[own];
275  label nRays = generateRays
276  (
277  false,
278  surfPt,
279  ccNormal1[i],
280  gapInfo,
281  gapMode,
282  surfPt+((cc-surfPt)&ccNormal1[i])*ccNormal1[i],
283  cellLevel[own],
285  rayStart,
286  rayEnd,
287  gapSize,
289  rayStart2,
290  rayEnd2,
291  gapSize2
292  );
293  for (label j = 0; j < nRays; j++)
294  {
295  cellMap.append(own);
296  compactMap.append(i);
297  }
298  }
299  if (mesh_.isInternalFace(faceI))
300  {
301  label nei = mesh_.faceNeighbour()[faceI];
302  if
303  (
304  cellToCompact[nei] != -1
305  && shellGapInfo[cellToCompact[nei]][2] > 0
306  )
307  {
308  // Combine info from shell and surface
309  label compactI = cellToCompact[nei];
310  FixedList<label, 3> gapInfo;
311  volumeType gapMode;
312  mergeGapInfo
313  (
314  shellGapInfo[compactI],
315  shellGapMode[compactI],
316  extendedGapLevel[globalRegionI],
317  extendedGapMode[globalRegionI],
319  gapInfo,
320  gapMode
321  );
323  const point& cc = cellCentres[nei];
324  label nRays = generateRays
325  (
326  false,
327  surfPt,
328  ccNormal1[i],
329  gapInfo,
330  gapMode,
331  surfPt+((cc-surfPt)&ccNormal1[i])*ccNormal1[i],
332  cellLevel[nei],
334  rayStart,
335  rayEnd,
336  gapSize,
338  rayStart2,
339  rayEnd2,
340  gapSize2
341  );
342  for (label j = 0; j < nRays; j++)
343  {
344  cellMap.append(nei);
345  compactMap.append(i);
346  }
347  }
348  }
349  else
350  {
351  // Note: on coupled face. What cell are we going to
352  // refine? We've got the neighbouring cell centre
353  // and level but we cannot mark it for refinement on
354  // this side...
355  label bFaceI = faceI - mesh_.nInternalFaces();
357  if
358  (
359  bFaceToCompact[bFaceI] != -1
360  && shellGapInfo[bFaceToCompact[bFaceI]][2] > 0
361  )
362  {
363  // Combine info from shell and surface
364  label compactI = bFaceToCompact[bFaceI];
365  FixedList<label, 3> gapInfo;
366  volumeType gapMode;
367  mergeGapInfo
368  (
369  shellGapInfo[compactI],
370  shellGapMode[compactI],
371  extendedGapLevel[globalRegionI],
372  extendedGapMode[globalRegionI],
374  gapInfo,
375  gapMode
376  );
378  const point& cc = neiCc[bFaceI];
379  label nRays = generateRays
380  (
381  false,
382  surfPt,
383  ccNormal1[i],
384  gapInfo,
385  gapMode,
386  surfPt+((cc-surfPt)&ccNormal1[i])*ccNormal1[i],
387  neiLevel[bFaceI],
389  rayStart,
390  rayEnd,
391  gapSize,
393  rayStart2,
394  rayEnd2,
395  gapSize2
396  );
397  for (label j = 0; j < nRays; j++)
398  {
399  cellMap.append(-1); // See above.
400  compactMap.append(i);
401  }
402  }
403  }
404  }
405  }
407  Info<< "Shooting " << returnReduce(rayStart.size(), sumOp<label>())
408  << " rays from " << returnReduce(testFaces.size(), sumOp<label>())
409  << " intersected faces" << endl;
411  rayStart.shrink();
412  rayEnd.shrink();
413  gapSize.shrink();
415  rayStart2.shrink();
416  rayEnd2.shrink();
417  gapSize2.shrink();
419  cellMap.shrink();
420  compactMap.shrink();
422  testFaces.clear();
423  ccSurface1.clear();
424  ccHit1.clear();
425  ccRegion1.clear();
426  ccNormal1 = UIndirectList<vector>(ccNormal1, compactMap)();
429  // Do intersections in pairs
430  labelList surf1;
431  List<pointIndexHit> hit1;
432  vectorField normal1;
433  surfaces_.findNearestIntersection
434  (
435  rayStart,
436  rayEnd,
437  surf1,
438  hit1,
439  normal1
440  );
442  labelList surf2;
443  List<pointIndexHit> hit2;
444  vectorField normal2;
445  surfaces_.findNearestIntersection
446  (
447  rayStart2,
448  rayEnd2,
449  surf2,
450  hit2,
451  normal2
452  );
454  forAll(surf1, i)
455  {
456  // Combine selfProx of shell and surfaces.
457  // Ignore regions for now
458  const label cellI = cellMap[i];
460  const label shelli =
461  (
462  (cellI != -1 && cellToCompact[cellI] != -1)
463  ? gapShell[cellToCompact[cellI]]
464  : -1
465  );
467  bool selfProx = true;
468  if (shelli != -1)
469  {
470  selfProx = shells_.gapSelf()[shelli][0];
471  }
472  if (surf1[i] != -1 && selfProx)
473  {
474  const label globalRegioni = surfaces_.globalRegion(surf1[i], 0);
475  selfProx = extendedGapSelf[globalRegioni];
476  }
478  if
479  (
480  surf1[i] != -1
481  && surf2[i] != -1
482  && (surf2[i] != surf1[i] || selfProx)
483  )
484  {
485  // Found intersection with surface. Check opposite normal.
486  if
487  (
488  cellI != -1
489  && (mag(normal1[i]&normal2[i]) > planarCos)
490  && (
491  hit1[i].hitPoint().distSqr(hit2[i].hitPoint())
492  < Foam::sqr(gapSize[i])
493  )
494  )
495  {
496  if
497  (
498  !markForRefine
499  (
500  surf1[i],
501  nAllowRefine,
502  refineCell[cellI],
503  nRefine
504  )
505  )
506  {
507  break;
508  }
509  }
510  }
511  }
513  if
514  (
515  returnReduce(nRefine, sumOp<label>())
516  > returnReduce(nAllowRefine, sumOp<label>())
517  )
518  {
519  Info<< "Reached refinement limit." << endl;
520  }
521  }
523  return returnReduce(nRefine-oldNRefine, sumOp<label>());
524 }
527 //Foam::meshRefinement::findNearestOppositeOp::findNearestOppositeOp
528 //(
529 // const indexedOctree<treeDataTriSurface>& tree,
530 // const point& oppositePoint,
531 // const vector& oppositeNormal,
532 // const scalar minCos
533 //)
534 //:
535 // tree_(tree),
536 // oppositePoint_(oppositePoint),
537 // oppositeNormal_(oppositeNormal),
538 // minCos_(minCos)
539 //{}
540 //
541 //
542 //void Foam::meshRefinement::findNearestOppositeOp::operator()
543 //(
544 // const labelUList& indices,
545 // const point& sample,
546 // scalar& nearestDistSqr,
547 // label& minIndex,
548 // point& nearestPoint
549 //) const
550 //{
551 // const treeDataTriSurface& shape = tree_.shapes();
552 // const triSurface& patch = shape.patch();
553 // const pointField& points = patch.points();
554 //
555 // forAll(indices, i)
556 // {
557 // const label index = indices[i];
558 // const labelledTri& f = patch[index];
559 //
560 // pointHit nearHit = f.nearestPoint(sample, points);
561 // scalar distSqr = sqr(nearHit.distance());
562 //
563 // if (distSqr < nearestDistSqr)
564 // {
565 // // Nearer. Check if
566 // // - a bit way from other hit
567 // // - in correct search cone
568 // vector d(nearHit.point()-oppositePoint_);
569 // scalar normalDist(d&oppositeNormal_);
570 //
571 // if (normalDist > Foam::sqr(SMALL) && normalDist/mag(d) > minCos_)
572 // {
573 // nearestDistSqr = distSqr;
574 // minIndex = index;
575 // nearestPoint = nearHit.point();
576 // }
577 // }
578 // }
579 //}
580 //
581 //
582 //void Foam::meshRefinement::searchCone
583 //(
584 // const label surfI,
585 // labelList& nearMap, // cells
586 // scalarField& nearGap, // gap size
587 // List<pointIndexHit>& nearInfo, // nearest point on surface
588 // List<pointIndexHit>& oppositeInfo // detected point on gap (or miss)
589 //) const
590 //{
591 // const labelList& cellLevel = meshCutter_.cellLevel();
592 // const pointField& cellCentres = mesh_.cellCentres();
593 // const scalar edge0Len = meshCutter_.level0EdgeLength();
594 //
595 // const labelList& surfaceIndices = surfaces_.surfaces();
596 // const List<FixedList<label, 3>>& extendedGapLevel =
597 // surfaces_.extendedGapLevel();
598 // const List<volumeType>& extendedGapMode = surfaces_.extendedGapMode();
599 //
600 //
601 // label geomI = surfaceIndices[surfI];
602 // const searchableSurface& geom = surfaces_.geometry()[geomI];
603 //
604 // const triSurfaceMesh& s = refCast<const triSurfaceMesh>(geom);
605 // const indexedOctree<treeDataTriSurface>& tree = s.tree();
606 //
607 //
608 // const scalar searchCos = Foam::cos(degToRad(30.0));
609 //
610 // // Normals for ray shooting and inside/outside detection
611 // vectorField nearNormal;
612 // geom.getNormal(nearInfo, nearNormal);
613 // // Regions
614 // labelList nearRegion;
615 // geom.getRegion(nearInfo, nearRegion);
616 //
617 //
618 // // Now loop over all near points and search in the half cone
619 // labelList map(nearInfo.size());
620 // label compactI = 0;
621 //
622 // oppositeInfo.setSize(nearInfo.size());
623 //
624 // forAll(nearInfo, i)
625 // {
626 // label globalRegionI =
627 // surfaces_.globalRegion(surfI, nearRegion[i]);
628 //
629 // // Get updated gap information now we have the region
630 // label nGapCells = extendedGapLevel[globalRegionI][0];
631 // label minLevel = extendedGapLevel[globalRegionI][1];
632 // label maxLevel = extendedGapLevel[globalRegionI][2];
633 // volumeType mode = extendedGapMode[globalRegionI];
634 //
635 // label cellI = nearMap[i];
636 // label cLevel = cellLevel[cellI];
637 //
638 // if (cLevel >= minLevel && cLevel < maxLevel)
639 // {
640 // scalar cellSize = edge0Len/pow(2.0, cLevel);
641 //
642 // // Update gap size
643 // nearGap[i] = nGapCells*cellSize;
644 //
645 // const point& nearPt = nearInfo[i].hitPoint();
646 // vector v(cellCentres[cellI]-nearPt);
647 // scalar magV = mag(v);
648 //
649 // // Like with ray shooting we want to
650 // // - find triangles up to nearGap away on the wanted side of the
651 // // surface
652 // // - find triangles up to 0.5*cellSize away on the unwanted side
653 // // of the surface. This is for cells straddling the surface
654 // // where
655 // // the cell centre might be on the wrong side of the surface
656 //
657 // // Tbd: check that cell centre is inbetween the gap hits
658 // // (only if the cell is far enough away)
659 //
660 // scalar posNormalSize = 0.0;
661 // scalar negNormalSize = 0.0;
662 //
663 // if (mode == volumeType::OUTSIDE)
664 // {
665 // posNormalSize = nearGap[i];
666 // if (magV < 0.5*cellSize)
667 // {
668 // negNormalSize = 0.5*cellSize;
669 // }
670 // }
671 // else if (mode == volumeType::INSIDE)
672 // {
673 // if (magV < 0.5*cellSize)
674 // {
675 // posNormalSize = 0.5*cellSize;
676 // }
677 // negNormalSize = nearGap[i];
678 // }
679 // else
680 // {
681 // posNormalSize = nearGap[i];
682 // negNormalSize = nearGap[i];
683 // }
684 //
685 // // Test with positive normal
686 // oppositeInfo[compactI] = tree.findNearest
687 // (
688 // nearPt,
689 // sqr(posNormalSize),
690 // findNearestOppositeOp
691 // (
692 // tree,
693 // nearPt,
694 // nearNormal[i],
695 // searchCos
696 // )
697 // );
698 //
699 // if (oppositeInfo[compactI].hit())
700 // {
701 // map[compactI++] = i;
702 // }
703 // else
704 // {
705 // // Test with negative normal
706 // oppositeInfo[compactI] = tree.findNearest
707 // (
708 // nearPt,
709 // sqr(negNormalSize),
710 // findNearestOppositeOp
711 // (
712 // tree,
713 // nearPt,
714 // -nearNormal[i],
715 // searchCos
716 // )
717 // );
718 //
719 // if (oppositeInfo[compactI].hit())
720 // {
721 // map[compactI++] = i;
722 // }
723 // }
724 // }
725 // }
726 //
727 // Info<< "Selected " << returnReduce(compactI, sumOp<label>())
728 // << " hits on the correct side out of "
729 // << returnReduce(map.size(), sumOp<label>()) << endl;
730 // map.setSize(compactI);
731 // oppositeInfo.setSize(compactI);
732 //
733 // nearMap = labelUIndList(nearMap, map)();
734 // nearGap = UIndirectList<scalar>(nearGap, map)();
735 // nearInfo = UIndirectList<pointIndexHit>(nearInfo, map)();
736 // nearNormal = UIndirectList<vector>(nearNormal, map)();
737 //
738 // // Exclude hits which aren't opposite enough. E.g. you might find
739 // // a point on a perpendicular wall - but this does not constitute a gap.
740 // vectorField oppositeNormal;
741 // geom.getNormal(oppositeInfo, oppositeNormal);
742 //
743 // compactI = 0;
744 // forAll(oppositeInfo, i)
745 // {
746 // if ((nearNormal[i] & oppositeNormal[i]) < -0.707)
747 // {
748 // map[compactI++] = i;
749 // }
750 // }
751 //
752 // Info<< "Selected " << returnReduce(compactI, sumOp<label>())
753 // << " hits opposite the nearest out of "
754 // << returnReduce(map.size(), sumOp<label>()) << endl;
755 // map.setSize(compactI);
756 //
757 // nearMap = labelUIndList(nearMap, map)();
758 // nearGap = UIndirectList<scalar>(nearGap, map)();
759 // nearInfo = UIndirectList<pointIndexHit>(nearInfo, map)();
760 // oppositeInfo = UIndirectList<pointIndexHit>(oppositeInfo, map)();
761 //}
764 Foam::label Foam::meshRefinement::generateRays
765 (
766  const point& nearPoint,
767  const vector& nearNormal,
768  const FixedList<label, 3>& gapInfo,
769  const volumeType& mode,
771  const label cLevel,
773  DynamicField<point>& start,
774  DynamicField<point>& end
775 ) const
776 {
777  label nOldRays = start.size();
779  if (cLevel >= gapInfo[1] && cLevel < gapInfo[2] && gapInfo[0] > 0)
780  {
781  scalar cellSize = meshCutter_.level0EdgeLength()/pow(2.0, cLevel);
783  // Calculate gap size
784  scalar nearGap = gapInfo[0]*cellSize;
786  const vector& n = nearNormal;
788  // Situation 'C' above: cell too close. Use surface
789  // -normal and -point to shoot rays
791  if (mode == volumeType::OUTSIDE)
792  {
793  start.append(nearPoint+1e-6*n);
794  end.append(nearPoint+nearGap*n);
795  }
796  else if (mode == volumeType::INSIDE)
797  {
798  start.append(nearPoint-1e-6*n);
799  end.append(nearPoint-nearGap*n);
800  }
801  else if (mode == volumeType::MIXED)
802  {
803  start.append(nearPoint+1e-6*n);
804  end.append(nearPoint+nearGap*n);
806  start.append(nearPoint-1e-6*n);
807  end.append(nearPoint-nearGap*n);
808  }
809  }
811  return start.size()-nOldRays;
812 }
815 Foam::label Foam::meshRefinement::generateRays
816 (
817  const bool useSurfaceNormal,
819  const point& nearPoint,
820  const vector& nearNormal,
821  const FixedList<label, 3>& gapInfo,
822  const volumeType& mode,
824  const point& cc,
825  const label cLevel,
827  DynamicField<point>& start,
828  DynamicField<point>& end,
829  DynamicField<scalar>& gapSize,
831  DynamicField<point>& start2,
832  DynamicField<point>& end2,
833  DynamicField<scalar>& gapSize2
834 ) const
835 {
836  // We want to handle the following cases:
837  // - surface: small gap (marked with 'surface'). gap might be
838  // on inside or outside of surface.
839  // - A: cell well inside the gap.
840  // - B: cell well outside the gap.
841  // - C: cell straddling the gap. cell centre might be inside
842  // or outside
843  //
844  // +---+
845  // | B |
846  // +---+
847  //
848  // +------+
849  // | |
850  // | C |
851  // --------|------|----surface
852  // +------+
853  //
854  // +---+
855  // | A |
856  // +---+
857  //
858  //
859  // --------------------surface
860  //
861  // So:
862  // - find nearest point on surface
863  // - in situation A,B decide if on wanted side of surface
864  // - detect if locally a gap (and the cell inside the gap) by
865  // shooting a ray from the point on the surface in the direction
866  // of
867  // - A,B: the cell centre
868  // - C: the surface normal and/or negative surface normal
869  // and see we hit anything
870  //
871  // Variations of this scheme:
872  // - always shoot in the direction of the surface normal. This needs
873  // then an additional check to make sure the cell centre is
874  // somewhere inside the gap
875  // - instead of ray shooting use a 'constrained' nearest search
876  // by e.g. looking inside a search cone (implemented in searchCone).
877  // The problem with this constrained nearest is that it still uses
878  // the absolute nearest point on each triangle and only afterwards
879  // checks if it is inside the search cone.
882  // Decide which near points are good:
883  // - with updated minLevel and maxLevel and nearGap make sure
884  // the cell is still a candidate
885  // NOTE: inside the gap the nearest point on the surface will
886  // be HALF the gap size - otherwise we would have found
887  // a point on the opposite side
888  // - if the mode is both sides
889  // - or if the hit is inside the current cell (situation 'C',
890  // magV < 0.5cellSize)
891  // - or otherwise if on the correct side
893  label nOldRays = start.size();
895  if (cLevel >= gapInfo[1] && cLevel < gapInfo[2] && gapInfo[0] > 0)
896  {
897  scalar cellSize = meshCutter_.level0EdgeLength()/pow(2.0, cLevel);
899  // Calculate gap size
900  scalar nearGap = gapInfo[0]*cellSize;
902  // Distance to nearest
903  vector v(cc-nearPoint);
904  scalar magV = mag(v);
906  if (useSurfaceNormal || magV < 0.5*cellSize)
907  {
908  const vector& n = nearNormal;
910  // Situation 'C' above: cell too close. Use surface
911  // -normal and -point to shoot rays
913  if (mode == volumeType::OUTSIDE)
914  {
915  start.append(nearPoint+1e-6*n);
916  end.append(nearPoint+nearGap*n);
917  gapSize.append(nearGap);
918  // Second vector so we get pairs of intersections
919  start2.append(nearPoint+1e-6*n);
920  end2.append(nearPoint-1e-6*n);
921  gapSize2.append(gapSize.last());
922  }
923  else if (mode == volumeType::INSIDE)
924  {
925  start.append(nearPoint-1e-6*n);
926  end.append(nearPoint-nearGap*n);
927  gapSize.append(nearGap);
928  // Second vector so we get pairs of intersections
929  start2.append(nearPoint-1e-6*n);
930  end2.append(nearPoint+1e-6*n);
931  gapSize2.append(gapSize.last());
932  }
933  else if (mode == volumeType::MIXED)
934  {
935  // Do both rays:
936  // Outside
937  {
938  start.append(nearPoint+1e-6*n);
939  end.append(nearPoint+nearGap*n);
940  gapSize.append(nearGap);
941  // Second vector so we get pairs of intersections
942  start2.append(nearPoint+1e-6*n);
943  end2.append(nearPoint-1e-6*n);
944  gapSize2.append(gapSize.last());
945  }
946  // Inside
947  {
948  start.append(nearPoint-1e-6*n);
949  end.append(nearPoint-nearGap*n);
950  gapSize.append(nearGap);
951  // Second vector so we get pairs of intersections
952  start2.append(nearPoint-1e-6*n);
953  end2.append(nearPoint+1e-6*n);
954  gapSize2.append(gapSize.last());
955  }
956  }
957  }
958  else
959  {
960  // Situation 'A' or 'B' above: cell well away. Test if
961  // cell on correct side of surface and shoot ray through
962  // cell centre. Note: no need to shoot ray in other
963  // direction since we're trying to detect cell inside
964  // the gap.
966  scalar s = (v&nearNormal);
968  if
969  (
971  || (mode == volumeType::OUTSIDE && s > SMALL)
972  || (mode == volumeType::INSIDE && s < -SMALL)
973  )
974  {
976  //vector n(v/(magV+ROOTVSMALL));
977  //
978  //start.append(cc);
979  //end.append(cc+nearGap*n);
980  //gapSize.append(nearGap);
981  //
982  //start2.append(cc);
983  //end2.append(cc-nearGap*n);
984  //gapSize2.append(nearGap);
989  //start.append(cc);
990  //end.append(cc+nearGap*vector(1, 0, 0));
991  //gapSize.append(nearGap);
992  //
993  //start2.append(cc);
994  //end2.append(cc-nearGap*vector(1, 0, 0));
995  //gapSize2.append(nearGap);
996  //
998  //start.append(cc);
999  //end.append(cc+nearGap*vector(0, 1, 0));
1000  //gapSize.append(nearGap);
1001  //
1002  //start2.append(cc);
1003  //end2.append(cc-nearGap*vector(0, 1, 0));
1004  //gapSize2.append(nearGap);
1005  //
1007  //start.append(cc);
1008  //end.append(cc+nearGap*vector(0, 0, 1));
1009  //gapSize.append(nearGap);
1010  //
1011  //start2.append(cc);
1012  //end2.append(cc-nearGap*vector(0, 0, 1));
1013  //gapSize2.append(nearGap);
1016  // 3 axes aligned with normal
1018  // Use vector through cell centre
1019  vector n(v/(magV+ROOTVSMALL));
1021  // Get second vector. Make sure it is sufficiently perpendicular
1022  vector e2(1, 0, 0);
1023  scalar s = (e2 & n);
1024  if (mag(s) < 0.9)
1025  {
1026  e2 -= s*n;
1027  }
1028  else
1029  {
1030  e2 = vector(0, 1, 0);
1031  e2 -= (e2 & n)*n;
1032  }
1033  e2 /= mag(e2);
1035  // Third vector
1036  vector e3 = n ^ e2;
1039  // Rays in first direction
1040  start.append(cc);
1041  end.append(cc+nearGap*n);
1042  gapSize.append(nearGap);
1044  start2.append(cc);
1045  end2.append(cc-nearGap*n);
1046  gapSize2.append(nearGap);
1048  // Rays in second direction
1049  start.append(cc);
1050  end.append(cc+nearGap*e2);
1051  gapSize.append(nearGap);
1053  start2.append(cc);
1054  end2.append(cc-nearGap*e2);
1055  gapSize2.append(nearGap);
1057  // Rays in third direction
1058  start.append(cc);
1059  end.append(cc+nearGap*e3);
1060  gapSize.append(nearGap);
1062  start2.append(cc);
1063  end2.append(cc-nearGap*e3);
1064  gapSize2.append(nearGap);
1065  }
1066  }
1067  }
1069  return start.size()-nOldRays;
1070 }
1073 void Foam::meshRefinement::selectGapCandidates
1074 (
1075  const labelList& refineCell,
1076  const label nRefine,
1078  labelList& cellMap,
1079  labelList& gapShell,
1080  List<FixedList<label, 3>>& shellGapInfo,
1081  List<volumeType>& shellGapMode
1082 ) const
1083 {
1084  const labelList& cellLevel = meshCutter_.cellLevel();
1085  const pointField& cellCentres = mesh_.cellCentres();
1087  // Collect cells to test
1088  cellMap.setSize(cellLevel.size()-nRefine);
1089  label compactI = 0;
1091  forAll(cellLevel, cellI)
1092  {
1093  if (refineCell[cellI] == -1)
1094  {
1095  cellMap[compactI++] = cellI;
1096  }
1097  }
1098  Info<< "Selected " << returnReduce(compactI, sumOp<label>())
1099  << " unmarked cells out of "
1100  << mesh_.globalData().nTotalCells() << endl;
1101  cellMap.setSize(compactI);
1103  // Do test to see whether cells are inside/outside shell with
1104  // applicable specification (minLevel <= celllevel < maxLevel)
1105  shells_.findHigherGapLevel
1106  (
1107  pointField(cellCentres, cellMap),
1108  labelUIndList(cellLevel, cellMap)(),
1110  gapShell,
1111  shellGapInfo,
1112  shellGapMode
1113  );
1115  // Compact out hits
1117  labelList map(shellGapInfo.size());
1118  compactI = 0;
1119  forAll(shellGapInfo, i)
1120  {
1121  if (shellGapInfo[i][2] > 0)
1122  {
1123  map[compactI++] = i;
1124  }
1125  }
1127  Info<< "Selected " << returnReduce(compactI, sumOp<label>())
1128  << " cells inside gap shells out of "
1129  << mesh_.globalData().nTotalCells() << endl;
1131  map.setSize(compactI);
1132  cellMap = labelUIndList(cellMap, map)();
1133  gapShell = labelUIndList(gapShell, map)();
1134  shellGapInfo = UIndirectList<FixedList<label, 3>>(shellGapInfo, map)();
1135  shellGapMode = UIndirectList<volumeType>(shellGapMode, map)();
1136 }
1139 void Foam::meshRefinement::mergeGapInfo
1140 (
1141  const FixedList<label, 3>& shellGapInfo,
1142  const volumeType shellGapMode,
1143  const FixedList<label, 3>& surfGapInfo,
1144  const volumeType surfGapMode,
1146  FixedList<label, 3>& gapInfo,
1147  volumeType& gapMode
1148 ) const
1149 {
1150  if (surfGapInfo[0] == 0)
1151  {
1152  gapInfo = shellGapInfo;
1153  gapMode = shellGapMode;
1154  }
1155  else if (shellGapInfo[0] == 0)
1156  {
1157  gapInfo = surfGapInfo;
1158  gapMode = surfGapMode;
1159  }
1160  else
1161  {
1162  // Both specify a level. Does surface level win? Or does information
1163  // need to be merged?
1165  //gapInfo[0] = max(surfGapInfo[0], shellGapInfo[0]);
1166  //gapInfo[1] = min(surfGapInfo[1], shellGapInfo[1]);
1167  //gapInfo[2] = max(surfGapInfo[2], shellGapInfo[2]);
1168  gapInfo = surfGapInfo;
1169  gapMode = surfGapMode;
1170  }
1171 }
1174 Foam::label Foam::meshRefinement::markInternalGapRefinement
1175 (
1176  const scalar planarCos,
1177  const bool spreadGapSize,
1178  const label nAllowRefine,
1180  labelList& refineCell,
1181  label& nRefine,
1182  labelList& numGapCells,
1183  scalarField& detectedGapSize
1184 ) const
1185 {
1186  detectedGapSize.setSize(mesh_.nCells());
1187  detectedGapSize = GREAT;
1188  numGapCells.setSize(mesh_.nCells());
1189  numGapCells = -1;
1191  const labelList& cellLevel = meshCutter_.cellLevel();
1192  const pointField& cellCentres = mesh_.cellCentres();
1193  const scalar edge0Len = meshCutter_.level0EdgeLength();
1195  const List<FixedList<label, 3>>& extendedGapLevel =
1196  surfaces_.extendedGapLevel();
1197  const List<volumeType>& extendedGapMode = surfaces_.extendedGapMode();
1198  const boolList& extendedGapSelf = surfaces_.gapSelf();
1200  // Get the gap level for the shells
1201  const labelList maxLevel(shells_.maxGapLevel());
1203  label oldNRefine = nRefine;
1205  if (max(maxLevel) > 0)
1206  {
1207  // Collect cells to test
1208  labelList cellMap;
1209  labelList gapShell;
1210  List<FixedList<label, 3>> shellGapInfo;
1211  List<volumeType> shellGapMode;
1212  selectGapCandidates
1213  (
1214  refineCell,
1215  nRefine,
1217  cellMap,
1218  gapShell,
1219  shellGapInfo,
1220  shellGapMode
1221  );
1223  // Find nearest point and normal on the surfaces
1224  List<pointIndexHit> nearInfo;
1225  vectorField nearNormal;
1226  labelList nearSurface;
1227  labelList nearRegion;
1228  {
1229  // Now we have both the cell-level and the gap size information. Use
1230  // this to calculate the gap size
1231  scalarField gapSize(cellMap.size());
1232  forAll(cellMap, i)
1233  {
1234  label cellI = cellMap[i];
1235  scalar cellSize = edge0Len/pow(2.0, cellLevel[cellI]);
1236  gapSize[i] = shellGapInfo[i][0]*cellSize;
1237  }
1239  surfaces_.findNearestRegion
1240  (
1241  identity(surfaces_.surfaces().size()),
1242  pointField(cellCentres, cellMap),
1243  sqr(gapSize),
1244  nearSurface,
1245  nearInfo,
1246  nearRegion,
1247  nearNormal
1248  );
1249  }
1253  DynamicList<label> map(nearInfo.size());
1254  DynamicField<point> rayStart(nearInfo.size());
1255  DynamicField<point> rayEnd(nearInfo.size());
1256  DynamicField<scalar> gapSize(nearInfo.size());
1258  DynamicField<point> rayStart2(nearInfo.size());
1259  DynamicField<point> rayEnd2(nearInfo.size());
1260  DynamicField<scalar> gapSize2(nearInfo.size());
1262  label nTestCells = 0;
1264  forAll(nearInfo, i)
1265  {
1266  if (nearInfo[i].hit())
1267  {
1268  label globalRegionI = surfaces_.globalRegion
1269  (
1270  nearSurface[i],
1271  nearRegion[i]
1272  );
1274  // Combine info from shell and surface
1275  FixedList<label, 3> gapInfo;
1276  volumeType gapMode;
1277  mergeGapInfo
1278  (
1279  shellGapInfo[i],
1280  shellGapMode[i],
1282  extendedGapLevel[globalRegionI],
1283  extendedGapMode[globalRegionI],
1285  gapInfo,
1286  gapMode
1287  );
1289  // Store wanted number of cells in gap
1290  label cellI = cellMap[i];
1291  label cLevel = cellLevel[cellI];
1292  if (cLevel >= gapInfo[1] && cLevel < gapInfo[2])
1293  {
1294  numGapCells[cellI] = max(numGapCells[cellI], gapInfo[0]);
1295  }
1297  // Construct one or more rays to test for oppositeness
1298  label nRays = generateRays
1299  (
1300  false,
1301  nearInfo[i].hitPoint(),
1302  nearNormal[i],
1303  gapInfo,
1304  gapMode,
1306  cellCentres[cellI],
1307  cLevel,
1309  rayStart,
1310  rayEnd,
1311  gapSize,
1313  rayStart2,
1314  rayEnd2,
1315  gapSize2
1316  );
1317  if (nRays > 0)
1318  {
1319  nTestCells++;
1320  for (label j = 0; j < nRays; j++)
1321  {
1322  map.append(i);
1323  }
1324  }
1325  }
1326  }
1328  Info<< "Selected " << returnReduce(nTestCells, sumOp<label>())
1329  << " cells for testing out of "
1330  << mesh_.globalData().nTotalCells() << endl;
1331  map.shrink();
1332  rayStart.shrink();
1333  rayEnd.shrink();
1334  gapSize.shrink();
1336  rayStart2.shrink();
1337  rayEnd2.shrink();
1338  gapSize2.shrink();
1340  cellMap = labelUIndList(cellMap, map)();
1341  nearNormal = UIndirectList<vector>(nearNormal, map)();
1342  shellGapInfo.clear();
1343  shellGapMode.clear();
1344  nearInfo.clear();
1345  nearSurface.clear();
1346  nearRegion.clear();
1349  // Do intersections in pairs
1350  labelList surf1;
1351  List<pointIndexHit> hit1;
1352  vectorField normal1;
1353  surfaces_.findNearestIntersection
1354  (
1355  rayStart,
1356  rayEnd,
1357  surf1,
1358  hit1,
1359  normal1
1360  );
1362  labelList surf2;
1363  List<pointIndexHit> hit2;
1364  vectorField normal2;
1365  surfaces_.findNearestIntersection
1366  (
1367  rayStart2,
1368  rayEnd2,
1369  surf2,
1370  hit2,
1371  normal2
1372  );
1374  // Extract cell based gap size
1375  forAll(surf1, i)
1376  {
1377  // Combine selfProx of shell and surfaces. Ignore regions for
1378  // now
1379  const label shelli = gapShell[map[i]];
1381  bool selfProx = true;
1382  if (shelli != -1)
1383  {
1384  selfProx = shells_.gapSelf()[shelli][0];
1385  }
1386  if (surf1[i] != -1 && selfProx)
1387  {
1388  const label globalRegioni = surfaces_.globalRegion(surf1[i], 0);
1389  selfProx = extendedGapSelf[globalRegioni];
1390  }
1392  if
1393  (
1394  surf1[i] != -1
1395  && surf2[i] != -1
1396  && (surf2[i] != surf1[i] || selfProx)
1397  )
1398  {
1399  // Found intersections with surface. Check for
1400  // - small gap
1401  // - coplanar normals
1403  const label cellI = cellMap[i];
1405  const scalar d2 =
1406  hit1[i].hitPoint().distSqr(hit2[i].hitPoint());
1408  if
1409  (
1410  cellI != -1
1411  && (mag(normal1[i]&normal2[i]) > planarCos)
1412  && (d2 < Foam::sqr(gapSize[i]))
1413  )
1414  {
1415  detectedGapSize[cellI] = min
1416  (
1417  detectedGapSize[cellI],
1418  Foam::sqrt(d2)
1419  );
1420  }
1421  }
1422  }
1424  // Spread it
1425  if (spreadGapSize)
1426  {
1427  scalarField boundaryGapSize;
1429  (
1430  mesh_,
1431  detectedGapSize,
1432  boundaryGapSize
1433  );
1435  // Field on cells and faces
1436  List<transportData> cellData(mesh_.nCells());
1437  List<transportData> faceData(mesh_.nFaces());
1439  // Start of walk
1440  const pointField& faceCentres = mesh_.faceCentres();
1442  DynamicList<label> frontFaces(mesh_.nFaces());
1443  DynamicList<transportData> frontData(mesh_.nFaces());
1444  for (label faceI = 0; faceI < mesh_.nInternalFaces(); faceI++)
1445  {
1446  label own = mesh_.faceOwner()[faceI];
1447  label nei = mesh_.faceNeighbour()[faceI];
1449  scalar minSize = min
1450  (
1451  detectedGapSize[own],
1452  detectedGapSize[nei]
1453  );
1455  if (minSize < GREAT)
1456  {
1457  frontFaces.append(faceI);
1458  frontData.append
1459  (
1460  transportData
1461  (
1462  faceCentres[faceI],
1463  minSize,
1464  0.0
1465  )
1466  );
1467  }
1468  }
1469  for
1470  (
1471  label faceI = mesh_.nInternalFaces();
1472  faceI < mesh_.nFaces();
1473  faceI++
1474  )
1475  {
1476  label own = mesh_.faceOwner()[faceI];
1478  scalar minSize = min
1479  (
1480  detectedGapSize[own],
1481  boundaryGapSize[faceI-mesh_.nInternalFaces()]
1482  );
1484  if (minSize < GREAT)
1485  {
1486  frontFaces.append(faceI);
1487  frontData.append
1488  (
1489  transportData
1490  (
1491  faceCentres[faceI],
1492  minSize,
1493  0.0
1494  )
1495  );
1496  }
1497  }
1499  Info<< "Selected "
1500  << returnReduce(frontFaces.size(), sumOp<label>())
1501  << " faces for spreading gap size out of "
1502  << mesh_.globalData().nTotalFaces() << endl;
1505  transportData::trackData td(surfaceIndex());
1507  FaceCellWave<transportData, transportData::trackData> deltaCalc
1508  (
1509  mesh_,
1510  frontFaces,
1511  frontData,
1512  faceData,
1513  cellData,
1514  mesh_.globalData().nTotalCells()+1,
1515  td
1516  );
1519  forAll(cellMap, i)
1520  {
1521  label cellI = cellMap[i];
1522  if
1523  (
1524  cellI != -1
1525  && cellData[cellI].valid(
1526  && numGapCells[cellI] != -1
1527  )
1528  {
1529  // Update transported gap size
1530  detectedGapSize[cellI] = min
1531  (
1532  detectedGapSize[cellI],
1533  cellData[cellI].data()
1534  );
1535  }
1536  }
1537  }
1540  // Use it
1541  forAll(cellMap, i)
1542  {
1543  label cellI = cellMap[i];
1545  if (cellI != -1 && numGapCells[cellI] != -1)
1546  {
1547  // Needed gap size
1548  label cLevel = cellLevel[cellI];
1549  scalar cellSize =
1550  meshCutter_.level0EdgeLength()/pow(2.0, cLevel);
1551  scalar neededGapSize = numGapCells[cellI]*cellSize;
1553  if (neededGapSize > detectedGapSize[cellI])
1554  {
1555  if
1556  (
1557  !markForRefine
1558  (
1559  123,
1560  nAllowRefine,
1561  refineCell[cellI],
1562  nRefine
1563  )
1564  )
1565  {
1566  break;
1567  }
1568  }
1569  }
1570  }
1573  if
1574  (
1575  returnReduce(nRefine, sumOp<label>())
1576  > returnReduce(nAllowRefine, sumOp<label>())
1577  )
1578  {
1579  Info<< "Reached refinement limit." << endl;
1580  }
1581  }
1583  return returnReduce(nRefine-oldNRefine, sumOp<label>());
1584 }
1587 Foam::label Foam::meshRefinement::markSmallFeatureRefinement
1588 (
1589  const scalar planarCos,
1590  const label nAllowRefine,
1591  const labelList& neiLevel,
1592  const pointField& neiCc,
1594  labelList& refineCell,
1595  label& nRefine
1596 ) const
1597 {
1598  const labelList& cellLevel = meshCutter_.cellLevel();
1599  const labelList& surfaceIndices = surfaces_.surfaces();
1600  const List<FixedList<label, 3>>& extendedGapLevel =
1601  surfaces_.extendedGapLevel();
1602  const List<volumeType>& extendedGapMode = surfaces_.extendedGapMode();
1603  const boolList& extendedGapSelf = surfaces_.gapSelf();
1605  label oldNRefine = nRefine;
1607  // Check that we're using any gap refinement
1608  labelList shellMaxLevel(shells_.maxGapLevel());
1610  if (max(shellMaxLevel) == 0)
1611  {
1612  return 0;
1613  }
1615  //- Force calculation of tetBasePt
1616  (void)mesh_.tetBasePtIs();
1617  (void)mesh_.cellTree();
1620  forAll(surfaceIndices, surfI)
1621  {
1622  label geomI = surfaceIndices[surfI];
1623  const searchableSurface& geom = surfaces_.geometry()[geomI];
1626  // Get the element index in a roundabout way. Problem is e.g.
1627  // distributed surface where local indices differ from global
1628  // ones (needed for getRegion call)
1630  pointField ctrs;
1631  labelList region;
1632  vectorField normal;
1633  {
1634  // Representative local coordinates and bounding sphere
1635  scalarField radiusSqr;
1636  geom.boundingSpheres(ctrs, radiusSqr);
1638  List<pointIndexHit> info;
1639  geom.findNearest(ctrs, radiusSqr, info);
1641  forAll(info, i)
1642  {
1643  if (!info[i].hit())
1644  {
1646  << "fc:" << ctrs[i]
1647  << " radius:" << radiusSqr[i]
1648  << exit(FatalError);
1649  }
1650  }
1652  geom.getRegion(info, region);
1653  geom.getNormal(info, normal);
1654  }
1656  // Do test to see whether triangles are inside/outside shell with
1657  // applicable specification (minLevel <= celllevel < maxLevel)
1658  List<FixedList<label, 3>> shellGapInfo;
1659  List<volumeType> shellGapMode;
1660  labelList gapShell;
1661  shells_.findHigherGapLevel
1662  (
1663  ctrs,
1664  labelList(ctrs.size(), Zero),
1666  gapShell,
1667  shellGapInfo,
1668  shellGapMode
1669  );
1672  DynamicList<label> map(ctrs.size());
1673  DynamicList<label> cellMap(ctrs.size());
1675  DynamicField<point> rayStart(ctrs.size());
1676  DynamicField<point> rayEnd(ctrs.size());
1677  DynamicField<scalar> gapSize(ctrs.size());
1679  label nTestCells = 0;
1681  forAll(ctrs, i)
1682  {
1683  if (shellGapInfo[i][2] > 0)
1684  {
1685  label globalRegionI = surfaces_.globalRegion(surfI, region[i]);
1687  // Combine info from shell and surface
1688  FixedList<label, 3> gapInfo;
1689  volumeType gapMode;
1690  mergeGapInfo
1691  (
1692  shellGapInfo[i],
1693  shellGapMode[i],
1695  extendedGapLevel[globalRegionI],
1696  extendedGapMode[globalRegionI],
1698  gapInfo,
1699  gapMode
1700  );
1702  //- Option 1: use octree nearest searching inside polyMesh
1703  //label cellI = mesh_.findCell(pt, polyMesh::CELL_TETS);
1705  //- Option 2: use octree 'inside' searching inside polyMesh. Is
1706  // much faster.
1707  label cellI = -1;
1708  const indexedOctree<treeDataCell>& tree = mesh_.cellTree();
1709  if (tree.nodes().size() &&[i]))
1710  {
1711  cellI = tree.findInside(ctrs[i]);
1712  }
1714  if (cellI != -1 && refineCell[cellI] == -1)
1715  {
1716  // Construct one or two rays to test for oppositeness
1717  // Note that we always want to use the surface normal
1718  // and not the vector from cell centre to surface point
1720  label nRays = generateRays
1721  (
1722  ctrs[i],
1723  normal[i],
1724  gapInfo,
1725  gapMode,
1727  cellLevel[cellI],
1729  rayStart,
1730  rayEnd
1731  );
1733  if (nRays > 0)
1734  {
1735  nTestCells++;
1736  for (label j = 0; j < nRays; j++)
1737  {
1738  cellMap.append(cellI);
1739  map.append(i);
1740  }
1741  }
1742  }
1743  }
1744  }
1746  Info<< "Selected " << returnReduce(nTestCells, sumOp<label>())
1747  << " cells containing triangle centres out of "
1748  << mesh_.globalData().nTotalCells() << endl;
1749  map.shrink();
1750  cellMap.shrink();
1751  rayStart.shrink();
1752  rayEnd.shrink();
1754  ctrs.clear();
1755  region.clear();
1756  shellGapInfo.clear();
1757  shellGapMode.clear();
1758  normal = UIndirectList<vector>(normal, map)();
1760  // Do intersections.
1761  labelList surfaceHit;
1762  vectorField surfaceNormal;
1763  surfaces_.findNearestIntersection
1764  (
1765  rayStart,
1766  rayEnd,
1767  surfaceHit,
1768  surfaceNormal
1769  );
1772  label nOldRefine = 0;
1775  forAll(surfaceHit, i)
1776  {
1777  // Combine selfProx of shell and surfaces. Ignore regions for
1778  // now
1779  const label shelli = gapShell[map[i]];
1780  bool selfProx = true;
1781  if (shelli != -1)
1782  {
1783  selfProx = shells_.gapSelf()[shelli][0];
1784  }
1785  if (surfI != -1 && selfProx)
1786  {
1787  const label globalRegioni = surfaces_.globalRegion(surfI, 0);
1788  selfProx = extendedGapSelf[globalRegioni];
1789  }
1791  if
1792  (
1793  surfaceHit[i] != -1
1794  && (surfaceHit[i] != surfI || selfProx)
1795  )
1796  {
1797  // Found intersection with surface. Check coplanar normals.
1798  label cellI = cellMap[i];
1800  if (mag(normal[i]&surfaceNormal[i]) > planarCos)
1801  {
1802  if
1803  (
1804  !markForRefine
1805  (
1806  surfaceHit[i],
1807  nAllowRefine,
1808  refineCell[cellI],
1809  nRefine
1810  )
1811  )
1812  {
1813  break;
1814  }
1815  }
1816  }
1817  }
1819  Info<< "For surface " << << " found "
1820  << returnReduce(nRefine-nOldRefine, sumOp<label>())
1821  << " cells in small gaps" << endl;
1823  if
1824  (
1825  returnReduce(nRefine, sumOp<label>())
1826  > returnReduce(nAllowRefine, sumOp<label>())
1827  )
1828  {
1829  Info<< "Reached refinement limit." << endl;
1830  }
1831  }
1833  return returnReduce(nRefine-oldNRefine, sumOp<label>());
1834 }
1838 Foam::label Foam::meshRefinement::markSurfaceFieldRefinement
1839 (
1840  const label nAllowRefine,
1841  const labelList& neiLevel,
1842  const pointField& neiCc,
1844  labelList& refineCell,
1845  label& nRefine
1846 ) const
1847 {
1848  const labelList& cellLevel = meshCutter_.cellLevel();
1849  const labelList& surfaceIndices = surfaces_.surfaces();
1851  label oldNRefine = nRefine;
1853  //- Force calculation of tetBasePt
1854  (void)mesh_.tetBasePtIs();
1855  (void)mesh_.cellTree();
1856  const indexedOctree<treeDataCell>& tree = mesh_.cellTree();
1859  forAll(surfaceIndices, surfI)
1860  {
1861  label geomI = surfaceIndices[surfI];
1862  const searchableSurface& geom = surfaces_.geometry()[geomI];
1864  // Get the element index in a roundabout way. Problem is e.g.
1865  // distributed surface where local indices differ from global
1866  // ones (needed for getRegion call)
1868  pointField ctrs;
1869  labelList region;
1870  labelList minLevelField;
1871  {
1872  // Representative local coordinates and bounding sphere
1873  scalarField radiusSqr;
1874  geom.boundingSpheres(ctrs, radiusSqr);
1876  List<pointIndexHit> info;
1877  geom.findNearest(ctrs, radiusSqr, info);
1879  forAll(info, i)
1880  {
1881  if (!info[i].hit())
1882  {
1884  << "fc:" << ctrs[i]
1885  << " radius:" << radiusSqr[i]
1886  << exit(FatalError);
1887  }
1888  }
1890  geom.getRegion(info, region);
1891  geom.getField(info, minLevelField);
1892  }
1894  if (minLevelField.size() != geom.size())
1895  {
1896  Pout<< "** no minLevelField" << endl;
1897  continue;
1898  }
1901  label nOldRefine = 0;
1903  forAll(ctrs, i)
1904  {
1905  label cellI = -1;
1906  if (tree.nodes().size() &&[i]))
1907  {
1908  cellI = tree.findInside(ctrs[i]);
1909  }
1911  if
1912  (
1913  cellI != -1
1914  && refineCell[cellI] == -1
1915  && minLevelField[i] > cellLevel[cellI]
1916  )
1917  {
1918  if
1919  (
1920  !markForRefine
1921  (
1922  surfI,
1923  nAllowRefine,
1924  refineCell[cellI],
1925  nRefine
1926  )
1927  )
1928  {
1929  break;
1930  }
1931  }
1932  }
1934  Info<< "For surface " << << " found "
1935  << returnReduce(nRefine-nOldRefine, sumOp<label>())
1936  << " cells containing cached refinement field" << endl;
1938  if
1939  (
1940  returnReduce(nRefine, sumOp<label>())
1941  > returnReduce(nAllowRefine, sumOp<label>())
1942  )
1943  {
1944  Info<< "Reached refinement limit." << endl;
1945  }
1946  }
1948  return returnReduce(nRefine-oldNRefine, sumOp<label>());
1949 }
1953 // ************************************************************************* //
void size(const label n)
Older name for setAddressableSize.
Definition: UList.H:116
const labelList & surfaces() const
errorManipArg< error, int > exit(error &err, const int errNo=1)
Definition: errorManip.H:125
dimensioned< typename typeOfMag< Type >::type > mag(const dimensioned< Type > &dt)
error FatalError
Error stream (stdout output on all processes), with additional &#39;FOAM FATAL ERROR&#39; header text and sta...
#define FatalErrorInFunction
Report an error message using Foam::FatalError.
Definition: error.H:598
virtual const labelList & faceNeighbour() const
Return face neighbour.
Definition: polyMesh.C:1122
label max(const labelHashSet &set, label maxValue=labelMin)
Find the max value in labelHashSet, optionally limited by second argument.
Definition: hashSets.C:40
dimensionedSymmTensor sqr(const dimensionedVector &dv)
UIndirectList< label > labelUIndList
UIndirectList of labels.
Definition: IndirectList.H:65
dimensionedScalar sqrt(const dimensionedScalar &ds)
Ostream & endl(Ostream &os)
Add newline and flush stream.
Definition: Ostream.H:531
T returnReduce(const T &value, const BinaryOp &bop, const int tag=UPstream::msgType(), const label comm=UPstream::worldComm)
Perform reduction on a copy, using specified binary operation.
bool isInternalFace(const label faceIndex) const noexcept
Return true if given face label is internal to the mesh.
#define forAll(list, i)
Loop across all elements in list.
Definition: stdFoam.H:421
const boolList & gapSelf() const
From global region number to whether to detect gaps to same.
vectorField pointField
pointField is a vectorField.
Definition: pointFieldFwd.H:38
const dimensionedScalar e
Elementary charge.
Definition: createFields.H:11
void setSize(const label n)
Alias for resize()
Definition: List.H:316
labelList identity(const label len, label start=0)
Return an identity map of the given length with (map[i] == i), works like std::iota() but returning a...
Definition: labelLists.C:44
const boolListList & gapSelf() const
Per shell, per region whether to test for gap with same surface.
Field< scalar > scalarField
Specialisation of Field<T> for scalar.
Tree tree(triangles.begin(), triangles.end())
virtual const labelList & faceOwner() const
Return face owner.
Definition: polyMesh.C:1116
label nInternalFaces() const noexcept
Number of internal faces.
Vector< scalar > vector
Definition: vector.H:57
A location inside the volume.
Definition: volumeType.H:65
const List< volumeType > & extendedGapMode() const
From global region number to side of surface to detect.
A location outside the volume.
Definition: volumeType.H:66
label min(const labelHashSet &set, label minValue=labelMax)
Find the min value in labelHashSet, optionally limited by second argument.
Definition: hashSets.C:26
const vectorField & cellCentres() const
labelList maxGapLevel() const
Highest shell gap level.
A location that is partly inside and outside.
Definition: volumeType.H:67
constexpr auto end(C &c) -> decltype(c.end())
Return iterator to the end of the container c.
Definition: stdFoam.H:201
static void swapBoundaryCellList(const polyMesh &mesh, const UList< T > &cellData, List< T > &neighbourCellData)
Swap to obtain neighbour cell values for all boundary faces.
dimensionedScalar pow(const dimensionedScalar &ds, const dimensionedScalar &expt)
const List< FixedList< label, 3 > > & extendedGapLevel() const
From global region number to specification of gap and its.
vector point
Point is a vector.
Definition: point.H:37
label nCells() const noexcept
Number of mesh cells.
label globalRegion(const label surfI, const label regionI) const
From surface and region on surface to global region.
messageStream Info
Information stream (stdout output on master, null elsewhere)
label n
Field< vector > vectorField
Specialisation of Field<T> for vector.
List< label > labelList
A List of labels.
Definition: List.H:62
void findNearestIntersection(const labelList &surfacesToTest, const pointField &start, const pointField &end, labelList &surface1, List< pointIndexHit > &hit1, labelList &region1, labelList &surface2, List< pointIndexHit > &hit2, labelList &region2) const
Find intersection nearest to the endpoints. surface1,2 are.
gmvFile<< "tracers "<< particles.size()<< nl;for(const passiveParticle &p :particles){ gmvFile<< p.position().x()<< " ";}gmvFile<< nl;for(const passiveParticle &p :particles){ gmvFile<< p.position().y()<< " ";}gmvFile<< nl;for(const passiveParticle &p :particles){ gmvFile<< p.position().z()<< " ";}gmvFile<< nl;forAll(lagrangianScalarNames, i){ word name=lagrangianScalarNames[i];IOField< scalar > s(IOobject(name, runTime.timeName(), cloud::prefix, mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE))
label nBoundaryFaces() const noexcept
Number of boundary faces (== nFaces - nInternalFaces)
mode_t mode(const fileName &name, const bool followLink=true)
Return the file mode, normally following symbolic links.
Definition: POSIX.C:773
List< bool > boolList
A List of bools.
Definition: List.H:60
prefixOSstream Pout
OSstream wrapped stdout (std::cout) with parallel prefix.
const labelIOList & cellLevel() const
Definition: hexRef8.H:481
static constexpr const zero Zero
Global zero (0)
Definition: zero.H:127