Collaboration diagram for Wall functions:


class  sorptionWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
 The sorptionWallFunction is a wall boundary condition to specify scalar/concentration gradient for turbulent and laminar flows. More...
class  epsilonWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides wall functions for the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate (i.e. epsilon) and the turbulent kinetic energy production contribution (i.e. G) for low- and high-Reynolds number simulations. More...
class  kLowReWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a wall function for the turbulent kinetic energy (i.e. k) for low- and high-Reynolds number simulations. More...
class  kqRWallFunctionFvPatchField< Type >
 This boundary condition provides a simple wrapper around the zero-gradient condition, which can be used for the turbulent kinetic energy (i.e. k), square-root of turbulent kinetic energy (i.e. q) and Reynolds stress symmetric-tensor fields (i.e. R) for the cases of high Reynolds number flow using wall functions. It is not a wall-function condition. More...
class  nutkRoughWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a wall-function for the turbulent viscosity (i.e. nut) when using wall functions for rough walls, based on the turbulent kinetic energy (i.e. k). The condition manipulates the wall roughness parameter (i.e. E) to account for roughness effects. More...
class  nutkWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a wall function for the turbulent viscosity (i.e. nut) based on the turbulent kinetic energy, (i.e. k) for for low- and high-Reynolds number applications. More...
class  nutLowReWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a simple wrapper around a zero fixed-value condition for the turbulent viscosity (i.e. nut) for low-Reynolds number applications. It sets nut to zero, and provides an access function to calculate y+. More...
class  nutUBlendedWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a wall function for the turbulent viscosity (i.e. nut) based on velocity (i.e. U) using a binomial-function wall-function blending method between the viscous and inertial sublayer predictions of nut for low- and high-Reynolds number applications. More...
class  nutURoughWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a wall function on the turbulent viscosity (i.e. nut) based on velocity (i.e. U) for low- and high-Reynolds number applications for rough walls. More...
class  nutUSpaldingWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a wall function for the turbulent viscosity (i.e. nut) based on velocity (i.e. U). Using Spalding's law gives a continuous nut profile to the wall. More...
class  nutUTabulatedWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a wall constraint on the turbulent viscosity (i.e. nut) based on velocity (i.e. U), for low- and high-Reynolds number applications. More...
class  nutUWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a wall function for the turbulent viscosity (i.e. nut) based on velocity (i.e. U) for low- and high-Reynolds number applications. More...
class  nutWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
 The class nutWallFunction is an abstract base class that hosts $y^+$ calculation methods and common functions for nut wall-function boundary conditions. More...
class  omegaWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a wall function for the specific dissipation rate (i.e. omega) and the turbulent kinetic energy production contribution (i.e. G) for low- and high-Reynolds number applications. More...

Detailed Description

This group contains turbulence model wall functions