Collaboration diagram for Sources:


class  atmAmbientTurbSource
 Applies sources on k and either epsilon or omega to prevent them droping below a specified ambient value for atmospheric boundary layer modelling. Such adjustment reportedly increases numerical stability for very stable atmospheric stability conditions, and prevents nonphysical oscillations in regions of low shear at higher altitudes. More...
class  atmBuoyancyTurbSource
 Applies sources on k and either epsilon or omega to incorporate effects of buoyancy for atmospheric boundary layer modelling. More...
class  atmLengthScaleTurbSource
 Applies sources on either epsilon or omega to correct mixing-length scale estimations for atmospheric boundary layer modelling. More...
class  atmNutSource
 Adds/subtracts a given artificial turbulent viscosity field to/from nut for atmospheric boundary layer modelling. More...
class  atmPlantCanopyTSource
 Applies sources on temperature, i.e. T, to incorporate effects of plant canopy for atmospheric boundary layer modelling. More...
class  atmPlantCanopyTurbSource
 Applies sources on either epsilon or omega to incorporate effects of plant canopy for atmospheric boundary layer modelling. More...
class  atmPlantCanopyUSource
 Applies sources on velocity (i.e. U) to incorporate effects of plant canopy for atmospheric boundary layer modelling. More...
class  acousticDampingSource
 Applies sources on velocity (i.e. U) within a specified region to enable acoustic damping. More...
class  actuationDiskSource
 Applies sources on velocity (i.e. U) within a specified region to enable actuator disk models for aero/hydro thrust loading of horizontal axis turbines on surrounding flow field in terms of energy conversion processes. More...
class  buoyancyEnergy
 Applies buoyancy energy sources (i.e. Sb) to the energy equation for compressible flows. More...
class  buoyancyForce
 Applies buoyancy force sources (i.e. Sf) to the momentum equation for incompressible and compressible flows. More...
class  buoyancyTurbSource
 Applies sources on turbulent kinetic energy (i.e. k) and either turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate (i.e. epsilon) or specific dissipation rate (i.e. omega) to incorporate effects of buoyancy on turbulence in incompressible and compressible flows. More...
class  directionalPressureGradientExplicitSource
 Applies an explicit pressure gradient source in such a way to deflect the flow towards an specific direction (flowDir). Alternatively add an extra pressure drop in the flowDir direction using a model. More...
class  explicitPorositySource
 Applies an explicit porosity source to the momentum equation within a specified region. More...
class  fanMomentumSource
 This source term models the action of a fan on the flow. It calculates flow rate through a set of upstream faces of encompassing the cell zone. The set of upstream faces is automatically calculated based on the flow direction and the surrounding face zone. Based on the flow rate, the pressure gradient is calculated based on the fan pressure curve and the thickness of the fan (measurement section). The pressure gradient is then added to the momentum equation. More...
class  heatExchangerSource
 Heat exchanger source model for compressible flows, where the heat exchanger is modelled as an energy source using a selection of cells. More...
class  jouleHeatingSource
 Evolves an electrical potential equation. More...
class  meanVelocityForce
 Applies the force within a specified region to maintain the specified mean velocity for incompressible flows. More...
class  multiphaseStabilizedTurbulence
 Applies corrections to the turbulent kinetic energy equation (i.e. k) and turbulent viscosity field (i.e. nut) for incompressible multiphase flow cases. More...
class  patchCellsSource
 Source defined by a boundary condition applied to cells next to patches. This fvOption needs to be used with a boundarySourcePatch type of boundary condition (e.g. speciesSorption and enthalpySorption.) More...
class  radialActuationDiskSource
 Applies sources on velocity field (i.e. U) within a specified region to enable actuator disk models with radial thrust distribution for aero/hydro thrust loading of horizontal axis turbines on surrounding flow field in terms of energy conversion processes. More...
class  rotorDiskSource
 Applies cell-based momentum sources on velocity (i.e. U) within a specified cylindrical region to approximate the mean effects of rotor forces. More...
class  solidificationMeltingSource
 This source is designed to model the effect of solidification and melting processes, e.g. windhield defrosting, within a specified region. The phase change occurs at the melting temperature, Tmelt. More...
class  tabulatedAccelerationSource
 Solid-body 6-DoF acceleration source. More...
class  viscousDissipation
 Applies a viscous dissipation energy source to the energy equation. More...
class  codedSource
 Constructs on-the-fly fvOption source. More...
class  SemiImplicitSource< Type >
 Applies semi-implicit source within a specified region for Type, where <Type>=Scalar/Vector/SphericalTensor/SymmTensor/Tensor. The source rate coefficients are specified as pairs of Su-Sp coefficients, i.e.: More...
class  interRegionExplicitPorositySource
 Applies inter-region explicit porosity source. More...
class  constantHeatTransfer
 Applies a constant heat transfer model for inter-region heat exchanges. More...
class  interRegionHeatTransferModel
 Intermediate class for handling inter-region heat exchanges. More...
class  tabulatedHeatTransfer
 Applies a tabulated heat transfer model for inter-region heat exchanges. More...
class  tabulatedNTUHeatTransfer
 Applies a tabulated heat transfer model for inter-region heat exchanges. The heat flux is calculated based on the Number of Thermal Units (NTU). More...
class  variableHeatTransfer
 Applies a variable heat transfer model depending on local values for inter-region heat exchanges. More...
class  topOSource
 Implements Brinkman penalisation terms for topology optimisation. Looks up the indicator field (beta) from the registry, through topOVariablesBase. More...
class  multiphaseMangrovesSource
class  multiphaseMangrovesTurbulenceModel

Detailed Description

This group contains finite volume sources