Collaboration diagram for Constraints:


class  fixedTemperatureConstraint
 Constrain temperature equation (i.e. T) with a given set of fixed values within a specified region. More...
class  velocityDampingConstraint
 Constrain given velocity fields to dampen velocity fluctuations exceeding a given value within a specified region. More...
class  FixedValueConstraint< Type >
 Constrain values of given fields of Type with a given maximum value within a specified region, where <Type>=Scalar/Vector/SphericalTensor/SymmTensor/Tensor. More...
class  MapFieldConstraint< Type >
 The MapFieldConstraint constrains values of given fields of Type with a source field from an external mesh, where <Type>={scalar,vector,sphericalTensor,symmTensor,tensor}. Optionally, the source field can be translated and/or rotated as a function of time. More...

Detailed Description

This group contains finite volume constraints