triangle< Point, PointRef > Member List

This is the complete list of members for triangle< Point, PointRef >, including all inherited members.

a() const noexcepttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
areaNormal(const Point &p0, const Point &p1, const Point &p2)triangle< Point, PointRef >inlinestatic
areaNormal() consttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
b() const noexcepttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
barycentricToPoint(const barycentric2D &bary) consttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
box(const Point &p0, const Point &p1, const Point &p2)triangle< Point, PointRef >inlinestatic
box() consttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
c() const noexcepttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
centre(const Point &p0, const Point &p1, const Point &p2)triangle< Point, PointRef >inlinestatic
centre() consttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
circumCentre() consttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
circumRadius() consttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
classify(const point &p, label &nearType, label &nearLabel) consttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
EDGE enum valuetriangle< Point, PointRef >
FOAM_DEPRECATED_FOR(2018-12, "areaNormal() or unitNormal()") vector normal() consttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
inertia(PointRef refPt=Zero, scalar density=1.0) consttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
intersection(const point &p, const vector &q, const intersection::algorithm alg, const scalar tol=0.0) consttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
intersects(const point &origin, const vector &normal) consttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
intersects(const point &origin, const vector::components axis) consttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
mag() consttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
nearestPoint(const point &p) consttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
nearestPoint(const linePointRef &edge, pointHit &edgePoint) consttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
nearestPointClassify(const point &p, label &nearType, label &nearLabel) consttriangle< Point, PointRef >
NONE enum valuetriangle< Point, PointRef >
operator(Ostream &, const triangle &)triangle< Point, PointRef >friend
operator>>(Istream &, triangle &)triangle< Point, PointRef >friend
POINT enum valuetriangle< Point, PointRef >
point_type typedeftriangle< Point, PointRef >
pointToBarycentric(const point &pt) consttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
pointToBarycentric(const point &pt, barycentric2D &bary) consttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
proxType enum nametriangle< Point, PointRef >
quality() consttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
randomPoint(Random &rndGen) consttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
ray(const point &p, const vector &q, const intersection::algorithm=intersection::FULL_RAY, const intersection::direction dir=intersection::VECTOR) consttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
sign(const point &p, const scalar tol=SMALL) consttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
sliceWithPlane(const plane &pln, AboveOp &aboveOp, BelowOp &belowOp) consttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
sweptVol(const triangle &t) consttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
triangle(const Point &p0, const Point &p1, const Point &p2)triangle< Point, PointRef >inline
triangle(const FixedList< Point, 3 > &pts)triangle< Point, PointRef >inline
triangle(const UList< Point > &points, const FixedList< label, 3 > &indices)triangle< Point, PointRef >inline
triangle(Istream &is)triangle< Point, PointRef >inlineexplicit
triangleOverlap(const vector &n, const triangle< Point, PointRef > &tri, InsideOp &insideOp, OutsideOp &outsideOp) consttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
triIntersectionList typedeftriangle< Point, PointRef >
unitNormal(const Point &p0, const Point &p1, const Point &p2)triangle< Point, PointRef >inlinestatic
unitNormal() consttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
vecA() consttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
vecB() consttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline
vecC() consttriangle< Point, PointRef >inline