pureZoneMixture< ThermoType > Member List

This is the complete list of members for pureZoneMixture< ThermoType >, including all inherited members.

basicMixture(const dictionary &, const fvMesh &, const word &)basicMixtureinline
basicMixtureType typedefbasicMixture
cellMixture(const label celli) constpureZoneMixture< ThermoType >
cellVolMixture(const scalar p, const scalar T, const label celli) constpureZoneMixture< ThermoType >
patchFaceMixture(const label patchi, const label facei) constpureZoneMixture< ThermoType >
patchFaceVolMixture(const scalar p, const scalar T, const label patchi, const label facei) constpureZoneMixture< ThermoType >
pureZoneMixture(const dictionary &thermoDict, const fvMesh &mesh, const word &phaseName)pureZoneMixture< ThermoType >
read(const dictionary &)pureZoneMixture< ThermoType >
thermoType typedefpureZoneMixture< ThermoType >
typeName()pureZoneMixture< ThermoType >inlinestatic
~pureZoneMixture()=defaultpureZoneMixture< ThermoType >virtual