kaqRWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField Member List

This is the complete list of members for kaqRWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField, including all inherited members.

addATCUaGradUTerm()adjointBoundaryCondition< Type >protected
addATCUaGradUTerm_adjointBoundaryCondition< Type >protected
adjointBoundaryCondition(const fvPatch &p, const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &iF, const word &solverName)adjointBoundaryCondition< Type >
adjointBoundaryCondition(const adjointBoundaryCondition< Type > &)adjointBoundaryCondition< Type >
adjointSolverName() constadjointBoundaryCondition< Type >
adjointSolverName_adjointBoundaryCondition< Type >protected
append(const scalar &val)List< scalar >inline
append(scalar &&val)List< scalar >inline
append(const UList< scalar > &list)List< scalar >inline
append(const IndirectListBase< scalar, Addr > &list)List< scalar >inline
appendUniq(const scalar &val)List< scalar >inline
assign(const entry &e, const label len)Field< scalar >
assign(const word &key, const dictionary &dict, const label len, IOobjectOption::readOption readOpt=IOobjectOption::MUST_READ)Field< scalar >
assignable() constfvPatchFieldBaseinlinevirtual
autoMap(const fvPatchFieldMapper &)fvPatchField< scalar >virtual
Field< scalar >::autoMap(const FieldMapper &map, const bool applyFlip=true)Field< scalar >
back()UList< T >inline
back() constUList< T >inline
begin() noexceptUList< T >inline
begin(const label i) noexceptUList< T >inline
begin() const noexceptUList< T >inline
begin(const label i) const noexceptUList< T >inline
block(const label start) constField< scalar >
boundaryContrPtr_adjointBoundaryCondition< Type >protected
byteSize() constUList< T >
Calculated typedeffvPatchField< scalar >
calculatedType() noexceptfvPatchFieldBaseinlinestatic
capacity() const noexceptUList< T >inline
cbegin() const noexceptUList< T >inline
cbegin(const label i) const noexceptUList< T >inline
cdata() const noexceptUList< T >inline
cdata_bytes() const noexceptUList< T >inline
cend() const noexceptUList< T >inline
check(const fvPatchField< scalar > &) constfvPatchField< scalar >
checkIndex(const label i) constUList< T >inline
checkPatch(const fvPatchFieldBase &rhs) constfvPatchFieldBase
checkRange(const label start, const label len) constUList< T >inline
checkSize(const label size) constUList< T >inline
checkStart(const label start) constUList< T >inline
clamp_max(const scalar &upper)Field< scalar >
clamp_min(const scalar &lower)Field< scalar >
clamp_range(const scalar &lower, const scalar &upper)Field< scalar >
clamp_range(const MinMax< scalar > &range)Field< scalar >
clear()List< scalar >inline
clone() constkaqRWallFunctionFvPatchScalarFieldinlinevirtual
clone(const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &iF) constkaqRWallFunctionFvPatchScalarFieldinlinevirtual
cmptType typedefField< scalar >
component(const direction) constField< scalar >
computePatchGrad(word name)adjointBoundaryCondition< Type >protected
const_iterator typedefUList< T >
const_pointer typedefUList< T >
const_reference typedefUList< T >
const_reverse_iterator typedefUList< T >
contains(const T &val) constUList< T >inline
contains(const T &val, label pos, label len=-1) constUList< T >inline
coupled() constfvPatchFieldBaseinlinevirtual
crbegin() constUList< T >inline
crend() constUList< T >inline
data() noexceptUList< T >inline
data_bytes() noexceptUList< T >inline
db() constfvPatchFieldBase
declareRunTimeSelectionTable(tmp, fvPatchField, patch,(const fvPatch &p, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &iF),(p, iF))fvPatchField< scalar >
declareRunTimeSelectionTable(tmp, fvPatchField, patchMapper,(const fvPatchField< scalar > &ptf, const fvPatch &p, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &iF, const fvPatchFieldMapper &m),(dynamic_cast< const fvPatchFieldType & >(ptf), p, iF, m))fvPatchField< scalar >
declareRunTimeSelectionTable(tmp, fvPatchField, dictionary,(const fvPatch &p, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &iF, const dictionary &dict),(p, iF, dict))fvPatchField< scalar >
deepCopy(const UList< T > &list)UList< T >
deepCopy(const IndirectListBase< T, Addr > &list)UList< T >
difference_type typedefUList< T >
dxdbMult() constadjointBoundaryCondition< Type >virtual
emplace_back(Args &&... args)List< scalar >inline
empty() const noexceptUList< T >inline
emptyType() noexceptfvPatchFieldBaseinlinestatic
end() noexceptUList< T >inline
end() const noexceptUList< T >inline
evaluate(const Pstream::commsTypes commsType=Pstream::commsTypes::blocking)kqRWallFunctionFvPatchField< scalar >virtual
evaluateLocal(const Pstream::commsTypes commsType=Pstream::commsTypes::blocking)fvPatchField< scalar >inlinevirtual
extrapolatedCalculatedType() noexceptfvPatchFieldBaseinlinestatic
extrapolateInternal()fvPatchField< scalar >protected
fcIndex(const label i) const noexceptUList< T >inline
fcValue(const label i) constUList< T >inline
fcValue(const label i)UList< T >inline
Field() noexceptField< scalar >inline
Field(const label len)Field< scalar >inlineexplicit
Field(const label len, const scalar &val)Field< scalar >inline
Field(const label len, const Foam::zero)Field< scalar >inline
Field(const Foam::one, const scalar &val)Field< scalar >inline
Field(const Foam::one, scalar &&val)Field< scalar >inline
Field(const Foam::one, const Foam::zero)Field< scalar >inline
Field(const Field< scalar > &fld)Field< scalar >inline
Field(const UList< scalar > &list)Field< scalar >inlineexplicit
Field(const IndirectListBase< scalar, Addr > &list)Field< scalar >inlineexplicit
Field(Field< scalar > &&fld) noexceptField< scalar >inline
Field(List< scalar > &&list) noexceptField< scalar >inline
Field(DynamicList< scalar, SizeMin > &&list)Field< scalar >inline
Field(const UList< scalar > &mapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing)Field< scalar >
Field(const tmp< Field< scalar >> &tmapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing)Field< scalar >
Field(const UList< scalar > &mapF, const labelListList &mapAddressing, const scalarListList &weights)Field< scalar >
Field(const tmp< Field< scalar >> &tmapF, const labelListList &mapAddressing, const scalarListList &weights)Field< scalar >
Field(const UList< scalar > &mapF, const FieldMapper &map, const bool applyFlip=true)Field< scalar >
Field(const UList< scalar > &mapF, const FieldMapper &map, const scalar &defaultValue, const bool applyFlip=true)Field< scalar >
Field(const UList< scalar > &mapF, const FieldMapper &map, const UList< scalar > &defaultValues, const bool applyFlip=true)Field< scalar >
Field(const tmp< Field< scalar >> &tmapF, const FieldMapper &map, const bool applyFlip=true)Field< scalar >
Field(const tmp< Field< scalar >> &tmapF, const FieldMapper &map, const scalar &defaultValue, const bool applyFlip=true)Field< scalar >
Field(const tmp< Field< scalar >> &tmapF, const FieldMapper &map, const UList< scalar > &defaultValues, const bool applyFlip=true)Field< scalar >
Field(Field< scalar > &fld, bool reuse)Field< scalar >inline
Field(const tmp< Field< scalar >> &tfld)Field< scalar >inline
Field(Istream &is)Field< scalar >inline
Field(const entry &e, const label len)Field< scalar >
Field(const word &key, const dictionary &dict, const label len, IOobjectOption::readOption readOpt=IOobjectOption::MUST_READ)Field< scalar >
FieldBase() noexceptFieldBaseinline
fill_uniform(const T &val)UList< T >inlineprotected
fill_uniform(const Foam::zero)UList< T >inlineprotected
find(const T &val) constUList< T >
find(const T &val, label pos, label len=-1) constUList< T >
first()UList< T >inline
first() constUList< T >inline
fixesValue() constfvPatchFieldBaseinlinevirtual
found(const T &val, label pos=0) constUList< T >inline
front()UList< T >inline
front() constUList< T >inline
fvPatchField(const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &)fvPatchField< scalar >
fvPatchField(const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &, const word &patchType)fvPatchField< scalar >
fvPatchField(const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &, const scalar &value)fvPatchField< scalar >
fvPatchField(const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &, const Field< scalar > &pfld)fvPatchField< scalar >
fvPatchField(const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &, Field< scalar > &&pfld)fvPatchField< scalar >
fvPatchField(const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &, const dictionary &dict, IOobjectOption::readOption requireValue=IOobjectOption::MUST_READ)fvPatchField< scalar >
fvPatchField(const fvPatch &p, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &iF, const dictionary &dict, const bool valueReqd)fvPatchField< scalar >inline
fvPatchField(const fvPatchField< scalar > &, const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &, const fvPatchFieldMapper &)fvPatchField< scalar >
fvPatchField(const fvPatchField< scalar > &)fvPatchField< scalar >
fvPatchField(const fvPatchField< scalar > &, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &)fvPatchField< scalar >
fvPatchFieldBase(const fvPatch &p)fvPatchFieldBaseexplicit
fvPatchFieldBase(const fvPatch &p, const word &patchType)fvPatchFieldBaseexplicit
fvPatchFieldBase(const fvPatch &p, const dictionary &dict)fvPatchFieldBase
fvPatchFieldBase(const fvPatchFieldBase &rhs, const fvPatch &p)fvPatchFieldBase
fvPatchFieldBase(const fvPatchFieldBase &rhs)fvPatchFieldBase
get(const label i) constUList< T >inline
getATC() constadjointBoundaryCondition< Type >
getBoundaryAdjContribution()adjointBoundaryCondition< Type >
gradientBoundaryCoeffs() constzeroGradientFvPatchField< scalar >virtual
fvPatchField< scalar >::gradientBoundaryCoeffs(const scalarField &deltaCoeffs) constfvPatchField< scalar >inlinevirtual
gradientInternalCoeffs() constzeroGradientFvPatchField< scalar >virtual
fvPatchField< scalar >::gradientInternalCoeffs(const scalarField &deltaCoeffs) constfvPatchField< scalar >inlinevirtual
initEvaluate(const Pstream::commsTypes commsType=Pstream::commsTypes::blocking)fvPatchField< scalar >inlinevirtual
initEvaluateLocal(const Pstream::commsTypes commsType=Pstream::commsTypes::blocking)fvPatchField< scalar >inlinevirtual
Internal typedeffvPatchField< scalar >
internalField() const noexceptfvPatchField< scalar >inline
iterator typedefUList< T >
kaqRWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField(const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &)kaqRWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
kaqRWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField(const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &, const dictionary &)kaqRWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
kaqRWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField(const kaqRWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField &, const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &, const fvPatchFieldMapper &)kaqRWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
kaqRWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField(const kaqRWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField &)kaqRWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
kaqRWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField(const kaqRWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField &, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &)kaqRWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
kqRWallFunctionFvPatchField(const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &)kqRWallFunctionFvPatchField< scalar >
kqRWallFunctionFvPatchField(const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &, const dictionary &)kqRWallFunctionFvPatchField< scalar >
kqRWallFunctionFvPatchField(const kqRWallFunctionFvPatchField &, const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &, const fvPatchFieldMapper &)kqRWallFunctionFvPatchField< scalar >
kqRWallFunctionFvPatchField(const kqRWallFunctionFvPatchField &)kqRWallFunctionFvPatchField< scalar >
kqRWallFunctionFvPatchField(const kqRWallFunctionFvPatchField &, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &)kqRWallFunctionFvPatchField< scalar >
last()UList< T >inline
last() constUList< T >inline
List() noexceptList< scalar >inline
List(const label len)List< scalar >explicit
List(const label len, const scalar &val)List< scalar >
List(const label len, const Foam::zero)List< scalar >
List(const Foam::one, const scalar &val)List< scalar >
List(const Foam::one, scalar &&val)List< scalar >
List(const Foam::one, const Foam::zero)List< scalar >
List(const List< scalar > &list)List< scalar >
List(const UList< scalar > &list)List< scalar >explicit
List(List< scalar > &list, bool reuse)List< scalar >
List(const UList< scalar > &list, const labelUList &indices)List< scalar >
List(const UList< scalar > &list, const FixedList< label, N > &indices)List< scalar >
List(const FixedList< scalar, N > &list)List< scalar >explicit
List(const PtrList< scalar > &list)List< scalar >explicit
List(const IndirectListBase< scalar, Addr > &list)List< scalar >explicit
List(std::initializer_list< scalar > list)List< scalar >
List(List< scalar > &&list) noexceptList< scalar >
List(DynamicList< scalar, SizeMin > &&list)List< scalar >
List(Istream &is)List< scalar >
List(const SLList< scalar > &list)List< scalar >explicit
managerName_adjointBoundaryCondition< Type >protected
manipulatedMatrix() const noexceptfvPatchFieldBaseinline
manipulateMatrix(fvMatrix< scalar > &matrix)kaqRWallFunctionFvPatchScalarFieldvirtual
kqRWallFunctionFvPatchField< scalar >::manipulateMatrix(fvMatrix< scalar > &matrix, const scalarField &weights)fvPatchField< scalar >virtual
kqRWallFunctionFvPatchField< scalar >::manipulateMatrix(fvMatrix< scalar > &matrix, const label iMatrix, const direction cmp)fvPatchField< scalar >virtual
map(const UList< scalar > &mapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing)Field< scalar >
map(const tmp< Field< scalar >> &tmapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing)Field< scalar >
map(const UList< scalar > &mapF, const labelListList &mapAddressing, const scalarListList &weights)Field< scalar >
map(const tmp< Field< scalar >> &tmapF, const labelListList &mapAddressing, const scalarListList &weights)Field< scalar >
map(const UList< scalar > &mapF, const FieldMapper &map, const bool applyFlip=true)Field< scalar >
map(const tmp< Field< scalar >> &tmapF, const FieldMapper &map, const bool applyFlip=true)Field< scalar >
max_size() noexceptUList< T >inlinestatic
moveFirst(const label i)UList< T >
moveLast(const label i)UList< T >
negate()Field< scalar >
New(const word &patchFieldType, const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &)fvPatchField< scalar >static
New(const word &patchFieldType, const word &actualPatchType, const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &)fvPatchField< scalar >static
New(const fvPatchField< scalar > &, const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &, const fvPatchFieldMapper &)fvPatchField< scalar >static
New(const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &, const dictionary &)fvPatchField< scalar >static
Field< scalar >::New(Istream &is)Field< scalar >inlinestatic
NewCalculatedType(const fvPatch &)fvPatchField< scalar >static
NewCalculatedType(const fvPatchField< Type2 > &)fvPatchField< scalar >static
NewCalculatedType(const fvPatchField< Type2 > &pf)fvPatchField< scalar >
Field< scalar >::NewCalculatedType(const Field< Type2 > &f)Field< scalar >inlinestatic
newElmt(const label i)List< scalar >inline
normalise()Field< scalar >
normalise()Field< scalar >
normalise()Field< scalar >
normalise()Field< scalar >
normalise()Field< scalar >
null()Field< scalar >inlinestatic
objectiveManagerName() constadjointBoundaryCondition< Type >
operator const Foam::List< T > &() constUList< T >inline
operator!=(const fvPatchField< scalar > &) const=deletefvPatchField< scalar >
operator!=(const Field< scalar > &) const=deletefvPatchField< scalar >
operator!=(const scalar &) const=deletefvPatchField< scalar >
Field< scalar >::operator!=(const UList< T > &list) constUList< T >
operator*=(const fvPatchField< scalar > &)fvPatchField< scalar >virtual
operator*=(const Field< scalar > &)fvPatchField< scalar >virtual
operator*=(const scalar)fvPatchField< scalar >virtual
Field< scalar >::operator*=(const UList< scalar > &)Field< scalar >
Field< scalar >::operator*=(const tmp< Field< scalar >> &)Field< scalar >
Field< scalar >::operator*=(const scalar &)Field< scalar >
operator++() noexceptrefCountinline
operator++(int) noexceptrefCountinline
operator+=(const fvPatchField< scalar > &)fvPatchField< scalar >virtual
operator+=(const Field< scalar > &)fvPatchField< scalar >virtual
operator+=(const scalar &)fvPatchField< scalar >virtual
Field< scalar >::operator+=(const UList< scalar > &)Field< scalar >
Field< scalar >::operator+=(const tmp< Field< scalar >> &)Field< scalar >
operator--() noexceptrefCountinline
operator--(int) noexceptrefCountinline
operator-=(const fvPatchField< scalar > &)fvPatchField< scalar >virtual
operator-=(const Field< scalar > &)fvPatchField< scalar >virtual
operator-=(const scalar &)fvPatchField< scalar >virtual
Field< scalar >::operator-=(const UList< scalar > &)Field< scalar >
Field< scalar >::operator-=(const tmp< Field< scalar >> &)Field< scalar >
operator/=(const fvPatchField< scalar > &)fvPatchField< scalar >virtual
operator/=(const Field< scalar > &)fvPatchField< scalar >virtual
operator/=(const scalar)fvPatchField< scalar >virtual
Field< scalar >::operator/=(const UList< scalar > &)Field< scalar >
Field< scalar >::operator/=(const tmp< Field< scalar >> &)Field< scalar >
Field< scalar >::operator/=(const scalar &)Field< scalar >
operator<(const UList< T > &list) constUList< T >
operator<=(const UList< T > &list) constUList< T >
operator=(const UList< scalar > &)fvPatchField< scalar >virtual
operator=(const fvPatchField< scalar > &)fvPatchField< scalar >virtual
operator=(const scalar &)fvPatchField< scalar >virtual
Field< scalar >::operator=(const Field< scalar > &)Field< scalar >
Field< scalar >::operator=(const tmp< Field< scalar >> &)Field< scalar >
Field< scalar >::operator=(const SubField< scalar > &rhs)Field< scalar >inline
Field< scalar >::operator=(const IndirectListBase< scalar, Addr > &rhs)Field< scalar >inline
Field< scalar >::operator=(Field< scalar > &&rhs)Field< scalar >inline
Field< scalar >::operator=(List< scalar > &&rhs)Field< scalar >inline
Field< scalar >::operator=(DynamicList< scalar, SizeMin > &&rhs)Field< scalar >inline
Field< scalar >::operator=(const Foam::zero)Field< scalar >inline
Field< scalar >::operator=(const VectorSpace< Form, Cmpt, nCmpt > &)Field< scalar >
Field< scalar >::operator=(const tmp< Field > &rhs)Field< scalar >
List< scalar >::operator=(const List< scalar > &list)List< scalar >
List< scalar >::operator=(const FixedList< scalar, N > &list)List< scalar >
List< scalar >::operator=(std::initializer_list< scalar > list)List< scalar >
List< scalar >::operator=(const SLList< scalar > &list)List< scalar >
Foam::UList::operator=(const UList< T > &)=deleteUList< T >protected
Foam::UList::operator=(const T &val)UList< T >inline
operator==(const fvPatchField< scalar > &)fvPatchField< scalar >virtual
operator==(const Field< scalar > &)fvPatchField< scalar >virtual
operator==(const scalar &)fvPatchField< scalar >virtual
Field< scalar >::operator==(const UList< T > &list) constUList< T >
operator>(const UList< T > &list) constUList< T >
operator>=(const UList< T > &list) constUList< T >
operator[](const label i)UList< T >inline
operator[](const label i) constUList< T >inline
operator[](const label i) constUList< T >inline
operator[](const label procID)UList< T >
operator[](const label procID) constUList< T >
operator[](const label procID)UList< T >
operator[](const label procID) constUList< T >
patch() const noexceptfvPatchFieldBaseinline
Patch typedeffvPatchField< scalar >
patch_adjointBoundaryCondition< Type >protected
patchInternalField() constfvPatchField< scalar >virtual
patchInternalField(Field< scalar > &pfld) constfvPatchField< scalar >virtual
patchNeighbourField() constfvPatchField< scalar >inlinevirtual
patchType() const noexceptfvPatchFieldBaseinline
patchType() noexceptfvPatchFieldBaseinline
pointer typedefUList< T >
pop_back(label n=1)List< scalar >inline
primitiveField() const noexceptfvPatchField< scalar >inline
push_back(const scalar &val)List< scalar >inline
push_back(scalar &&val)List< scalar >inline
push_back(const UList< scalar > &list)List< scalar >inline
push_back(const IndirectListBase< scalar, Addr > &list)List< scalar >inline
push_uniq(const scalar &val)List< scalar >inline
rbegin()UList< T >inline
rbegin() constUList< T >inline
rcIndex(const label i) const noexceptUList< T >inline
rcValue(const label i) constUList< T >inline
rcValue(const label i)UList< T >inline
readDict(const dictionary &dict)fvPatchFieldBaseprotectedvirtual
readList(Istream &is)List< scalar >
readValueEntry(const dictionary &dict, IOobjectOption::readOption readOpt=IOobjectOption::LAZY_READ)fvPatchField< scalar >protected
refCount() noexceptrefCountinline
reference typedefUList< T >
rend()UList< T >inline
rend() constUList< T >inline
replace(const direction, const UList< cmptType > &)Field< scalar >
replace(const direction, const tmp< Field< cmptType >> &)Field< scalar >
replace(const direction, const cmptType &)Field< scalar >
resize(const label len)List< scalar >inline
resize(const label len, const scalar &val)List< scalar >
resize(const label newLen)List< scalar >inline
resize_fill(const label len, const scalar &val)List< scalar >inline
resize_nocopy(const label len)List< scalar >inline
resize_unsafe(const label len) noexceptList< scalar >inline
reverse_iterator typedefUList< T >
rfind(const T &val, label pos=-1) constUList< T >
rmap(const fvPatchField< scalar > &, const labelList &)fvPatchField< scalar >virtual
Field< scalar >::rmap(const UList< scalar > &mapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing)Field< scalar >
Field< scalar >::rmap(const tmp< Field< scalar >> &tmapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing)Field< scalar >
Field< scalar >::rmap(const UList< scalar > &mapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing, const UList< scalar > &weights)Field< scalar >
Field< scalar >::rmap(const tmp< Field< scalar >> &tmapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing, const UList< scalar > &weights)Field< scalar >
set(const label i, bool val=true)List< scalar >inline
setAddressableSize(const label n) noexceptUList< T >inlineprotected
setBoundaryContributionPtr()adjointBoundaryCondition< Type >
setManipulated(bool state) noexceptfvPatchFieldBaseinline
setSize(const label n)List< scalar >inline
setSize(const label n, const scalar &val)List< scalar >inline
setUpdated(bool state) noexceptfvPatchFieldBaseinline
shallowCopy(const UList< scalar > &)=deleteList< scalar >
Foam::UList::shallowCopy(T *__restrict__ ptr, const label len) noexceptUList< T >inline
Foam::UList::shallowCopy(const UList< T > &list) noexceptUList< T >inline
simulationType() constadjointBoundaryCondition< Type >
simulationType_adjointBoundaryCondition< Type >protected
size(const label n)UList< T >inlineprotected
size() const noexceptUList< T >inline
size_bytes() const noexceptUList< T >inline
size_type typedefUList< T >
slice(const label pos, label len=-1)Field< scalar >
slice(const label pos, label len=-1) constField< scalar >
slice(const labelRange &range)Field< scalar >
slice(const labelRange &range) constField< scalar >
snGrad() constzeroGradientFvPatchField< scalar >inlinevirtual
fvPatchField< scalar >::snGrad(const scalarField &deltaCoeffs) constfvPatchField< scalar >inlinevirtual
subField typedefField< scalar >
subList typedefList< scalar >
swap(UList< T > &list) noexceptUList< T >inline
swapFirst(const label i)UList< T >
swapLast(const label i)UList< T >
T() constField< scalar >
test(const label i) constUList< T >inline
transfer(List< scalar > &list)List< scalar >
transfer(DynamicList< scalar, SizeMin > &list)List< scalar >
kqRWallFunctionFvPatchField< scalar >::TypeName("kqRWallFunction")kqRWallFunctionFvPatchField< scalar >
kqRWallFunctionFvPatchField< scalar >::zeroGradientFvPatchField< scalar >::TypeName("zeroGradient")zeroGradientFvPatchField< scalar >
kqRWallFunctionFvPatchField< scalar >::fvPatchField< scalar >::TypeName("fvPatchField")fvPatchFieldBase
Foam::adjointBoundaryCondition::TypeName("adjointBoundaryCondition")adjointBoundaryCondition< Type >
UList(const UList< T > &)=defaultUList< T >
UList() noexceptUList< T >inline
UList(T *__restrict__ v, const label len) noexceptUList< T >inline
uniform() constUList< T >inline
unique() const noexceptrefCountinline
unset(const label i)UList< T >inline
updateCoeffs()fvPatchField< scalar >virtual
updated() const noexceptfvPatchFieldBaseinline
updatePrimalBasedQuantities()adjointBoundaryCondition< Type >virtual
updateWeightedCoeffs(const scalarField &weights)fvPatchField< scalar >virtual
use_count() const noexceptrefCountinline
useImplicit() const noexceptfvPatchFieldBaseinline
useImplicit(bool on) noexceptfvPatchFieldBaseinline
validateRange(const labelRange &requestedRange) constUList< T >protected
value_type typedefUList< T >
valueBoundaryCoeffs(const tmp< scalarField > &) constzeroGradientFvPatchField< scalar >virtual
fvPatchField< scalar >::valueBoundaryCoeffs(const tmp< Field< scalar >> &) constfvPatchField< scalar >inlinevirtual
valueInternalCoeffs(const tmp< scalarField > &) constzeroGradientFvPatchField< scalar >virtual
fvPatchField< scalar >::valueInternalCoeffs(const tmp< Field< scalar >> &) constfvPatchField< scalar >inlinevirtual
write(Ostream &) constkaqRWallFunctionFvPatchScalarFieldvirtual
writeEntry(const word &keyword, Ostream &os) constField< scalar >
List< scalar >::writeEntry(Ostream &os) constUList< T >protected
writeList(Ostream &os, const label shortLen=0) constUList< T >
writeValueEntry(Ostream &os) constfvPatchField< scalar >inlineprotected
zeroGradientFvPatchField(const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &)zeroGradientFvPatchField< scalar >
zeroGradientFvPatchField(const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &, const dictionary &)zeroGradientFvPatchField< scalar >
zeroGradientFvPatchField(const zeroGradientFvPatchField< scalar > &, const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &, const fvPatchFieldMapper &)zeroGradientFvPatchField< scalar >
zeroGradientFvPatchField(const zeroGradientFvPatchField< scalar > &)zeroGradientFvPatchField< scalar >
zeroGradientFvPatchField(const zeroGradientFvPatchField< scalar > &, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &)zeroGradientFvPatchField< scalar >
zeroGradientType() noexceptfvPatchFieldBaseinlinestatic
~adjointBoundaryCondition()=defaultadjointBoundaryCondition< Type >virtual
~fvPatchField()=defaultfvPatchField< scalar >virtual
~List()List< scalar >