fileStat Member List

This is the complete list of members for fileStat, including all inherited members.

dmodTime() constfileStat
fileStat(const char *fName, const bool followLink=true, const unsigned int maxTime=0)fileStatexplicit
fileStat(const fileName &fName, const bool followLink=true, const unsigned int maxTime=0)fileStatexplicit
fileStat(Istream &is)fileStatexplicit
good() const noexceptfileStatinline
modTime() constfileStat
operator bool() const noexceptfileStatinlineexplicit
operator<<(Ostream &os, const fileStat &fs)fileStatfriend
operator>>(Istream &is, fileStat &fs)fileStatfriend
sameDevice(const fileStat &other) constfileStat
sameINode(const fileStat &other) constfileStat
sameINode(const label iNode) constfileStat
size() constfileStat
status() const noexceptfileStatinline
valid() const noexceptfileStatinline