fieldsDistributor Member List

This is the complete list of members for fieldsDistributor, including all inherited members.

readField(const IOobject &io, const typename GeoField::Mesh &mesh, const label i, PtrList< GeoField > &fields)fieldsDistributorstatic
readField(const IOobject &io, const typename GeoMesh::Mesh &mesh, const label i, PtrList< GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >> &fields)fieldsDistributorstatic
readFields(const typename GeoMesh::Mesh &mesh, const IOobjectList &objects, PtrList< GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >> &fields, const bool readOldTime)fieldsDistributorstatic
readFields(const Mesh &mesh, const IOobjectList &objects, PtrList< GeoField > &fields)fieldsDistributorstatic
readFields(const bitSet &haveMeshOnProc, const MeshSubsetter *subsetter, const typename GeoField::Mesh &mesh, IOobjectList &allObjects, PtrList< GeoField > &fields, const bool deregister=false)fieldsDistributorstatic
readFields(const boolUList &haveMeshOnProc, const MeshSubsetter *subsetter, const typename GeoField::Mesh &mesh, IOobjectList &allObjects, PtrList< GeoField > &fields, const bool deregister=false)fieldsDistributorstatic
readFields(const boolUList &haveMeshOnProc, const typename GeoField::Mesh &mesh, const autoPtr< MeshSubsetter > &subsetter, IOobjectList &allObjects, PtrList< GeoField > &fields, const bool deregister=false)fieldsDistributorstatic
readFields(const boolUList &haveMeshOnProc, refPtr< fileOperation > &readHandler, const typename GeoField::Mesh &mesh, const autoPtr< MeshSubsetter > &subsetter, IOobjectList &allObjects, PtrList< GeoField > &fields, const bool deregister=false)fieldsDistributorstatic