NURBS3DCurve Member List

This is the complete list of members for NURBS3DCurve, including all inherited members.

append(const Type &val)List< Type >inline
append(Type &&val)List< Type >inline
append(const UList< Type > &list)List< Type >inline
append(const IndirectListBase< Type, Addr > &list)List< Type >inline
appendUniq(const Type &val)List< Type >inline
assign(const entry &e, const label len)Field< Type >
assign(const word &key, const dictionary &dict, const label len, IOobjectOption::readOption readOpt=IOobjectOption::MUST_READ)Field< Type >
autoMap(const FieldMapper &map, const bool applyFlip=true)Field< Type >
back()UList< Type >inline
back() constUList< Type >inline
begin() noexceptUList< Type >inline
begin(const label i) noexceptUList< Type >inline
begin() const noexceptUList< Type >inline
begin(const label i) const noexceptUList< Type >inline
block(const label start) constField< Type >
byteSize() constUList< Type >
capacity() const noexceptUList< Type >inline
cbegin() const noexceptUList< Type >inline
cbegin(const label i) const noexceptUList< Type >inline
cdata() const noexceptUList< Type >inline
cdata_bytes() const noexceptUList< Type >inline
cend() const noexceptUList< Type >inline
checkIndex(const label i) constUList< Type >inline
checkRange(const scalar u, const label CPI, const label degree) constNURBS3DCurve
checkRange(const scalar u, const label CPI) constNURBS3DCurve
Foam::Field::checkRange(const label start, const label len) constUList< Type >inline
checkSize(const label size) constUList< Type >inline
checkStart(const label start) constUList< Type >inline
clamp_max(const Type &upper)Field< Type >
clamp_min(const Type &lower)Field< Type >
clamp_range(const Type &lower, const Type &upper)Field< Type >
clamp_range(const MinMax< Type > &range)Field< Type >
clear()List< Type >inline
clone() constField< Type >inline
cmptType typedefField< Type >
component(const direction) constField< Type >
const_iterator typedefUList< Type >
const_pointer typedefUList< Type >
const_reference typedefUList< Type >
const_reverse_iterator typedefUList< Type >
contains(const Type &val) constUList< Type >inline
contains(const Type &val, label pos, label len=-1) constUList< Type >inline
crbegin() constUList< Type >inline
crend() constUList< Type >inline
curveDerivativeCP(const scalar u, const label CPI)NURBS3DCurve
curveDerivativeU(const scalar u) constNURBS3DCurve
curveDerivativeUU(const scalar u) constNURBS3DCurve
curveDerivativeWeight(const scalar u, const label CPI)NURBS3DCurve
curvePoint(const scalar u) constNURBS3DCurve
data() noexceptUList< Type >inline
data_bytes() noexceptUList< Type >inline
deepCopy(const UList< Type > &list)UList< Type >
deepCopy(const IndirectListBase< Type, Addr > &list)UList< Type >
difference_type typedefUList< Type >
emplace_back(Args &&... args)List< Type >inline
empty() const noexceptUList< Type >inline
end() noexceptUList< Type >inline
end() const noexceptUList< Type >inline
fcIndex(const label i) const noexceptUList< Type >inline
fcValue(const label i) constUList< Type >inline
fcValue(const label i)UList< Type >inline
Field() noexceptField< Type >inline
Field(const label len)Field< Type >inlineexplicit
Field(const label len, const Type &val)Field< Type >inline
Field(const label len, const Foam::zero)Field< Type >inline
Field(const Foam::one, const Type &val)Field< Type >inline
Field(const Foam::one, Type &&val)Field< Type >inline
Field(const Foam::one, const Foam::zero)Field< Type >inline
Field(const Field< Type > &fld)Field< Type >inline
Field(const UList< Type > &list)Field< Type >inlineexplicit
Field(const IndirectListBase< Type, Addr > &list)Field< Type >inlineexplicit
Field(Field< Type > &&fld) noexceptField< Type >inline
Field(List< Type > &&list) noexceptField< Type >inline
Field(DynamicList< Type, SizeMin > &&list)Field< Type >inline
Field(const UList< Type > &mapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing)Field< Type >
Field(const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing)Field< Type >
Field(const UList< Type > &mapF, const labelListList &mapAddressing, const scalarListList &weights)Field< Type >
Field(const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const labelListList &mapAddressing, const scalarListList &weights)Field< Type >
Field(const UList< Type > &mapF, const FieldMapper &map, const bool applyFlip=true)Field< Type >
Field(const UList< Type > &mapF, const FieldMapper &map, const Type &defaultValue, const bool applyFlip=true)Field< Type >
Field(const UList< Type > &mapF, const FieldMapper &map, const UList< Type > &defaultValues, const bool applyFlip=true)Field< Type >
Field(const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const FieldMapper &map, const bool applyFlip=true)Field< Type >
Field(const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const FieldMapper &map, const Type &defaultValue, const bool applyFlip=true)Field< Type >
Field(const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const FieldMapper &map, const UList< Type > &defaultValues, const bool applyFlip=true)Field< Type >
Field(Field< Type > &fld, bool reuse)Field< Type >inline
Field(const tmp< Field< Type >> &tfld)Field< Type >inline
Field(Istream &is)Field< Type >inline
Field(const entry &e, const label len)Field< Type >
Field(const word &key, const dictionary &dict, const label len, IOobjectOption::readOption readOpt=IOobjectOption::MUST_READ)Field< Type >
FieldBase() noexceptFieldBaseinline
fill_uniform(const Type &val)UList< Type >inlineprotected
fill_uniform(const Foam::zero)UList< Type >inlineprotected
find(const Type &val) constUList< Type >
find(const Type &val, label pos, label len=-1) constUList< Type >
findClosestCurvePoint(const vector &targetPoint, const label maxIter=1000, const scalar tolerance=1.e-13)NURBS3DCurve
findClosestCurvePoint(const vector &targetPoint, const scalar initGuess, const label maxIter=1000, const scalar tolerance=1.e-13)NURBS3DCurve
first()UList< Type >inline
first() constUList< Type >inline
found(const Type &val, label pos=0) constUList< Type >inline
front()UList< Type >inline
front() constUList< Type >inline
genEquidistant(const label nPts=100, const label lenAcc=25, const label maxIter=10, const label spacingCorrInterval=-1, const scalar tolerance=1.e-5)NURBS3DCurve
get(const label i) constUList< Type >inline
getBasisFunction() constNURBS3DCurveinline
getCPs() constNURBS3DCurveinline
getName() constNURBS3DCurveinline
getParametricCoordinates() constNURBS3DCurveinline
getWeights() constNURBS3DCurveinline
givenInitNrm() constNURBS3DCurveinline
insertKnot(const scalarField &oldKnots, const scalar uBar, const label kInsert)NURBS3DCurve
iterator typedefUList< Type >
last()UList< Type >inline
last() constUList< Type >inline
length(const label uIStart, const label uIEnd) constNURBS3DCurve
length(const scalar uStart, const scalar uEnd, const label nPts) constNURBS3DCurve
length() constNURBS3DCurve
lengthDerivativeU(const scalar uStart, const scalar uEnd, const label nPts)NURBS3DCurve
List() noexceptList< Type >inline
List(const label len)List< Type >explicit
List(const label len, const Type &val)List< Type >
List(const label len, const Foam::zero)List< Type >
List(const Foam::one, const Type &val)List< Type >
List(const Foam::one, Type &&val)List< Type >
List(const Foam::one, const Foam::zero)List< Type >
List(const List< Type > &list)List< Type >
List(const UList< Type > &list)List< Type >explicit
List(List< Type > &list, bool reuse)List< Type >
List(const UList< Type > &list, const labelUList &indices)List< Type >
List(const UList< Type > &list, const FixedList< label, N > &indices)List< Type >
List(const FixedList< Type, N > &list)List< Type >explicit
List(const PtrList< Type > &list)List< Type >explicit
List(const IndirectListBase< Type, Addr > &list)List< Type >explicit
List(std::initializer_list< Type > list)List< Type >
List(List< Type > &&list) noexceptList< Type >
List(DynamicList< Type, SizeMin > &&list)List< Type >
List(Istream &is)List< Type >
List(const SLList< Type > &list)List< Type >explicit
makeEquidistant(const label lenAcc=25, const label maxIter=10, const label spacingCorrInterval=-1, const scalar tolerance=1.e-5)NURBS3DCurve
map(const UList< Type > &mapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing)Field< Type >
map(const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing)Field< Type >
map(const UList< Type > &mapF, const labelListList &mapAddressing, const scalarListList &weights)Field< Type >
map(const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const labelListList &mapAddressing, const scalarListList &weights)Field< Type >
map(const UList< Type > &mapF, const FieldMapper &map, const bool applyFlip=true)Field< Type >
map(const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const FieldMapper &map, const bool applyFlip=true)Field< Type >
max_size() noexceptUList< Type >inlinestatic
moveFirst(const label i)UList< Type >
moveLast(const label i)UList< Type >
negate()Field< Type >
New(Istream &is)Field< Type >inlinestatic
NewCalculatedType(const Field< Type2 > &f)Field< Type >inlinestatic
newElmt(const label i)List< Type >inline
normalise()Field< Type >
normalise()Field< Type >
normalise()Field< Type >
normalise()Field< Type >
normalise()Field< Type >
nrm2D(const scalar zVal, const scalar u) constNURBS3DCurve
nrm3D(const vector &refTan, const scalar u) constNURBS3DCurve
nrmOrientation() constNURBS3DCurveinline
null()Field< Type >inlinestatic
NURBS3DCurve(const NURBSbasis &basis, const List< vector > &CPs, const List< scalar > &weights, const scalarField &u, const label nPts, const word name="NURBS3DCurve")NURBS3DCurve
NURBS3DCurve(const NURBSbasis &basis, const List< vector > &CPs, const List< scalar > &weights, const label nPts, const word name="NURBS3DCurve")NURBS3DCurve
NURBS3DCurve(const NURBSbasis &basis, const List< vector > &CPs, const label nPts, const word name="NURBS3DCurve")NURBS3DCurve
NURBS3DCurve(const NURBS3DCurve &)NURBS3DCurve
operator const Foam::List< Type > &() constUList< Type >inline
operator!=(const UList< Type > &list) constUList< Type >
operator*=(const UList< scalar > &)Field< Type >
operator*=(const tmp< Field< scalar >> &)Field< Type >
operator*=(const scalar &)Field< Type >
operator++() noexceptrefCountinline
operator++(int) noexceptrefCountinline
operator+=(const UList< Type > &)Field< Type >
operator+=(const tmp< Field< Type >> &)Field< Type >
operator+=(const Type &)Field< Type >
operator--() noexceptrefCountinline
operator--(int) noexceptrefCountinline
operator-=(const UList< Type > &)Field< Type >
operator-=(const tmp< Field< Type >> &)Field< Type >
operator-=(const Type &)Field< Type >
operator/=(const UList< scalar > &)Field< Type >
operator/=(const tmp< Field< scalar >> &)Field< Type >
operator/=(const scalar &)Field< Type >
operator<(const UList< Type > &list) constUList< Type >
operator<=(const UList< Type > &list) constUList< Type >
operator=(const Field< Type > &)Field< Type >
operator=(const tmp< Field< Type >> &)Field< Type >
operator=(const UList< Type > &rhs)Field< Type >inline
operator=(const SubField< Type > &rhs)Field< Type >inline
operator=(const IndirectListBase< Type, Addr > &rhs)Field< Type >inline
operator=(Field< Type > &&rhs)Field< Type >inline
operator=(List< Type > &&rhs)Field< Type >inline
operator=(DynamicList< Type, SizeMin > &&rhs)Field< Type >inline
operator=(const Type &val)Field< Type >inline
operator=(const Foam::zero)Field< Type >inline
operator=(const VectorSpace< Form, Cmpt, nCmpt > &)Field< Type >
operator=(const tmp< Field > &rhs)Field< Type >
List< Type >::operator=(const List< Type > &list)List< Type >
List< Type >::operator=(const FixedList< Type, N > &list)List< Type >
List< Type >::operator=(std::initializer_list< Type > list)List< Type >
List< Type >::operator=(const SLList< Type > &list)List< Type >
operator==(const UList< Type > &list) constUList< Type >
operator>(const UList< Type > &list) constUList< Type >
operator>=(const UList< Type > &list) constUList< Type >
operator[](const label i)UList< Type >inline
operator[](const label i) constUList< Type >inline
operator[](const label i) constUList< Type >inline
operator[](const label procID)UList< Type >
operator[](const label procID) constUList< Type >
operator[](const label procID)UList< Type >
operator[](const label procID) constUList< Type >
pointer typedefUList< Type >
pop_back(label n=1)List< Type >inline
push_back(const Type &val)List< Type >inline
push_back(Type &&val)List< Type >inline
push_back(const UList< Type > &list)List< Type >inline
push_back(const IndirectListBase< Type, Addr > &list)List< Type >inline
push_uniq(const Type &val)List< Type >inline
rbegin()UList< Type >inline
rbegin() constUList< Type >inline
rcIndex(const label i) const noexceptUList< Type >inline
rcValue(const label i) constUList< Type >inline
rcValue(const label i)UList< Type >inline
readList(Istream &is)List< Type >
refCount() noexceptrefCountinline
reference typedefUList< Type >
rend()UList< Type >inline
rend() constUList< Type >inline
replace(const direction, const UList< cmptType > &)Field< Type >
replace(const direction, const tmp< Field< cmptType >> &)Field< Type >
replace(const direction, const cmptType &)Field< Type >
resize(const label len)List< Type >inline
resize(const label len, const Type &val)List< Type >
resize(const label newLen)List< Type >inline
resize_fill(const label len, const Type &val)List< Type >inline
resize_nocopy(const label len)List< Type >inline
resize_unsafe(const label len) noexceptList< Type >inline
reverse_iterator typedefUList< Type >
rfind(const Type &val, label pos=-1) constUList< Type >
rmap(const UList< Type > &mapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing)Field< Type >
rmap(const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing)Field< Type >
rmap(const UList< Type > &mapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing, const UList< scalar > &weights)Field< Type >
rmap(const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing, const UList< scalar > &weights)Field< Type >
set(const label i, bool val=true)List< Type >inline
setAddressableSize(const label n) noexceptUList< Type >inlineprotected
setCPs(const List< vector > &CPs)NURBS3DCurve
setName(const word &name)NURBS3DCurve
setNrm2DOrientation(const vector &givenNrm, const scalar zVal)NURBS3DCurve
setNrm3DOrientation(const vector &givenNrm, const vector &givenTan)NURBS3DCurve
setSize(const label n)List< Type >inline
setSize(const label n, const Type &val)List< Type >inline
setWeights(const List< scalar > &weights)NURBS3DCurve
shallowCopy(const UList< Type > &)=deleteList< Type >
UList< Type >::shallowCopy(Type *__restrict__ ptr, const label len) noexceptUList< Type >inline
size(const label n)UList< Type >inlineprotected
size() const noexceptUList< Type >inline
size_bytes() const noexceptUList< Type >inline
size_type typedefUList< Type >
slice(const label pos, label len=-1)Field< Type >
slice(const label pos, label len=-1) constField< Type >
slice(const labelRange &range)Field< Type >
slice(const labelRange &range) constField< Type >
subField typedefField< Type >
subList typedefList< Type >
swap(UList< Type > &list) noexceptUList< Type >inline
swapFirst(const label i)UList< Type >
swapLast(const label i)UList< Type >
T() constField< Type >
test(const label i) constUList< Type >inline
transfer(List< Type > &list)List< Type >
transfer(DynamicList< Type, SizeMin > &list)List< Type >
UList(const UList< Type > &)=defaultUList< Type >
UList() noexceptUList< Type >inline
UList(Type *__restrict__ v, const label len) noexceptUList< Type >inline
uniform() constUList< Type >inline
unique() const noexceptrefCountinline
unset(const label i)UList< Type >inline
use_count() const noexceptrefCountinline
validateRange(const labelRange &requestedRange) constUList< Type >protected
value_type typedefUList< Type >
write(const word fileName)NURBS3DCurve
write(const fileName dirName, const fileName fileName)NURBS3DCurve
writeEntry(const word &keyword, Ostream &os) constField< Type >
List< Type >::writeEntry(Ostream &os) constUList< Type >protected
writeList(Ostream &os, const label shortLen=0) constUList< Type >
writeWParses(const word fileName)NURBS3DCurve
writeWParses(const fileName dirName, const fileName fileName)NURBS3DCurve
~List()List< Type >