MeshWave< Type, TrackingData > Member List

This is the complete list of members for MeshWave< Type, TrackingData >, including all inherited members.

allCellInfo() const noexceptMeshWave< Type, TrackingData >inline
allFaceInfo() const noexceptMeshWave< Type, TrackingData >inline
data() const noexceptMeshWave< Type, TrackingData >inline
iterate(const label maxIter)MeshWave< Type, TrackingData >inline
MeshWave(const polyMesh &mesh, const labelList &initialChangedFaces, const List< Type > &changedFacesInfo, const label maxIter, TrackingData &td=FaceCellWaveBase::dummyTrackData_)MeshWave< Type, TrackingData >
MeshWave(const polyMesh &mesh, const labelList &initialChangedFaces, const List< Type > &changedFacesInfo, const List< Type > &allCellInfo, const label maxIter, TrackingData &td=FaceCellWaveBase::dummyTrackData_)MeshWave< Type, TrackingData >
nChangedCells() const noexceptMeshWave< Type, TrackingData >inline
nChangedFaces() const noexceptMeshWave< Type, TrackingData >inline
nUnvisitedCells() const noexceptMeshWave< Type, TrackingData >inline
nUnvisitedFaces() const noexceptMeshWave< Type, TrackingData >inline