Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2  ========= |
3  \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4  \\ / O peration |
5  \\ / A nd | www.openfoam.com
6  \\/ M anipulation |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8  Copyright (C) 2016 Shell Research Ltd.
9  Copyright (C) 2019-2021 OpenCFD Ltd.
10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 License
12  This file is part of OpenFOAM.
14  OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
15  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
16  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
17  (at your option) any later version.
19  OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
20  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
21  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
22  for more details.
24  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
25  along with OpenFOAM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
27 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
29 #include "PDRsetFields.H"
30 #include "PDRutilsInternal.H"
31 #include "mathematicalConstants.H"
33 #ifndef FULLDEBUG
34 #ifndef NDEBUG
35 #define NDEBUG
36 #endif
37 #endif
38 #include <cassert>
40 using namespace Foam::constant;
42 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Local Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
44 namespace Foam
45 {
46  // A sign-corrected multiply
47  // This is used for porosity of obstacle intersections
48  inline static scalar COMBLK(const scalar a, const scalar b)
49  {
50  if (a < 0)
51  {
52  return -a * b;
53  }
55  return a * b;
56  }
59  // Obstacle satisfies some minimum size checks.
60  // A volume check misses thin plates, so use area.
61  // Thin sheet overlaps can be produced by touching objects
62  // if the obs_extend parameter is > 0.
63  inline static bool obsHasMinSize(const vector& span, const PDRparams& tol)
64  {
65  return
66  (
67  (cmptProduct(span) > tol.min_overlap_vol)
68  &&
69  (
70  (span.x() * span.y() > tol.min_overlap_area)
71  || (span.y() * span.z() > tol.min_overlap_area)
72  || (span.z() * span.x() > tol.min_overlap_area)
73  )
74  );
75  }
77 } // End namespace Foam
80 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
84 (
85  scalar xmin,
86  scalar xmax,
87  const PDRblock::location& grid,
88  List<scalar>& olap,
89  int *cmin, int *cmax,
90  int *cfmin, int *cfmax
91 )
92 {
93  // Looking at one coordinate direction, called x here, for something
94  // that extends from xmin to xmax, calculate how much it overlaps
95  // each cell in this direction. Result returned in 'olap' List is
96  // the proportion of the grid step overlapped, i.e dimensionless.
97  // First and last steps overlapped given by *cmin, *cmax
98  // Ditto for shifted grid given by *cfmin, *cfmax.
100  // Initially zero everywhere
101  olap = Zero;
103  if (olap.size() < grid.nPoints())
104  {
106  << "The overlap scratch array is too small, has "
107  << olap.size() << " but needs " << grid.nPoints() << nl
108  << exit(FatalError);
109  }
112  // No intersection with the box
113  if (xmax <= grid.first() || grid.last() <= xmin)
114  {
115  // Mark as bad range, cannot iterate
116  *cmin = 0;
117  *cmax = -1;
119  // Another bad range (cannot iterate) but for extra safety ensure
120  // that (cfmin -> cmin) and (cmax -> cfmax) cannot iterate either
121  *cfmin = 1;
122  *cfmax = -2;
123  return;
124  }
126  // Ensure search is within the (point) bounds
127  xmin = grid.clip(xmin);
128  xmax = grid.clip(xmax);
130  // The begin/end of the obstacle
131  *cmin = grid.findCell(xmin);
132  *cmax = grid.findCell(xmax);
134  for (label ix = *cmin; ix <= *cmax; ++ix)
135  {
136  olap[ix] = 1.0;
137  }
139  // Fixup ends
140  if (*cmax == *cmin)
141  {
142  olap[*cmax] = (xmax - xmin) / grid.width(*cmax);
143  }
144  else
145  {
146  if (grid[*cmin] < xmin)
147  {
148  olap[*cmin] = (grid[*cmin+1] - xmin) / grid.width(*cmin);
149  }
151  if (xmax < grid[*cmax+1])
152  {
153  olap[*cmax] = (xmax - grid[*cmax]) / grid.width(*cmax);
154  }
155  }
156  assert(olap[*cmax] >= 0.0);
159  // Is xmin below/above the cell-centre (for virtual staggered-grid) ?
160  *cfmin =
161  (
162  xmin < grid.C(*cmin)
163  ? *cmin
164  : Foam::min(*cmin+1, grid.nCells()-1)
165  );
167  // Is xmax below/above the cell-centre (for virtual staggered-grid) ?
168  *cfmax =
169  (
170  xmax < grid.C(*cmax)
171  ? *cmax
172  : Foam::min(*cmax+1, grid.nCells()-1)
173  );
174 }
177 /**************************************************************************************************/
180 (
181  const UList<scalar>& a_olap, label amin, label amax,
182  const UList<scalar>& b_olap, label bmin, label bmax,
183  SquareMatrix<scalar>& ab_olap
184 )
185 {
186  // We go one over the relevant min/max limits since these values might be
187  // used. If not, they would have been zeroed in one_d_overlap
189  amin = Foam::max(0, amin-1);
190  bmin = Foam::max(0, bmin-1);
191  amax = Foam::min(a_olap.size()-1, amax+1);
192  bmax = Foam::min(b_olap.size()-1, bmax+1);
194  for (label ia = amin; ia <= amax; ++ia)
195  {
196  for (label ib = bmin; ib <= bmax; ++ib)
197  {
198  ab_olap(ia,ib) = a_olap[ia] * b_olap[ib];
199  }
200  }
201 }
204 /**************************************************************************************************/
207 (
208  scalar ac, scalar bc, scalar dia,
209  scalar theta, scalar wa, scalar wb,
210  const PDRblock::location& agrid, label amin, label amax,
211  const PDRblock::location& bgrid, label bmin, label bmax,
212  SquareMatrix<scalar>& ab_olap,
213  SquareMatrix<scalar>& ab_perim,
214  SquareMatrix<scalar>& a_lblock,
215  SquareMatrix<scalar>& ac_lblock,
216  SquareMatrix<scalar>& c_count,
217  SquareMatrix<symmTensor2D>& c_drag,
218  SquareMatrix<scalar>& b_lblock,
219  SquareMatrix<scalar>& bc_lblock
220 )
221 {
222  /* This routine calculates the proportion of each (two-dimensional) grid cell
223  overlapped by the circle or angled rectangle. Coordinates are labelled a and b.
224  On entry:
225  ac, bc coordinates of centre of circle or rectangle
226  dia diameter of circle (zero for rectangle)
227  theta, wa, wb parameters for rectangle
228  agrid[] locations of grid lines of a-grid
229  amin, amax first and last cells in a-grid overlapped by object
230  (similarly for b)
231  On exit:
232  abolap 2-D array of (proportionate) area blockage by grid cell
233  a_lblock 2-D array of (proportionate) blockage to a-direction flow
234  (This will be area blockage when extruded in the third coordinate).
235  a_count (2-D array)The contribution of this object to the count of obstacles blocking
236  a-direction flow. This is only non-zero if the object is inside the
237  lateral boundaries of the cell. It is large negative if the cell is
238  totally blocked in this direction.
239  (similarly for b)
240  c_drag 2-D array of tensor that will give tensor drag in each cell (when multiplied
241  Cd, cylinder length, and 0.5 rho*U^2) Dimension: L.
243  Note that this routine does not zero array elements outside the amin to amax, bmin to bmax area.
244  */
246  scalar count, a_lblk, b_lblk, perim, dummy;
248  symmTensor2D vdrag(Zero);
250  // Prevent stepping outside of the array when the obstacle is on the
251  // upper boundary
253  // Upper limit of inclusive range is nCells-1
254  amin = Foam::max(0, amin);
255  bmin = Foam::max(0, bmin);
256  amax = Foam::min(amax, agrid.nCells()-1);
257  bmax = Foam::min(bmax, bgrid.nCells()-1);
259  for (label ia = amin; ia <= amax; ++ia)
260  {
261  // Cell-centred grid
262  const scalar a1 = agrid[ia];
263  const scalar a2 = agrid[ia+1];
265  // Left-shifted staggered face grid (-1 addressing is OK)
266  const scalar af1 = agrid.C(ia-1);
267  const scalar af2 = agrid.C(ia);
269  for (label ib = bmin; ib <= bmax; ++ib)
270  {
271  // Cell-centred grid
272  const scalar b1 = bgrid[ib];
273  const scalar b2 = bgrid[ib+1];
275  // Left-shifted staggered face grid (-1 addressing is OK)
276  const scalar bf1 = bgrid.C(ib-1);
277  const scalar bf2 = bgrid.C(ib);
279  // Do the centred cell
280  if ( dia > 0.0 )
281  {
282  ab_olap(ia,ib) = inters_cy
283  (
284  ac, bc, 0.5*dia, a1, a2, b1, b2, &perim,
285  &dummy, &dummy, &b_lblk, &a_lblk
286  );
287 /* The last two arguments of the above call appear to be reversed, but the inters_cy routine returns
288  the amount of overlap in the a and b direcvtions, which are the blockage to the b and a directions. */
290 /* abolap * cell area is area of cylinder in this cell. Divide by PI%D^2/4 to get proportion of cylinder in cell
291  For whole cylinger c_drag should be = D, so multiply by D. */
293  c_drag(ia,ib).xx() = c_drag(ia,ib).yy() = 4.0 * ab_olap(ia,ib) * (a2 - a1) * (b2 - b1) / dia / mathematical::pi;
294  c_drag(ia,ib).xy() = Zero;
295  c_count(ia,ib) = perim / (mathematical::pi * dia);
297 //******?????
298  scalar area = (a2 - a1) * (b2 - b1);
299  scalar rat = dia * dia / area - 1.5;
300  if (rat > 0.0)
301  {
302  scalar da = ac - 0.5 * (a1 + a2);
303  scalar db = bc - 0.5 * (b1 + b2);
304  scalar dc = std::hypot(da, db);
305  scalar rat1 = min(max((dc / sqrt(area) - 0.3) * 1.4, 0), 1);
306  scalar drg0 = c_drag(ia,ib).xx();
307  scalar drg1 = c_drag(ia,ib).yy();
308  scalar drg = std::hypot(drg0, drg1);
309  c_drag(ia,ib).xx() = drg * ( 1.0 - rat1 ) + drg * da*da/dc/dc * rat1;
310  c_drag(ia,ib).yy() = drg * ( 1.0 - rat1 ) + drg * db*db/dc/dc * rat1;
311  c_drag(ia,ib).xy() = drg * da*db/dc/dc *rat1;
312  }
313  }
314  else
315  {
316  ab_olap(ia,ib) = inters_db( ac, bc, theta, wa, wb, a1, a2, b1, b2, &count, c_drag(ia,ib), &perim, &a_lblk, &b_lblk, &dummy, &dummy );
317  c_count(ia,ib) = perim / ( wa + wb ) * 0.5;
318  }
319  ac_lblock(ia,ib) = a_lblk;
320  bc_lblock(ia,ib) = b_lblk;
321  ab_perim(ia,ib) = perim;
323  // Do the a-shifted cell
324  if ( dia > 0.0 ) // I.e. a cylinder, not a d.b.
325  {
326  if (ac >= af1 && ac < af2)
327  {
328  // Only want to block one layer of faces
329  a_lblock(ia,ib) = l_blockage
330  (
331  ac, bc, 0.5*dia,
332  af1, af2, b1, b2, &count, &dummy, &dummy
333  );
334  }
335  inters_cy
336  (
337  ac, bc, 0.5*dia,
338  af1, af2, b1, b2,
339  &perim, &count, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy
340  );
341  }
342  else
343  {
344  inters_db
345  (
346  ac, bc, theta, wa, wb, af1, af2, b1, b2,
347  &count, vdrag, &dummy, &a_lblk, &b_lblk, &dummy, &dummy
348  );
349  a_lblock(ia,ib) = a_lblk;
350  }
352  // Do the b-shifted cell
353  if ( dia > 0.0 )
354  {
355  if (bc >= bf1 && bc < bf2)
356  {
357  // Only want to block one layer of faces
358  b_lblock(ia,ib) = l_blockage
359  (
360  bc, ac, 0.5*dia, bf1, bf2, a1, a2,
361  &count, &(vdrag.yy()), &dummy
362  );
363  }
365  inters_cy
366  (
367  ac, bc, 0.5*dia,
368  a1, a2, bf1, bf2,
369  &perim, &dummy, &count, &dummy, &dummy
370  );
371  }
372  else
373  {
374  inters_db
375  (
376  ac, bc, theta, wa, wb,
377  a1, a2, bf1, bf2,
378  &count, vdrag, &dummy, &a_lblk, &b_lblk, &dummy, &dummy
379  );
380  b_lblock(ia,ib) = b_lblk;
381  }
382  }
383  }
385 } // End circle_overlap
388 /**************************************************************************************************/
390 scalar block_overlap
391 (
392  DynamicList<PDRobstacle>& blocks,
393  const labelRange& range,
394  const scalar multiplier
395 )
396 {
397  // Size information
398  const label nBlock = range.size();
400  // The return value
401  scalar totVolume = 0;
403  if (nBlock < 2) return 0;
406  // Sort blocks by their x-position (with sortBias)
407  labelList blkOrder;
408  sortedOrder(blocks.slice(range), blkOrder);
410  DynamicList<PDRobstacle> newBlocks;
412  // Work through the sorted blocks
413  for (label i1 = 0; i1 < nBlock-1; ++i1)
414  {
415  const PDRobstacle& blk1 = blocks[range[blkOrder[i1]]];
417  // Upper coordinates
418  const vector max1 = blk1.pt + blk1.span;
420  // For second block start with the next one on the list, and
421  // stop when we find the first one whose biased x-position
422  // is beyond the end of the block1
424  for (label i2 = i1 + 1; i2 < nBlock; ++i2)
425  {
426  const PDRobstacle& blk2 = blocks[range[blkOrder[i2]]];
428  // Upper coordinates
429  const vector max2 = blk2.pt + blk2.span;
431  if (max1.x() <= blk2.x())
432  {
433  break;
434  }
436  if
437  (
438  max1.y() <= blk2.y()
439  || max1.z() <= blk2.z()
440  || max2.y() <= blk1.y()
441  || max2.z() <= blk1.z()
442  || (blk1.vbkge * blk2.vbkge <= 0)
443  )
444  {
445  continue;
446  }
449  {
450  PDRobstacle over;
452  over.pt = max(blk1.pt, blk2.pt);
453  over.span = min(max1, max2) - over.pt;
455  assert(cmptProduct(over.span) > 0.0);
457  // This routine should only have been called for all +ve o r all -ve obstacles
458  assert(blk1.vbkge * blk2.vbkge > 0);
459  /* At the first level of intersection, we create an obstacle of blockage -1 (if both objects solid)
460  to cancel out the double counting. (multiplier is 1).
461  ?? COMBLK does a (sign corrected) multiply; is this corrrect for porous obstacles?
462  Depends on how blockages were summed in the first place. In fact this -ve obstacle
463  concept only works if the blockages are summed??*/
464  over.vbkge = - COMBLK( blk1.vbkge, blk2.vbkge ) * multiplier;
465  over.xbkge = - COMBLK( blk1.xbkge, blk2.xbkge ) * multiplier;
466  over.ybkge = - COMBLK( blk1.ybkge, blk2.ybkge ) * multiplier;
467  over.zbkge = - COMBLK( blk1.zbkge, blk2.zbkge ) * multiplier;
468  over.typeId = 81 + int(15 * multiplier); // Not subsequently used
470  if (obsHasMinSize(over.span, pars))
471  {
472  // Obstacle satisfies some minimum size checks
473  totVolume -= over.volume();
475  newBlocks.append(over);
476  }
477  }
478  }
479  }
481  blocks.append(std::move(newBlocks));
483  return totVolume;
484 }
487 /**************************************************************************************************/
489 using namespace Foam::PDRutils;
492 (
493  DynamicList<PDRobstacle>& blocks,
494  const labelRange& range,
495  const UList<PDRobstacle>& cylinders
496 )
497 {
498  // Size information
499  const label nBlock = range.size();
500  const label nCyl = cylinders.size();
502  // The return value
503  scalar totVolume = 0;
505  if (!nBlock || !nCyl) return 0;
507  scalar area, a_lblk, b_lblk, dummy, a_centre, b_centre;
508  symmTensor2D dum2;
511  // Sort blocks and cylinders by their x-position (with sortBias)
512  labelList blkOrder;
513  sortedOrder(blocks.slice(range), blkOrder);
515  labelList cylOrder;
516  sortedOrder(cylinders, cylOrder);
518  DynamicList<PDRobstacle> newBlocks;
520  // Work through the sorted blocks
521  for (label i1 = 0; i1 < nBlock; i1++)
522  {
523  const PDRobstacle& blk1 = blocks[range[blkOrder[i1]]];
525  // Upper coordinates
526  const vector max1 = blk1.pt + blk1.span;
528  // Cyls whose end is before start of this block no longer
529  // need to be considered
531  label i2 = 0;
532  while (i2 < nCyl-1 && cylinders[cylOrder[i2]] < blk1)
533  {
534  ++i2;
535  }
537  for (/*nil*/; i2 < nCyl; ++i2)
538  {
539  const PDRobstacle& cyl2 = cylinders[cylOrder[i2]];
541  // Calculate overlap in axis direction; if zero continue.
542  // Calculate 2-d overlap and c 0f g; if area zero continue.
544  PDRobstacle over;
547  switch (cyl2.orient)
548  {
549  case vector::Z:
550  {
551  const scalar zm2 = cyl2.z() + cyl2.len();
552  if (blk1.z() > zm2 || cyl2.z() > max1.z()) continue;
554  if ( cyl2.dia() == 0.0 )
555  {
556  area = inters_db
557  (
558  cyl2.x(), cyl2.y(), cyl2.theta(), cyl2.wa, cyl2.wb,
559  blk1.x(), max1.x(),
560  blk1.y(), max1.y(),
561  &dummy, dum2, &dummy, &a_lblk, &b_lblk,
562  &a_centre, &b_centre
563  );
564  }
565  else
566  {
567  area = inters_cy
568  (
569  cyl2.x(), cyl2.y(), 0.5*cyl2.dia(),
570  blk1.x(), max1.x(),
571  blk1.y(), max1.y(),
572  &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy
573  );
574  b_lblk = l_blockage
575  (
576  cyl2.x(), cyl2.y(), 0.5*cyl2.dia(),
577  blk1.x(), max1.x(),
578  blk1.y(), max1.y(),
579  &dummy, &dummy, &b_centre
580  );
581  a_lblk = l_blockage
582  (
583  cyl2.y(), cyl2.x(), 0.5*cyl2.dia(),
584  blk1.y(), max1.y(),
585  blk1.x(), max1.x(),
586  &dummy, &dummy, &a_centre
587  );
588  }
589  if (equal(area, 0)) continue;
590  assert(a_lblk >0.0);
591  assert(b_lblk >0.0);
593  // The intersection between a circle and a rectangle can be an odd shape.
594  // We have its area. a_lblk and b_lblk are dimensions of enclosing rectangle
595  // and a_centre and b_centre its centre. We scale this rectangle down to
596  // the correct areacorrect area, as a rectangular approximation to the intersection.
597  const scalar ratio = std::sqrt( area / a_lblk / b_lblk );
599  a_lblk *= blk1.span.x() * ratio;
600  b_lblk *= blk1.span.y() * ratio;
601  assert(b_lblk >0.0);
602  assert(a_lblk >0.0);
604  over.x() = a_centre - 0.5 * a_lblk;
605  over.y() = b_centre - 0.5 * b_lblk;
606  over.z() = max(blk1.z(), cyl2.z());
608  over.span.x() = a_lblk;
609  over.span.y() = b_lblk;
610  over.span.z() = min(max1.z(), cyl2.z() + cyl2.len()) - over.z();
611  assert(over.x() > -200.0);
612  assert(over.x() < 2000.0);
613  }
614  break;
616  case vector::Y:
617  {
618  const scalar ym2 = cyl2.y() + cyl2.len();
619  if (blk1.y() > ym2 || cyl2.y() > max1.y()) continue;
621  if ( cyl2.dia() == 0.0 )
622  {
623  area = inters_db
624  (
625  cyl2.z(), cyl2.x(), cyl2.theta(), cyl2.wa, cyl2.wb,
626  blk1.z(), max1.z(),
627  blk1.x(), max1.x(),
628  &dummy, dum2, &dummy, &a_lblk, &b_lblk,
629  &a_centre, &b_centre
630  );
631  }
632  else
633  {
634  area = inters_cy
635  (
636  cyl2.z(), cyl2.x(), 0.5*cyl2.dia(),
637  blk1.z(), max1.z(),
638  blk1.x(), max1.x(),
639  &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy
640  );
642  b_lblk = l_blockage
643  (
644  cyl2.z(), cyl2.x(), 0.5*cyl2.dia(),
645  blk1.z(), max1.z(),
646  blk1.x(), max1.x(),
647  &dummy, &dummy, &b_centre
648  );
650  a_lblk = l_blockage
651  (
652  cyl2.x(), cyl2.z(), 0.5*cyl2.dia(),
653  blk1.x(), max1.x(),
654  blk1.z(), max1.z(),
655  &dummy, &dummy, &a_centre
656  );
657  }
659  if (equal(area, 0)) continue;
660  assert(a_lblk >0.0);
661  assert(b_lblk >0.0);
663  // a_lblk and b_lblk are dimensions of enclosing rectangle.
664  // Need to scale to correct area
665  const scalar ratio = std::sqrt( area / a_lblk / b_lblk );
666  a_lblk *= blk1.span.z() * ratio;
667  b_lblk *= blk1.span.x() * ratio;
669  over.z() = a_centre - a_lblk * 0.5;
670  over.x() = b_centre - b_lblk * 0.5;
671  over.y() = max(blk1.y(), cyl2.y());
673  over.span.z() = a_lblk;
674  over.span.x() = b_lblk;
675  over.span.y() = min(max1.y(), cyl2.y() + cyl2.len()) - over.y();
676  }
677  break;
679  case vector::X:
680  {
681  const scalar xm2 = cyl2.x() + cyl2.len();
682  if (blk1.x() > xm2 || cyl2.x() > max1.x()) continue;
684  if ( cyl2.dia() == 0.0 )
685  {
686  area = inters_db
687  (
688  cyl2.y(), cyl2.z(), cyl2.theta(), cyl2.wa, cyl2.wb,
689  blk1.y(), max1.y(),
690  blk1.z(), max1.z(),
691  &dummy, dum2, &dummy, &a_lblk, &b_lblk,
692  &a_centre, &b_centre
693  );
694  }
695  else
696  {
697  area = inters_cy
698  (
699  cyl2.y(), cyl2.z(), 0.5*cyl2.dia(),
700  blk1.y(), max1.y(),
701  blk1.z(), max1.z(),
702  &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy
703  );
705  b_lblk = l_blockage
706  (
707  cyl2.y(), cyl2.z(), 0.5*cyl2.dia(),
708  blk1.y(), max1.y(),
709  blk1.z(), max1.z(),
710  &dummy, &dummy, &b_centre
711  );
713  a_lblk = l_blockage
714  (
715  cyl2.z(), cyl2.y(), 0.5*cyl2.dia(),
716  blk1.z(), max1.z(),
717  blk1.y(), max1.y(),
718  &dummy, &dummy, &a_centre
719  );
721  }
723  if (equal(area, 0)) continue;
724  assert(a_lblk >0.0);
725  assert(b_lblk >0.0);
727  // a_lblk and b_lblk are dimensions of enclosing rectangle.
728  // Need to scale to correct area
729  const scalar ratio = std::sqrt( area / a_lblk / b_lblk );
730  assert(ratio >-10000.0);
731  assert(ratio <10000.0);
732  a_lblk *= blk1.span.y() * ratio;
733  b_lblk *= blk1.span.z() * ratio;
735  over.y() = a_centre - a_lblk * 0.5;
736  over.z() = b_centre - b_lblk * 0.5;
737  over.x() = max(blk1.x(), cyl2.x());
739  over.span.y() = a_lblk;
740  over.span.z() = b_lblk;
741  over.span.x() = min(max1.x(), cyl2.x() + cyl2.len()) - over.x();
742  }
743  break;
744  }
745  over.vbkge = over.xbkge = over.ybkge = over.zbkge = -1.0;
746  over.typeId = PDRobstacle::IGNORE;
748  assert(cmptProduct(over.span) > 0.0);
749  assert(b_lblk >0.0);
750  assert(a_lblk >0.0);
751  assert(over.x() > -10000.0);
753  if (obsHasMinSize(over.span, pars))
754  {
755  // Obstacle satisfies some minimum size checks
756  totVolume -= over.volume();
758  newBlocks.append(over);
759  }
760  }
761  }
763  blocks.append(std::move(newBlocks));
765  return totVolume;
766 }
769 // ************************************************************************* //
Different types of constants.
void two_d_overlap(const UList< scalar > &a_olap, label amin, label amax, const UList< scalar > &b_olap, label bmin, label bmax, SquareMatrix< scalar > &ab_olap)
Combine two 1D overlaps.
void one_d_overlap(scalar xmin, scalar xmax, const PDRblock::location &grid, List< scalar > &olap, int *cmin, int *cmax, int *cfmin, int *cfmax)
Determine 1-D overlap locations for a geometric entity.
Cmpt cmptProduct(const VectorSpace< Form, Cmpt, Ncmpts > &vs)
Definition: VectorSpaceI.H:597
errorManipArg< error, int > exit(error &err, const int errNo=1)
Definition: errorManip.H:125
error FatalError
Error stream (stdout output on all processes), with additional &#39;FOAM FATAL ERROR&#39; header text and sta...
bool equal(const T &a, const T &b)
Compare two values for equality.
Definition: label.H:164
#define FatalErrorInFunction
Report an error message using Foam::FatalError.
Definition: error.H:598
labelList sortedOrder(const UList< T > &input)
Return the (stable) sort order for the list.
label max(const labelHashSet &set, label maxValue=labelMin)
Find the max value in labelHashSet, optionally limited by second argument.
Definition: hashSets.C:40
constexpr char nl
The newline &#39;\n&#39; character (0x0a)
Definition: Ostream.H:50
Utilities for PDR (eg, for setFields)
dimensionedScalar sqrt(const dimensionedScalar &ds)
scalar block_cylinder_overlap(DynamicList< PDRobstacle > &blocks, const labelRange &range, const UList< PDRobstacle > &cylinders)
Calculate block/cylinder overlaps.
double l_blockage(double xc, double yc, double rad, double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, scalar *count_p, scalar *drag_p, scalar *centre_p)
double inters_cy(double xc, double yc, double rad, double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, scalar *perim_p, scalar *x_proj_edge_p, scalar *y_proj_edge_p, scalar *x_overlap_p, scalar *y_overlap_p)
Area of intersection between circle and rectangle.
scalar range
unsigned int count(const UList< bool > &bools, const bool val=true)
Count number of &#39;true&#39; entries.
Definition: BitOps.H:73
const dimensionedScalar b
Wien displacement law constant: default SI units: [m.K].
Definition: createFields.H:27
const wordList area
Standard area field types (scalar, vector, tensor, etc)
constexpr scalar pi(M_PI)
double inters_db(double xc, double yc, double theta, double wa, double wb, double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, scalar *count_p, symmTensor2D &vdrag, scalar *perim_p, scalar *x_lblk, scalar *y_lblk, scalar *x_centre_p, scalar *y_centre_p)
The area overlap in the plane of a diagonal block and a cell.
Preparation of fields for PDRFoam.
void circle_overlap(scalar ac, scalar bc, scalar dia, scalar theta, scalar wa, scalar wb, const PDRblock::location &agrid, label amin, label amax, const PDRblock::location &bgrid, label bmin, label bmax, SquareMatrix< scalar > &ab_olap, SquareMatrix< scalar > &ab_perim, SquareMatrix< scalar > &a_lblock, SquareMatrix< scalar > &ac_lblock, SquareMatrix< scalar > &c_count, SquareMatrix< symmTensor2D > &c_drag, SquareMatrix< scalar > &b_lblock, SquareMatrix< scalar > &bc_lblock)
Calculate the proportion of each (two-dimensional) grid cell overlapped by the circle or angled recta...
Vector< scalar > vector
Definition: vector.H:57
label min(const labelHashSet &set, label minValue=labelMax)
Find the min value in labelHashSet, optionally limited by second argument.
Definition: hashSets.C:26
const Cmpt & z() const noexcept
Access to the vector z component.
Definition: Vector.H:145
PtrList< volScalarField > & Y
Foam::PDRparams pars
Globals for program parameters (ugly hack)
scalar block_overlap(DynamicList< PDRobstacle > &blocks, const labelRange &range, const scalar multiplier=1.0)
Calculate block/block overlaps.
List< label > labelList
A List of labels.
Definition: List.H:62
dimensionedScalar hypot(const dimensionedScalar &x, const dimensionedScalar &y)
SymmTensor2D< scalar > symmTensor2D
SymmTensor2D of scalars, i.e. SymmTensor2D<scalar>.
Definition: symmTensor2D.H:62
Namespace for OpenFOAM.
static constexpr const zero Zero
Global zero (0)
Definition: zero.H:127