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searchableSphere.C File Reference

The search for nearest point on an ellipse or ellipsoid follows the description given by Geometric Tools (David Eberly), which also include some pseudo code. The content is CC-BY 4.0. More...

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 Namespace for OpenFOAM.


 defineTypeNameAndDebug (searchableSphere, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (searchableSurface, searchableSphere, dict)
 addNamedToRunTimeSelectionTable (searchableSurface, searchableSphere, dict, sphere)
static vector getRadius (const word &name, const dictionary &dict)
static unsigned getOctant (const point &p)
static void applyOctant (point &p, unsigned octant)
static scalar vectorMagSqr (const scalar x, const scalar y)
static scalar vectorMagSqr (const scalar x, const scalar y, const scalar z)
static scalar vectorMag (const scalar x, const scalar y)
static scalar vectorMag (const scalar x, const scalar y, const scalar z)
static scalar findRootEllipseDistance (const scalar r0, const scalar z0, const scalar z1, scalar g)
static scalar findRootEllipsoidDistance (const scalar r0, const scalar r1, const scalar z0, const scalar z1, const scalar z2, scalar g)
static scalar distanceToEllipse (const scalar e0, const scalar e1, const scalar y0, const scalar y1, scalar &x0, scalar &x1)
static scalar distanceToEllipsoid (const scalar e0, const scalar e1, const scalar e2, const scalar y0, const scalar y1, const scalar y2, scalar &x0, scalar &x1, scalar &x2)


static constexpr int maxIters = 100
static constexpr scalar tolCloseness = 1e-3

Detailed Description

The search for nearest point on an ellipse or ellipsoid follows the description given by Geometric Tools (David Eberly), which also include some pseudo code. The content is CC-BY 4.0.

Original source file searchableSphere.C

In the search algorithm, symmetry is exploited and the searching is confined to the first (+x,+y,+z) octant, and the radii are ordered from largest to smallest.

Definition in file searchableSphere.C.